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|  |                                        |[Richard Isaac Christopher]|                                          |  |
|  |                                          -------------------------                                            |  |
|  |                                                  |[AKA]|                                                      |  |
|  |                                            [:The King Of Horny:]                                              |  |
~~~                                     Mr. Dick Christopher tried to push so hard.                                 ~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Probably the reason his child got taken away in court~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
++++                                            |[Name Information:]|                                              ++++
++++                                                                                                               ++++
---------------------------------------------Richard Isaac Christopher's-----------------------------------------------
|  |                                          Mother: Michelle D Fink                                              |  |
|  |                                               Brian D Lovell                                                  |  |
|  |                                               |[Siblings:]|                                                   |  |
|  |                                                                                                               |  |
|  |                                             Cory Thomas Milan                                                 |  |
|  |                                              Steven T Lutke                                                   |  |
|  |                                              |[Unidentified]|                                                 |  |
|  |                                                                                                               |  |
|  |                                                John Glidden                                                   |  |

|  |                                             |[Known Addresses]|                                               |  |
|  |                                                  (RICHARD)                                                    |  |
|  |                                                                                                               |  |
|  |                            Current Address: 710 Highway 48 Russellville Alabama 35654                         |  |
|  |                                               Past Addresses:                                                 |  |
|  |                                507 Grandview Ave, Sheffield, AL 35660 (Feb 2017)                              |  |
|  |                               705 Richton Ave, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 (Dec 2015)                             |  |
|  |                             24350 Sherilton Valley Rd Descanso, CA 91916 (Jun 2011)                           |  |
|  |                                     437 Livingston St, Florence, AL 35630                                     |  | 
|  |                                      1004 E 6th St, Tuscumbia, AL 35674                                       |  |
|  |                                              |[Known Numbers]|                                                |  |
|  |                                                                                                               |  |
|  |                                        Current Number: (619) 388-9504                                         |  |
|  |                                             Past Phone Numbers:                                               |  |
|  |                                               (256) 366-3628                                                  |  |
|  |                                               (256) 810-7167                                                  |  |
|  |                                               (256) 383-3538                                                  |  |
|  |                                            |[Known Emails]|                                                   |  |
|  |                                         soulfilleddirt@gmail.com                                              |  |
|  |                                             |[Social Media]|                                                  |  |
|  |                                                                                                               |  |
|  |                                             Richard's Social's:                                               |  |
|  |                                                                                                               |  |
|  |                              Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/soulfilleddirt/                             |  |
|  |                                Discord: p3r51573nc3#8494 & soulfilleddirt#1462                                |  |