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Gao, Bingsue Gao, Jin Xiu Gao, Mike Gao, en Zhen Gao, Zeng Jin Gao, Ai Yun Gao, Bing Y Gao, Bizhen Gao, Chun Y Gao, He Ji Gao, Hui Qiang Gao, Jinen Gao, Rong Gao, Xin Gao, Xuewen Gao, Yuan Gao, Zhongpai Gao, Hui Qiang Gao, Ling Lan Gao, Wenfang Fang Gao, Xuelin Gao __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Father's Info Full Name: Jin Gao Age: 38 Address: 97 Manchonis Rd Wilbraham, MA 01095 Phone #: (917) 669-5370 Landline #: N/A Emails: N/A Marriage status: Single __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grandfather's Info Full Name: N/A Age: N/A Address: N/A Phone #: N?A Landline #: N/A Emails: N/a __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tax / Address Information 97 Manchonis Rd, Wilbraham, MA 01095 Sold: $230,000Sold on 11/02/18Zestimate®: $307,600 Type: SingleFamily Year built: 1956 Lot: 0.95 Acres Year Property Taxes Tax Assessment 2021 $5,347(+2.6%) $232,900 2020 $5,212(+2.6%) $232,900(0%) 2019 $5,079(+6.6%) $233,000(+10.7%) 2018 $4,763(+3.6%) $210,400(+0.7%) 2017 $4,598(+33%) $209,000(+30.5%) 2016 $3,458(+3.4%) $160,100 2015 $3,343(+2.2%) $160,100 2014 $3,272(-2.4%) $160,100(-6.2%) 2013 $3,354(+0.4%) $170,600(-7.8%) 2012 $3,341(+6.4%) $185,100(-1.8%) 2011 $3,140(+2.9%) $188,500 2010 $3,052(+6.8%) $188,500(+0.8%) 2009 $2,859(+2.6%) $187,000 2008 $2,786(+2.5%) $187,000 2007 $2,719(+4.8%) $187,000(+10.1%) 2006 $2,595(+1.8%) $169,800(+13%) 2005 $2,549(+3.4%) $150,300 2004 $2,465(+14.8%) $150,300(+27.9%) 2003 $2,147(+4.8%) $117,500 2001 $2,049 $117,500 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RESIDENTS Jin Gao Walter Presz Josephine Presz Age 80+ NEW [5:04 PM] Neighbors (6) 99 Manchonis Rd Rose Switzer 119 Manchonis Rd Teddy Zadykowicz, Tadeusz Zadykowicz 117 Manchonis Rd Emily Chapdelaine, James Byers 107 Manchonis Rd Paul Cloutier, Edward Rosner 107 Manchonis Rd Apt L No current residents 87 Manchonis Rd Bartholomue Nascembeni, Annamaria Mitchell, Russell Mitchell - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bing's Current Address 979 River Rd Windham, ME 04062 [5:08 PM] 34 records Phone Numbers Landlines (5) (304) 433-8179 (610) 433-8179 Public tax history Year Property Taxes Tax Assessment 2020 $3,521 (+2.5%) $234,700 2019 $3,436 (+8.4%) $234,700 (+12.4%) 2018 $3,170 (+24.5%) $208,800 (+34.7%) 2017 $2,547 (+4.6%) $155,000 2016 $2,434 (+3.7%) $155,000 2015 $2,348 (+10.4%) $155,000 2014 $2,127 (-5.1%) $155,000 (-0.1%) 2013 $2,241 (+3.9%) $155,100 2011 $2,156 (+6.4%) $155,100 (-10%) 2009 $2,026 (+3.7%) $172,400 (+0.6%) 2008 $1,953 (+131.1%) $171,300 (+80.5%) 2005 $845 $94,900 979 River Rd, Windham, ME 04062 [5:10 PM] ZESTIMATE : $379,000: RENT ZESTIMATE$2,400/mo OFF MARKET Type: SingleFamily Year built: 1956 Lot: 0.95 Acres - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bingxue Xue Gao (Bing Xue Gao, Bing Yun Gao) Gloucester, MA Phone Numbers landlines (718) 661-0778 (718) 396-0529 52 Prospect St Gloucester, MA 01930 52 Prospect St Gloucester, MA 01930 NEW [5:14 PM] 4 bd2 ba2,280 sqft 52 Pleasant St, Gloucester, MA 01930 : $542,300: $2,174/mo [5:15 PM] Type:MultiFamily Year built:1900 Public tax history Year Property Taxes Tax Assessment 2021 $5,345 (+5.5%) $429,700 (+4.6%) 2020 $5,064 (+7.7%) $410,700 (+10.8%) 2019 $4,703 (+7.3%) $370,600 (+9.4%) 2018 $4,382 (+6.3%) $338,900 (+8.4%) 2017 $4,123 (+4.2%) $312,600 (+7.5%) 2016 $3,958 (+1.9%) $290,800 (+2.2%) 2015 $3,883 (+5.4%) $284,500 (+0.2%) 2014 $3,685 (-0.4%) $283,900 (-3.1%) 2013 $3,698 (+0.1%) $293,000 (-3.4%) 2012 $3,695 (+2.4%) $303,400 (-4.9%) 2011 $3,610 (+6.5%) $319,200 (-1.2%) 2010 $3,390 (-7.2%) $323,200 (-15.1%) 2009 $3,653 (-0.1%) $380,500 (-5.3%) 2008 $3,658 (+5.4%) $402,000 (-0.2%) 2007 $3,469 (-0.1%) $402,900 (+0.7%) 2006 $3,474 (+15%) $400,200 (+19%) 2005 $3,022 (+7.4%) $336,200 (+14.8%) 2004 $2,814 (+14.2%) $292,800 (+30.1%) 2003 $2,464 (+10%) $225,000 (+33.2%) 2001 $2,241 (+4.2%) $168,900 (+18.5%) 1999 $2,150 $142,500 __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ House Info Bedrooms: 3 bed Bathrooms: 1 bath Square Feet: 1,561 Built In: 19:56 Remodeled: No Yearly Tax Charge: N/A Rent: N/A __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ School Info School Name: minnechaug regional high school School Website: https://mrhs.hwrsd.org/ School #: (413) 596-9011 School Address: 621 Main St, Wilbraham, MA 01095 Number of Students: Principal: N/A School Mascot: N/A __________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Relitive's Information : Bing Xue Gao Age 57 (Jan 1964) Current Address 109 Main St Essex, MA 01929 Phone Numbers (617) 605-7358 - Wireless (978) 281-7520 - Landline (617) 957-4568 - Wireless Bingsue Gao Age 57 (Jan 1964) Current Address 109 Main St Essex, MA 01929 Phone Numbers (617) 605-7358 - Wireless (978) 281-7520 - Landline (617) 957-4568 - Wireless Jin Xiu Gao Age 48 (Jul 1973) Current Address 327 Gatefield Dr Wilmington, NC 28412 Phone Numbers (910) 622-1259 - Wireless (646) 233-8860 - Wireless (917) 915-9920 - Wireless (212) 529-7648 - Landline Mike Gao Age 57 (Sep 1963) Current Address 2290 Oakhill Cir Oxnard, CA 93036 Phone Numbers (805) 479-1560 - Wireless (805) 604-1838 - Landline (805) 485-6812 - Landline En Gao Age 45 (Jan 1976) Current Address 472 Jefferson Ave Staten Island, NY 10306 Phone Numbers (917) 353-8879 - Wireless Bizhen Gao Age 46 (Dec 1974) Current Address 634 47th St #1 Brooklyn, NY 11220 __________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Previous Addresses : 24 Squier St Palmer, MA 01069 (Oct 2015) 1427 N Main St Fall River, MA 02720 (Apr 2007 - Jun 2013) 1427 N Main St Palmer, MA 01069 (Mar 2013) 2571 Boston Rd Wilbraham, MA 01095 (Feb 2013) 1 Maplewood Ave Gloucester, MA 01930 (Jun 2007) 67 Division St North Quincy, MA 02171 (Mar 2007) 67 Division St Quincy, MA 02171 (Mar 2007) 2906 19th Ave S Seattle, WA 98144 (Mar 2007) 2510 Confederate Dr Wilmington, NC 28403 (Dec 2006 - Feb 2007) 202 Beasley Rd Wilmington, NC 28409 (Jan 2007) 1929 Oleander Dr #A Wilmington, NC 28403 (Nov 2006) __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ZONE WAS HERE ZONE WAS HERE ZONE WAS HERE ZONE WAS HERE ZONE WAS HERE ZONE WAS HERE ZONE WAS HERE __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ credits: Interzone / Fraudzone contact: Interzone#0002 contact: fraudzone#0002 contact: contact: 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