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REASON FOR DOX: being a fucking pedophile harassing little girls extra

[+]Name: sahood komar letme

[+]Age: 21

[+]Country: india

[+]Address: Avani oxford phase 2 block 2

[+]Picture of loser: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/948175235893583902/950338471640313896/cam06Mar2022215716.png

[+] Device Information :

[+] OS         : Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7
[+] Platform   : MacIntel
[+] CPU Cores  : 5
[+] RAM        : 4
[+] GPU Vendor : Apple
[+] GPU        : Apple M1
[+] Resolution : 1440x900
[+] Browser    : Chrome/99.0.4844.51
[+] Public IP  :

[+] IP Information :

[+] Continent : Asia
[+] Country   : India
[+] Region    : West Bengal
[+] City      : Kolkata
[+] Org       : Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited
[+] ISP       : Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited

[+] Location Information :

[+] Latitude  : 22.6097199679675 deg
[+] Longitude : 88.40691500945688 deg
[+] Accuracy  : 35 m
[+] Altitude  : 6.7439422607421875 m
[+] Direction : Not Available
[+] Speed     : Not Available


OOPS he dont have any L


[+]Social Media

[+]Discord: that's what she said#5135
