[[[[[P E D O__R E P O R T]]]]]

[[[R E A S O N__F O R__D O X]]]
Riley had in the past repeatedly molested and raped
His two younger half siblings from when they were 9
To when they turned 15 to 17 and has gone unpunished for it
One of his half siblings (my wife) has given me the go ahead 
To put his ass on the bin as long as they stay anonymous.

This pedo has also been suspected of doing the same things to other 
Other underage kids, his last know location lake city Florida.... 

---------F U C K____H I S____S H I T____U P---------

Name: Riley Alexander Leonard
Dob: 7/23/2002
Sex: male 
Weight: 310
Eyes: green
Hight: 5' 08"

Drivers license number: WDl4962DG83B

[[[[[L I N K S____A N D___C O N T A C T]]]]]

Phone: +1 509-557-2663

[[[[[S O C I A L__A N D__E M A I L]]]]]
Email: dannychills415@gmail.com
Facebook: Teruki Kosuka
Instagram: _daniehills_