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Hello doxbin, this kid is a skid and claims he like little girls. This is not okay and needs to stop. Here is some info on him.

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Name: Seth Messer
DOB: 04/20/2008 15 years old)
School : Burnet High School
School Address : 1000 The Green Mile, Burnet, TX 78611. Phone
Address : 102 Carmen Cove, Burnet, TX 78611
Pic : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1131032306405101568/1183239984057163836/IMG_8290.jpg?ex=65879d1b&is=6575281b&hm=b6cc401b59e5996b0b14e1f43f9e94908d124b7c73e249d664e9cdd00e549a38&=&width=312&height=675
Gender: Male
Race: White    
Weight: 110 lbs
Height: 5'1"
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Tattoo(s): None
Registration Number: 6751272
Status: Alive

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