Reason for doxx: Pedophile and Stolen Valor
Reason for doxx: Pedophile and Stolen Valor
Reason for doxx: Pedophile and Stolen Valor
Reason for doxx: Pedophile and Stolen Valor

Name: John Gardner 
Age: 25 
Current Address: 3757 Piney Grove Dr Tallahasse, FL 32311
Phone number: 850-668-3295


1. Sarah Rebekah Gardner 
Age: 34 
Address: 3757 Piney Grove Dr Tallahasse, FL 32311
Phone Number: 

2. Jennifer Paige Gardner 
Age: 49
Address: 127 Hawkeegan Dr

3. Jennifer A Gardner 
Age: 62
Address: 6220 Buck Run Cir Tallahasse, FL 32312
Phone Number: 502-222-8992

(Phone Numbers Aren't in Server anymore will be updated soon with CC's)                                                                                                 
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