Name: Ethan James Alaways Age: 19 Address: 15760 Rancho Tehama Rd,Corning CA 96021 Phone Number: (he uses it on imessage) Email: Facebook: Old Discord Username: callmeprettyboye Instagram: callmeprettyboye Snapchat: eanalway Admitted to: Having a girlfriend that is underage at 19 Crimes: Sexual contact with minor 12 and under ( lied about her age but she lied about being underage and he was of age at the time either way) |~~~~~~~| | | |~~~~~~~~~~~| |___________| | | |~.\\\_\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xx~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/_//;~| | \ o \_ ,XXXXX), _..-~ o / | | ~~\ ~-. XXXXX`)))), _.--~~ .-~~~ | ~~~~~~~`\ ~\~~~XXX' _/ ';)) |~~~~~~..-~ _.-~ ~~~~~~~ `\ ~~--`_\~\, ;;;\)__.---.~~~ _.-~ ~-. `:;;/;; \ _..-~~ ~-._ `'' /-~-~ `\ / / | , | | | ' / | \/; | ;; | `; . | |~~~-----.....| | \ \ | /\~~--…__ | (| `\ __-\| || \_ /~ | |) \~-' | | | \ ' | | \ : \ | | | | ) ( ) \ /; /\ | | |/ | | | | \ .' || | | | | ( | | | | \ \ | || o `.)| |`\\\\) | | | | | | |