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Discord: lkfx1, Tiktok: Harlem0_o, instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lewist_2008/

Title: Cheating weirdo forces 13-year-old girls on discord for nudes that are healing from past relationships, even though he's in a 7-month relationship.

Date: February 3, 2025

Created by: qzv2

Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.

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  │ Table Of Contents                                                     │  
  │  →     0x01 Reason................................................... │  
  │  →     0x02 Personal Information..................................... │  
  │  →     0x03 Social Media Platforms................................... │  
  │  →     0x04 Family Information....................................... │  
  │  →     0x05 Additional info.......................................... │  
  │  →     0x06 Outro.................................................... │  
  │                                                                       │  
  /------------------------\              |~~\_____/~~\__  |                 
  | 0x01                   |______________ \______====== )-+                 
  | Reason                 |                      ~~~|/~~  |                 
  \------------------------/                         ()                      
  Borderline Pedophile and extorted nudes from 13yr      ,:         Also told girls to cut themselves for money (Which he obviously didn't have)         
                                                       ,' |                  
  Weird shit he did                                   /   :                  
  - https://files.catbox.moe/9nxsra.png            --'   /                   
  - https://files.catbox.moe/h07gbk.png            \/ /:/                    
  - https://files.catbox.moe/wb6ytt.png            / ://_\                   
  - https://files.catbox.moe/l8575o.png         __/   /         Had to blur it out, it's fucking cp this guy was sharing around of a 13 year old.             
                                                )'-. /                       
  ───────────────────────────────────────────   ./  :\   ──────────────────  
                                                 /.' '                       
  0x02                                         '/'                           
  Personal Information                         +                             
  Name: Lewis  Turner                                                                                                  
  Age: 17                                                                  
Computer Name: DESKTOP-V991D1D
Computer OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Total Memory: 1 GB
CPU: Intel64 Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
Region: Scotland
Country: United Kingdom
Timezone: Europe/London
  - Harlem,  Alone in Tokyo,                                              
  - lkfx1,        lkfx,                                                       
  - monkey,                                                      
                      ____----------- _____                                  
        \~~~~~~~~~~/~_--~~~------~~~~~     \                                 
         `---`\  _-~      |                   \                              
           _-~  &lt;_         | 0x03 Socials       \[]                       
         / ___     ~~--[""] |      ________-------'_                         
        &gt; /~` \    |-.   `\~~.~~~~~                _ ~ - _                
         ~|  ||\%  |       |    ~  ._                ~ _   ~ ._              
           `_//|_%  \      |          ~  .             ~-_   /\              
                  `--__     |    _-____  /\               ~-_ \/.            
                      ~--_ /  ,/ -~-_ \ \/         _______---~/              
                          ~~-/._&lt;   \ \`~~~~~~~~~~~~~     ##--~/          
                                 \    ) |`------##---~~~~-~  ) )             
                                  ~-_/_/                  ~~ ~~              
  Discord: lkfx1                                                                                                                
  Tiktok (new): @Harlem0_o                          │                    │   
  Instagram: @lewist_2008                           │         ││         │   
  Girlfriend's IG: @libertyrobison08                │         ││         │   
  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘         ││         │   
  0x04                                        \    |\                        
  Family                                       \   | \                       
                                               ____| |__                     
  - Brother (IG: @loganturnerzz                  \___ \|__\                    
  - GF: (IG: @libertyrobison08                      \  \                      
                                                    |  \                     
                                                    \ * \_                   
                                            \         \  \ \     \            
                                              \        /\  \|\ _   \           
                                               ________/  X  ~~//_____          
                                            \_________/ \  //|_____\         
                                                    *    \/o/  *             
                                                     *   //     *            
                                                       *           *         
  Additional Info                                                            
  Emails:                                     _.-^^---....,,--               
  [email protected]                   _--                  --_           
  [email protected]         |                         |         
  [email protected]               \._                   _./          
  [email protected]             ```--. . , ; .--'''             
  [email protected]                          | |   |                   
  [email protected]
  [email protected]                         .-=||  | |=-.                
  Passwords:                                    `-=#$% %$#=-'                
  lewisleah                                        | ;  :|                   
  Lewisleah08                                _____.,-#%$  @%#~,._____             
  Just a Scottish tranny who wishes to be a harmful person, also             
  idolizes pedophiles.                                                       