   ║ 0x01                       Introductions                                                           DOXED BY (X)║
                                                  |        | ___\          /~~~| 
                                                 _:_______|/'(..)`\_______/  | | --Stay tuned for snazzy airlines !
                                                <_|``````  \__~~__/       ___|_|
                                                  :\_____(=========,   ,--\__|_/
                                                  |       \       /---'
                                                            |     /

          _  _
         ( `   )_
        (    )    `)
      (_   (_ .  _) _)
                                                                                                    _  _
                                                                                                  ( `   )_
                                                                                                 (    )    `)
                                                                                               (_   (_ .  _) _)                                               
                        ║                                                                        ║
                        ║                ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║       
                        ║                ║         0x00 Table Of Contents      ║                 ║                    
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                           
                        ║                ║         0x01 Introduction           ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x02 Face Pic(s)            ║                 ║             
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                           
                        ║                ║         0x03 Basics                 ║                 ║         _  _        
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║        ( `   )_                                   
                        ║                ║         0x04 Address                ║                 ║       (    )    `)
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║    (_   (_ .  _) _)                                            
                        ║                ║         0x05 Socials                ║                 ║     
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                
                        ║                ║         0x06 Citations              ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x07 Employment             ║                 ║                            
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                   
                        ║                ║         0x08 IP                     ║                 ║          
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                               
                        ║                ║         0x09 Emails                 ║                 ║       
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                         
                        ║                ║         0x010 Passwords             ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║           
                        ║                ║         0x011 Mom                   ║                 ║
     _  _               ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
    ( `   )_            ║                ║         0x012 Dad                   ║                 ║
  (    )    `)          ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
(_   (_ .  _) _)        ║                ║         0x013 Parents contact       ║                 ║ 
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x014 Random shit           ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x015 Outro + credits       ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝                 ║
                        ║                                                                        ║
          _  _                                                      _  _
         ( `   )_                                                  ( `   )_
        (    )    `)                                             (    )    `)
      (_   (_ .  _) _)                                         (_   (_ .  _) _) 
   ║ 0x01                       Introductions                                                           DOXED BY (X)║

                                           │  Hello Everyone this person did this to himself its sad
                                           │  Pedophilia + Extortion + Possession & Leakage of CP

   ║ 0x02                       Face Pic(s)                                                             DOXED BY (X)║

                                           ˅ Face Pic / funny memes
                                           │ https://files.catbox.moe/gtajyq.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/2uj1un.webphttps://files.catbox.moe/1x4aqh.webphttps://files.catbox.moe/n96fyz.webphttps://files.catbox.moe/uybern.webp

   ║ 0x03                       Basic                                                                   DOXED BY (X)║

                                           ˅ Name.Lucas Cross      
                                           │ Alias.Tayek / Fedikin / Tayek Fedikin      
                                           │ Alias.TayekSA / Tayek764 / KT764 / Dreidelman / I Live in Maryland Come Kill me
                                           │ Face.https://files.catbox.moe/gtajyq.png -  https://files.catbox.moe/2uj1un.webp       

                                           ˅ DOB.08/03/2008 [August 3, 2008]                                                   
                                           │ Age.15
                                           │ Sex.Male        
                                           │ Sexuality.Gay   
   ║ 0x04                       Address                                                              DOXED BY (Bash)║

                                           ˅ Address.2009 Laurel St, Palatka, FL 32177                                             
                                           │ SQFT.20,038 ft²
                                           │ Bedrooms.3
                                           │ Bathrooms.2     

                                           ˅ Tax rate.Unknown
         _                                 │     
       _│=│__________                      │     
      /              \                     │     
     /                \                    ˄     
     ││  ││ /--\ ││  ││                    ˅  Old Owners.Unknown
     ││[]││ │ .│ ││[]││                    │   
   ()││__││_│__│_││__││()                  │   
  ( )│-│-│-│====│-│-│-│( )                 ˄
                                           ˅  Pics of exterior. https://files.catbox.moe/ah3asu.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/aqokfz.png 

   ║ 0x05                       Socials                                                              DOXED BY (Bash)║

                                           │  Instagram.https://www.facebook.com/newr0cks        
                                           │  Telegram.https://t.me/imaginewhoiamnot  	
                                           │  Doxbin.https://doxbin.com/user/dreidelman            		
                                           │  Discord.sematarie,simstealers      
                                           │  ID.1187994998684262453,1205593205865713677          
                                           │  Facebook.https://www.facebook.com/newr0cks      	 
                                           ˅ Old usernames.Unknown  

 		             _/   /
 		            //   /
 		           //   /
 		       _  / ││ \  ^o
 		       \\/ ()_) \.
 		        ^^ <__> \()
 		         //_││_\\      -Target spotted!
 		        // \││/ \\
 		       //   ││   \\
 		      \/    │/    \/
 		      /     │      \
 		     /      │       \
   ║ 0x06                       Education                                                            DOXED BY (Bash)║
 		     		           ˅ Schools Name
 		     		           │ Principal........
           . 	 		           │ Website..........
          /_\  		     		   │ Phone Number.....
          |Q|	                           │ Grade............
    .-----' '-----.  		           ˄
    | []       [] |
    | []       [] |
    |	 .-.-.	  |                        ˅ Socials............
    |____|_|_|____| 		     	   │ Instagram..........
		                           │ Facebook........... 
		                           │ Twitter............

   ║ 0x07                       Employment                                                           DOXED BY (Bash)║
 		     		           ˅ Employment......... 
 		     		           │ Address............ 
 		     		           │ Date of job........
 		     		           │ Extra..............
 		     		           │ Company birth......
 		     		         \'\     __________  
 		     		         / '|   ()_________)
 		     		         \ '/    \ SIGN YOUR\
 		     		           \       \SOUL HERE \
 		     		           ==).      \ (Lucas) \
 		     		          (__)       ()__________)
   ║ 0x08                       IP info                                                              DOXED BY (Bash)║

                                           ALL ARE UNKNOWN
 		     		           ˅ IP:
 		     		           │ NetRange.....      
 		     		           │ CIDR.........          
 		     		           │ NetName......       
 		     		           │ NetHandle....     
 		     		           │ Parent.......         
 		     		           │ NetType......       
 		     		           │ OriginAS.....      
 		     		           │ Organization.  
 		     		           │ RegDate......        
 		     		           │ Updated......        
 		     		           ˅ IP:
 		     		           │ NetRange.....      
 		     		           │ CIDR.........          
 		     		           │ NetName......       
 		     		           │ NetHandle....     
 		     		           │ Parent.......         
 		     		           │ NetType......       
 		     		           │ OriginAS.....      
 		     		           │ Organization.  
 		     		           │ RegDate......        
 		     		           │ Updated......        
 		     		           ˅ IP:
 		     		           │ NetRange.....      
 		     		           │ CIDR.........          
 		     		           │ NetName......       
 		     		           │ NetHandle....     
 		     		           │ Parent.......         
 		     		           │ NetType......       
 		     		           │ OriginAS.....      
 		     		           │ Organization.  
 		     		           │ RegDate......        
 		     		           │ Updated......        

                                         .-.          ~Scanning IP's~
                                           \ _.--l--._
                                          . \    │     `.
                                        .` `.\   │    .` `.
                                      .`     `\  │  .`     `.             ~Detecting Ports!~  
                                     / __      \.│.`      __ \                                          
                                     │   ''--._ \V  _.--''   │
                                     │        _ (") _        │              
                                     │ __..--'   ^   '--..__ │ _
                                     \         .`│`.         /-.)                      
                                      `.     .`  │  `.     .`                                                                              
                                        `. .`    │    `. .`                                                    
                                          `._    │    _.`│                          ~Cool robotic noises~                                                              
                                              `--l--`  │ │                                                   
                                                       │ │                                                   
                                                       │ │                   
                                                       │ │                                      
                                                       │ │                               
                                                       │ │    
                                                       │ │   
                                                       │ │ 
                                                       │ │  
                                                       │ │                             
   ║ 0x09                       Email                                                                DOXED BY (Bash)║
                                      .`.        `.
                                     /   \ .======.\                      Emails
                                     │   │ │______││		       
                                     │   │   _____ │		       
                                     │   │  /    / │	               
                                     │   │ /____/  │		       
                                     │ _ │         │		       
                                     │/ \│.-"```"-.│		       		
                                     `` │││      │││	
                                        `"`      `"   
                                     EMAIL BREACHES
	      	                    (email 1) 
                                          │lynncross76@gmail.com ─ Connected            
                                          │   │ 
                                          │   │──│Google Maps / https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/100922127705177401186/reviews
                                          │   │──│Yelp / https://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=rFTQmuXMqauPuLlGrlVY3w&utm_source=ishare
                                          │   │──│Pandora / https://pandora.com/content/mobile/profile.vm?webname=jlynncross76
                                          │   │──│DoorDash / (***) ***-**93 / +1 (386) 500-1893
                                          │   │──│PayPal / +1 (386) 500-1893
                                          │   │──│DropBox / ID: dbid:AAAb-fYDbAU8SQtFlvfNQ9-GvFaL0UlXW3Q
                                          │   │──│Snapchat / https://www.snapchat.com/add/renne_woodall51
                                          │   │──│Facebook / https://www.facebook.com/jayellesee
                                          │   │──│Instagram / https://www.instagram.com/jayellewoody/
                                          │   │──│Discord / ID: 914248806806192148

	      	                    (email 2) 
                                          │jayellecross@gmail.com ─ Connected            
                                          │   │ 
                                          │   │──│PayPal / +1 3••-•••-1893‬ / +1 (386) 500-1893
                                          │   │──│Cashapp / ID: C_8mdxwhmtf / Cashtag: halfstackjaycee
                                          │   │──│GoodReads / https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/157796348-jaime-cross
                                          │   │──│Pandora / https://pandora.com/content/mobile/profile.vm?webname=jayellecross
                                          │   │──│Khan Academy / https://www.khanacademy.org/profile/kaid_38820204483200692614398
                                          │   │──│PoshMark / https://poshmark.com/closet/jayellesee76
                                          │   │──│Picsart / https://picsart.com/u/jayellecross 
                                          │   │──│Yelp / https://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=F7O7KnNWwnRuKlO7WFsH2w&utm_source=ishare
                                          │   │──│Google Maps / https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/115876096726853392454/reviews
                                          │   │──│Google Info
                                          │   │──││──│GID: 115876096726853392454
                                          │   │──││──│Name: Jaime Cross
                                          │   │──││──│Recovery: jly•••••••••@gmail.com / jlynncross76@gmail.com
                                          │   │──││──│ Report: https://files.catbox.moe/2anpb7.json
                                          │   │──││──│
                                          │   │──││──│

	      	                    (email 3) 
                                          │ jaime@perlcoders.com─ Connected            
                                          │   │ 
                                          │   │──│Facebook / https://www.facebook.com/jaime.cross.568
                                          │   │──│Google Maps / https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105556758376853014207/reviews
                                          │   │──│GPotato / astrokaina
                                          │   │──│Neopets / tjmask0123
                                          │   │──│Call of Duty
                                          │   │──│Freelancer
                                          │   │──│Patreon
                                          │   │──│Amazon
                                          │   │──│Google Info
                                          │   │──││──│GID: 105556758376853014207
                                          │   │──││──│Report: https://files.catbox.moe/zw2e7p.json
                                          │   │──││──│

	      	                    (email 4) 
                                          │kaina@kainas.com ─ Connected            
                                          │   │ 
                                          │   │──│Care2
                                          │   │──│CaringBridge
                                          │   │──│FLASHFLASHREVOLUTION / Username: SexyFromPepsi
                                          │   │──│Doordash / (***) ***-**70 
                                          │   │──│Youtube / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Vv_rxY8Ye3qURuTyP3QHA
                                          │   │──│Gravatar / https://gravatar.com/acaifacts
                                          │   │──│Whoxy Info
                                          │   │──││──│Domain Name: damncoders.com
                                          │   │──││──│Registrar: Moniker Online Services LLC
                                          │   │──││──│Registration Date: 2012-01-31 00:00:00
                                          │   │──││──│Update Date: 2016-04-19 00:00:00
                                          │   │──││──│Expiry Date: 2017-01-31 00:00:00
                                          │   │──│Google Info
                                          │   │──││──││──│GID: 106385135091410665660
                                          │   │──││──││──│Name: Jaime Cross
                                          │   │──││──││──│Recovery Email: ja•••••@gmail.com
                                          │   │──││──││──│Recovery Number: +1 (•••) •••-••43
                                          │   │──││──││──│Passwords: ilikeham, sixxx1976, sunshine11, steel1916
                                          │   │──││──││──│ Report: https://files.catbox.moe/o2ifqv.json

   ║  0x10                     Passwords                                                             DOXED BY (Bash)║   

 		     		           kaina@kainas.com:ilikeham, sixxx1976, sunshine11, steel1916   
   ║ 0x011                      Mom                                                                  DOXED BY (Bash)║

 		     		           ˅ Mother.Jaime Lynn Collins                                                                                                                    
                                           │ DOB.04/05/1976 [April 5, 1976]                         
                                           │ Age.48 Years Old                

                                           ˅ Address.2009 Laurel St, Palatka, FL 32177                                             
                                           │ SQFT.20,038 ft²
                                           │ Bedrooms.3
                                           │ Bathrooms.2     

 		     		           ˅ Employment.unknown 
 		     		           │ Address.unknown 
 		     		           │ Date of job.unknown
 		     		           │ Extra.unknown
 		     		           │ Company birth.unknown
   ║ 0x012                   Step Dad                                                                DOXED BY (Bash)║

 		     		           ˅ Step Father.Matthew Paul Woodall                                                                                                                    
                                           │ DOB.09/02/1986 [September 2, 1986]                         
                                           │ Age.37 Years Old                

                                           ˅ Address.2009 Laurel St, Palatka, FL 32177                                             
                                           │ SQFT.20,038 ft²
                                           │ Bedrooms.3
                                           │ Bathrooms.2     

  		     		           ˅ Employment.unknown 
 		     		           │ Address.unknown 
 		     		           │ Date of job.unknown
 		     		           │ Extra.unknown
 		     		           │ Company birth.unknown

   ║ 0x013                       Parents contact                                                     DOXED BY (Bash)║

                                           ˅ Step Father.Matthew Paul Woodall
                                           │Phone number.+1 (386) 868-6275 
                                           │Osint Industries Report:https://files.catbox.moe/emknv3.pdf
                                           ˅ Mother.Jaime Lynn Cross
                                           │Phone number.+1 (386) 500-1893 
                                           │Socials.https://www.facebook.com/jayellesee Main
                                           │Socials.https://www.facebook.com/jaime.cross.568 Alt
   ║ 0x14                       Random shit                                                          DOXED BY (Bash)║
   Case:                       JOE BEDY AND ASSOCIATES INC VS. JAIME COLLINS, ET AL   
 				 └──│ Case Number: 96-008711-CO  
				    │ Case Type: DELINQUENT TENANT - COUNTY     
				    │ Date Filed: 10/21/1996
				    │ Location: SECTION 39
				    │ UNIFORM CASE NUMBER: 521996CC008711XXCOCO
				    │ Status: Closed

      Case:                       PALISADES COLLECTION LLC, ET AL VS. JAIME COLLINS  
 				 └──│ Case Number: 08-005524-SC
				    │ Case Type: SMALL CLAIMS
				    │ Date Filed: 05/27/2008
				    │ Location: SECTION 46
				    │ UNIFORM CASE NUMBER: 522008SC005524XXSCSC
				    │ Status: Closed

      Case:                       MIDLAND FUNDING LLC, ET AL VS. JAIME COLLINS 
 				 └──│ Case Number: 08-003138-SC
				    │ Case Type: SMALL CLAIMS
				    │ Date Filed: 03/19/2008
				    │ Location: SECTION 45
				    │ UNIFORM CASE NUMBER: 522008SC003138XXSCSC
				    │ Status: Closed

     Case:                       CAPITAL ONE BANK VS. JAIME COLLINS
 				 └──│ Case Number: 06-009908-SC
				    │ Case Type: SMALL CLAIMS
				    │ Date Filed: 11/22/2006
				    │ Location: SECTION 47
				    │ UNIFORM CASE NUMBER: 522006SC009908XXSCSC
				    │ Status: Closed

     Case:                       CAPITAL ONE BANK VS. JAIME COLLINS
 				 └──│ Case Number: 06-009908-SC
				    │ Case Type: SMALL CLAIMS
				    │ Date Filed: 11/22/2006
				    │ Location: SECTION 47
				    │ UNIFORM CASE NUMBER: 522006SC009908XXSCSC
				    │ Status: Closed 	
Email Address:        mattwoody05@gmail.com │ ─ Connected
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Credit Karma 
                                                │   │──│ Microsoft
                                                │   │──│ Adobe
                                                │   │──│ Acitvison
                                                │   │──│ Call of Duty
                                                │   │──│ Realtor 
                                                │   │──│ Samsung 
                                                │   │──│ Venmo
                                                │   │──│ PayPal / (3XX) XXX-6275 / (386) 868-6275
                                                │   │──│ Plex / ID: a8d8f130a1c44572
                                                │   │──│ DropBox / ID: dbid:AAD3Q8Cd6r6vkauYw5HjwRsPmalREa_6u3o
                                                │   │──│ Cashapp / ID: C_hm2ew8yyk / Cashtag: mattwoody123
                                                │   │──│ Apple / (???) ???-??75 / (386) 868-6275
                                                │   │──│ DoorDash / (***) ***-**75 / (386) 868-6275
                                                │   │──│ Life360 / Matt Woodall
                                                │   │──│ Hi5 / www.hi5.com/friend/p29183048--profile--html
                                                │   │──│ Facebook / https://www.facebook.com/matt.woodall.75/
                                                │   │──│ Instagram / https://www.instagram.com/mattwoody05/
                                                │   │──│ Pinterest / https://www.pinterest.com/mattwodall50/
                                                │   │──│ Youtube / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCebyXwHQ22cIm3hLywtJ-8w
                                                │   │──│ Khan Academy / https://www.khanacademy.org/profile/kaid_26026695937284669698279
                                                │   │──│ Pandora / https://pandora.com/content/mobile/profile.vm?webname=mattwoody05
                                                │   │──│ Google Maps / https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/116235937988861998216/reviews 
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Google ────── Google Info
                                                │   │                   └──│ GID: 116235937988861998216
                                                │   │                      │ Name: Matt Woodall
                                                │   │                      │ Recovery: +1 (•••) •••-••75 / +1 (386) 868-6275
                                                │   │                      │ Report: https://files.catbox.moe/ed4kea.json

                        mattwoodall50@gmail.com │ ─ Connected
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Myspace
                                                │   │──│ Microsoft
                                                │   │──│ Twitter
                                                │   │──│ Amazon
                                                │   │──│ Call of Duty
                                                │   │──│ Activision
                                                │   │──│ Uber 
                                                │   │──│ Ubisoft Connection
                                                │   │──│ PayPal / +1 3••-•••-9002‬ / +1 (321) 362-9002
                                                │   │──│ PlayGames / ID: g16553566991411819016
                                                │   │──│ Discord / ID: 949470871683215381
                                                │   │──│ Pinterest / https://www.pinterest.com/mattwodall50/
                                                │   │──│ Youtube / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKcOPS7etPhqUM9RCCJ7njQ
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Google ────── Google Info
                                                │   │                   └──│ GID: 117863879198652374743
                                                │   │                      │ Name: Matt Woodall
                                                │   │                      │ Recovery: +1 (•••) •••-••02 / +1 (321) 362-9002
                                                │   │                      │ Report: https://files.catbox.moe/qgx0rh.json

                           uhsredneak05@aol.com │ ─ Connected
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Instagram
                                                │   │──│ Activison
                                                │   │──│ Call of Duty
                                                │   │──│ Microsoft
                                                │   │──│ Google / GID: 105645155108003167806
                                                │   │──│ MySpace / https://myspace.com/matt_woodall
                                                │   │──│ Pandora / https://pandora.com/content/mobile/profile.vm?webname=uhsredneak05
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ AOL ────── AOL Info
                                                │   │                └──│ Recovery Email: a*****06@gmail.com / ashleywoodall06@gmail.com
                                                │   │                   │ Recovery Number: +1 (4**) ***-**60 / +1 (407) 914-6460
                                                │   │                   │ Passwords: abbie20
                                                │   │                   │ Report: https://files.catbox.moe/9vwwd1.json

                          mattwoodall@yahoo.com │ ─ Connected
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Facebook
                                                │   │──│ Twitter
                                                │   │──│ MySpace
                                                │   │──│ Picsart / https://picsart.com/u/comebackin2day
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Report ────── https://files.catbox.moe/v5qadq.json
 CHEVROLET:                  VENTURE
 				 └──│ Year: 2003
				    │ VIN: 1GNDX03E33D139516

 ›  FORD:                       ECONOLINE CARGO VAN
 				 └──│ Year: 2013
				    │ VIN: 1FTNE2EW6DDB02112

 ›  TOYOTA:                     Avalon
 				 └──│ Year: 2009
				    │ VIN: 4T1BK36B39U328320

Case:                       POSSESSION OF METHAMPHETAMINE   
 				 └──│ Location: BREVARD COUNTY, FL
				    │ Court Date: 11/6/2018
				    │ Date of Offense: 8/21/2018
				    │ Court Case Number: 05-2018-CF-041722-AXXX-XX
				    │ Court Disposition: ADJUDICATION WITHHELD
				    │ Court Statute: 893.13.6A-56
				    │ Court Fines: $74,423 

 ›  Case:                       USE OR POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA  
 				 └──│ Location: BREVARD COUNTY, FL
				    │ Court Date: 9/7/2018
				    │ Date of Offense: 8/21/2018
				    │ Court Case Number: 05-2018-CF-041722-AXXX-XX
				    │ Court Disposition: NO ACTION
				    │ Court Statute: 893.147.1-A

Company:                    Florida Web Authority      
 				 └──│ https://floridawebauthority.com/
				    │ Business Address: 35 West Pine St. Suite 223, Orlando, FL 32801
				    │ Number: +1 (407) 731-6712
				    │ CEO: Tony Cross
				    │ CFO: William Cross
				    │ Email #1: info@floridawebauthority.com
				    │ Email #2: william@floridawebauthority.com

 ›  Number:                     +1 (407) 731-6712
				    │ Time Used: September 5, 2014 - Current
				    │ Sites: Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Microsoft, Eyecon, Skype Cashapp, ATT
				    │ Osint Industries Report: https://files.catbox.moe/p0ddu5.pdf

 ›  Website:                    https://floridawebauthority.com/
 				 └──│ Registrar: NameCheap, Inc.
                                    │ Registration Date: 2015-11-30 00:00:00
                                    │ Update Date: 2023-11-30 00:00:00
                                    │ Expiry Date: 2024-11-30 00:00:00
                                    │ Hosting IP:
                                    │ ASN: AS26347
                                    │ Provider: DREAMHOST-AS
                                    │ SubDomains: https://files.catbox.moe/fndngv.png

 ›  Socials:                    https://www.facebook.com/flwebauthority


Name:                       Madison Nykole Collins
 ›  Other Names:                Madison N. Collins, Madison Collins

›  Age:			26 Years Old
 ›  DOB:			7/20/1997 [July 20, 1997]        

 ›  Number:                     +1 (757) 709-3345
 ›  CNAM:                       N/A
 ›  Carrier:                    CELLCO PARTNERSHIP DBA VERIZON WIRELESS - VA
 ›  Time Used:                  N/A
 ›  Sites:                      Telegram, Instagram, ATT, Cashapp, Apple
 ›  OSINT Industries Report:    https://files.catbox.moe/z20ph8.pdf

 ›  Address:                    25429 Coastal Blvd, Onley, VA 23418
 ›  County:                     Accomack County
 ›  Parcel ID:                  093C2A000001900
 ›  Time of Residence:          2016 - Current
 ›  ISP Provider:               Spectrum

 ›  IRLs:                       https://files.catbox.moe/4nw3qo.png

 ›  Facebook (Main):            https://www.facebook.com/madison.nykole.9
 ›  Facebook (Alt):             https://www.facebook.com/MadisonNykole
 ›  Email Address:     maddiefatty421@gmail.com │ ─ Connected
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Twitter
                                                │   │──│ Discord
                                                │   │──│ Adobe
                                                │   │──│ Imgur
                                                │   │──│ Instagram
                                                │   │──│ Activision 
                                                │   │──│ Call of Duty
                                                │   │──│ Microsoft / CID: 96A5C32E926E9CD1
                                                │   │──│ Google Teams / CID: 96A5C32E926E9CD1 / MRI: 8:live:.cid.96a5c32e926e9cd1
                                                │   │──│ Picsart / https://picsart.com/u/maddiefatty421
                                                │   │──│ Google Maps / https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/102755682956555311853/reviews
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Google ────── Google Info
                                                │   │                   └──│ GID: 102755682956555311853
                                                │   │                      │ Name: Madison Collins
                                                │   │                      │ Recovery Email: sm0••••••••••••@gmail.com
                                                │   │                      │ Report: https://files.catbox.moe/hvc539.json
Other Sister

›  PSA:                        Spoke to her on the phone, she was a giga chad and actually talked to me like a normal person.

 ›  Name:                       Audrey Ann Cross
 ›  Married Name:               Audrey Ann Morrison 
 ›  Other Names:                Audrey A. Cross, Audrey Cross

 ›  Age:			35 Years Old
 ›  DOB:			12/05/1988 [December 5, 1988]        

 ›  Number:                     +1 (919) 444-4622
 ›  CNAM:                       AUDREY CROSS
 ›  Carrier:                    CELLCO PARTNERSHIP DBA VERIZON WIRELESS - NC
 ›  Time Used:                  July 7, 2022 - Current
 ›  Sites:                      Facebook, Google, Twitter, Whatsapp, Microsoft, Eyecon, ATT, Apple
 ›  Osint Industries Report:    https://files.catbox.moe/c8s17p.pdf

 ›  Address:                    508 Glosson Rd, Raleigh, NC 27606
 ›  County:                     Wake County
 ›  Parcel ID:                  0774506670
 ›  Time of Residence:          August 31, 2017 - Current
 ›  ISP Provider:               Spectrum

 ›  IRLs:                       https://files.catbox.moe/54wvzr.webp

 ›  Facebook:                   https://www.facebook.com/audreyannmorrison/

 Email Address:    audreycross2424@gmail.com │ ─ Connected
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Amazon
                                                │   │──│ Samsung
                                                │   │──│ Quora
                                                │   │──│ Giphy 
                                                │   │──│ MyFitnessPal
                                                │   │──│ Spotify
                                                │   │──│ InstaCart
                                                │   │──│ Realtor
                                                │   │──│ TouchTunes / ID: 5447752
                                                │   │──│ Etsy / Name: Audrey
                                                │   │──│ Facebook / https://www.facebook.com/audreyannmorrison/
                                                │   │──│ Linkedin / https://www.linkedin.com/in/audrey-cross-82044b88/
                                                │   │──│ Twitter / https://twitter.com/Audrey76205339
                                                │   │──│ Youtube / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCoZzyhbc0c0XK7vRmFjwzw
                                                │   │──│ Smule / https://www.smule.com/audreyanncross
                                                │   │──│ ImageShack / https://imageshack.com/user/audreycross2424
                                                │   │──│ Yelp / https://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=tAHfp_T-mSGF_2A4aLjuJQ&utm_source=ishare
                                                │   │──│ Google Maps / https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/108516604713082712422/reviews
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Whoxy ────── Whoxy Info
                                                │   │                  └──│ Domain Name: audreycross.com
                                                │   │                     │ Registrar: 1&amp;1 Internet AG
                                                │   │                     │ Registration Date: 2011-09-11 00:00:00
                                                │   │                     │ Update Date: 2011-09-11 00:00:00
                                                │   │                     │ Expiry Date: 2016-09-11 00:00:00
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Google ────── Google Info
                                                │   │                   └──│ GID: 108516604713082712422
                                                │   │                      │ Name: Audrey Morrison
                                                │   │                      │ Report: https://files.catbox.moe/2i3o7o.json

                          audreycross@ymail.com │ ─ Connected
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Instagram
                                                │   │──│ WattPad / Username: AudreyAnnCross
                                                │   │──│ Zynga / Username: audreycross
                                                │   │──│ Zoosk / Username: A Zoosk member
                                                │   │──│ Neopets / Username: yourstruly2424
                                                │   │──│ Microsoft / CID: FE80760FD29DA8C2
                                                │   │──│ PayPal / +1 9••-•••-9533‬ / +1 (919) 718-9533
                                                │   │──│ Youtube / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHRs0j_ly2W4WQGQUTnEgGg
                                                │   │──│ MySpace / https://myspace.com/audrey_cross
                                                │   │──│ Pinterest / https://www.pinterest.com/audreyanncross/
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Google ────── Google Info
                                                │   │                   └──│ GID: 114430986317086750782
                                                │   │                      │ Name: Jame Andy
                                                │   │                      │ Recoveries: https://files.catbox.moe/902rg4.png
                                                │   │                      │ Passwords: 486255ac
                                                │   │                      │ Report: https://files.catbox.moe/231vzw.json

                  audreysrandomemails@gmail.com │ ─ Connected
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ DropBox / ID: dbid:AACNsx3Aw-fPs5G1q_soXaTc8GnnOrzr3pw
                                                │   │──│ BlankMediaGames / Username: thiscrazybitch
                                                │   │
                                                │   │──│ Google ────── Google Info
                                                │   │                   └──│ GID: 112726106904828725497
                                                │   │                      │ Name: Audrey Morrison
                                                │   │                      │ Report: https://files.catbox.moe/sivzfs.json

 ›  Brother Info #1:            Thomas Cross (Calls himself James though) 
 				 └──│ Age: 16 - 17
 				    │ IRLs: https://files.catbox.moe/42p8vd.webp / https://files.catbox.moe/hqch1u.webp
 				    │ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077500070479
 				    │ Lives With Dad / William Anthony Cross

 ›  Brother Info #2:            Ian Cross
 				 └──│ Age: 19
 				    │ IRLs: https://files.catbox.moe/pmrdio.png
 				    │ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077697558380 / https://www.facebook.com/ian.cross.7121
 				    │ Lives With Dad / William Anthony Cross

 ›  Nephew Info:                Gavin William Cross
 				 └──│ Post About Him Being Born / https://files.catbox.moe/8a8qkm.png
				    │ Current Photo / https://files.catbox.moe/kmipxm.png
   ║ 0x15                       Outro n' credits                                                     DOXED BY (Bash)║
   𝓜𝓻. 𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓫𝓲𝓷𝓸