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┼                                         Introduction                                          ┼
Victor Peeters is a 23 years old Belgium man who lies about being 15 and preys on the vulnerabilities 
of little kids as seen in the image attached where he's threatening an 13 year old calming to 
leak her "nudes with your address." He tries to obtain as much information and nude pics of of his 
victims to blackmail and control them. Sick pedo.
┼                                    Pedophile Information                                      ┼
Name: Victor Peeters
Age: 23
Photo: https://prnt.sc/iY4_7d0ko5FV
Address: Brussels, Belgium
Phone Number: +32 160818779
┼                                    Social Accounts                                            ┼

Instagram: https://instagram.com/han_emoeror_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

┼                        Threats And Dick Pic Sent To A 13 Year Old                             ┼

Threat: https://prnt.sc/1ZIGVjlREyIi
Dick pic sent to an 13 year old: https://prnt.sc/rmaqPEctEtRH