Halvor Raknes is a pedophile and at least sympathizes with nazis, also spreading their propaganda.
All of the information below is accessible for everyone on the web, so it's just a collection of what everyone can find.

Name: Halvor Raknes
Born: 03/13/1964
Address: Herregårdsveien 6K, 1168 Oslo
Email: a22112216@yahoo.com
Phone: N/A
Education: Nurse

Boywiki: https://www.boywiki.org/en/User:Meco
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/halvor.raknes
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/clubtour
BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/EQi5adwBB5xL/
Gab: https://gab.com/Halvor
Minds: https://www.minds.com/Halvor_Raknes
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/49780289-halvor-raknes
Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/user/4677039/Halvor-Raknes
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/people/28957629@N04/

As his profile on boywiki is a wall of text, here are some quotes:

- "Age of attraction: 13-19 (actually, I just like boys, any age, as long as the present boyness in large amounts)"

- "It was subsequent to this that I began accepting a few images that went below, agewise, what I had previously received.
Due to the illicit nature of this trade and the high level of paranoia of the men who had a particular interest in this, I closed off a part of my then FTP site for such trade,
giving out separate access to people who were particularly interested in exchanging either nude photos of prepubescent boys (aroused or not),
photos showing such young boys engaged sexually with each other, or pictures of adult men having sex with these young boys."

- "When I was arrested in November 1998 and all my computers impounded, the police were never able to find this material. The reason for my arrest was somewhat unrelated to this.
It involved a burned CD which contained heterosexual porn which some teenage boys who had been in my apartment asserted that they had received from me."

- "I sense no ulterior motives or deception to begin with, but then I come across some information on the web informing me that Dimitri is not 15 years old,
rather he's one year older than me. As I confront him with this he ashamedly admits the deception, excusing himself with assuming that I probably
wouldn't be romantically interested in him had I known he was in fact an adult. And of course, my fascination with this "fifteen-year old" who's been speculating
whether perhaps he could hitch a ride with a long-haul trailer going north across Europe in order to come and stay with me immediately vanishes."

- "I am sympathetic to this cause/movement in much the same way that I am to nationalists/Nazis. Meaning, I agree that we/you are both being
victimized and that your opponents are irrational and/or vicious."

- "The "handling" of male homosexuality through social engineering and the blatant suppression of child sexuality and intergenerational sexual
relations are the most critical corollaries of this conflict, the war on masculinity similarly."