She goes by KrAzyBlu online - Video Evidence of her admitting to touching her kids -

Maiden Name - Melissa Adkins Osterhout / Married Name - Melissa Adkins Good

Emails - / /

Address - 1604 S Wenona Ave Bay City Michigan

Krazybly aka Melissa is known for stalking younger people online, harasses their family members to cause trouble. She lies a lot, and does
hardcore drugs in front of her kids while live streaming on an application Called 

Her Live ID is - 246292303 

Her Instagrams are - yourblueyegirl / yourblueyegirl69 / theonlykrazyblu / her active main is - yourblueyegirl69


She often talks to people about illegal activities such as Drugs, Pedophile stuff, etc. She does not deserve life, anyone who hurts a kid 
is not a human but a monster. She admitted to touching her own kids, like do whatever you want with her information. 
