Last time i uploaded this pin i was in anonymous and i couldn't get credits for it so I'm gonna repost it. [ NOTE : THIS DOX IS UPDATED ] +--------------------------------------------+ | # Rehan # | +--------------------------------------------+ ╭------------------------------------------- ╮ ╵ -#Name: Rehan ╵ -#Age: 16-17. ╵ -#Adress: Pakistan, Lahore Punjab Capital, ETA S5200 Ra Kh ╵ -#Ethnicity: Pakistani, Urdu ╵ -#Sex: Male. ╵ -#Job: Jobless ╵ -#Email: | -#Phone: +92357595616 ╵ ╵SOCIALS : ╵DC : i._.ou ╵ID : 1254648133720342539 ╵ ╵-#Reason: asked a 14yr old girl for nudes, better fucking regret it nigga. ╵ ╵ -#Pictures: 1 : 2 : Note : Diagnosis of Pedophilic Disorder People are aged 16 years old or older and are 5 or more years older than the child who is the object of the fantasies or behaviors. (An exception is an older adolescent who has an ongoing relationship with a 12- or 13-year-old.) They have had the condition for 6 months or more. So basically this makes a ped0. Contact my discord for more pictures, here's my user : | doxtape. |