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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢷⣤⣉⠒⠤⣉⠓⠦⣀⡈⠉⠛⠿⠶⢶⣤⣤⣾⣧⣀⣀⣀⣿⣄⣠⣼⣿⣤⣿⠷⠾⠟⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⠀                                                                     /____/   
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠙⠿⣶⣄⡉⠒⠤⢌⣑⠲⠤⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠍⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⠏⠀⢰⠀⠀⣿⡄⠀                                                  (just a little)
                                   .''.             .---..-----------------------------------------------..---.
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  .''.: /\ :   ./)\   ':'* /\ * :  '..'.  -=:o:=-   | _ |||     The Tale of Josh fields                ||| _ |
 :_\/_:'.:::.    ' *''*    * '.\'/.' _\(/_'.':'.'   |(_)|||         AKA Meast          |||(_)|
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  '..'  ':::'     * /\ *     .'/.\'.   '            |.-.|||                                             |||.-.|
      *            *..*         :                   | o |||     Dox made with love & care by courtfederal717    ||| o |
        *                                           |`-'|||                                             |||`-'|                                   .''.       
        *                                           |   |||                                             |||   |       .''.      .        *''*    :_\/_:     . 
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║               _                                                _                               (   .  )                                           _           ║
║             (`  ).                   _                     .+(`  )`.                          (   (   ))                                      .+(`  )`        ║
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║      ((    (..__.:'-'   .+( ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗     (   .  )     (   )  ._   ║       
║`.    `(       ) )       (   ║                                                                                                  ║    (   (   ))     `-'.:(`  ) ║
║  )     ` __.:'   )     (   (║                                                                                                  ║    `- __.'         :(      ))║
║) )  ( )       --'       `- _║                                                                                                  ║                    `(    )  )║
║.-' (_.'          .')        ║                                     -= Table of Contents. =-                                     ║                      ` __.:' ║
║                 (_  )       ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║                             ║                             0x00 - Author Notes                                                  ║                              ║
║                             ║                               0x01 - Introduction                                                ║                              ║
║                             ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║                             ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║                             ║                             0x02 - josh                                                     ║          +              #####║
║                             ║                               0x03 - Identity                                                    ║         / \                  ║
║_____        _____     ______║                               0x04 - Personal Information                                        ║________/ o \/\_______________║
║o o o|_______|    |___|      ║                               0x05 -                                              ║         | | # # #  |____|o o ║
║o o o|  * * *|: ::|. .|      ║                               0x06 -                                         ║]  []  []|o| # # #  |. . |o o ║
║o o o|* * *  |::  |. .| []  [║                                                                                                  ║]  []  []|o| # # #  |. . |o o ║
║o o o|**  ** |:  :|. .| []  [║                             0x07 - Relatives                                                     ║]  []    |o| # # #  |. . |o o ║
║_[]__|__[]___|_||_|__<|______║                               0x08 - Mother's Personal Information                               ║______;;_|_|___/\___|_.|_|____║
║                             ║                               0x09 - Father's Personal Information                               ║                              ║
║                             ║                               0x10 - Home Information                                            ║                              ║
║                             ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║          ___   ____         ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║        /' --;^/ ,-_\        ║                             0x11 - Outro                                                         ║                              ║
║       / / --o\ o-\ \\       ║                               0x12 - Final Words                                                 ║                              ║
║      /-/-/|o|-|\-\\|\\      ║                               0x13 - Credits                                                     ║                              ║
║       '`  ` |-|   `` '      ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║             |-|             ║                                 +-------------------------------+                                ║                              ║
║             |-|O            ║                                     \o  (SERVER GONE TEMP)  o/                                   ║                              ║
║             |-(\,__         ║                                 +-------------------------------+                                ║                              ║
║          ...|-|\--,\_....   ║                                                                                                  ║                              ║
║      ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;║                                                                                                  ║      ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;║
║~~,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;║                                                                                                  ║~~,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;║
║                                                                                (_)                                                                            ║
║                                                                 --""-------   0/      ^^                                                                      ║
║                                                       .___...../ /__| |__\ \_/H__,      ^^                                                                    ║
║                                                        \                        /                                                                             ║
║                              .--------------------------\                                                                                                     ║
║                             /| _ .---. .---. .---. .---.|                                                                                                     ║
║                             |j||||___| |___| |___| |___||                                                                                                     ║
║                             |=|||=======================|                                                                                                     ║
║                                                 ___        _   _                  _   _       _                                                               ║
║                                                / _ \      | | | |                | \ | |     | |                                                              ║
║                                               / /_\ \_   _| |_| |__   ___  _ __  |  \| | ___ | |_ ___  ___                                                    ║
║                                               |  _  | | | | __| '_ \ / _ \| '__| | . ` |/ _ \| __/ _ \/ __|                                                   ║
║                                               | | | | |_| | |_| | | | (_) | |    | |\  | (_) | ||  __/\__ \                                                   ║
║                                               \_| |_/\__,_|\__|_| |_|\___/|_|    \_| \_/\___/ \__\___||___/                                                   ║
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
╠══ -= Author Notes =- ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ -= 0x00 =- ══╣
║                                                                                                                                                               ║
║   Welcome,  

A short story Josh is a pedophile 
He is 19 asking minors for nudes 
He likes to rape minors.  

╠══ -= Personal Information =- ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ -= 0x08 =- ══╣

Name: Josh fields 



Weight; 120 

Religion: christian

║   FAMILY INFORMATION                        ______                               _   _____       __                           _   _                                             ║

Aunts name : teresha

Moms name : alexus fields

Dads name: Jackson fields

Dads age : 47

Moms age : 35
————————JOSH FIELDS———————————————

Address: 1329 Brown SE Dr, Cullman, AL 35055 

2184 W Point Rd, LOT 5, Lagrange, GA 30240-4067 (old)                                                                                      ║
║                    685 County Road 1140, Vinemont, AL 35179-9782 (old)                                                                                        ║                                                                                        
║                    395 County Road 555, Hanceville, AL 35077-4605 (old)                                                                                       ║
║                    113 Timber Ridge Dr, Lagrange, GA 30240-9215 (old)                                                                                         ║

City: Alabama 

Phone numbers:


Line :mobile wireless 

Location: cullman, AL

╠══ -= Home Information =- ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ -= 0x10 =- ══╣
║   › Details:                                                                                                                                                  ║
║      › Year built: 2006                                                                                                                                       ║
║      › Market Value: $186,765                                                                                                                                 ║
║      › Heating: Forced Air Unit                                                                                                                               ║
║      › Cooling: Yes                                                                                                                                           ║
║      › Type Of Property: Residential                                                                                                                          ║
║      › Fireplace: 1                                                                                                                                           ║
║      › Rooms: 2-4                                                                                                                                             ║
║      › Bathrooms 1-2                                                                                                                                          ║

You have now reach the end of the doxx i hope you enjoyed it

Get smoked, Comtard.                                 ║
║                                                                                                                  ______                                       ║
║                 DOXXED BY                                                                              |\_______________ (_____\\______________                        ║
║                              COURTFEDERAL717 
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