Greetings to all , i've been recently quiet about this but wanted to revoke 
this topic.

- Reason:
Me and my fellow friend disguised as an 14-15 year old girl that was a "fan of the individual" 
We wanted to test him whether or not he's a pedophile , sure he was. 

- Full on revoking
- Name: Dušan Tarabas
- Age: 39-40
- Nationality: Slovak
- Ethnicity:Gypsy
- Locality of where he's living: Brezovička
- More specifically: Domov Socialných služieb located in brezovička 
Instagram: @dusantarabas
Facebook: Dušan Tarabas (Maybe Many accounts)
Youtube: Dušan Tarabas
(he's dumb enough to not change his social nicknames)
Phone number - Changed , last time i've checked he completely changed his number
- The individual was manipulating the supossed 14 year girl
- He took videos and pictures of himself naked and playing with his male parts
- After we took random generated nude pictures of women above 18 he was dumb enough to believe it 
so after we refused to send him more he started blackmailing to a point where he wanted to call the "parents"
- He also Tried to do manipulative things like full on duo masturbation video call where he would specifically try to manipilate the 
""14 year old" to push parents to go to shop center so his disgusting lusty mind would perform these acts
After we confronted him he went on a run and made his account private
I hope this helped 
- OnionV7