''{Reason for leak on target''
Target sent explicit pornographical pictures of himself to minors and has and is looking at furry cub porn aka (furry child porn)-
Target has also confirmed and agreed to said statements and has confirmed in videos that he has done this in the past aswell.

Proof of Leak     )





Personal Infromation  )



''Address:13 Meldawn Place Brisbane, Queensland 4157 AU'',

''IP Address:'',

''Picture of house:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1222991177268334755/1223018243023966419/image.png?ex=6618537f&is=6605de7f&hm=f3d1be183036d6c55ab5273169fadbed06ad2258d0ee4fd7e1ccfd0536f6dc5f&

''Bird's eye view of house:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1222991177268334755/1223019058107252796/image.png?ex=66185442&is=6605df42&hm=8942f08798caf2700782be868c0209fc04fece859a8d1ca37899f79c7be40b30&

''Coordinates: -27.53642860316533, 153.20490284273706'',
VRChat Infromation    )
  "bio": "i am gay",
  "developerType": "none",
  "displayName": "shadow 0 fox",
  "id": "usr_23676caa-fe4f-4eee-83d0-10a2971ffda8",
  "last_login": "26/03/2024",
  "last_platform": "standalonewindows",
  "tags": [VRC Ingame Rank

''{ChilloutVR Infromation''
Socials Infromation  )

''{Steam Information''

''{Discord Infromation - Main discord''
  "displayName": ".shadow . fox gay",
  "username": ".shadow.fox",
  "id": "1095905896334364702",
  "member since": "04/13/2023",
  "platform": "standalonewindows",

''{Discord Infromation - Alt discord''
  "displayName": "Falcon48",
  "username": "shadow.exe0812",
  "id": "1193177772743479409",
  "member since": "01/06/2024",
  "platform": "standalonewindows",

''{Discord Infromation - Alt discord''
  "displayName": "*Shadow . ExE*gay",
  "username": "shadow.exe5637",
  "id": "736523670754689045",
  "member since": "01/25/2020",
  "platform": "standalonewindows",

''{Discord Infromation - Alt discord''
  "displayName": "Shadow ExE",
  "username": "snowytheproto",
  "id": "969940259997638758",
  "member since": "04/30/2022",
  "platform": "standalonewindows",