TikTok: Tae.Ray (He has an NBA Youngboy profile picture)
Real (Alleged) Name: Nathan Wilson
(Alleged) Phone Number: 409-730-6451
Said Relatives: Brindar Wilson, Demarcus Wilson, Deanna Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Alice Patillo, Billie Jack.
(Alleged) Current Address: 2950 S 8th APT 720, Beaumont, TX 77701-7706
Age: 53 years old
Alleged Primary Residence: 5829 Martel Dr. Beaumont, TX 77713

Allegations: (This information is NOT 100% confirmed. Some information may be false.)
Catfished Children under 10 on TikTok.
Posted pictures of different girls and his Ex-Girlfriend for “revenge.”
Is said to have been 15, may have been lying about that too.
Is still currently dating said 6 year old online.

Be careful of who you talk to online, everyone!