DOX By: Nytmare Person Doxed: Thomas (goes by middle name) ******************************* Reason for dox: He’s a pedo (admitted to it) and had anal intercourse with his dog. He admitted to having pictures of half naked children and laughed about it. His preferred age range is 11-14. He allows the dog to hump him often and has done this since he got him. He does it because “it’s a dominance matter.” However, it is learned behavior because he presented himself to the dog and put his rear end in his face. If you want additional proof, dm ✪Nytmare#0094 ******************************* Name: Benjamin Thomas Jones ******************************* Age: 19 ******************************* Phone Number: (479)-806-0225 ******************************* Known Email Addresses: ******************************* Social Media: Youtube: Discord: Hole#9694 Steam: ******************************* Additional: He has Aspergers, was in special ed, and is a high school drop out. Currently unemployed but helps at his mom’s jewelry store and no stable source of income. He has no irl friends or social life outside of this. He uses his grandmother for money. Was abused as a child by said grandmother. He is known for having random mental breakdowns and being turbulent emotionally.