   ║                            Contents                                                                DOXED BY REBORT & CLEAR ║
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                        ║                                                                        ║
                        ║                ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║       
                        ║                ║         0x01 Introduction           ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x02 Pics                   ║                 ║             
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║                                                           
                        ║                ║         0x03 Basics                 ║                 ║         _  _        
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║        ( `   )_                                   
                        ║                ║         0x04 Address                ║                 ║       (    )    `)
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║    (_   (_ .  _) _)                                            
                        ║                ║         0x05 Socials                ║                 ║                                                 
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x06 Emails                 ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x07 Mom                    ║                 ║
     _  _               ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
    ( `   )_            ║                ║         0x08 Dad                    ║                 ║
  (    )    `)          ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
(_   (_ .  _) _)        ║                ║         0x09 Parents contact        ║                 ║ 
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ║         0x011 Outro + credits       ║                 ║
                        ║                ║                                     ║                 ║
                        ║                ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝                 ║
                        ║                                                                        ║
          _  _                                                      _  _
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   ║ 0x01                       Introductions                                                           DOXED BY REBORT & CLEAR ║

                                           │ Reason For Dox: He got catfished by my friend who lied and said she was
                                           │ 12 and continued talking to her. Also said disturbing things to the "12"
                                           │ year old asking for intercourse. Also raped his dog and I have a pic to prove it,
				           │ showered in front of young girls on call.

   ║ 0x02                       Pics                                                                    DOXED BY REBORT & CLEAR ║

                                           ˅ Pics
                                           │ https://files.catbox.moe/fzbvrt.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/2j6rte.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/7pu5cr.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/s10qkg.png

   ║ 0x03                       Basic                                                                   DOXED BY REBORT & CLEAR ║

                                           ˅ Name   
                                           │ Full name: Christopher Thomas Roy      

                                           ˅ DOB: March 14 1996                                                
                                           │ Age: 28
                                           │ Sex: Male        
                                           │ Sexuality: Straight 

                                           ˅ Number: (405) 593-5307, (405) 819-0639                                      
                                           │ Landlines: (405) 366-6101                           
                                           │ Other: (405) 735-3882   

   ║ 0x04                       Address                                                                 DOXED BY REBORT & CLEAR ║

                                           ˅ Address: 15609 Stone Meadows Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73170                                            
                                           │ SQFT: 7317
        _                                  │ Bedrooms: 4    
       _│=│__________                      │ Bathrooms: 2      
      /              \                     │ Last sold for $154,500.00 in 2010       
     /                \                    ˄     
     ││  ││ /--\ ││  ││                    
     ││[]││ │ .│ ││[]││                      
   ()││__││_│__│_││__││()                  ˅  Pics of exterior:
  ( )│-│-│-│====│-│-│-│( )                 │  https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/15609-Stone-Meadows-Dr_Oklahoma-City_OK_73170_M80716-12356               
   ║ 0x05                       Socials                                                                 DOXED BY REBORT & CLEAR ║

                                           │  Instagram: christopher_thomas_roy                 
                                           │  Snapchat: @tmmr5519 

 		             _/   /
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   ║ 0x06                       Emails                                                                  DOXED BY REBORT & CLEAR ║
                                      .`.        `.
                                     /   \ .======.\                      Emails
                                     │   │ │______││		       1  tfroy@cox.net      
                                     │   │   _____ │		       2  tmmr07702@gmail.com          
                                     │   │  /    / │	               3  roytmmrtommy@gmail.com  
                                     │   │ /____/  │		       
                                     │ _ │         │		       
                                     │/ \│.-"```"-.│		       		
                                     `` │││      │││	
                                        `"`      `"   

   ║ 0x07                       Mom                                                                     DOXED BY REBORT & CLEAR ║

 		     		           ˅ Mother: Celeste Ann Jean-Roy                                                                                                                    
                                           │ DOB: May, 1961                        
                                           │ Age: 63                

                                           ˅ Address: 15609 Stone Meadows Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73170                  
                                           │ Bedrooms: 4                           
                                           │ SQFT: 7317
                                           │ Bathrooms: 2  
                                           │ Last sold for $154,500.00 in 2010 

 		     		           ˅ Employment: Librarian

                                           ˅ Relatives: 
 		     		           │ Henry Grady Kirkwood
 		     		           │ Jennifer N Kirkwood
 		     		           │ Thomas Frederick Roy
 		     		           │ Rhonda R Roy
                                           │ Christopher Thomas Roy
   ║ 0x08                       Dad                                                                     DOXED BY REBORT & CLEAR ║

 		     		           ˅ Father: Thomas Frederick Roy                                                                                                                   
                                           │ DOB: Aug 11, 1953                        
                                           │ Age: 70              

                                           ˅ Address: 15609 Stone Meadows Dr Oklahoma City, OK 73170                  
                                           │ Bedrooms: 4                           
                                           │ SQFT: 7317
                                           │ Bathrooms: 2  
                                           │ Last sold for $154,500.00 in 2010 

 		     		           ˅ Employment: Adjunct Faculty 
 		     		           │ Address: 6420 S E 15th, Midwest City, OK 73110-2799, United States 
 		     		           │ Extra: (405)-733-7673

   ║ 0x09                        Parents contact                                                        DOXED BY REBORT & CLEAR ║

                                           ˅ Father: Thomas Frederick Roy
                                           │ Phone number: (405) 593-5307
                                           │ Landline 1: (405) 366-6101
                                           │ Landline 2: (405) 366-1464
                                           │ Landline 3: (603) 226-2539
                                           │ Landline 4: (610) 970-0955
                                           │ Landline 5: (904) 794-1432
                                           │ Landline 6: (319) 352-1609

                                           ˅ Mother: Celeste Ann Jean-Roy
                                           │ Email 1: cajeanroy@gmail.com
                                           │ Email 2: cjean-roy@excite.com
                                           │ Email 3: celestejeanroy@nc.rr.com
                                           │ Email 4: cajeanroy4@gmail.com
   ║ 0x10                       Outro n' credits                                                        DOXED BY REBORT & CLEAR ║
							Rebort & Clear