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                     | Category Dox : Child Abuser | Term : Pedophilia
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Face Pictures - https://404.sins.sh/u/vbl2bq.png
               - https://404.sins.sh/u/xBcfSc.png
                - https://404.sins.sh/u/ogwea2.png
                 - https://404.sins.sh/u/YZaP4w.png
Proof He talked to her in a "Sexual Manner": https://cdn.sins.sh/u/kPZV4T.png
Proof She said she was 15 Before he sent nudes: https://cdn.sins.sh/u/WBR5Jh.png
Nude send to a minor: (Warning NSFW) https://cdn.sins.sh/u/EoTwxs.png

Proof he has done it before: - https://404.sins.sh/u/grmF4w.png
                               - https://404.sins.sh/u/wCCf84.png

The Person's Details
Name:  Mason J Sanford
Age: 24
Country: United States
Region: Fort Smith, AR
Went to Southside High School in Ft. Smith, AR
Releatives: https://www.facebook.com/brandon.sanford.39589 (More can be found just go to his facebook)

Current Employment
Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen - https://www.facebook.com/CheddarsScratchKitchen
The Party Place (Fort Smith) - https://www.facebook.com/PartyPlaceFortSmith

8900 Urban View Dr                (Current)
Fort Smith, AR 72903              (Current)
(Sebastian County)                (Current)
Phone Numbers
(479) 452-7546 - Landline

 Last reported May 2024
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company
(479) 459-8679 - Wireless Primary Phone
Last reported Sep 2020
(479) 452-7262 - Landline
Last reported Sep 2023
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company
melsan1969@hotmail.com - emails: [

Person's Accounts
Discord: wolfie_eclipse23 Id [1195140408070635610]
Facebook: Mason Sanford [https://www.facebook.com/mason.sanford.372/]
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199527029149
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/wolfieeclipse22?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0WSu_q1pgRW3CbioS-M-AOtSTZbWjHohmKhnD01Vw_tTvOTg09_UPmypM_aem_WgksyYEYlOTRmJhGpCU5CA
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqDxtiUy9m3Y5ermsf3_Agg

About Dox
It came to our attention when the 15 year old in this case came to us to tell us he has been sending her nudes and talking "Sexually" to her and she was slowley becoming very uncomfortable to what he was saying/sending.
fuck this pred enjoy the dox wolfie maybe stop talking to minors. FiveM might not be the game for you in that case.

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