+++++++++CONNOR’S INFO++++++++

Full Name: Connor Farrow

Instagram: connorgolfs121

Face Pic with his friend: https://gyazo.com/a9953b3b494de058b8217218bd6de9af

Hobbies: Ski’s at Sun Peek & plays golf

Friend Name: Riley Kempter

Mom’s Name: Angelina Farrow

Dad’s Name: T Farrow

PE Teacher: Mr. Brian Tommasini -Athletic Director, PE 10-12, LART

School Website Login ID: Connor.Farrow@students.sd73.bc.ca

Student School Website: https://www.myeducation.gov.bc.ca/aspen/logon.do

Report Cards and Grades Site: https://www.myeducation.gov.bc.ca/aspen/logon.do

Password: (You can call the school to reset it)

Google Education Suite (GEDU): Connor.Farrow@gedu.sd73.bc.ca

++++++++++SCHOOL INFO+++++++++

School Name: Barriere Secondary School

School’s Address: 4811 Barriere Town Rd, BC, V0E 1E0

School Phone Number: (250) 672-9943

School website: http://www.barrsec.sd73.bc.ca/

How to get Report Cards: Email Kris Luison, kluison@sd73.bc.ca (Impersonate Connor or his Mommy)

School Mailing’s Address: Mailing Address:   PO Box 130 Barriere, BC  V0E 1E0

- Principal - Angela Stott -   astott  @sd73.bc.ca
- Vice-Principal - Mark McVittie - mmcvittie  @sd73.bc.ca
- Counsellor - Kim Fennell     - kfennell
- Secretary in charge - Kris Luison  -  kluison
- Steno 1/Counselling - Sherry Ross  - sross
- Emily Cantin - ecantin - French 7, Career Life Education 10, English 8, Literacy Support
- Evan Christian - echristian - English 8, English 9, Art 9-12, Socials 9
- David Connor - dconnor -  Science 9, Foundations of Math / PC 10
- Kristy Dolha - kdolha - Comp/Creative Writing 10, Comp/New Media 11, Creative Writing 11
- Sarah Dunn - sdunn - Learning Assistance
- Kim Fennell  - kfennell - Trades and Transitions, Career Life Ed 12 & Counselling
- Liam Fielding - lfielding - Wood and Metal shop classes
- Sabrina Fraser - sfraser - Grade 7 
- Katja Hundt - khundt - German 8-12, Socials 10, Law 12, Geography 12
- Thomas Lowe - tlowe - Chem 12, Science 10, Workplace Math 10/11
- Keith Massey - kmassey - Math 8, Science 8/9, PE 9-12
- Allie Mattson - amattson - Grade 7
- Mark McVittie  - mmcvittie - Pre-Calc 11 & Admin
- Spencer Morran - smorran - Leadership 10-12, Math 9, Career/IT 8
- Travis Repka - trepka - Fit & Cond, PE 8/9/11 & Media Design & Athletic Director
- Angela Stott - astott - Career Life Education 10

+++++++++GENERAL INFO+++++++++

Home Address: Home Address: 645 Spruce Cres, V0E 1E0
(943X 5VQH+9Q & (51.1884270, -120.1205962)

Home Phone Number: (250) 672-9255

Phone Company: Telus Communications


Lynched By: WLM & Foolinq
Twitter: @master_cbt AKA The CBT Master