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                                                            - Endo#0006 Pay for my services. -


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                                                            卐   First Name: Josia
                                                            卐   Last Name: UNCORFIRMED
                                                            卐   IP: 
                                                            卐   Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 11 Home
                                                            卐   Product Key: 28R8G-RQNK9-936GX-7XPR8-BWQ93
                                                            卐   Mac Address: 706655B23937
                                                            卐   Username | deondod#3422
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                                                            卐   Email | josiahdos888@gmail.com
                                                            卐   Phone | +19022370325
                                                            卐   Discord App Token | mfa.c-phD_i531PblPPBk37ypEOd7ONoTQkD1G0ydh_7jZW-rnqmkiXxlmg4L7HBVqqTnZjnhWAm_h3CXZMSKVsE
                                                            卐   Username | menastrating#8888
                                                            卐   Username | menastrating#8888

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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdoss888
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : 
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Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : coronasquad2
Password          : 2020corona
Password Strength : Strong
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Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat
Password Strength : Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat
Password Strength : Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : lipthat
Password Strength : Medium
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : JojoisiahD
Password          : Flipthat
Password Strength : Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : JOSIAH
Password Strength : Medium
User Name Field   : 
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : jojoisiahD
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : r.dosunmu@yahoo.com
Password          : Dosunmu30*
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : JojoisiahD
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888
Password          : JOSIAH
Password Strength : Medium
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888
Password          : JOSIAH
Password Strength : Medium
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat
Password Strength : Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat
Password Strength : Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : josiah
Password Strength : Medium
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos
Password          : Dosunmu14*
Password Strength : Strong
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Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888
Password          : JojoisiahD
Password Strength : Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : x_blissed_off_x
Password          : Keeley07
Password Strength : Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : keeleyx_xmaddison
Password Strength : Very Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : ashketchup680
Password          : flipthat
Password Strength : Strong
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : 69josiah69
Password          : josiah
Password Strength : Medium
User Name Field   : 
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos2019
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : jojoisiahD1234
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : 
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Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
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Created Time      : 
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Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
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Created Time      : 
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Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : android://YXhDRvRbGgHwBfnItnyqrn8ROyahCVLGxjrflYJ1EVRdYVOovwINA2VERnV60WtreC5Sbau2GoWSLUr-T6Us9g==@air.ITVMobilePlayer/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
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Created Time      : 
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Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : xo.norrisnutsfan.xo
Password          : keeley07
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
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Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

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Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : jdbea_ts
Password          : Fliipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
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Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://account.bbc.com/signin
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : jojoisiahD
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2019-06-28 1:35:53 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.epicgames.com/login
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos@icloud.com
Password          : Flipthat12.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : epic_username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2019-07-18 4:57:27 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
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Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/AddSession/identifier
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : djo740770@gnspes.ca
Password          : 
Password Strength : 
User Name Field   : identifier
Password Field    : hiddenPassword
Created Time      : 2020-11-10 7:09:24 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin/identifier
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : djj741646@gnspes.ca
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : identifier
Password Field    : hiddenPassword
Created Time      : 2021-12-15 3:56:02 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/challenge/pwd
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : joshondeez
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : identifier
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-06-12 6:29:09 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/challenge/pwd
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : identifier
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2019-05-02 9:01:21 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/identifier
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : jjosiahdosunmu@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : identifier
Password Field    : hiddenPassword
Created Time      : 2021-07-04 10:32:55 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdos2
Password          : 
Password Strength : 
User Name Field   : Username
Password Field    : Passwd
Created Time      : 2020-09-24 4:11:08 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : eeeeeedasss
Password          : blackblack
Password Strength : Medium
User Name Field   : Username
Password Field    : Passwd
Created Time      : 2022-02-04 4:40:07 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : johnnydonny899
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : Username
Password Field    : Passwd
Created Time      : 2022-01-26 4:50:48 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.nintendo.com/login
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos@icloud.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : subject_id
Password Field    : subject_password
Created Time      : 2019-09-22 5:01:41 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.snapchat.com/accounts/login
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : Josiahdos2019
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2020-10-27 7:33:06 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://accounts.spotify.com/en/login
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-06-28 8:51:45 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://af.secomapp.com/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Josiah
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://auth.riotgames.com/login
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : NigerianKing14
Password          : Dosunmu30
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2020-08-15 5:12:39 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://authenticate.riotgames.com/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : NigerianKing14
Password          : Dosunmu30
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2020-11-27 7:52:50 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://connect.ubisoft.com/link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : AccountEmail
Password Field    : AccountPassword
Created Time      : 2021-04-26 11:02:22 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://courses.edx.org/register
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : Josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2020-09-14 3:59:44 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://discord.com/billing/promotions/w9ZRFQZ8P7hPTBhBZXRcGfXq
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : apesid153@icloud.com
Password          : Soupislife1//
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-06-11 5:37:32 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://discord.com/billing/promotions/w9ZRFQZ8P7hPTBhBZXRcGfXq
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-06-12 6:31:18 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/846902548555890688/851637009885954099
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : menastrating
Password          : Flipthat1223.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 2021-11-12 8:47:44 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/929509401809805402
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : 5282
Password          : Flipthat1223.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : discriminator
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 2022-03-12 3:56:39 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://discord.com/login
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : jjosiahdosunmu@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat1223.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-11-12 9:49:33 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://discord.com/login
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2022-01-15 6:31:50 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://discord.com/login
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdos102@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2022-01-25 9:23:30 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://discord.com/register
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : cosmo.vfx
Password          : Flipthat1223.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-11-12 8:05:37 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://discord.com/reset
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : 
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2020-09-20 5:36:49 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://dumerobui.xyz/download/1/cc/index.php
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-10-19 2:42:36 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://fruitlab.com/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : Lordjesuschrist_
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://gogoanime.ai/register.html
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-03-14 6:09:49 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://id.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/id/create_account_ca/
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : 
Password Strength : 
User Name Field   : ember471
Password Field    : ember475
Created Time      : 2021-01-19 4:47:31 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://idmsa.apple.com/appleauth/auth/authorize/signin
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos@icloud.com
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : account_name_text_field
Password Field    : password_text_field
Created Time      : 2020-06-15 9:30:17 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://idmsa.apple.com/appleauth/auth/authorize/signin
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : account_name_text_field
Password Field    : password_text_field
Created Time      : 2022-01-10 7:26:38 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://idmsa.apple.com/appleauth/auth/authorize/signin
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : jjosiahdosunmu@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : account_name_text_field
Password Field    : password_text_field
Created Time      : 2022-01-13 4:51:56 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://idmsa.apple.com/appleauth/auth/authorize/signin
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdos@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : account_name_text_field
Password Field    : password_text_field
Created Time      : 2021-11-06 10:07:50 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdosunmu24
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : Username
Password Field    : Password
Created Time      : 2021-07-06 8:48:53 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdosunmu24@kes.ns.ca
Password          : Josiahdosunmu30!
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : Username
Password Field    : Password
Created Time      : 2021-09-11 10:11:19 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://login.live.com/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://login.live.com/ppsecure/post.srf
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : loginfmt
Password Field    : passwd
Created Time      : 2019-12-06 4:01:57 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://login.live.com/ppsecure/post.srf
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : loginfmt
Password Field    : passwd
Created Time      : 2021-10-05 2:28:19 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://login.nvgs.nvidia.com/v1/link-account
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : linkAccount_email
Password Field    : linkAccount_password
Created Time      : 2021-11-16 12:56:04 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://login.paysafecard.com/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : jojoisiahD
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://mintable.app/
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : menastrating
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2022-02-25 10:16:46 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://moviez4all.online/5tghy6/
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : d7
Password Field    : d8
Created Time      : 2022-01-25 12:06:58 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://my.btwifi.com/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : JojoisiahD
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://my.minecraft.net/en-us/store/minecraft/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2020-08-22 4:49:12 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://onlyfans.com/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://payhip.com/auth/register
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-12-05 11:12:21 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://portal.live.virginwifi.com/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://rocket-league.com/login
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2019-07-11 8:44:34 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://rocket-league.com/register
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : JojoisiahD69
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2019-07-11 7:24:35 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://s3.nikecdn.com/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://saml.nspes.ca/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : djo740770
Password          : Dosunmu2006!
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://saml.nspes.ca/simplesaml/module.php/core/loginuserpass.php
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : djo740770
Password          : Dosunmu2006!
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-04-28 7:22:24 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://saml.nspes.ca/simplesaml/module.php/core/loginuserpass.php
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : djo740770
Password          : Dosunmu2006!
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2020-09-15 8:00:26 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://scratch.mit.edu/accounts/password_reset_done/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : jojoisiahD
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-01-18 5:01:29 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://service.thecloud.net/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : flipthat
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://signin.ea.com/p/web2/login
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : Josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-05-08 9:54:20 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://signup.dontra.net/en/html/sf/registration/eone.html
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Josiah
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2019-09-07 7:34:37 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://sncf.nomosphere.fr/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthatp
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://steamcommunity.com/openid/login
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : nigerianking14
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : username
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-06-28 6:35:49 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://student.desmos.com/
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : jjosiahdosunmu@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : newEmail
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-11-23 1:46:43 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://study.com/academy/get-started.html
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : 
Password          : josiahjosiah
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2020-03-10 7:20:39 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://us.battle.net/login/en-gb/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : Josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : &w-HzhY-V7Fjr6Z
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : accountName
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2020-09-14 5:45:01 PM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://www.akaipro.com/customer/account/login/
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-05-09 8:37:11 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.akaipro.com/customer/account/login/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : Josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123.
Password Strength : Very Strong
User Name Field   : email
Password Field    : password
Created Time      : 2021-05-09 9:04:59 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://www.amazon.co.uk/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://www.amazon.com/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://www.btopenzone.com/
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Name         : josiahdos888@gmail.com
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : 
Password Field    : 
Created Time      : 
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\Login Data

URL               : https://www.dcuniverseonline.com/register
Web Browser       : Chromium-Based Edge
User Name         : NigerianKing69
Password          : Flipthat123
Password Strength : Strong
User Name Field   : stationName
Password Field    : password1
Created Time      : 2021-06-13 11:48:02 AM
Modified Time     : 
Filename          : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data

URL               : https://www.helpteaching.com/questions/Environmental_Science/Grade_8
Web Browser       : Chrome
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User Profile      : josia
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User Profile      : josia
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User Profile      : josia
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User Profile      : josia
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Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : josia
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Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:13:29 PM
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Title             : Voicemod Payment Process done - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:49 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
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URL               : http://www.voicemod.net/processCheckoutSuccess.php?user_id=a89d9dde375fb8acf64bcef1394e658d&status=done&invoice_id=924478980&check=1
Title             : Voicemod Payment Process done - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:49 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.voicemod.net/processCheckoutSuccess.php?user_id=a89d9dde375fb8acf64bcef1394e658d&status=done&invoice_id=924478980
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 132
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URL               : https://1drv.ms/w/s!AE1wGrSBfoAok0o?ct=1649352604578&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 2 1.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:30:05 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
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Title             : Document 2 1.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:30:20 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 85
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URL               : https://1drv.ms/w/s!AE1wGrSBfoAok24
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:39:09 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 35
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Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:52:00 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 184
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URL               : https://1drv.ms/w/s!AE1wGrSBfoAok24?ct=1649352585802&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:29:47 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 85
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URL               : https://1drv.ms/w/s!AE1wGrSBfoAok24?ct=1649420707613&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:25:09 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 85
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Title             : OneDrive
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:38:14 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 184
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Record ID         : 49425

URL               : https://1drv.ms/w/s!AE1wGrSBfoAok3A?ct=1649420720458&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 5.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:25:22 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 85
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URL               : https://1drv.ms/w/s!AE1wGrSBfoAokFs?ct=1649352635568&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:30:36 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 85
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Record ID         : 49403

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Title             : Is your security info still accurate?
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:29:35 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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URL               : https://account.voicemod.net/#/?action=account
Title             : Redirecting
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:41:12 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 46
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Record ID         : 48616

URL               : https://account.voicemod.net/#/?action=account
Title             : Redirecting
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:43:37 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
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URL               : https://account.voicemod.net/#/cross-roads?userId=599a2ac4-1b9e-43be-a73a-4020191690b3&action=account
Title             : Voicemod User Account
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:41:18 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 101
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URL               : https://account.voicemod.net/#/cross-roads?userId=599a2ac4-1b9e-43be-a73a-4020191690b3&action=account
Title             : Voicemod User Account
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:43:38 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 101
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URL               : https://account.voicemod.net/#/user-account?userId=599a2ac4-1b9e-43be-a73a-4020191690b3&action=account
Title             : Voicemod User Account
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:41:20 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 102
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URL               : https://account.voicemod.net/#/user-account?userId=599a2ac4-1b9e-43be-a73a-4020191690b3&action=account
Title             : Voicemod User Account
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:43:39 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 102
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Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:23:01 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://accounts.google.com/signin/oauth/consent?authuser=1&part=AJi8hANhR953PxzRMVVmOB6GdbCf1mZqZyJthsn9bGUcrI4-sGETHEy1ZKGX50dbzZB_VOYIjxOf8MCp0NB1yp3JdEJFOLg-wwyb11G-nfVYIw6a6cGXllLr_b0xlyoNzY2b3LuRXRuYKmyD3UaWONa_mL147XD4mLfVN1DKygqLH9VL5qLQKHEuUFp73n760YhjJCK7Yux7xidftD-rdVC-5Xvv1Vgsn4hB1VwgA0DspCMfBqLs_XyTPBbsRVMpB7eU56JJEUXsIxH8iPOc9BbjAPQPASDww0AWd1ypNwjdsm4eMHyQ4uuV4PUphIKvhcNGE5Ga9qXu4o9TTzxB__uPuTPxuJePtRAFXQ-p03f6q0WZ5n-YOgKhunuwXgmYVLern9rDjvtEej41_oI2ORkBtvBI1Wyhan5IoGZNfLVFIlmpWezQYdrePuhheKs5I3GLAQl2disze3Xl4IQvfESN34AfsKNMqbtR4_e5GuM9k1SNKriYipM&as=S-955298176%3A1648858976138291&pli=1&rapt=AEjHL4MkGiA_j20Xwu793SHbJ3kDNScD3WZLDrRuV5Mx_TzpR9bpFdlbfkfmMcnSRqzL9PqSE_D5u47iFoPhNePrVZmJJT8zMg#
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 424
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48648

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth/oauthchooseaccount?client_id=81931294547-ict6llss8611g9nglndn2bnln48bo59d.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.epicgames.com%2FOAuthAuthorized&state=eyJpZCI6IjFiOTJkOGYxMzU0NzQyOTliNjZkYzgxOWQ4YmNkNzFkIiwibG9naW5SZXF1ZXN0SWQiOiIzYjQyODliZTRkMjg0OGVlYjc4MDA1YWQ4NmE3ODFkOSJ9&scope=openid%20email%20profile&service_entity=undefined&force_verify=true&response_type=code&display=popup&nonce=EugURO6F&flowName=GeneralOAuthFlow
Title             : Sign in - Google Accounts
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:22:58 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=81931294547-ict6llss8611g9nglndn2bnln48bo59d.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.epicgames.com%2FOAuthAuthorized&state=eyJpZCI6IjFiOTJkOGYxMzU0NzQyOTliNjZkYzgxOWQ4YmNkNzFkIiwibG9naW5SZXF1ZXN0SWQiOiIzYjQyODliZTRkMjg0OGVlYjc4MDA1YWQ4NmE3ODFkOSJ9&scope=openid%20email%20profile&service_entity=undefined&force_verify=true&response_type=code&display=popup&nonce=EugURO6F
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 489
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48646

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=81931294547-ict6llss8611g9nglndn2bnln48bo59d.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.epicgames.com%2FOAuthAuthorized&state=eyJpZCI6IjFiOTJkOGYxMzU0NzQyOTliNjZkYzgxOWQ4YmNkNzFkIiwibG9naW5SZXF1ZXN0SWQiOiIzYjQyODliZTRkMjg0OGVlYjc4MDA1YWQ4NmE3ODFkOSJ9&scope=openid%20email%20profile&service_entity=undefined&force_verify=true&response_type=code&display=popup&nonce=EugURO6F
Title             : Sign in - Google Accounts
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:22:57 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.epicgames.com/id/login/google/forward?extLoginState=eyJ0cmFja2luZ1V1aWQiOiI1Y2ZhODJmMjJiZmY0YWZkOTRjMDE4ODNmZGExMTg0MCIsImxvZ2luUmVxdWVzdElkIjoiM2I0Mjg5YmU0ZDI4NDhlZWI3ODAwNWFkODZhNzgxZDkiLCJhdXRoQ29kZSI6bnVsbCwiaXNQb3B1cCI6dHJ1ZX0%253D&lang=en-US&externalNonce=EugURO6F
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 444
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48645

URL               : https://accounts.google.com/signin/oauth/consent?authuser=1&part=AJi8hANhR953PxzRMVVmOB6GdbCf1mZqZyJthsn9bGUcrI4-sGETHEy1ZKGX50dbzZB_VOYIjxOf8MCp0NB1yp3JdEJFOLg-wwyb11G-nfVYIw6a6cGXllLr_b0xlyoNzY2b3LuRXRuYKmyD3UaWONa_mL147XD4mLfVN1DKygqLH9VL5qLQKHEuUFp73n760YhjJCK7Yux7xidftD-rdVC-5Xvv1Vgsn4hB1VwgA0DspCMfBqLs_XyTPBbsRVMpB7eU56JJEUXsIxH8iPOc9BbjAPQPASDww0AWd1ypNwjdsm4eMHyQ4uuV4PUphIKvhcNGE5Ga9qXu4o9TTzxB__uPuTPxuJePtRAFXQ-p03f6q0WZ5n-YOgKhunuwXgmYVLern9rDjvtEej41_oI2ORkBtvBI1Wyhan5IoGZNfLVFIlmpWezQYdrePuhheKs5I3GLAQl2disze3Xl4IQvfESN34AfsKNMqbtR4_e5GuM9k1SNKriYipM&as=S-955298176%3A1648858976138291&pli=1&rapt=AEjHL4MkGiA_j20Xwu793SHbJ3kDNScD3WZLDrRuV5Mx_TzpR9bpFdlbfkfmMcnSRqzL9PqSE_D5u47iFoPhNePrVZmJJT8zMg#
Title             : Epic Games
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:23:01 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth/oauthchooseaccount?client_id=81931294547-ict6llss8611g9nglndn2bnln48bo59d.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.epicgames.com%2FOAuthAuthorized&state=eyJpZCI6IjFiOTJkOGYxMzU0NzQyOTliNjZkYzgxOWQ4YmNkNzFkIiwibG9naW5SZXF1ZXN0SWQiOiIzYjQyODliZTRkMjg0OGVlYjc4MDA1YWQ4NmE3ODFkOSJ9&scope=openid%20email%20profile&service_entity=undefined&force_verify=true&response_type=code&display=popup&nonce=EugURO6F&flowName=GeneralOAuthFlow
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 713
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48647

URL               : https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=0f78f47360a748f09a66bbfb400cafa0&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscord.com%2Fapi%2Fconnections%2Fspotify%2Fcallback&scope=user-read-private+user-read-playback-state+user-modify-playback-state+user-read-currently-playing&state=234bd486f02765eb414b7d63f347ce24
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:08:19 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 323
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49407

URL               : https://accounts.spotify.com/en/login?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spotify.com%2Fca-en%2Fpurchase%2Foffer%2Fdefault-trial-1m%2F%3Fcountry%3DCA
Title             : Login - Spotify
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:06:12 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 140
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49260

URL               : https://accounts.spotify.com/en/login?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spotify.com%2Fca-en%2Fpurchase%2Foffer%2Fdefault-trial-1m%2F%3Fcountry%3DCA
Title             : Login - Spotify
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:06:12 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 140
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49261

URL               : https://accounts.spotify.com/login?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spotify.com%2Fca-en%2Fpurchase%2Foffer%2Fdefault-trial-1m%2F%3Fcountry%3DCA
Title             : Spotify
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:06:11 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.spotify.com/ca-en/purchase/offer/default-trial-1m/?country=CA
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 137
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49258

URL               : https://accounts.spotify.com/login?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spotify.com%2Fca-en%2Fpurchase%2Foffer%2Fdefault-trial-1m%2F%3Fcountry%3DCA
Title             : Spotify
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:06:12 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 137
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49259

URL               : https://accounts.spotify.com/login?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spotify.com%2Fca-en%2Fpurchase%2Foffer%2Fdefault-trial-1m%2F%3Fcountry%3DCA
Title             : Spotify
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:06:16 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.spotify.com/ca-en/purchase/offer/default-trial-1m/?country=CA
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 137
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49263

URL               : https://adserving.unibet.com/redirect.aspx?bid=36687&pid=79982261&sref=GIG&GIG=CA_DESKTOP
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:13:29 PM
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 89
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48785

URL               : https://ak.hetaruvg.com/4/3601336/?var=3994717&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:53:33 PM
Visit Count       : 18
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48695

URL               : https://ak.hetaruvg.com/4/3601336/?var=3994717&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:53:33 PM
Visit Count       : 18
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48697

URL               : https://ak.hetaruvg.com/4/3601336/?var=3994717&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:53:33 PM
Visit Count       : 18
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48696

URL               : https://ak.hetaruvg.com/4/3994717
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:53:33 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 33
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48694

URL               : https://api.tradeclouddata.com/ab8cc324-17fe-4583-868b-5d23dda15eca?zoneid=4425332&bannerid=12507810&browser=edge&os=windows&device=desktop&region=ns&isp=bell%20canada&useragent=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0;%20Win64;%20x64)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/99.0.4844.74%20Safari/537.36%20Edg/99.0.1150.55&language=en&connectiontype=xdsl&cost=0.001053&visitor_id=534273470495125567
Title             : Rainbow Blocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 9:04:01 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 409
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48922

URL               : https://api.voicemod.net/v1/desktop/api.windows/v2/windowsb2c/checkout/?idUser=33070381&appVersion=
Title             : Verify Email - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:44:02 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 172
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48625

URL               : https://api.voicemod.net/v1/desktop/api.windows/v2/windowsb2c/checkout/?idUser=33070381&appVersion=
Title             : Verify Email - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:09 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 172
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48664

URL               : https://bestappever4you.com/BZcy4XQM?external_id=12525wfgh3vlp6o526&source=4425332
Title             : Update available
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:37:08 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 82
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48809

URL               : https://bestappever4you.com/BZcy4XQM?external_id=46f8fwfghik3vblff3&source=4425332
Title             : Update available
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:10:11 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 82
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48778

URL               : https://bestappever4you.com/plpb/prtk/browserupdate-store/?s=1mdi8mfca2la9g8&=&offer=https://bestappever4you.com/?_lp=1&_token=uuid_1mdi8mfca2la9g8_1mdi8mfca2la9g86248c9c3907751.89833965&language=EN&source=4425332&_subid=1mdi8mfca2la9g8&_token=uuid_1mdi8mfca2la9g8_1mdi8mfca2la9g86248c9c3907751.89833965
Title             : Update available
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:10:11 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 303
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48779

URL               : https://bestappever4you.com/plpb/prtk/browserupdate-store/?s=1mdi8mfca2la9g8&=&offer=https://bestappever4you.com/?_lp=1&_token=uuid_1mdi8mfca2la9g8_1mdi8mfca2la9g86248c9c3907751.89833965&language=EN&source=4425332&_subid=1mdi8mfca2la9g8&_token=uuid_1mdi8mfca2la9g8_1mdi8mfca2la9g86248c9c3907751.89833965#
Title             : Update available
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:10:11 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 304
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48780

URL               : https://bestappever4you.com/plpb/prtk/browserupdate-store/?s=1mdi8mfca2labu9&=&offer=https://bestappever4you.com/?_lp=1&_token=uuid_1mdi8mfca2labu9_1mdi8mfca2labu96248d0144846d4.91948709&language=EN&source=4425332&_subid=1mdi8mfca2labu9&_token=uuid_1mdi8mfca2labu9_1mdi8mfca2labu96248d0144846d4.91948709
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Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:37:08 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 303
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48810

URL               : https://bestappever4you.com/plpb/prtk/browserupdate-store/?s=1mdi8mfca2labu9&=&offer=https://bestappever4you.com/?_lp=1&_token=uuid_1mdi8mfca2labu9_1mdi8mfca2labu96248d0144846d4.91948709&language=EN&source=4425332&_subid=1mdi8mfca2labu9&_token=uuid_1mdi8mfca2labu9_1mdi8mfca2labu96248d0144846d4.91948709#
Title             : Update available
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:37:08 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 304
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48811

URL               : https://ca.unibet.com/stan/campaign.do?cmpId=2739396&affiliateId=1&unibetTarget=/ca/sportsbook/multi-sports/welcome/index.html&targetDomain=https://welcome.unibet.com&btag=320669908_79F72D3BCAC04EF7BA5790256485D40E&sref=GIG&GIG=CA_DESKTOP&affiliateId=1&pid=81153495&bid=36687
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:13:29 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 275
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48786

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Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:13:29 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 430
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48787

URL               : https://cdn.betgorebysson.club/4/3601336/?var=3897490&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Add to Your Browser
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:40:33 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
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Record ID         : 48970

URL               : https://cdn.betgorebysson.club/4/3601336/?var=3897490&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Add to Your Browser
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:40:33 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
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Record ID         : 48971

URL               : https://cdn.betgorebysson.club/4/3601336/?var=3897490&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Add to Your Browser
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:40:33 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48969

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Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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URL Length        : 661
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URL               : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/909048267847925770/962131492937564201/IMG_1084.png
Title             : IMG_1084.png (828×1207)
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:28:12 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 89
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URL               : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/909048267847925770/962131492937564201/IMG_1084.png
Title             : IMG_1084.png (828×1207)
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:27:07 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 89
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49658

URL               : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/909051717470019634/962493053170487336/unknown.png
Title             : unknown.png (902×300)
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 8:23:50 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 88
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49709

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=3381349&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:15:45 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Profile 1
URL Length        : 70
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\History
Record ID         : 21877

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=3381349&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:15:45 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Profile 1
URL Length        : 70
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\History
Record ID         : 21878

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=3381349&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:15:45 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Profile 1
URL Length        : 70
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\History
Record ID         : 21879

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:51:06 PM
Visit Count       : 30
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48834

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:53:23 PM
Visit Count       : 30
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48687

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:53:23 PM
Visit Count       : 30
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48688

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:53:23 PM
Visit Count       : 30
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48689

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:37:07 PM
Visit Count       : 30
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48805

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:37:07 PM
Visit Count       : 30
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48807

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:51:06 PM
Visit Count       : 30
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48832

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:51:06 PM
Visit Count       : 30
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48833

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:03:17 PM
Visit Count       : 30
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48755

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:03:17 PM
Visit Count       : 30
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48754

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:03:17 PM
Visit Count       : 30
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48753

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:37:07 PM
Visit Count       : 30
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48806

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:57:21 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48732

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:57:21 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48731

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:57:21 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48730

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:13:51 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48793

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:13:51 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48792

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:31:11 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48877

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:31:11 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48878

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:10:10 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48774

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:10:10 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48775

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:10:10 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48776

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:31:11 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48879

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:32:04 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48889

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:32:04 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48888

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:52:11 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48906

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:52:11 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48908

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:32:04 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48890

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:32:39 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48900

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:52:11 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48907

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:32:39 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48899

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:32:39 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48898

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:29:57 PM
Visit Count       : 33
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
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Record ID         : 48863

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:29:57 PM
Visit Count       : 33
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48861

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:13:51 PM
Visit Count       : 33
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48794

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:29:57 PM
Visit Count       : 33
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 69
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48862

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Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:29:57 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 730
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Record ID         : 48860

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Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:37:07 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 705
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Record ID         : 48804

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/?rb=eh_Zb7lpQLfuGcYrJgzRGKanwVooVcyULBwtKogmbxS9JuPq1HpP-MzLse9V-HSBC37ejsYWlRJzmLFdxwVhpgsrgBEEtgGfa152_iHGQLSNQYLHshBS3uzDkhxzcCV7bm12OtXmiEYJmkzjv2XQuYEhC71PG8eiCiONkQuLmKtdE_RnLrnfo8gtr0g-NREsraU9V1oZ3ymi6mjIX1ihmTXcQYtUKP7ilEvgX0g_EeWC9F0FZvhvcpYJkB28Vk3v1dw0ugmFSGYAAOlAwBziMWw3pA9PznPtR229pQ%3D%3D&request_ab2=0&zoneid=4425332&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&fs=0&cf=0&sw=1536&sh=864&sah=816&wx=9&wy=9&ww=1537&wh=865&cw=1506&wiw=1522&wih=778&wfc=3&pl=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen208%2Fyoutube-to-mp3&drf=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen235&np=1&pt=0&nb=1&ng=1&ix=0&nw=1&tb=false&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&bs=64a5a055-e4d4-42b7-8f70-3d15b1613ace&userId=46b144fac3094d17bad921d4449c517c&fallback=early-click-pnd
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:52:11 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 730
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48905

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/?rb=FQEMfTTgVR-nvbbj-IMqHr1qJhYSrCG5FUvP8xv3Z8b3981T2U-Y4-9SjA6mScroA_04eHPKVB852Qhh_iiTxES5Czfio8a_YFHkQdnpjjvojqP-1pQZoycRNoHqM6izJT2DDeGBEEFEyuqJhFks1zuDbI210vO44NhOlIhmPWBEZ10IuZ2_s4c_fZ53o3xCsCLrhU5cJy2J70MI9eWzIdCkjXzfNcyH95gpDbacq-4IfDYV6umRJ7CG8sC1wvm33inGW8f7W9-UNzfjZn5E9w%3D%3D&request_ab2=0&zoneid=3381349&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&fs=0&cf=0&sw=1536&sh=864&sah=816&wx=0&wy=0&ww=1536&wh=816&cw=1519&wiw=1536&wih=666&wfc=2&pl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.y2mate.com%2Fyoutube%2FEka7J5br8zw&drf=&np=1&pt=0&nb=1&ng=1&ix=0&nw=1&tb=false&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&bs=2385adb4-8d3b-4059-ae1b-47a221283715&userId=8dde42089a9942ecb504777d50817866
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:15:45 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Profile 1
URL Length        : 664
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\History
Record ID         : 21876

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/?rb=gwIRQvc7R_ro0jFnSm4tJpErzsrcH3nhfuvh-jvUg3LnoSpXPnN--nGWnf49YMkUU7_T-AMK03GIRbfr9DeJ51euVzEHXVJMsFKZ7_oUYtV7lOxzWLc5ONzNLANUe1qA1LTSZwgKcPk65AbzFMuwOFGEE5ecDe1guJBcky__h8Y714zRP8lHLOiC4H9E6E01LT0xLy4_x2ipIWjeK-cWYDs37bbTwrElSS8o1tmR5SwK0bG9xdGf0czjU9VTRJbviCBQD-WpWhUSHfEwV_8vuwR-oTJdmazQT9xXTw%3D%3D&request_ab2=0&zoneid=4425332&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&fs=0&cf=0&sw=1536&sh=864&sah=816&wx=0&wy=0&ww=1536&wh=816&cw=1519&wiw=1536&wih=746&wfc=3&pl=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen235&drf=&np=1&pt=0&nb=1&ng=1&ix=0&nw=1&tb=false&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&bs=6b42f3b8-9c8f-46f7-ab74-03f816bef0d1&userId=46b144fac3094d17bad921d4449c517c
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:03:17 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 658
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48752

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Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:32:39 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 730
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48897

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/?rb=j6wQFLuW0-sR8CMsJEyDyu8Rfd25uQonpjhqvkSThwxUuc_o-oUtBLD1Fdkal7NGKJg_3VvfAJdUXC4Y8pYCNYf_8CNTIWYjRbqDkm7cD39nRgFMjE46YNkCeIrBjfYTy0uRq1-_C8CDfptF-OL3JaHVE34DrIF1Ahqcc9OOILSFh0rp82o60EDwoY3FWfpDkEoVn_1i7EmWcg8_LXOCM0_oGRrh0lh18CD2xeH6xwlZLniV77cET3aXxzLnfyurV2o0UK3_mZ6yK-8JYaRXRI8uPWebCfC9hhRuMQ%3D%3D&request_ab2=0&zoneid=4425332&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&fs=0&cf=0&sw=1536&sh=864&sah=816&wx=0&wy=0&ww=1536&wh=864&cw=1506&wiw=1522&wih=778&wfc=3&pl=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen235&drf=&np=1&pt=0&nb=1&ng=1&ix=0&nw=1&tb=false&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&bs=63f16dfa-8eaa-4f90-82b9-668d5a7295dd&userId=46b144fac3094d17bad921d4449c517c&fallback=early-click-pns
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:13:51 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 683
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48791

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/?rb=lJ_wdC_61DD-EZHoW34h03fI9DMQHhbJcZpYTVsWGFhUd34iowWNmN59E-8ouYzy5H-zb94Mp-afYEz9NRs40GmOvVVp9QT6i3k4zPfYYTIBjoZdVqWa3ymu-85ddj8trXykOqeVXMBxClsnz5aqaCzbmerxV6UTx1seN0sFp4vtsXpDwz4FmJ1gd5VJ5fXuy3fgzwRA7JI0rQiAIVw1r6bkE0gIlAS8PTsVKbxz2Jteepeuwxmtb9-9HeMNGluHtee54fCKnzA5rtQoryV2Z7wQgnNYq2PKMuqdJw%3D%3D&request_ab2=0&zoneid=4425332&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&fs=0&cf=0&sw=1536&sh=864&sah=816&wx=0&wy=0&ww=1536&wh=864&cw=1506&wiw=1522&wih=778&wfc=2&pl=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen208%2Fyoutube-to-mp3&drf=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen235&np=1&pt=0&nb=1&ng=1&ix=0&nw=1&tb=false&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&bs=5684a478-482c-4a02-9464-f3a453751025&userId=46b144fac3094d17bad921d4449c517c&fallback=early-click-pns
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:10:10 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 730
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48773

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/?rb=lpuuS8HB-FNpeM_0CKQcfQuILxtltKg_ByAwp_8T3cg3jxItnbQgIowQWo2F2GprS8K2_fUCdikohdCvbhfRl9APH9pf3puq8wYnVbCx8i7yblAvZp5mqTK9Aj7J2f8rhJYRIEoSfdzq93uxCeDUBhrM1KjkkEsfqWH8oXD65XBKP5OXgO5ucy0FefObwJff72PquX1fr-hugzpyTxMSYlescii71KDQYlizhWib1ewc2O7TUuutJ0jER3kJ49qdL5csOi5g3x-GDC4qslPA-z3aAjrOQbM2VnDA5A%3D%3D&request_ab2=0&zoneid=4425332&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&fs=0&cf=0&sw=1536&sh=864&sah=816&wx=9&wy=9&ww=1537&wh=865&cw=1506&wiw=1522&wih=778&wfc=3&pl=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen208%2Fyoutube-to-mp3&drf=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen235&np=1&pt=0&nb=1&ng=1&ix=0&nw=1&tb=false&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&bs=64a5a055-e4d4-42b7-8f70-3d15b1613ace&userId=46b144fac3094d17bad921d4449c517c&fallback=early-click-pns
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:31:11 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 730
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48876

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/?rb=lYcgspqDNfhBLtZFV-nQbHTzgUPCYjCHRMEybFWlu8Rk8PhT3XGjuDaC6zFH7Ajxvc812p8kBHhFSfnXCEWMTcmyrnPuhoj-CHQbsWse2SERtZORHvbt7-23Pd55ceEViKpx7w4jFt-lff5R1tsqTxb1P1meACdP-gvDZjzNKHNTND3uDKhkm4zk355R4LeLHkTifE1q8dHYy_HjBKV4maiK1EWJtK5vjfze1aJ-VofQynzSRXQ-hWIn6SV-LTPptoTOhd7--DXnm4-yok5-KR7GFqLzN1aiLbrCvw%3D%3D&request_ab2=0&zoneid=4425332&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&fs=0&cf=0&sw=1536&sh=864&sah=816&wx=9&wy=9&ww=1537&wh=865&cw=1506&wiw=1522&wih=778&wfc=3&pl=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen208%2Fyoutube-to-mp3&drf=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen235&np=1&pt=0&nb=1&ng=1&ix=0&nw=1&tb=false&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&bs=64a5a055-e4d4-42b7-8f70-3d15b1613ace&userId=46b144fac3094d17bad921d4449c517c&fallback=early-click-pns
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:32:04 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 730
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48887

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/?rb=RcIkdk1WOdZNebUxnZ1KM1DNbpfDVS8mGeqmhhOAJD6A7nbx4viSIMn3GP_5UdoMB2OcPkAtqfKlsoVF3IbDeL_Hxjusi1VkTvWQFyG06-5csBRhPhWIPAwZyA7GmENb3EyX5gdLrHt2a78pH12xlTzVd9YzGIuhZxg23f0IC1hpVmszFw5v2_41p-5mYqXgrLGJWftwM4s5ngsxYSiSKxYNGcQqx-s-XuBfF0tKblF-XI3SftLG56-Gpq5tp3o4Pmne-JMFGwYUluegHrtwswRP_LYUG9_cUydIZw%3D%3D&request_ab2=0&zoneid=4425332&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&fs=0&cf=0&sw=1536&sh=864&sah=816&wx=9&wy=9&ww=1537&wh=865&cw=1506&wiw=1522&wih=778&wfc=3&pl=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen208%2Fyoutube-to-mp3&drf=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen235&np=1&pt=0&nb=1&ng=1&ix=0&nw=1&tb=false&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&bs=64a5a055-e4d4-42b7-8f70-3d15b1613ace&userId=46b144fac3094d17bad921d4449c517c
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:51:05 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 705
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48831

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/?rb=rjtehuxqtmRMG2SHhjkBXaE82rYNLYVV-IKP0gMw1Dujg8CC-yaBSp7zIsYT0sD1CjSFkosZmLk7d07jDyaojpsfTDTgNCwKcYjyAF9lka6U5FZioklBADfwDKBGOzSdBCqXFV0VjLcx6g4PH8QtZbrMYuy_C8zm0JQz05muOkeysXKPJMGm6aFMK9bTOlkby9gYHkPj2_pZ4I0BVHTY_J5xAvSSoerGnOyHpYu8HdEUOTm9uQ0VD-DSO52yIrAurhCBUOAGSN2PWoBsB_EPhj7pj7pCGG3p2XadAw%3D%3D&request_ab2=0&zoneid=4425332&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&fs=0&cf=0&sw=1536&sh=864&sah=816&wx=0&wy=0&ww=1536&wh=816&cw=1519&wiw=1536&wih=746&wfc=3&pl=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen235&drf=&np=1&pt=0&nb=1&ng=1&ix=0&nw=1&tb=false&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&bs=6b42f3b8-9c8f-46f7-ab74-03f816bef0d1&userId=46b144fac3094d17bad921d4449c517c&fallback=early-click-pns
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:57:21 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 683
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48729

URL               : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/?rb=V3j8FnpNylRp15p9-lWs0un4pjeNzvuqVPaoRMIdiPAK0qkm43lUMiy7Qeok7mteUy2OuyktiqUp5IrKMXurVowqwOzUOyxMEK7kSlnBKQVhVGRFJOvqDLDxmsH8DQdij1VpAut7MdGqbx2RLrH4KW-baC-K83zgVzb2ot4c41ZGILCqEkbrkYkqrfstef8kbibJ4K-gdekpJ4EKai3CrLWJZExu8K3--j--kGC1q1dv0xkxlNSgB2IeaFwU9-5_ltyh2kTsTMQJIVt5qr1zcuidiVIY06bhVriHLQ%3D%3D&request_ab2=0&zoneid=4425332&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&fs=0&cf=0&sw=1536&sh=864&sah=816&wx=0&wy=0&ww=1536&wh=816&cw=1519&wiw=1536&wih=746&wfc=3&pl=https%3A%2F%2Fyt1s.com%2Fen235&drf=&np=1&pt=0&nb=1&ng=1&ix=0&nw=1&tb=false&js_build=iclick-v1.377.2&bs=b41f3358-218b-4531-aa33-403d8ffbb725&userId=46b144fac3094d17bad921d4449c517c
Title             : Redirect
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:53:23 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 658
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48686

URL               : https://checkoutshopper-live.adyen.com/checkoutshopper/services/PaymentIncomingRedirect/v1/localPaymentMethod?merchantAccount=CGTraderCOM&returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cgtrader.com%2Fcg%2Fcheckout%2Fverify&additionalData=fVWaICJj0VRNTD7HBpc%2BBQ%3D%3D%21QcO86O4mLo%2Bl6qKNxDUXHN5sU0BRGMaBLxB0SUr69kip1Yh3a%2Fhf&authResult=AUTHORISED&merchantIntegrationVersion=1.3.2&merchantReference=6270426&merchantReturnData=X3G35G9ZJMXRS722&merchantSig=BZ2NzED57tWblgwi134AbABpK2xDLBvjHW4x4zNKUmA%3D&paymentMethod=paypal&pspReference=XXJZRSRXGXBR8HG2&returnURLSignature=2IY8Lq4X1G%2F%2Fb08fx%2BYinVyWr2XjFUEEmXOD8ZPZJbg%3D&shopperLocale=en_US&skinCode=pub.v2.2615221351411448.ADxwXQao88jt5ZfSHRFqJI5tCjKsS7hvwCLkYbpgli8
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Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 704
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Record ID         : 49130

URL               : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/autodraw-for-skribblio/bpnefockcbbpkbahgkkacjmebfheacjb
Title             : AutoDraw for skribbl.io - Chrome Web Store
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:16:15 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 97
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Record ID         : 48980

URL               : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/autodraw-for-skribblio/bpnefockcbbpkbahgkkacjmebfheacjb
Title             : AutoDraw for skribbl.io - Chrome Web Store
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:23:27 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://github.com/galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 97
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Record ID         : 48993

URL               : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/autodraw-for-skribblio/bpnefockcbbpkbahgkkacjmebfheacjb/related
Title             : AutoDraw for skribbl.io - Chrome Web Store
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:16:24 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 105
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Record ID         : 48981

URL               : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skribblio-bot/egfjccfngpialgcfdanenhidjhcbbonp
Title             : skribbl.io Bot - Chrome Web Store
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:22:20 AM
Visit Count       : 4
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 88
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Record ID         : 49283

URL               : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skribblio-bot/egfjccfngpialgcfdanenhidjhcbbonp
Title             : skribbl.io Bot - Chrome Web Store
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:22:47 AM
Visit Count       : 4
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 88
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Record ID         : 49285

URL               : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skribblio-bot/egfjccfngpialgcfdanenhidjhcbbonp
Title             : skribbl.io Bot - Chrome Web Store
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:25:06 PM
Visit Count       : 4
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 88
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Record ID         : 48995

URL               : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skribblio-bot/egfjccfngpialgcfdanenhidjhcbbonp
Title             : skribbl.io Bot - Chrome Web Store
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:15:55 PM
Visit Count       : 4
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 88
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Record ID         : 48978

URL               : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skribblio-bot/egfjccfngpialgcfdanenhidjhcbbonp/related
Title             : skribbl.io Bot - Chrome Web Store
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:16:02 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 96
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Record ID         : 48979

URL               : https://ciledfry.com/el12/?_subid=12e8722r8fbr&external_id=534554366687241012&ymid=534554366687241012&scenario=promo12v2ns&user_agent=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows+NT+10.0%3B+Win64%3B+x64%29+AppleWebKit%2F537.36+%28KHTML%2C+like+Gecko%29+Chrome%2F100.0.4896.60+Safari%2F537.36+Edg%2F100.0.1185.29&browser=Microsoft+Edge&browser_version=100.0.1185.29&language=EN&os=Windows&os_version=10
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Visit Count       : 1
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Record ID         : 48967

URL               : https://ciledfry.com/el12/?_subid=gqcuiur11a9&external_id=534240598484640589&ymid=534240598484640589&scenario=promo12v2ns&user_agent=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows+NT+10.0%3B+Win64%3B+x64%29+AppleWebKit%2F537.36+%28KHTML%2C+like+Gecko%29+Chrome%2F99.0.4844.74+Safari%2F537.36+Edg%2F99.0.1150.55&browser=Microsoft+Edge&browser_version=99.0.1150.55&language=EN&os=Windows&os_version=10
Title             : Power Blocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:53:24 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 48692

URL               : https://ciledfry.com/el12/?_subid=gqcuiur14ao&external_id=534244875190063939&ymid=534244875190063939&scenario=promo12v2ns&user_agent=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows+NT+10.0%3B+Win64%3B+x64%29+AppleWebKit%2F537.36+%28KHTML%2C+like+Gecko%29+Chrome%2F99.0.4844.74+Safari%2F537.36+Edg%2F99.0.1150.55&browser=Microsoft+Edge&browser_version=99.0.1150.55&language=EN&os=Windows&os_version=10
Title             : Power Blocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:13:25 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 377
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Record ID         : 48783

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Title             : Power Blocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:32:05 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 377
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Record ID         : 48893

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User Profile      : josia
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Record ID         : 6479

URL               : https://content.lifecycle.office.net/launchpad/v1/launchpad.sdx.html?partnerid=officewin32&language=en-us&market=ca&experienceid=buy&campaignid=prod_unlicensed_cons_fuel_acq_rfm_inapptbabuy&sessionid=354d7ea1-f58d-4d6f-884f-93d4bc33d86e&cid=28807e81b41a704d_liveid&preload=true&_host_info=word$win32$16.01$en-us$$$$16
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User Profile      : josia
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Record ID         : 6481

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Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:53:07 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : josia
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Record ID         : 6478

URL               : https://content.lifecycle.office.net/launchpad/v1/launchpad.sdx.html?partnerid=officewin32&language=en-us&market=ca&experienceid=try&campaignid=prod_officeoobe_cons_fuel_acq_rfm_inapptbatry&sessionid=354d7ea1-f58d-4d6f-884f-93d4bc33d86e&cid=28807e81b41a704d_liveid&preload=true&_host_info=word$win32$16.01$en-us$$$$16
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Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:53:08 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : josia
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Record ID         : 6480

URL               : https://d33hx1blas31yh.cloudfront.net/ipm/winzip-comp/wz-pdf-pro/launch.html?x-source=un2-ipm-eval-current&lang=en&utm_source=IPM&utm_medium=WZ26&utm_campaign=blast_eval
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 9:26:04 AM
Visit Count       : 3
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Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : josia
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Record ID         : 6411

URL               : https://dashlets.co/mods/voicemod-license-key/
Title             : Voicemod license key - Best Free File
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:40:25 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 46
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48607

URL               : https://desktopnotificationshub.com/TNs6IoXJpQ38J1e8YHUFnHGXFMMxws-U0JlPzO0hnpY/?clck=09f09e204d96931220c77c4071f1c015&sid=16747524
Title             : Click Allow if you're not a robot
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:25:20 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.buckshaw.org/skribbl-io-hacks/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 131
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48998

URL               : https://diffzi.com/cold-war-vs-hot-war/#:~:text=Key%20Differences%20between%20Cold%20War%20and%20Hot%20War,but%20not%20in%20Cold%20war.%20More%20items...%20
Title             : Cold War vs. Hot War – Diffzi
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:15:41 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=Cold+War+vs+Hot+War&cvid=9cb6be757799491fb1890190e13e28d0&aqs=edge..69i57j0l3.674j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 156
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Record ID         : 49465

URL               : https://discord.com/api/connections/spotify/callback?code=AQALGHnD189OXrHIB0vvglRB8D5kxr1iA5c2r3wRjZZHZN6E2KJx70NgJcRyVdTqM1qpB55_N2XeJI_n_8skhMF7r-ZcwulSxfeI6HHdHBsicmzvX6ojktlObHMGTZ_j2q5SvQ5iLIC7fH0KzTLtWSS_yfxb4a-S3NV2zcdjCgwMU_Xy2uodeuCmIN6qNeSsPfnFKfzfN5PQjN9cUtrY2uk0G-Tu7cnT2X9Tx_6UNZj7zvDZrZyq5sctJI1tHOsj3Xkx-R5o16ABsz5bbzWT-jK92GcVi3YdqLtMHAuDlD4v5-dNXqxZQgxFESTnPACnj5j22g8fnhTilJYZlSg&state=234bd486f02765eb414b7d63f347ce24
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Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 436
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Record ID         : 49408

URL               : https://discord.com/app
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:00:52 PM
Visit Count       : 12
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
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Record ID         : 49611

URL               : https://discord.com/app
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:30:55 PM
Visit Count       : 12
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
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Record ID         : 49714

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/871182312858079302/871187064274685952
Title             : ┃announcments
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:53:34 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49592

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/871182312858079302/871187139994452058
Title             : ┃partnerships
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:53:33 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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User Profile      : josia
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URL               : https://discord.com/channels/871182312858079302/871187139994452058
Title             : ┃partnerships
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:53:33 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49591

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/871182312858079302/871187139994452058
Title             : ┃partnerships
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:53:33 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49590

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/871182312858079302/871187243438592012
Title             : ┃welcome
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:53:31 PM
Visit Count       : 4
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49588

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/876711132675596298/876711132742688772
Title             : ・┃arrivals
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:53:26 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49587

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/876711132675596298/876711132742688772
Title             : ・┃arrivals
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:10:37 AM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49353

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/876711132675596298/876711132742688772
Title             : ・┃arrivals
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:19:14 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49335

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/876711132675596298/937381113679183903
Title             : ・┃msg
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:19:22 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49336

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909046974995628044
Title             : │welcome
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:22:28 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49378

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:11:25 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49652

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:57:16 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49604

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:00:14 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49608

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:54:51 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49597

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:11:21 AM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49363

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:09:25 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49646

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:28:10 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49384

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:54:04 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49593

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:09:10 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49644

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:23:02 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49656

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:29:05 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49660

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:22:34 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49379

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:06:39 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49635

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:57:09 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49602

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:04:56 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49625

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:19:08 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49367

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:18:58 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49366

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:54:28 PM
Visit Count       : 65
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49595

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909056519436394526
Title             : │announcements
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:57:12 PM
Visit Count       : 11
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49603

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909056519436394526
Title             : │announcements
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:55:21 PM
Visit Count       : 11
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49598

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909056519436394526
Title             : │announcements
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:57:04 PM
Visit Count       : 11
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49601

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909056519436394526
Title             : │announcements
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:57:27 PM
Visit Count       : 11
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49605

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909056519436394526
Title             : │announcements
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:54:12 PM
Visit Count       : 11
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49594

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909058047140298793
Title             : │editing-help
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:26:42 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49380

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/909058047140298793
Title             : │editing-help
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:28:06 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49383

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/927703962466025472
Title             : verification
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:11:12 AM
Visit Count       : 10
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49362

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/927703962466025472
Title             : verification
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:04:41 PM
Visit Count       : 10
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49624

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/909045146115518544/927703962466025472
Title             : verification
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:22:46 PM
Visit Count       : 10
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49655

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/921404737662894090/921404737662894093
Title             : gen
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:01:32 PM
Visit Count       : 5
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49615

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/921404737662894090/947716248169480224
Title             : ✯skullboard☠
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:01:29 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49614

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/934148233968635944/934148234027356253
Title             : ᯽│staff-store
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:19:02 PM
Visit Count       : 9
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49334

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/934148233968635944/934148234027356253
Title             : ᯽│staff-store
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:10:39 AM
Visit Count       : 9
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49355

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/934148233968635944/934148234027356253
Title             : ᯽│staff-store
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:18:56 PM
Visit Count       : 9
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49331

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/935706291303743579/935706841806172200
Title             : general
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:18:58 PM
Visit Count       : 4
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49332

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/935706291303743579/935706841806172200
Title             : general
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:11:05 AM
Visit Count       : 4
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49361

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/935706291303743579/935706841806172200
Title             : general
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:10:41 AM
Visit Count       : 4
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49359

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/935706291303743579/935707783632928808
Title             : nigger-wizzed-by-menas
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:19:00 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49333

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/935706291303743579/935707783632928808
Title             : nigger-wizzed-by-menas
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:10:40 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49357

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/941503815545405500/941504636886605875
Title             : ・gen
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:55:31 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49600

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/941503815545405500/941519131985973288
Title             : ・welc
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:55:28 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49599

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/944531587989659658/944631146975735868
Title             : rules
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:09:00 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49642

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/944531587989659658/961085915617456158
Title             : anouncements
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:08:54 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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Record ID         : 49641

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/944531587989659658/961115803174993970
Title             : txt
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:09:05 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49643

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/944531587989659658/961115803174993970
Title             : txt
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:09:19 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49645

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:53:16 PM
Visit Count       : 63
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49586

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:18:33 PM
Visit Count       : 63
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49364

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:18:21 PM
Visit Count       : 63
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49328

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:30:12 PM
Visit Count       : 63
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49711

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:30:57 PM
Visit Count       : 63
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49715

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:10:01 PM
Visit Count       : 63
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49648

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:00:52 PM
Visit Count       : 63
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49612

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:18:43 PM
Visit Count       : 63
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49365

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:22:38 PM
Visit Count       : 63
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49653

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/872508346207457340
Title             : tonio sex club
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:54:34 PM
Visit Count       : 16
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49596

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/872508346207457340
Title             : tonio sex club
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:27:24 PM
Visit Count       : 16
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49381

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/908870776474714124
Title             : MEE6
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:09:59 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49647

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/908871566975193168
Title             : noodle
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:05:50 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49631

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/908876248640548874
Title             : acegotfx
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:05:45 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49630

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/908879529714528296
Title             : Lixuals
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:10:13 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49650

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/908880902904500255
Title             : Gokus
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:05:32 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49627

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/908883364084318279
Title             : Sprite
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:07:21 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49637

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/908886406254985296
Title             : S_tonio
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:05:44 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49629

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/908886406254985296
Title             : S_tonio
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:05:56 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49632

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/908887674700595260
Title             : Lixuals
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:07:36 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49640

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/908894469116526602
Title             : ixaiiah
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:05:39 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49628

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/909039168980668448
Title             : SAT0
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:07:11 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49636

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/909039168980668448
Title             : SAT0
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:06:23 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49634

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/909046710444097627
Title             : Zuka.vis
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:06:19 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49633

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/909048267847925770
Title             : menastrating
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:05:28 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49626

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/909048267847925770
Title             : menastrating
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:03:17 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49620

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/909048267847925770
Title             : menastrating
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:25:32 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49657

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/909048267847925770
Title             : menastrating
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:22:44 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49654

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/909048267847925770
Title             : menastrating
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:00:56 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49613

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/909048267847925770
Title             : menastrating
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:03:54 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49621

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/909048267847925770
Title             : menastrating
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:04:37 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49623

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/914330669025460315
Title             : Welcomer
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:11:24 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49651

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/914331427619897344
Title             : hrxzz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:10:08 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49649

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/926378829981839411
Title             : bana
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:07:31 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49639

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/932766725093605386
Title             : jupiter+
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:27:58 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49382

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/935154860054175786
Title             : Baki
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:18:50 PM
Visit Count       : 12
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49330

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/938551941838041229
Title             : segs
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:18:44 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49329

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/948677043283972206
Title             : nemui
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:07:27 PM
Visit Count       : 5
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49638

URL               : https://discord.com/channels/@me/955160742838034462
Title             : Jeremiah
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:04:22 PM
Visit Count       : 11
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49622

URL               : https://discord.com/connections/spotify?code=AQALGHnD189OXrHIB0vvglRB8D5kxr1iA5c2r3wRjZZHZN6E2KJx70NgJcRyVdTqM1qpB55_N2XeJI_n_8skhMF7r-ZcwulSxfeI6HHdHBsicmzvX6ojktlObHMGTZ_j2q5SvQ5iLIC7fH0KzTLtWSS_yfxb4a-S3NV2zcdjCgwMU_Xy2uodeuCmIN6qNeSsPfnFKfzfN5PQjN9cUtrY2uk0G-Tu7cnT2X9Tx_6UNZj7zvDZrZyq5sctJI1tHOsj3Xkx-R5o16ABsz5bbzWT-jK92GcVi3YdqLtMHAuDlD4v5-dNXqxZQgxFESTnPACnj5j22g8fnhTilJYZlSg&state=234bd486f02765eb414b7d63f347ce24
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:08:19 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://discord.com/api/connections/spotify/callback?code=AQALGHnD189OXrHIB0vvglRB8D5kxr1iA5c2r3wRjZZHZN6E2KJx70NgJcRyVdTqM1qpB55_N2XeJI_n_8skhMF7r-ZcwulSxfeI6HHdHBsicmzvX6ojktlObHMGTZ_j2q5SvQ5iLIC7fH0KzTLtWSS_yfxb4a-S3NV2zcdjCgwMU_Xy2uodeuCmIN6qNeSsPfnFKfzfN5PQjN9cUtrY2uk0G-Tu7cnT2X9Tx_6UNZj7zvDZrZyq5sctJI1tHOsj3Xkx-R5o16ABsz5bbzWT-jK92GcVi3YdqLtMHAuDlD4v5-dNXqxZQgxFESTnPACnj5j22g8fnhTilJYZlSg&state=234bd486f02765eb414b7d63f347ce24
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 423
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49409

URL               : https://discord.com/login
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:30:40 PM
Visit Count       : 12
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 25
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49713

URL               : https://discord.com/login
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:00:26 PM
Visit Count       : 12
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 25
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49610

URL               : https://discord.com/login
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:08:24 AM
Visit Count       : 12
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 25
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49338

URL               : https://discord.com/login?redirect_to=%2Fchannels%2F%40me
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:30:40 PM
Visit Count       : 8
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 57
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49712

URL               : https://discord.com/login?redirect_to=%2Fchannels%2F876711132675596298%2F876711132742688772
Title             : ・┃arrivals
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:10:37 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 91
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49354

URL               : https://discord.com/login?redirect_to=%2Fchannels%2F876711132675596298%2F937381113679183903
Title             : ・┃msg
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:10:35 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 91
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49352

URL               : https://discord.com/login?redirect_to=%2Fchannels%2F876711132675596298%2F937381113679183903
Title             : ・┃msg
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:08:24 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 91
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49337

URL               : https://discord.com/login?redirect_to=%2Fchannels%2F909045146115518544%2F909051717470019634
Title             : │main-chat
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:00:26 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 91
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49609

URL               : https://discord.com/login?redirect_to=%2Fchannels%2F934148233968635944%2F934148234027356253
Title             : ᯽│staff-store
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:10:39 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 91
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49356

URL               : https://discord.com/login?redirect_to=%2Fchannels%2F935706291303743579%2F935706841806172200
Title             : general
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:10:41 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 91
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49360

URL               : https://discord.com/login?redirect_to=%2Fchannels%2F935706291303743579%2F935707783632928808
Title             : nigger-wizzed-by-menas
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:10:40 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 91
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49358

URL               : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsaw_Pact#:~:text=The%20Warsaw%20Treaty%20Organization%20%28WTO%29%2C%20officially%20the%20Treaty,Europe%20in%20May%201955%2C%20during%20the%20Cold%20War.
Title             : Warsaw Pact - Wikipedia
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:30:01 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=The+Warsaw+Pact&cvid=a29bb68ff09942c291fdc58b02254163&aqs=edge..69i57.1378j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 186
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49495

URL               : https://epicgames.com/id/login/google/forward?extLoginState=eyJ0cmFja2luZ1V1aWQiOiI1Y2ZhODJmMjJiZmY0YWZkOTRjMDE4ODNmZGExMTg0MCIsImxvZ2luUmVxdWVzdElkIjoiM2I0Mjg5YmU0ZDI4NDhlZWI3ODAwNWFkODZhNzgxZDkiLCJhdXRoQ29kZSI6bnVsbCwiaXNQb3B1cCI6dHJ1ZX0%253D&lang=en-US&externalNonce=EugURO6F
Title             : Sign in - Google Accounts
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:22:56 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 278
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Record ID         : 48643

URL               : https://epicgames.com/id/oauth-authorized?state=eyJpZCI6IjFiOTJkOGYxMzU0NzQyOTliNjZkYzgxOWQ4YmNkNzFkIiwibG9naW5SZXF1ZXN0SWQiOiIzYjQyODliZTRkMjg0OGVlYjc4MDA1YWQ4NmE3ODFkOSJ9&code=4%2F0AX4XfWjsfqP0HjakBdGu8Bxbrkq6W77qVmzbbeZB_u9RbzsUtc2n_ewcaBRyMMFRL05vXg&scope=email+profile+openid+https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fuserinfo.email+https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Fuserinfo.profile&authuser=1&prompt=none
Title             : Epic Games
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:23:01 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 419
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Record ID         : 48649

URL               : https://freepartner.us/?u=adgp60a&o=nqm0ftl&t=wordpress
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:40:30 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://outto.us/m-ilay-t1/Voicemod+license+key
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 55
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48609

URL               : https://gapscult.com/?b=12576526&ba=1&campid=5461006&did=2&dm=1&ep=1&g=CA&l=1OYfLP7FN1Hgpja&oaid=46b144fac3094d17bad921d4449c517c&s=534265210991866799&ssk=d08128154b476cf4e7d5221641c51ed7&svar=1648942272&vi=1&vo=1&z=4425332&tr=default
Title             : Browser Recommended
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:31:12 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 234
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48880

URL               : https://gapscult.com/?rzi=4425332&rsz=4425332&rid=
Title             : Browser Recommended
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:31:12 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://gapscult.com/?b=12576526&ba=1&campid=5461006&did=2&dm=1&ep=1&g=CA&l=1OYfLP7FN1Hgpja&oaid=46b144fac3094d17bad921d4449c517c&s=534265210991866799&ssk=d08128154b476cf4e7d5221641c51ed7&svar=1648942272&vi=1&vo=1&z=4425332&tr=default
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 50
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48881

URL               : https://github.com/galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw
Title             : GitHub - galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw: Chrome extension that automatically draws images in pictionary game, skribbl.io.
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:23:01 PM
Visit Count       : 5
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48992

URL               : https://github.com/galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw
Title             : GitHub - galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw: Chrome extension that automatically draws images in pictionary game, skribbl.io.
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:17:17 PM
Visit Count       : 5
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48984

URL               : https://github.com/galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw
Title             : GitHub - galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw: Chrome extension that automatically draws images in pictionary game, skribbl.io.
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:17:14 PM
Visit Count       : 5
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48983

URL               : https://github.com/galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw
Title             : GitHub - galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw: Chrome extension that automatically draws images in pictionary game, skribbl.io.
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:17:22 PM
Visit Count       : 5
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48987

URL               : https://github.com/galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw
Title             : GitHub - galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw: Chrome extension that automatically draws images in pictionary game, skribbl.io.
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:16:31 PM
Visit Count       : 5
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48982

URL               : https://github.com/galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw/commit/ab240ed8edb69341a8e9b3c6bdeac3189923d74c
Title             : Made custom CORS proxy to fix image loading failures and timeouts whe… · galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw@ab240ed · GitHub
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:17:17 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 97
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48986

URL               : https://github.com/galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw/commit/ab240ed8edb69341a8e9b3c6bdeac3189923d74c
Title             : Made custom CORS proxy to fix image loading failures and timeouts whe… · galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw@ab240ed · GitHub
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:17:35 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 97
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48988

URL               : https://github.com/galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw/commit/ab240ed8edb69341a8e9b3c6bdeac3189923d74c
Title             : Made custom CORS proxy to fix image loading failures and timeouts whe… · galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw@ab240ed · GitHub
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:17:35 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 97
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48989

URL               : https://github.com/galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw/commit/ab240ed8edb69341a8e9b3c6bdeac3189923d74c
Title             : Made custom CORS proxy to fix image loading failures and timeouts whe… · galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw@ab240ed · GitHub
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:17:17 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 97
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48985

URL               : https://github.com/galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw/commit/ab240ed8edb69341a8e9b3c6bdeac3189923d74c#diff-a851ea1a31998ea9eb2004cf629a4339cdd48a7f2974ec7ed3112c5639df322c
Title             : Made custom CORS proxy to fix image loading failures and timeouts whe… · galehouse5/skribbl-io-autodraw@ab240ed · GitHub
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:17:40 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 167
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48990

URL               : https://github.com/topics/discord-raid-bot
Title             : discord-raid-bot · GitHub Topics · GitHub
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:02:52 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=server+botter+discord&cvid=71de263ab0c54ba0b989eeca88409a9d&aqs=edge.0.0j69i57j0l7.3200j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 42
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49322

URL               : https://github.com/topics/discord-raid-bot
Title             : discord-raid-bot · GitHub Topics · GitHub
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:03:17 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 42
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49324

URL               : https://github.com/Walkoud/raidbotdiscord
Title             : GitHub - Walkoud/raidbotdiscord: create your bot discord raid in discord.js node.js
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:03:04 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://github.com/topics/discord-raid-bot
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 41
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49323

URL               : https://globalnews.ca/news/3859388/canada-peacekeeping-role-un/
Title             : Canada’s dwindling peacekeeping role in the world: What happened? - National | Globalnews.ca
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:08:04 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://globalnews.ca/news/3859388/canada-peacekeeping-role-un/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 63
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48590

URL               : https://globalnews.ca/news/3859388/canada-peacekeeping-role-un/
Title             : Canada’s dwindling peacekeeping role in the world: What happened? - National | Globalnews.ca
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:08:03 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 63
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48589

URL               : https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2007705
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 2022-04-10 9:02:02 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : 
URL Length        : 47
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Record ID         : 6538

URL               : https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2007705
Title             : Microsoft Privacy Statement – Microsoft privacy
Visit Time        : 2022-04-10 9:02:04 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 47
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49723

URL               : https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2140622&channel=stable&version=100.0.1185.29
Title             : Microsoft Edge
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:37:58 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 84
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48936

URL               : https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/the-cold-war-an-era-of-fear/
Title             : The Cold War: an Era of Fear: [Essay Example], 2483 words GradesFixer
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:50:16 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=was+there+a+Culture+of+Fear+in+North+America+during+the+Cold+War.&cvid=2fd2fd06f84d499480caa0730852637b&aqs=edge..69i57.32100j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 72
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49445

URL               : https://harryloider.com/derdss?source=4425332&external_id=534240598484640589&cost=0.004845&language=en&useragent=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0;%20Win64;%20x64)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/99.0.4844.74%20Safari/537.36%20Edg/99.0.1150.55
Title             : Power Blocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:53:24 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 268
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48690

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Title             : Power Blocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:13:25 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 268
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48781

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Title             : Power Blocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:32:05 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 268
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48891

URL               : https://harryloider.com/derdss?source=4425332&external_id=534554366687241012&cost=0.000803&language=en&useragent=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0;%20Win64;%20x64)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/100.0.4896.60%20Safari/537.36%20Edg/100.0.1185.29
Title             : Power Blocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:40:31 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 270
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48965

URL               : https://hybrid-free.mystrikingly.com/blog/how-to-buy-voicemod-pro
Title             : How To Buy Voicemod Pro
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:39:28 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=buy+voicemod+license+key&go=Search&qs=ds&form=QBRE
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 65
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48601

URL               : https://jacanswers.com/what-was-the-major-fear-during-the-cold-war/
Title             : What was the major fear during the cold war? - JacAnswers
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:36:37 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=was+there+fear+of+north+america+during+the+cold+war&cvid=e4b3ec314a834b8b8f3cc13146ec46a7&aqs=edge..69i57j69i64.12439j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 67
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49501

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:37:15 AM
Visit Count       : 47
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 28
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48569

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:08:03 PM
Visit Count       : 47
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 28
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49111

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:50:19 AM
Visit Count       : 47
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 28
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49233

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:19:12 PM
Visit Count       : 47
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 28
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49368

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:34:20 AM
Visit Count       : 47
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 28
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49413

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 12:48:11 PM
Visit Count       : 47
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 28
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49038

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 12:48:11 PM
Visit Count       : 50
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 31
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49039

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:19:12 PM
Visit Count       : 50
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 31
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49369

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:37:15 AM
Visit Count       : 50
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 31
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48570

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:34:20 AM
Visit Count       : 50
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 31
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49414

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:34:20 AM
Visit Count       : 50
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 31
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49415

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:50:19 AM
Visit Count       : 50
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 31
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49234

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:08:03 PM
Visit Count       : 50
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 31
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49112

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:19:28 PM
Visit Count       : 42
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49372

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 12:48:21 PM
Visit Count       : 42
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49041

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:34:32 AM
Visit Count       : 42
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49417

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:37:25 AM
Visit Count       : 42
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48572

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:50:48 AM
Visit Count       : 42
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49236

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#login
Title             : King's-Edgehill School
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:50:20 AM
Visit Count       : 42
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 37
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49235

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#login
Title             : King's-Edgehill School
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:34:20 AM
Visit Count       : 42
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 37
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49416

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#login
Title             : King's-Edgehill School
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:19:23 PM
Visit Count       : 42
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 37
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49371

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#login
Title             : King's-Edgehill School
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:19:13 PM
Visit Count       : 42
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 37
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49370

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#login
Title             : King's-Edgehill School
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 12:48:12 PM
Visit Count       : 42
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 37
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49040

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app#login
Title             : King's-Edgehill School
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:37:16 AM
Visit Count       : 42
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 37
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48571

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/
Title             : Student
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 12:48:21 PM
Visit Count       : 45
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49042

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/
Title             : Student
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:34:32 AM
Visit Count       : 45
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49418

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/
Title             : Student
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:50:48 AM
Visit Count       : 45
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49237

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/
Title             : Student
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:19:28 PM
Visit Count       : 45
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49373

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/
Title             : Student
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:37:25 AM
Visit Count       : 45
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48573

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student
Title             : Student
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:37:25 AM
Visit Count       : 51
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 39
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48574

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student
Title             : Student
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:08:03 PM
Visit Count       : 51
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 39
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49113

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student
Title             : Student
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:34:32 AM
Visit Count       : 51
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 39
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49419

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student
Title             : Student
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 12:48:21 PM
Visit Count       : 51
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 39
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49043

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student
Title             : Student
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:19:28 PM
Visit Count       : 51
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 39
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49374

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student
Title             : Student
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:50:48 AM
Visit Count       : 51
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 39
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49238

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#
Title             : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:08:49 AM
Visit Count       : 25
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 40
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49341

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#academicclass/111880418/0/assignments
Title             : Student : (2)
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:42:53 AM
Visit Count       : 30
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 77
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49438

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#academicclass/111880418/0/assignments
Title             : Student : (2)
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:52:40 AM
Visit Count       : 30
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 77
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49249

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#academicclass/111880418/0/assignments
Title             : Student : (2)
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:19:49 PM
Visit Count       : 30
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 77
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49377

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#academicclass/111880418/0/bulletinboard
Title             : Student : (2) Bulletin Board
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:52:38 AM
Visit Count       : 43
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 79
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49248

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#academicclass/111880418/0/bulletinboard
Title             : Student : (2) Bulletin Board
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:38:02 AM
Visit Count       : 43
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 79
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48576

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#academicclass/111880418/0/bulletinboard
Title             : Student : (2) Bulletin Board
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:42:33 AM
Visit Count       : 43
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 79
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49437

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#academicclass/111880418/0/bulletinboard
Title             : Student : (2) Bulletin Board
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:19:47 PM
Visit Count       : 43
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 79
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49376

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#academicclass/111880418/0/topics
Title             : Student : (1)
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:38:55 AM
Visit Count       : 25
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 72
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48577

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#activitypage/112433382/bulletinboard
Title             : Student : (2) Bulletin Board
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:08:07 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 76
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49115

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#assignmentdetail/16561326/28006691/0/academicclass--111880418--0--assignments
Title             : Student : (2)
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:52:42 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 117
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49250

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#assignmentdetail/16561326/28006691/0/academicclass--111880418--0--assignments
Title             : Student : (2)
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:08:38 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 117
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49339

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#assignmentdetail/16561326/28006691/0/academicclass--111880418--0--assignments
Title             : Student : (2)
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:42:55 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 117
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49439

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#assignmentdetail/16561326/28006691/0/academicclass--111880418--0--assignments
Title             : Student : (2)
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:08:50 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app?fromHash=assignmentdetail/16561326/28006691/0/academicclass--111880418--0--assignments
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 117
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49343

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#login
Title             : King's-Edgehill School
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:08:40 AM
Visit Count       : 27
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 45
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49340

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#studentmyday/schedule
Title             : Student : (2) My Day
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:19:31 PM
Visit Count       : 114
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49375

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#studentmyday/schedule
Title             : Student : (2) My Day
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:34:34 AM
Visit Count       : 114
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49420

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#studentmyday/schedule
Title             : Student : (2) My Day
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:50:53 AM
Visit Count       : 114
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49239

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#studentmyday/schedule
Title             : Student : (2) My Day
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 12:48:23 PM
Visit Count       : 114
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49044

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#studentmyday/schedule
Title             : Student : (2) My Day
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 12:52:27 PM
Visit Count       : 114
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49045

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#studentmyday/schedule
Title             : Student : (2) My Day
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:09:04 AM
Visit Count       : 114
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49344

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#studentmyday/schedule
Title             : Student : (2) My Day
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:37:27 AM
Visit Count       : 114
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48575

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app/student#studentmyday/schedule
Title             : Student : (2) My Day
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:08:04 PM
Visit Count       : 114
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49114

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/app?fromHash=assignmentdetail/16561326/28006691/0/academicclass--111880418--0--assignments
Title             : Student : (2)
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:08:50 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 118
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49342

URL               : https://kes.myschoolapp.com/ftpimages/459/download/download_7096888.pdf
Title             : download_7096888.pdf
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:08:37 PM
Visit Count       : 4
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 71
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49123

URL               : https://kingsedgehillschool-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/ksinclair_kes_ns_ca/ER_vadctG8BNtZTyf2AbaZQBxrzmGWbPLLzhDrNA7RReLQ?e=hctfx9
Title             : Clue Rehearsal and Meeting Schedule.xlsx
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:08:14 PM
Visit Count       : 8
Visited From      : https://kingsedgehillschool-my.sharepoint.com/personal/ksinclair_kes_ns_ca/_layouts/15/Authenticate.aspx?Source=%2F%3Ax%3A%2Fg%2Fpersonal%2Fksinclair%5Fkes%5Fns%5Fca%2FER%5FvadctG8BNtZTyf2AbaZQBxrzmGWbPLLzhDrNA7RReLQ%3Fe%3Dhctfx9
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 136
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49122

URL               : https://kingsedgehillschool-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/ksinclair_kes_ns_ca/ER_vadctG8BNtZTyf2AbaZQBxrzmGWbPLLzhDrNA7RReLQ?e=hctfx9
Title             : Clue Rehearsal and Meeting Schedule.xlsx
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:26:54 PM
Visit Count       : 8
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 136
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49145

URL               : https://kingsedgehillschool-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/ksinclair_kes_ns_ca/ER_vadctG8BNtZTyf2AbaZQBxrzmGWbPLLzhDrNA7RReLQ?e=hctfx9
Title             : Clue Rehearsal and Meeting Schedule.xlsx
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:08:13 PM
Visit Count       : 8
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 136
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49116

URL               : https://kingsedgehillschool-my.sharepoint.com/_forms/default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fpersonal%2fksinclair_kes_ns_ca%2f_layouts%2f15%2fAuthenticate.aspx%3fSource%3d%252F%253Ax%253A%252Fg%252Fpersonal%252Fksinclair%255Fkes%255Fns%255Fca%252FER%255FvadctG8BNtZTyf2AbaZQBxrzmGWbPLLzhDrNA7RReLQ%253Fe%253Dhctfx9&Source=cookie
Title             : Clue Rehearsal and Meeting Schedule.xlsx
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:08:13 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 314
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49118

URL               : https://kingsedgehillschool-my.sharepoint.com/personal/ksinclair_kes_ns_ca/_layouts/15/Authenticate.aspx?Source=%2F%3Ax%3A%2Fg%2Fpersonal%2Fksinclair%5Fkes%5Fns%5Fca%2FER%5FvadctG8BNtZTyf2AbaZQBxrzmGWbPLLzhDrNA7RReLQ%3Fe%3Dhctfx9
Title             : Clue Rehearsal and Meeting Schedule.xlsx
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:08:14 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : https://login.microsoftonline.com/66730f2a-496f-407b-9742-83266a6d94ad/oauth2/authorize?client_id=00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000&response_mode=form_post&protectedtoken=true&response_type=code%20id_token&resource=00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000&scope=openid&nonce=32B16D4EFB0DB16FB5B2C5B6F12A0C279F3DFA12577D9F89-835318BF93B53D99F37F6D351763AC567D4DACD980AFB97CE768811FB093E352&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fkingsedgehillschool-my.sharepoint.com%2F_forms%2Fdefault.aspx&state=OD0w&claims=%7B%22id_token%22%3A%7B%22xms_cc%22%3A%7B%22values%22%3A%5B%22CP1%22%5D%7D%7D%7D&wsucxt=1&cobrandid=11bd8083-87e0-41b5-bb78-0bc43c8a8e8a&client-request-id=937b30a0-307e-1000-8c6b-ec5462ea783a
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 229
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Record ID         : 49121

URL               : https://kingsedgehillschool-my.sharepoint.com/personal/ksinclair_kes_ns_ca/_layouts/15/Authenticate.aspx?Source=%2F%3Ax%3A%2Fg%2Fpersonal%2Fksinclair%5Fkes%5Fns%5Fca%2FER%5FvadctG8BNtZTyf2AbaZQBxrzmGWbPLLzhDrNA7RReLQ%3Fe%3Dhctfx9
Title             : Clue Rehearsal and Meeting Schedule.xlsx
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:08:13 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : https://kingsedgehillschool-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/ksinclair_kes_ns_ca/ER_vadctG8BNtZTyf2AbaZQBxrzmGWbPLLzhDrNA7RReLQ?e=hctfx9
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 229
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49117

URL               : https://live.adyen.com/hpp/checkout.shtml?u=redirectPayPal&p=eJxtU113ojAQ-TXwVo4EUfvAAwtqqV8rSKt96UnDCLGYsEnQ*u83kX6d3R5yJmTmhrlzZ3gRmBURLyBo8KXBtU14y5S4XF1RaJNWCGCkO*dZbB9BkAozFZIrMoimG4ELENFq8RlLmIJSYEU5c9Sl0R*6G0ezVb55zuLZj6gTCKn3wHU8B30iUtiDyQ7BAA17fTT4FlGtYDFWONh6U8*f3j7dL7ZpNkRftzNaBpOWTfP9lifN8eFxtVxa6Fc8DPNpGPJN-DhZ4yad73brxSJ53O8sL7a1CkfQ1R2vxSGvZ3e6OFJxASsSg8K0loESLdgCjDyUlRHXmmGignQc5WmaLKcWilbLcTRPopmGyTydB5VSjbS80EITvUgF5JW3Sla8aUDc1PQEDi4uwBzCj-8DtEeCOFECUr-*7mgmTGN1-hQKqskoHTm52tSc4PodswBV8cLyJv90Tlf7rXcWGoirppqpjnRckW-Y*oavNufz2SGlut7oOGonKbvtnez1oJtJ9xdbgjQ9fcA1Lai6BKiH0E2vr9fGHWkd3Ftj0JP9XuH4qJUNDlxSXBX8IHmBu8fq90oTM0k-wGZ4jOJmaMbab4qDj*DclA8BsOc8*-B9zdIPGWz5Sln3F7Qvzgk5aOD6CLme7-Zdt98fOWH8dt6uMR*NDsp-2md36eTPfeKr6DCT2bA6naP56*6lKWs6*gvWTCkf
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Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:19:33 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 769
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49126

URL               : https://live.adyen.com/hpp/checkout.shtml?u=redirectPayPal&p=eJxtU1FzojAQ-jXwJgMBlHvgwYK2nrYqqFN96cSwQhQIl0So-fUXRNvOXQdmQ3a-sN9*u9lzXCYBS8Cv8KXCuU7YuZT8cnUFQ52cOYeSdPt1HOoFcJLhUg7JFekHjyuOE*DB-PkzNiklpBxLykpDXir1o6dRMJ2vV29xOP0RVQMXavUtwzbQJyKCA7TZwe*jAfI891tEnnkZYon91asXjTebgWP3o9kAfZ2OaeofLdPbfrAiiU1vTMAZLZYPxW662IWD*VL2tyKsG-b*0EgwNTvUlQYFqNqKa2lW3zL1ThZDSMZhTkKQmObCl-wMOodWHVqmAVOSYSL9aBSso2jy8qihYP4yCmaTYKpgYh3N-EzKSmj2UENj9ZIMyImdpchYVQHv5bQGAycXKA3Civ8ByiOA15SAUJ*LjuekVFiVP4KEKjJSRWpLmZwRnN8wzyAzlmj2*J-GqXK-tU5DfX6VVDFVkY4rclu2bstXmaZpDJLK64mOo3KStFtuZK8b1Ut6uOgCRNvSDc5pQuXFRyZCPdPpme7KVGIPHUcZ*9dOv1U4KpSy-pEJirOEHQVLcPdojpm2sTbpHdzOTqt4OzMj5W*Lg3tw1pYPPpRv6-ju*xqlHzLo4kTL7hKc90aNDNS3XIQs27Ucy3IczxiG783rEjPPO0p3d4ifovGf3xNXBsepiAdZ3QSz03ZfpTn1-gKa3Skt
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Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:44:49 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 769
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49219

URL               : https://live.adyen.com/hpp/completePayPal.shtml?sessionId=FunGUfXoIpmVWONN%2BD7AUGAAoTDWFQapRLYYQMMIWfY%3D&token=EC-0FT890934E738132U
Title             : Invalid Request
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:24:40 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 133
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49136

URL               : https://live.adyen.com/hpp/completePayPal.shtml?sessionId=FunGUfXoIpmVWONN%2BD7AUGAAoTDWFQapRLYYQMMIWfY%3D&token=EC-0FT890934E738132U&PayerID=F4RQ3R353V8Q4
Title             : Thank you for your patience | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:19:57 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 155
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49129

URL               : https://loadgreatlyrefinedtheproduct.vip/2ijCMUmFv2BIpiAZ33Zl9N8SBp-uQMMpmdHRMvHtX_M?clck=534554320042385561&sid=4425332
Title             : Add to Your Browser
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:40:01 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 120
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48964

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Title             : Add to Your Browser
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:40:33 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 120
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48973

URL               : https://loadgreatlyrefinedtheproduct.vip/tdoorXkl5Awxz6WK8HuqGAA9NTxCzWG2dDZHU_Entrc?clck=534245750692180026&sid=4425332
Title             : Add to Your Browser
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:13:51 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 120
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48796

URL               : https://loadgreatlyrefinedtheproduct.vip/TVLriGMSPOl7n58JwQ3ykAvRMGw_lUjHLyf-lIxADbs?clck=534271546949563364&sid=4425332
Title             : Add to Your Browser
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:56:23 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 120
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48914

URL               : https://loadprogressivegreatlytheproduct.vip/K8_7liP7oieIn80_uVeUjVmlulRy5MyyaPCYLsGDz8s?clck=534264897048204205&sid=4425332
Title             : Recommended AdBlocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:29:57 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 124
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48865

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Title             : Add to Your Browser
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:07:39 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48763

URL               : https://login.live.com/oauth20_authorize.srf?client_id=4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca&scope=openid+profile+https%3a%2f%2fwww.office.com%2fv2%2fOfficeHome.All&redirect_uri=https%3a%2f%2fwww.office.com%2flandingv2&response_type=code+id_token&state=LHktBcCs-6X4p5_exZRZdTuxwZ1hfC1SQ4_oY4b-1sUKMEpp_jz6Mfhvs0IZs6YGyZza7COqLGBHxswyhGWUv6F_eewTozUWx5heStXVB7wpVbSLUUgZpbzjfgIDHsGcKQCwOvUIUGow-czX-meyeD2wUWEyeLY-ZMIteWdAHxmDbq-bDSJmlUC2jyUFiF2ER-JEw6MrQvR8MdNoGxzUcW0t65D6Xj2ospIJx290csg2OXG0Vw_vGNBXjFj1imKgHQeVVRjmmrIwDp-rQkPMgZpF1BYHSWTviWm4y308X_XsrQZPi-4nKmAmRlHO26I4W9p3yFRhW0bgS5h3TguEKOFSkEuGDoOAZWcSN3dB4I06FSsB_s3jL2J9yQyyXVMTpuWa64jvQEcE4yNJ2xK3sLXR2P9rwrfA1W2Ke6hieVo&response_mode=form_post&nonce=637849493709189412.ZTdiNmI2YTgtZmM4Ny00YTFlLWE0MzEtZjg0ZGE4YjhlOThmY2Y1ZmY0ZTItMGJkYy00YWE4LTk0OWMtMWM3YTgxMmQ4NGVh&x-client-SKU=ID_NETSTANDARD2_0&x-client-Ver=
Title             : Continue
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:29:34 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49387

URL               : https://login.live.com/oauth20_authorize.srf?uaid=b84ffb0e01de4676bc2a9ea27b06635b&opid=93443FC615348EC2&mkt=EN-US&opidt=1649352571&route=R3_BAY&res=cancelonint&cancelonint=-2147207926
Title             : Continue
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:29:39 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 184
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
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URL               : https://login.microsoftonline.com/66730f2a-496f-407b-9742-83266a6d94ad/oauth2/authorize?client_id=00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000&response_mode=form_post&protectedtoken=true&response_type=code%20id_token&resource=00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000&scope=openid&nonce=32B16D4EFB0DB16FB5B2C5B6F12A0C279F3DFA12577D9F89-835318BF93B53D99F37F6D351763AC567D4DACD980AFB97CE768811FB093E352&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fkingsedgehillschool-my.sharepoint.com%2F_forms%2Fdefault.aspx&state=OD0w&claims=%7B%22id_token%22%3A%7B%22xms_cc%22%3A%7B%22values%22%3A%5B%22CP1%22%5D%7D%7D%7D&wsucxt=1&cobrandid=11bd8083-87e0-41b5-bb78-0bc43c8a8e8a&client-request-id=937b30a0-307e-1000-8c6b-ec5462ea783a
Title             : Working...
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:08:13 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Title             : Working...
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:07:34 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Title             : Working...
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:47:36 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Title             : Working...
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:14:57 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Title             : Working...
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:47:50 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Record ID         : 49295

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Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:29:34 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49386

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Title             : Clue Rehearsal and Meeting Schedule.xlsx
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:08:13 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Record ID         : 49119

URL               : https://microsoftedgewelcome.microsoft.com/en-us/update/100?channel=stable&version=100.0.1185.29
Title             : Microsoft Edge
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:37:58 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 96
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Record ID         : 48939

URL               : https://microsoftedgewelcome.microsoft.com/en-us/update/100?channel=stable&version=100.0.1185.29&form=MT007H
Title             : Microsoft Edge
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:37:59 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 108
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Record ID         : 48942

URL               : https://microsoftedgewelcome.microsoft.com/en-us/update/100?channel=stable&version=100.0.1185.29&form=MT007H
Title             : Microsoft Edge
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:37:58 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 108
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Record ID         : 48940

URL               : https://microsoftedgewelcome.microsoft.com/en-us/update/100?channel=stable&version=100.0.1185.29&form=MT007H
Title             : Microsoft Edge
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:37:59 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 108
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Record ID         : 48941

URL               : https://microsoftedgewelcome.microsoft.com/en-us/update?channel=stable&version=100.0.1185.29
Title             : Microsoft Edge
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:37:58 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 92
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48938

URL               : https://microsoftedgewelcome.microsoft.com/update?channel=stable&version=100.0.1185.29
Title             : Microsoft Edge
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:37:58 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 86
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48937

URL               : https://natoassociation.ca/the-fall-of-canadian-peacekeeping-should-it-be-revived/
Title             : The Fall of Canadian Peacekeeping: Should It Be Revived? – NAOC
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:00:52 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 82
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Record ID         : 49458

URL               : https://niiflerium-teras.xyz/click.php?key=fy057wk859934pcgqa6u&visitor_id=534240639047754290&cost=0.000843&zoneid=3994717&campaignid=5465425&user_activity=medium&countryname=CA&country=CA&c=yx7EG9Up7iuG8WHwQ0dqCyKSciE=
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:53:33 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 219
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Record ID         : 48698

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Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:51:06 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 216
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48835

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Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:52:12 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 216
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48909

URL               : https://notifier.win-rar.com/?language=English&source=wrr&landingpage=expired&version=602&architecture=64
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Visit Count       : 33
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Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : josia
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URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/?v=1&auth=rps&domain=word-edit.officeapps.live.com&livesdk=https%3A%2F%2Fjs.live.net%2Fv5.0%2Fwl.skydrivepicker.js&client_id=1208936158&request_ts=1649420673232&mkt=en
Title             : OneDrive
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:24:33 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 193
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Record ID         : 49473

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/?v=FolderPickerView&auth=rps&domain=word%2Dedit%2Eofficeapps%2Elive%2Ecom&livesdk=https%3A%2F%2Fjs%2Elive%2Enet%2Fv5%2E0%2Fwl%2Eskydrivepicker%2Ejs&client_id=1208936158&request_ts=1649420673232&mkt=en
Title             : OneDrive
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:24:36 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 226
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49474

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/?v=FolderPickerView&auth=rps&domain=word%2Dedit%2Eofficeapps%2Elive%2Ecom&livesdk=https%3A%2F%2Fjs%2Elive%2Enet%2Fv5%2E0%2Fwl%2Eskydrivepicker%2Ejs&client_id=1208936158&request_ts=1649420673232&mkt=en
Title             : OneDrive
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:24:42 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 226
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49475

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/?v=FolderPickerView&auth=rps&domain=word%2Dedit%2Eofficeapps%2Elive%2Ecom&livesdk=https%3A%2F%2Fjs%2Elive%2Enet%2Fv5%2E0%2Fwl%2Eskydrivepicker%2Ejs&client_id=1208936158&request_ts=1649420673232&mkt=en&ft=7
Title             : My files - OneDrive
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:24:47 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 231
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Record ID         : 49476

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Title             : My files - OneDrive
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:24:50 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 154
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49477

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Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:47:41 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 229
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Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:52:02 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Browser Profile   : Default
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Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:52:01 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 235
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URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?action=editnew&resid=28807E81B41A704D!2544&ithint=file%2cdocx&action=editnew&wdNewAndOpenCt=1649417890961&wdPreviousSession=0a349dc1-f411-4991-87b1-fe8994c4c4da&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.NEW
Title             : OneDrive
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:38:47 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Title             : OneDrive
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:38:16 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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URL Length        : 229
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Title             : OneDrive
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:38:16 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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URL Length        : 235
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URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2139&ithint=file%2cdocx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:30:37 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 115
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Record ID         : 49406

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2139&ithint=file%2cdocx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU&wdo=2
Title             : Document.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:30:37 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 121
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Record ID         : 49405

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2506&ithint=file%2cdocx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 2 1.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:30:22 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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User Profile      : josia
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URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2506&ithint=file%2cdocx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 2 1.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:30:10 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 115
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Record ID         : 49398

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2506&ithint=file%2cdocx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU&wdo=2
Title             : Document 2 1.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:30:22 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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URL Length        : 121
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Record ID         : 49401

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2506&ithint=file%2cdocx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU&wdo=2
Title             : Document 2 1.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:30:09 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 121
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Record ID         : 49397

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2542&ithint=file%2cdocx
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:39:10 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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Record ID         : 49433

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2542&ithint=file%2cdocx&wdo=2
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:39:10 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2542&ithint=file%2cdocx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:25:10 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 115
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Record ID         : 49489

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2542&ithint=file%2cdocx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:29:48 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49394

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2542&ithint=file%2cdocx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU&wdo=2
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:29:48 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 121
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Record ID         : 49393

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2542&ithint=file%2cdocx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU&wdo=2
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:25:10 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 121
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Record ID         : 49488

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/Edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2542&wdPid=3ebc0dac
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:52:12 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 78
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Record ID         : 49564

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/Edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2542&wdPid=3ebc0dac&wdo=2
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:52:12 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
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User Profile      : josia
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URL Length        : 84
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URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2544&ithint=file%2cdocx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 5.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:25:24 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 115
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Record ID         : 49493

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/edit.aspx?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2544&ithint=file%2cdocx&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU&wdo=2
Title             : Document 5.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:25:24 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 121
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Record ID         : 49492

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Title             : Document.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:30:36 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 128
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Record ID         : 49404

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2506&ithint=file%2cdocx&ct=1649352604578&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 2 1.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:30:05 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 128
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49396

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2506&ithint=file%2cdocx&ct=1649352618867&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 2 1.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:30:20 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 128
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Record ID         : 49400

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2542&ithint=file%2cdocx
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:39:09 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 78
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Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:52:00 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 227
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Record ID         : 49245

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2542&ithint=file%2cdocx&ct=1649352585802&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:29:47 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 128
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49392

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2542&ithint=file%2cdocx&ct=1649420707613&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:25:09 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 128
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49487

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2544&ithint=file%2cdocx&action=editnew&wdNewAndOpenCt=1649417890961&ct=1649417890961&wdPreviousSession=0a349dc1-f411-4991-87b1-fe8994c4c4da&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.NEW
Title             : OneDrive
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:38:14 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 227
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49426

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=28807E81B41A704D!2544&ithint=file%2cdocx&ct=1649420720458&wdOrigin=OFFICECOM-WEB.START.MRU
Title             : Document 5.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:25:22 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 128
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49491

URL               : https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=28807E81B41A704D%212542&page=Edit&wdPid=3ebc0dac
Title             : Document 4.docx - Microsoft Word Online
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:52:10 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 86
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Record ID         : 49562

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:32:40 PM
Visit Count       : 138
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49537

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:07:34 AM
Visit Count       : 138
Visited From      : https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize?client_id=00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000&redirect_uri=https%3a%2f%2foutlook.office.com%2fowa%2f&resource=00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000&response_mode=form_post&response_type=code+id_token&scope=openid&msafed=1&msaredir=1&client-request-id=16a8bf9e-5d17-4087-6a7f-2b23536a8553&protectedtoken=true&claims=%7b%22id_token%22%3a%7b%22xms_cc%22%3a%7b%22values%22%3a%5b%22CP1%22%5d%7d%7d%7d&nonce=637844116530647062.8974f0b8-19a9-4558-9b87-07f38d0db79c&state=Dcu9DoIwFEDhou_iVrmF_tw7EAeNYdAFTTRsvRQSiQQDBOPb2-E720mEENtoEyUQI5zNHWqtlDU5WO3AZnskpztglIo8SW0MSmJ0ElyXY4DAjpokvqd0_Pr0MC9-aQu1m9rwmtpmuY-FLytoyqu9_GgNz2rmjKbLQEM9vPv6ZnrOYOXH-cNH_AM
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Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 48585

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:47:50 PM
Visit Count       : 138
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Record ID         : 49296

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:07:48 AM
Visit Count       : 138
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 48586

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:09:22 AM
Visit Count       : 138
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49347

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:07:53 AM
Visit Count       : 138
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48587

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:47:37 AM
Visit Count       : 138
Visited From      : https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize?client_id=00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000&redirect_uri=https%3a%2f%2foutlook.office.com%2fowa%2f&resource=00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000&response_mode=form_post&response_type=code+id_token&scope=openid&msafed=1&msaredir=1&client-request-id=5382b41d-0a03-817a-7183-4e841fd8c6db&protectedtoken=true&claims=%7b%22id_token%22%3a%7b%22xms_cc%22%3a%7b%22values%22%3a%5b%22CP1%22%5d%7d%7d%7d&nonce=637850188551679343.3a0e4743-37ee-408b-a939-c67242db908d&state=Dcu9DoIwFEDhou_iVrn09u8OxEFjGHBBEw1bSztAJBggGN_eDt_ZTsYY2ye7JIMUZjQaq6CwVqlCG0KJR3QQpZHI0cTIJVjPHSHxThshRfAENmTpveTT1-WnZXVrLIvDHEM_x259TKWrGuiqm65_tIVXs3hBcz3S2I7vob2rwQvY_PP68Wf7Bw
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49524

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:14:57 PM
Visit Count       : 138
Visited From      : https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize?client_id=00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000&redirect_uri=https%3a%2f%2foutlook.office.com%2fowa%2f&resource=00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000&response_mode=form_post&response_type=code+id_token&scope=openid&msafed=1&msaredir=1&client-request-id=774d589e-9dd5-2855-1cd0-2e805c83435a&protectedtoken=true&claims=%7b%22id_token%22%3a%7b%22xms_cc%22%3a%7b%22values%22%3a%5b%22CP1%22%5d%7d%7d%7d&nonce=637846856965365842.68128dcd-a7ca-4572-a317-6820c3207ee6&state=Dcu9DoIwFEDhou_iVim39PZ2IA4aw4ALmmjY-jdAJBggGN_eDt_ZTsYY2ye7JBMpTKPUVCIpNKgkKirhiFQABR-41d7yUmngVhaaI4HwEoSOEbP0XvLpa_PTsto1VsVhjqGfo18fU2XrVvj6hs3PbOHVLg7M3Ixm7Mb30N3V4EBs7nn9uDP9AQ
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49073

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:14:53 PM
Visit Count       : 138
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49069

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:56:11 PM
Visit Count       : 138
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49571

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:47:46 PM
Visit Count       : 138
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49292

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:25:06 AM
Visit Count       : 138
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48592

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:47:33 AM
Visit Count       : 138
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49520

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:07:30 AM
Visit Count       : 138
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48581

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/?authRedirect=true&state=0
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:07:34 AM
Visit Count       : 12
Visited From      : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 58
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48582

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/?authRedirect=true&state=0
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:14:57 PM
Visit Count       : 12
Visited From      : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 58
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49070

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/?authRedirect=true&state=0
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:47:50 PM
Visit Count       : 12
Visited From      : https://outlook.office.com/mail/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 58
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49293

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/?authRedirect=true&state=0
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:47:36 AM
Visit Count       : 12
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 58
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49521

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAAkN783y6mJApMPDZEtbuyc%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:32:34 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49536

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAAkN783y6mJApMPDZEtbuyc%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:32:21 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49535

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAAkN783y6mJApMPDZEtbuyc%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:32:44 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49538

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAAt47HydzEewhDZDpJAz13k%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:25:04 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48591

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAAt47HydzEewhDZDpJAz13k%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:25:09 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48593

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAAt47HydzEewhDZDpJAz13k%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:07:59 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48588

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAFFmQ54t70LanuphCnVbkZc%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:17:09 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49084

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAG8K%2FvQ7gUxCjCfU%2FCmhC7E%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:49:04 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 127
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49299

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAHS894WDLUrct%2B5CroHpKyA%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:50:37 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 125
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49301

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAHS894WDLUrct%2B5CroHpKyA%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:09:17 AM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 125
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49345

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAHS894WDLUrct%2B5CroHpKyA%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:09:25 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 125
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49348

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAHS894WDLUrct%2B5CroHpKyA%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:09:20 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 125
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49346

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAJQTHMdrAUwimU33Of7jqBk%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:07:38 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49110

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAKgSljUFg61FumR1YSoetM0%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:10:32 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49351

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAKgSljUFg61FumR1YSoetM0%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:09:42 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49349

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAKgSljUFg61FumR1YSoetM0%3D/sxs/AAMkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgBGAAAAAAB1YXsHaKjJQK2eV8udbEhaBwDtiIjOtohxTplE01lo4J57AAAAAAEMAADtiIjOtohxTplE01lo4J57AACLnqPJAAABEgAQAHxdZablqztKq2a6EaP1FRI%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:09:45 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 310
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49350

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQAKpqU%2FBJavBFhpvzpZ9%2F7Ps%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:48:58 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 127
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49525

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQALR%2FBJwYDjlDt5E3rUHQJhM%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:48:02 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 125
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URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQALR%2FBJwYDjlDt5E3rUHQJhM%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:50:38 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 125
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49302

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQALtdJq8W7kJWtO2QTGFFDwI%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:28:12 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48594

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADA4ZTc3NTJiLTQ0NjMtNDFhMC1iOTQzLWY5NTk3ZWZhYTVmNgAQANFIaAdS2kPEkctBFFAm0yI%3D
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:48:32 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49298

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/owa/?state=1&redirectTo=aHR0cHM6Ly9vdXRsb29rLm9mZmljZS5jb20vbWFpbC8
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:47:50 PM
Visit Count       : 12
Visited From      : https://outlook.office.com/mail/?authRedirect=true&state=0
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 94
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49294

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/owa/?state=1&redirectTo=aHR0cHM6Ly9vdXRsb29rLm9mZmljZS5jb20vbWFpbC8
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:14:57 PM
Visit Count       : 12
Visited From      : https://outlook.office.com/mail/?authRedirect=true&state=0
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 94
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49071

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/owa/?state=1&redirectTo=aHR0cHM6Ly9vdXRsb29rLm9mZmljZS5jb20vbWFpbC8
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:07:34 AM
Visit Count       : 12
Visited From      : https://outlook.office.com/mail/?authRedirect=true&state=0
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 94
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48583

URL               : https://outlook.office.com/owa/?state=1&redirectTo=aHR0cHM6Ly9vdXRsb29rLm9mZmljZS5jb20vbWFpbC8
Title             : Mail - Josiah Dosunmu - Outlook
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:47:36 AM
Visit Count       : 12
Visited From      : https://outlook.office.com/mail/?authRedirect=true&state=0
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 94
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49522

URL               : https://outto.us/m-ilay-t1/Voicemod+license+key
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:40:30 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://dashlets.co/mods/voicemod-license-key/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 47
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48608

URL               : https://plus.affiliatetracker.io/DBcWWq/?utm_source=3552&utm_campaign=10363164&clck=534264897048204205&sid=4425332
Title             : Recommended AdBlocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:29:57 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 114
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48864

URL               : https://plus.affiliatetracker.io/ykpzkd/?utm_source=3552&utm_campaign=10361666&clck=534554458739495259&sid=3897490
Title             : Add to Your Browser
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:40:33 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://cdn.betgorebysson.club/4/3601336/?var=3897490&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 114
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48972

URL               : https://plus.affiliatetracker.io/YVzGdt/?utm_source=3552&utm_campaign=10362950&clck=534271546949563364&sid=4425332
Title             : Add to Your Browser
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:56:23 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 114
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48913

URL               : https://plus.affiliatetracker.io/yyeXTt/?utm_source=3552&utm_campaign=10362308&clck=534245750692180026&sid=4425332
Title             : Add to Your Browser
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:13:51 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 114
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Record ID         : 48795

URL               : https://plus.tubroaffs.org/ZGCqyJ/?utm_source=3552&utm_campaign=10088602&clck=534554320042385561&sid=4425332
Title             : Add to Your Browser
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:40:01 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 108
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Record ID         : 48963

URL               : https://prebid.adnxs.com/pbs/v1/setuid?bidder=vidoomy&gdpr=&gdpr_consent=&f=b&uid=fb32a70446d1d2dd4aba17fc943d75e9
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:19:26 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 114
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49470

URL               : https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-US/privacystatement#mainsecurityandsafetyfeaturesmodule
Title             : Microsoft Privacy Statement – Microsoft privacy
Visit Time        : 2022-04-10 9:02:04 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 88
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Record ID         : 49725

URL               : https://privacy.microsoft.com/privacystatement#mainsecurityandsafetyfeaturesmodule
Title             : Microsoft Privacy Statement – Microsoft privacy
Visit Time        : 2022-04-10 9:02:04 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2007705
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 82
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49724

URL               : https://proxappdom.cool/8/?_subid=12e8722r8fbr&external_id=534554366687241012&ymid=534554366687241012&scenario=promo12v2ns&user_agent=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows+NT+10.0%3B+Win64%3B+x64%29+AppleWebKit%2F537.36+%28KHTML%2C+like+Gecko%29+Chrome%2F100.0.4896.60+Safari%2F537.36+Edg%2F100.0.1185.29&browser=Microsoft+Edge&browser_version=100.0.1185.29&language=EN&os=Windows&os_version=10
Title             : Power Blocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 3:40:31 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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URL Length        : 381
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Title             : Power Blocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:53:24 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 377
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Record ID         : 48691

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Title             : Power Blocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:13:25 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 377
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48782

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Title             : Power Blocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:32:05 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 377
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48892

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join
Title             : For students — Enter a Quizizz Code
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:50:46 PM
Visit Count       : 6
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 24
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49304

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join
Title             : For students — Enter a Quizizz Code
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:49:12 AM
Visit Count       : 6
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 24
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49527

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join/game/U2FsdGVkX1%252BjimHbnW9Y%252Fj6hS2b28wiDaU0KiLUc67KgWAGvpRoCqRRKJ94hbxEKfbKouAfqLJ4cF2IWnEWp6g%253D%253D?gameType=async
Title             : Playing a Game - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 10:42:56 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 149
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49534

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join/game/U2FsdGVkX1%252BmjV5rQqHwsauFHYe2LarpqFnbufOSFtPaNKgtHJAUvv10gLoshF58fUI9WHlCPXLRxjvIv5Sh0Q%253D%253D?gameType=async
Title             : Summary - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:50:52 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 145
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49308

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join/game/U2FsdGVkX1%252BmjV5rQqHwsauFHYe2LarpqFnbufOSFtPaNKgtHJAUvv10gLoshF58fUI9WHlCPXLRxjvIv5Sh0Q%253D%253D?gameType=async&page=summary
Title             : Summary - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:55:33 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 158
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49313

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Title             : Playing a Game - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:49:30 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 157
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49531

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join/game/U2FsdGVkX1%252FCiyOklVh8IE1cQ%252BuXiYYuV8JZddE5COfy%252F0JHJbKD4LcNCSdPNnZuvNwjxGiLBGAG7e%252B8WDusLg%253D%253D?gameType=async&theme=synthwave
Title             : Playing a Game - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:51:06 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 173
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49532

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join/game/U2FsdGVkX1%252FJjCtbV7ffNHX%252FKitPg%252BPMoI6mWNRTKUWH1EccXphHP7aWLb4Vt3k%252FVogIRb0nVXTIF2O3KhB%252BOA%253D%253D?gameType=async
Title             : Summary - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:57:17 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 161
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49315

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join/game/U2FsdGVkX1%252FJjCtbV7ffNHX%252FKitPg%252BPMoI6mWNRTKUWH1EccXphHP7aWLb4Vt3k%252FVogIRb0nVXTIF2O3KhB%252BOA%253D%253D?gameType=async&page=summary
Title             : Summary - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:00:06 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 174
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49320

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join/pre-game/running/U2FsdGVkX1%252BxUg8HXL2RyGUKbX27hJh7uXrn6jXCIjI7qjDGASbFjuOQGaBoL8VfA72XI0z6P8MwdwGN1XKVbw%253D%253D/start
Title             : Start Playing - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:50:47 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 148
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49305

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join/pre-game/running/U2FsdGVkX1%252BxUg8HXL2RyGUKbX27hJh7uXrn6jXCIjI7qjDGASbFjuOQGaBoL8VfA72XI0z6P8MwdwGN1XKVbw%253D%253D/start
Title             : Start Playing - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:50:47 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 148
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49306

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join/pre-game/running/U2FsdGVkX1%252BxUg8HXL2RyGUKbX27hJh7uXrn6jXCIjI7qjDGASbFjuOQGaBoL8VfA72XI0z6P8MwdwGN1XKVbw%253D%253D/start
Title             : Start Playing - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:50:47 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 148
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49307

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Title             : Start Playing - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:57:15 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 156
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Title             : Start Playing - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:49:12 AM
Visit Count       : 4
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 144
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49530

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join/pre-game/running/U2FsdGVkX19GofDTXGFtUOakJa6sdpF85weOk2qUtGiJIPNC5tzyK80xIO9QKBilL1Ro6KmSuNbWCZJHhwuCiQ%253D%253D/start
Title             : Start Playing - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:49:12 AM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 144
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49528

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join/pre-game/running/U2FsdGVkX19GofDTXGFtUOakJa6sdpF85weOk2qUtGiJIPNC5tzyK80xIO9QKBilL1Ro6KmSuNbWCZJHhwuCiQ%253D%253D/start
Title             : Start Playing - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 10:40:21 AM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 144
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49533

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join/pre-game/running/U2FsdGVkX19GofDTXGFtUOakJa6sdpF85weOk2qUtGiJIPNC5tzyK80xIO9QKBilL1Ro6KmSuNbWCZJHhwuCiQ%253D%253D/start
Title             : Start Playing - Quizizz
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:49:12 AM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 144
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49529

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join?gc=06105813
Title             : For students — Enter a Quizizz Code
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:50:43 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 36
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49303

URL               : https://quizizz.com/join?gc=23347157
Title             : For students — Enter a Quizizz Code
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:49:08 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 36
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49526

URL               : https://rainbowblocker.com/?scenario=promo5v1&trackingdomain=api.tradeclouddata.com&source_id=e6773e24-cd6f-4dcb-a1f9-72b3990ec835&cep=5sm-7BF0X1yyDUvetPz_rb_4xEK-mMX_JsKHuSAdKhg-7dIe3u1pZOV6PBtTaSkyYv59hACIUSztJNZivrtiWrc5bDI8ZYLT8Xk2E5Cw7KF1ZhbmneVkm7vzMbDXKO4rX0zRTKzRk935VYDmkN_Czu2N2WJ4up5JYZ0kr-K_VGGuF9vLKJlMQXsOCUrF6IwXahOGl9f6C7uPeJ-y1xl3OACN0tb140EVoN1lgBAw8-UtHI0ujJvcUAxo8xLBqZdaUB1LuhvMW3pI6NOcF3BqYYcF_WAzOMMIOPkf5-lrXotBfPGoV-aDkF6LF_Z3JAfomUZ86Zrz-EAJ2fadkaudyNMS_JCBDZCu6Fkkh2AAUP5V3vn96QfhUgH8NPq-47-GYl_rX2dTCn9IgkDj0f5tJmWQXIdVaK5BCacP4_AXdAJ7repXviCw7p3wmnLK0fXOP-33wFSPY9p6IGR79R5KqYl1GX_Gx21VUeUYhZsvk6nT4Du2KBonOYBKBLRoD4jDW4ZPbDzmt_d_IxhY46N1D2MPGn8EuB_O89xt7Bv40nLGNcJNqr-fx1kbq-i6GBizGzUAsXmsYIRlTQrjLWlxsoZYGioa-MPphf-xqzNx_O3xzxHoacSoiujQNHW1JgCux5gTrqS7Y8XKzRzd0jSddDtQdnCkoI8NbEbVwcCg-Frkf4ZiIcXYnLVwUNWdYlER2pubQRXSG2WRPYlhvbz7685C25yWhqMHDHvWFs1j3kUxwEFsWTdo32oICR1dBsLg&lptoken=167548179423608d4100&zoneid=4425332&bannerid=12507810&browser=edge&os=windows&device=desktop&region=ns&isp=bell+canada&useragent=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Windows+NT+10.0%3B+Win64%3B+x64%29+AppleWebKit%2F537.36+%28KHTML%2C+like+Gecko%29+Chrome%2F99.0.4844.74+Safari%2F537.36+Edg%2F99.0.1150.55&language=en&connectiontype=xdsl&cost=0.001053&visitor_id=534273470495125567
Title             : Rainbow Blocker
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 9:04:01 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 1272
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48923

URL               : https://rox.neptuntrack.com/IXSLrv/?utm_source=24&utm_campaign=10370868&cid=534244188175655726&sid=4425332
Title             : Add to Your Browser
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:07:39 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 106
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48762

URL               : https://secure.xsolla.com/api/submit/?data=eyJyZXF1ZXN0Ijp7ImZvcm0iOnsiYXR0cmlidXRlcyI6eyJhY3Rpb24iOiJodHRwczpcL1wvc2VjdXJlLnhzb2xsYS5jb21cL3BhZ2VzXC92ZXJpZmljYXRpb25cL3N1bSIsIm1ldGhvZCI6IkdFVCIsImVuY29kaW5nIjoidXRmLTgifSwiZmllbGRzIjp7Imludm9pY2UiOjkyMzg4NzYxMiwic2lnbiI6IjhlZmFjMjRhZjBjMThjMzk3Zjc4NzU1Mzk1ZDkwYTJhIn19LCJpbmNsdWRlIjpudWxsLCJjb29raWVzIjpudWxsfSwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiM2I3ZWEyNzZiYTZiMGZmZmYyNWIwN2I3N2E3NTYwYTllNjc4OGFhNTE1YTdmNDE2ZmViZjk0Y2JiYWU3ODI1ZSJ9
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:02:43 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 467
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48639

URL               : https://secure.xsolla.com/pages/verification/sum?invoice=923887612&sign=8efac24af0c18c397f78755395d90a2a
Title             : Additional verification
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:02:43 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://secure.xsolla.com/api/submit/?data=eyJyZXF1ZXN0Ijp7ImZvcm0iOnsiYXR0cmlidXRlcyI6eyJhY3Rpb24iOiJodHRwczpcL1wvc2VjdXJlLnhzb2xsYS5jb21cL3BhZ2VzXC92ZXJpZmljYXRpb25cL3N1bSIsIm1ldGhvZCI6IkdFVCIsImVuY29kaW5nIjoidXRmLTgifSwiZmllbGRzIjp7Imludm9pY2UiOjkyMzg4NzYxMiwic2lnbiI6IjhlZmFjMjRhZjBjMThjMzk3Zjc4NzU1Mzk1ZDkwYTJhIn19LCJpbmNsdWRlIjpudWxsLCJjb29raWVzIjpudWxsfSwic2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiM2I3ZWEyNzZiYTZiMGZmZmYyNWIwN2I3N2E3NTYwYTllNjc4OGFhNTE1YTdmNDE2ZmViZjk0Y2JiYWU3ODI1ZSJ9
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 104
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48640

URL               : https://secure.xsolla.com/paystation3/desktop/list/?access_token=bzorcvMeQBA8YksCbgdgymBLLrqj7An0&preferences=eyJpdGVtUHJvbW90aW9ucyI6IltdIn0-&sessional=eyJoaXN0b3J5IjpbWyJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25jaGFuZ2UiXSxbInNhdmVkbWV0aG9kIl0sWyJsaXN0Iix0cnVlXV19
Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:16 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 241
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48668

URL               : https://secure.xsolla.com/paystation3/desktop/list/?access_token=bzorTWCZ7UjBJg0rRy93CyAimcimWQNz&preferences=eyJpdGVtUHJvbW90aW9ucyI6IltdIn0-&sessional=eyJoaXN0b3J5IjpbWyJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25jaGFuZ2UiXSxbInNhdmVkbWV0aG9kIl0sWyJsaXN0Iix0cnVlXV19
Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:44:13 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 241
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48629

URL               : https://secure.xsolla.com/paystation3/desktop/list/?access_token=bzorxqg2BSObirZqQ1S304BzdjX8Znz5&preferences=eyJpdGVtUHJvbW90aW9ucyI6IltdIn0-&sessional=eyJoaXN0b3J5IjpbWyJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25jaGFuZ2UiXSxbInNhdmVkbWV0aG9kIl0sWyJsaXN0Iix0cnVlXV19
Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:04:03 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 241
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48641

URL               : https://secure.xsolla.com/paystation3/desktop/list/?access_token=bzorxqg2BSObirZqQ1S304BzdjX8Znz5&preferences=eyJpdGVtUHJvbW90aW9ucyI6IltdIn0-&sessional=eyJoaXN0b3J5IjpbWyJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25jaGFuZ2UiXSxbInNhdmVkbWV0aG9kIl0sWyJsaXN0Iix0cnVlXV19
Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:58:46 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 241
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48637

URL               : https://secure.xsolla.com/paystation3/desktop/payment/?access_token=bzorcvMeQBA8YksCbgdgymBLLrqj7An0&additional=eyJwaWQiOjI0fQ--&preferences=eyJpdGVtUHJvbW90aW9ucyI6IltdIn0-&sessional=eyJoaXN0b3J5IjpbWyJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25jaGFuZ2UiXSxbInNhdmVkbWV0aG9kIl0sWyJsaXN0Iix0cnVlXSxbInBheW1lbnQiLHRydWUseyJwaWQiOjI0fV1dfQ--
Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:20 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 312
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48669

URL               : https://secure.xsolla.com/paystation3/desktop/payment/?access_token=bzorTWCZ7UjBJg0rRy93CyAimcimWQNz&additional=eyJwaWQiOjEzODB9&preferences=eyJpdGVtUHJvbW90aW9ucyI6IltdIn0-&sessional=eyJoaXN0b3J5IjpbWyJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25jaGFuZ2UiXSxbInNhdmVkbWV0aG9kIl0sWyJsaXN0Iix0cnVlXSxbInBheW1lbnQiLHRydWUseyJwaWQiOjEzODB9XV19
Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:45:55 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 312
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48632

URL               : https://secure.xsolla.com/paystation3/desktop/payment/?access_token=bzorxqg2BSObirZqQ1S304BzdjX8Znz5&additional=eyJwaWQiOjEzODB9&preferences=eyJpdGVtUHJvbW90aW9ucyI6IltdIn0-&sessional=eyJoaXN0b3J5IjpbWyJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25jaGFuZ2UiXSxbInNhdmVkbWV0aG9kIl0sWyJsaXN0Iix0cnVlXSxbInBheW1lbnQiLHRydWUseyJwaWQiOjEzODB9XV19
Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:04:05 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 312
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48642

URL               : https://secure.xsolla.com/paystation3/desktop/payment/?access_token=bzorxqg2BSObirZqQ1S304BzdjX8Znz5&additional=eyJwaWQiOjEzODB9&preferences=eyJpdGVtUHJvbW90aW9ucyI6IltdIn0-&sessional=eyJoaXN0b3J5IjpbWyJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25jaGFuZ2UiXSxbInNhdmVkbWV0aG9kIl0sWyJsaXN0Iix0cnVlXSxbInBheW1lbnQiLHRydWUseyJwaWQiOjEzODB9XV19
Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:58:50 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 312
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48638

URL               : https://secure.xsolla.com/paystation3/desktop/status/?access_token=bzorcvMeQBA8YksCbgdgymBLLrqj7An0&additional=eyJ4cHNfZml4X2NvbW1hbmQiOiJzdGF0dXMiLCJ4cHNfZml4X2ludm9pY2UiOiI5MjQ0Nzg5ODAiLCJ4cHNfZml4X3BpZCI6IjI0IiwieHBzX2ZpeF90ZXN0UHJvamVjdCI6IjAiLCJ4cHNfZml4X3Rlc3RQcyI6IjAiLCJ4cHNfZml4X3Rlc3RYc29sbGEiOiIwIiwieHBzX2ZpeF91c2VyUmV0dXJuU3RhdHVzIjoic3VjY2VzcyIsInhwc19sb2NhbGUiOiJlbiIsInhwc19zaWduYXR1cmUiOiIzYTI5MWY5MTMxMTc4ODEwNjI5YzUzN2FiZGI2ODQ1OCIsInNob3dTdWNjZXNzIjp0cnVlfQ--&preferences=eyJpdGVtUHJvbW90aW9ucyI6IltdIn0-&sessional=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
Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:47 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 1083
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48674

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Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:58:32 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 4351
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48633

URL               : https://secure.xsolla.com/paystation3/return/?access_token=bzorcvMeQBA8YksCbgdgymBLLrqj7An0&preferences=eyJpdGVtUHJvbW90aW9ucyI6IltdIn0-&sessional=eyJoaXN0b3J5IjpbWyJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25jaGFuZ2UiXSxbInNhdmVkbWV0aG9kIl0sWyJsaXN0Iix0cnVlXV19&fix_command=status&fix_invoice=924478980&fix_pid=24&fix_testProject=0&fix_testPs=0&fix_testXsolla=0&fix_userReturnStatus=success&locale=en&signature=3a291f9131178810629c537abdb68458
Title             : PayStation 3
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:46 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://secure.xsolla.com/status/paypal2/success?invoice=924478980&sign=ecf2debe240262d6d58507402a3af6e5&token=EC-1PN159173Y7063719&PayerID=F4RQ3R353V8Q4
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 417
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48673

URL               : https://secure.xsolla.com/status/paypal2/success?invoice=924478980&sign=ecf2debe240262d6d58507402a3af6e5&token=EC-1PN159173Y7063719&PayerID=F4RQ3R353V8Q4
Title             : PayStation 3
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:46 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?flow=1-P&ulReturn=true&token=EC-1PN159173Y7063719&useraction=commit&rcache=2&cookieBannerVariant=hidden&country.x=CA&locale.x=en_US
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 153
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48672

URL               : https://skribbl.io/
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 10:12:21 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://skribbl.io/?pXQyc2czcDGN
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 19
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48654

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?BXODL6I5CKok
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 1:31:32 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48935

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?E55TMyitoBvw
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 10:11:49 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48652

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?J8TgLmtpztW7
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:32:29 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49009

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?J8TgLmtpztW7
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:41:41 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49025

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?KB5yzMmTf9IX
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 9:08:20 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48924

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?KB5yzMmTf9IX
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 9:02:43 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48915

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?pXQyc2czcDGN
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 10:13:08 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48655

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?pXQyc2czcDGN
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 10:12:15 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48653

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?pXQyc2czcDGN
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:40:50 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49024

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?pXQyc2czcDGN
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 10:13:26 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48656

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?pXQyc2czcDGN
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 10:13:31 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48657

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?pXQyc2czcDGN
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 10:13:31 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48658

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?pXQyc2czcDGN
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:27:37 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49007

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?pXQyc2czcDGN
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:31:58 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49008

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?tl5oUmiZmN5s
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-05 9:37:32 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49229

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?UiPh7V1nyoEw
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:17:41 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48991

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?UiPh7V1nyoEw
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 7:45:42 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48974

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?x6ARU5OZVY4w
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 10:40:14 AM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48662

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?x6ARU5OZVY4w
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 10:39:52 AM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48659

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?x6ARU5OZVY4w
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 10:40:13 AM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48661

URL               : https://skribbl.io/?x6ARU5OZVY4w
Title             : skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 10:39:59 AM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 32
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48660

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:20:39 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49410

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:20:39 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49411

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-05 7:36:18 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49222

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 8:20:44 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49412

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-05 7:36:19 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49223

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-05 7:36:24 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49224

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-05 7:36:46 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49225

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 6:07:05 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49707

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-05 7:45:04 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49226

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:47:23 AM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49290

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:47:17 AM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49289

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:47:16 AM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49288

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:42:59 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49719

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:58:57 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49606

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 6:07:11 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49708

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:42:59 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49720

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-05 7:45:09 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49228

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-05 7:45:05 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49227

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:58:57 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49607

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:43:19 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49721

URL               : https://streamable.com/
Title             : Dashboard - Streamable
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 6:07:04 PM
Visit Count       : 49
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 23
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49706

URL               : https://streamable.com/b3hyto
Title             : 0001-0250
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:04:06 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 29
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49251

URL               : https://streamable.com/f7n2yp
Title             : Feel like god 4K edit
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:49:58 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 29
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49300

URL               : https://support.discord.com/
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:31:58 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 28
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49716

URL               : https://support.discord.com/hc
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:31:58 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : https://support.discord.com/
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 30
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49717

URL               : https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us
Title             : Discord
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:31:58 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : https://support.discord.com/hc
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 36
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49718

URL               : https://swchistory10.commons.hwdsb.on.ca/2017/06/16/canadas-involvement-in-the-cold-war/
Title             : Canada’s Involvement In the Cold War – Reflections on Canadian History
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:19:47 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+would+uou+describe+canadas+identity+during+the+cold+war&cvid=e6375f5117e74cda889cf56983247fe0&aqs=edge..69i57.12828j0j9&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 88
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49472

URL               : https://tray.winzip.com/tray-notice/wzc-exp12?x-source=un2-wz26-exp-oemg_168&utm_source=IPTN&utm_medium=WZ26&utm_campaign=WZ26dsi168&lang=en&utm_medium=WZ26&utm_campaign=WZ26dsi168&x-at=p003&dpi=125
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:26:13 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Internet Explorer 10/11 / Edge
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : 
URL Length        : 198
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\WebCacheV01.dat
Record ID         : 6488

URL               : https://trkredirect.com/click.php?key=d20z5tpfd107v6snljh7&clickid=534244824149447103&zoneid=4425332
Title             : Update available
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:10:11 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 100
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48777

URL               : https://trkredirect.com/click.php?key=d20z5tpfd107v6snljh7&clickid=534251605768589484&zoneid=4425332
Title             : Update available
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:37:08 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=false
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 100
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48808

URL               : https://unrelered.xyz/click.php?key=78t89fyssy48jj86vaz3&visitor_id=534241213331988907&cost=0.001921&zoneid=4425332&campaignid=5396175&country=CA&countryname=CA&user_activity=medium&c=OdihcOCcwwwG8IjwMVV_qGCxCjg=
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:55:50 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 212
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48718

URL               : https://unrelered.xyz/click.php?key=78t89fyssy48jj86vaz3&visitor_id=534241595743330954&cost=0.001583&zoneid=4425332&campaignid=5396175&country=CA&countryname=CA&user_activity=medium&c=OdihcOCcwwwG8IjwMVV_qGCxCjg=
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:57:21 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 212
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48733

URL               : https://unrelered.xyz/click.php?key=78t89fyssy48jj86vaz3&visitor_id=534242649386177107&cost=0.001518&zoneid=4425332&campaignid=5396175&country=CA&countryname=CA&user_activity=low&c=OdihcOCcwwwG8IjwMVV_qGCxCjg=
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:01:35 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 209
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48744

URL               : https://unrelered.xyz/click.php?key=78t89fyssy48jj86vaz3&visitor_id=534243092661072237&cost=0.001564&zoneid=4425332&campaignid=5396175&country=CA&countryname=CA&user_activity=low&c=OdihcOCcwwwG8IjwMVV_qGCxCjg=
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:03:18 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 209
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48756

URL               : https://unrelered.xyz/click.php?key=78t89fyssy48jj86vaz3&visitor_id=534257153440407747&cost=0.001133&zoneid=4425332&campaignid=5396175&country=CA&countryname=CA&user_activity=low&c=OdihcOCcwwwG8IjwMVV_qGCxCjg=
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:59:11 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 209
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48847

URL               : https://unrelered.xyz/click.php?key=78t89fyssy48jj86vaz3&visitor_id=534265576819057602&cost=0.001158&zoneid=4425332&campaignid=5396175&country=CA&countryname=CA&user_activity=low&c=OdihcOCcwwwG8IjwMVV_qGCxCjg=
Title             : Click "OK" to continue!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 8:32:39 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://cdn.itskiddoan.club/4/3601336/?var=4425332&ab2r=0&prfrev=true
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 209
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48901

URL               : https://welcome.unibet.com/ca/sportsbook/multi-sports/welcome/index.html?mktid=1:320669908:81153495-36687&btag=320669908_79F72D3BCAC04EF7BA5790256485D40E&bid=36687&campaignId=2739396&pid=81153495
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Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 195
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48788

URL               : https://www.answersking.com/rub-me-and-a-genie-might-appear-what-am-i/
Title             : Rub me and a genie might appear. What am I ?? - Answers King
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:07:57 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=what+doo+you+rub+3+times+to+make+a+genie+appear&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=what+doo+you+ru+3+times+to+make+a+genie+appear&sc=6-46&sk=&cvid=E37EFEF748DB4EF78BB3E547FC0F9369
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49681

URL               : https://www.azukisystems.com/blog/skribbl-io-hack/
Title             : Skribbl.io Hack: Free Auto Draw & Auto Guesser - AzukiSystems
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:25:26 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=skribble+io+hack&cvid=6d52f06df312438098e38729c6b8f8a6&aqs=edge.3.69i60j0j69i57j69i59j0l3j69i60l2.2237j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 50
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49000

URL               : https://www.azukisystems.com/blog/skribbl-io-hack/
Title             : Skribbl.io Hack: Free Auto Draw & Auto Guesser - AzukiSystems
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:22:59 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=scribble.io+hacks&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=6_6__0&sp=-1&pq=scribble.io+hacks&sc=6-17&sk=&cvid=6F8B21BF823A4A74BCFC17D71F604F31
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 50
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49287

URL               : https://www.azukisystems.com/blog/skribbl-io-hack/
Title             : Skribbl.io Hack: Free Auto Draw & Auto Guesser - AzukiSystems
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:22:11 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=scribble.io+hacks&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=6_6__0&sp=-1&pq=scribble.io+hacks&sc=6-17&sk=&cvid=6F8B21BF823A4A74BCFC17D71F604F31
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 50
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49281

URL               : https://www.bartleby.com/essay/The-Cold-War-On-American-Culture-F3YDWN5Y9CXW#:~:text=Predominantly%2C%20the%20Cold%20War%20inflicted%20fear%20and%20apprehension,the%20state%20of%20anxiety%20that%20swept%20the%20nation.
Title             : The Cold War On American Culture Essay - 1489 Words | Bartleby
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:48:44 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=was+there+a+Culture+of+Fear+in+North+America+during+the+Cold+War.&cvid=2fd2fd06f84d499480caa0730852637b&aqs=edge..69i57.32100j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 218
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49443

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=apple&FORM=HDRSC3
Title             : apple - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:27:13 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 54
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Record ID         : 49002

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=apple&form=HDRSC3&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover
Title             : apple - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:27:13 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 82
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Record ID         : 49003

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=belly&qs=n&form=QBIDMH&sp=-1&pq=bel&sc=8-3&cvid=814905D274CB4A2AADC39A0BDF011834&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover
Title             : pencil case - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:34:21 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 145
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Title             : belly - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:34:20 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 121
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Record ID         : 49010

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Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:42:25 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 165
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Record ID         : 49029

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=dqddqd&qs=n&form=QBIRMH&sp=-1&pq=dqdd&sc=8-4&cvid=EC49755F542645979308BEDD222EEEB4&first=1&tsc=ImageHoverTitle
Title             : ladybug - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:42:25 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 147
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Record ID         : 49030

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Title             : ladybug - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:42:25 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 147
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Record ID         : 49031

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=ladybug%20simple&qs=n&form=QBIR&=%25eManage%20Your%20Search%20History%25E&sp=-1&pq=ladybug%20sim&sc=8-11&sk=&cvid=14C824A4B9CF4937B0AE052092A3DF8A
Title             : ladybug simple - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:45:38 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Title             : ladybug simple - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:45:39 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 165
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Title             : ladybug simple - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:45:38 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 165
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Title             : ladybug - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:45:33 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 173
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Title             : ladybug simple - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:45:33 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 155
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Title             : ladybug simple - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:45:34 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 155
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Record ID         : 49034

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=pencil%20case&qs=n&form=QBIR&=%25eManage%20Your%20Search%20History%25E&sp=-1&ghc=1&pq=pencil%20cas&sc=8-10&sk=&cvid=5C244A67BE05449CBA23C4DA040A9F3C
Title             : pencil case - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:35:43 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 185
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Record ID         : 49012

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=pencil%20case&qs=n&form=QBIR&sp=-1&ghc=1&pq=pencil%20cas&sc=8-10&cvid=5C244A67BE05449CBA23C4DA040A9F3C&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover
Title             : yoda - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:35:43 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 167
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Record ID         : 49013

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Title             : yoda - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:35:44 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 167
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Record ID         : 49014

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=penis&qs=n&form=QBIRMH&=%25eManage%20Your%20Search%20History%25E&sp=-1&pq=penis&sc=8-5&sk=&cvid=F0E29547AEBF403383BBDD667CFA3DF0
Title             : penis - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:41:59 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 165
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Record ID         : 49026

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Title             : dqddqd - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:42:00 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 147
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Record ID         : 49028

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Title             : dqddqd - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:41:59 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 147
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Record ID         : 49027

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=question+mark+scary&FORM=HDRSC3
Title             : question mark scary - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:02:19 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 68
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Record ID         : 49618

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=question+mark+scary&form=HDRSC3&first=1&tsc=ImageHoverTitle
Title             : question mark scary - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:02:19 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 96
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Record ID         : 49619

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=simple%20pencil&qs=n&form=QBIRMH&=%25eManage%20Your%20Search%20History%25E&sp=-1&pq=simple%20penci&sc=8-12&sk=&cvid=3CDB5501D83E4694825282B125C46CA6
Title             : simple pencil - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:40:15 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 185
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Record ID         : 49021

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=simple%20pencil&qs=n&form=QBIRMH&sp=-1&pq=simple%20penci&sc=8-12&cvid=3CDB5501D83E4694825282B125C46CA6&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover
Title             : penis - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:40:16 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 167
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Record ID         : 49023

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Title             : penis - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:40:16 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 167
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Record ID         : 49022

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=the+red+scare&FORM=HDRSC3
Title             : the red scare - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:38:30 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 62
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Record ID         : 49503

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=the+red+scare&form=HDRSC3&first=1&tsc=ImageHoverTitle
Title             : the red scare - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:39:39 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 90
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Record ID         : 49506

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=the+red+scare&form=HDRSC3&first=1&tsc=ImageHoverTitle
Title             : the red scare - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:38:31 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 90
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Record ID         : 49504

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=voicemod+license+key&FORM=HDRSC3
Title             : voicemod license key - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:38:50 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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URL Length        : 69
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Record ID         : 48597

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=voicemod+license+key&form=HDRSC3&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover
Title             : voicemod license key - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:38:52 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 97
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Record ID         : 48598

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=waffle&qs=n&form=QBIR&=%25eManage%20Your%20Search%20History%25E&sp=-1&pq=waffle&sc=8-6&sk=&cvid=322DB099508D459486E6B838108BD806
Title             : waffle - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:38:51 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
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URL Length        : 165
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Record ID         : 49018

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Title             : simple pencil - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:38:52 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
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URL Length        : 147
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Title             : simple pencil - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:38:52 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 147
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Record ID         : 49020

URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=wing&FORM=HDRSC3
Title             : wing - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-05 9:39:54 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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URL               : https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=wing&form=HDRSC3&first=1&tsc=ImageHoverTitle
Title             : wing - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-05 9:39:55 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
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URL Length        : 81
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Record ID         : 49232

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Title             : yoda - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:37:11 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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URL Length        : 169
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Title             : waffle - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:37:12 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 151
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Title             : waffle - Bing images
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:37:11 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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User Profile      : josia
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Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:38:37 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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Record ID         : 49505

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Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:27:17 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:27:18 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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User Profile      : josia
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Record ID         : 49005

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Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:27:18 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 626
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Record ID         : 49006

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=african+music&cvid=60c1839de5bf475fbbcb7926e9004050&aqs=edge.0.0l9.3507j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANSPA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : african music - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 10:25:17 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 134
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Record ID         : 49661

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=african+tribal+music&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=6_7__0&sp=-1&pq=african+tribal+music&sc=7-20&sk=&cvid=60832E8617E444F18A64447798A3D657
Title             : african tribal music - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 10:25:29 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=african+music&cvid=60c1839de5bf475fbbcb7926e9004050&aqs=edge.0.0l9.3507j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANSPA1&PC=ASTS
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 161
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Record ID         : 49662

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=apple&cvid=a2ff0b83a616479c8a4bf61dfe85dad4&aqs=edge..69i57j0l8.888j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : apple - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:27:10 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 130
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Record ID         : 49001

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=balle+dance&cvid=7a81cb39bb6a413d976e399519cff539&aqs=edge..69i57j0l2j69i64.2300j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : balle dance - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 9:12:35 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 143
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Record ID         : 48925

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=buy+voicemod+license+key&go=Search&qs=ds&form=QBRE
Title             : buy voicemod license key - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:39:34 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 80
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Record ID         : 48602

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=buy+voicemod+license+key&go=Search&qs=ds&form=QBRE
Title             : buy voicemod license key - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:39:22 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=voicemod+license+key&FORM=HDRSC1
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 80
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48600

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=canadas+relations+and+differences+with+the+USA+regardining+international+organization+help&cvid=d68f18c1fe1e40d98a52823aa59036b5&aqs=edge..69i57.24420j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
Title             : canadas relations and differences with the USA regardining international organization help - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:14:02 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 204
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49462

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=canadian+encyclopedia&cvid=2244f93a62894b67ae0ac4e950e6ada8&aqs=edge.0.0j69i57j0l7.3325j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : canadian encyclopedia - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:57:06 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 150
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Record ID         : 48578

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=Cold+War+vs+Hot+War&cvid=9cb6be757799491fb1890190e13e28d0&aqs=edge..69i57j0l3.674j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : Cold War vs Hot War - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:15:28 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 144
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49464

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=Culture+of+Fear+in+North+America+during+the+Cold+War&cvid=5398dda41d9a4b4c82757022b8a29b0f&aqs=edge..69i57.12402j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : Culture of Fear in North America during the Cold War - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:04:51 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 175
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49252

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=facts+about+doctors&cvid=4e8d63bcb51349c9be9412f5f3fcb130&aqs=edge.0.0l9.3304j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : facts about doctors - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 2:23:51 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 140
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Record ID         : 49575

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=facts+about+doctors+in+canada&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=1_1__0&sp=-1&pq=facts+about+doctors+in+canad&sc=1-28&sk=&cvid=FDAF25C5CCD2407E9D1FD0C7DA6D2E82
Title             : facts about doctors in canada - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 2:23:58 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=facts+about+doctors&cvid=4e8d63bcb51349c9be9412f5f3fcb130&aqs=edge.0.0l9.3304j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 178
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49576

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=How+did+Canada+balance+its+commitment+to+peace+with+its+close+alliance+to+the+United+States+and+its+foreign+policy+during+the+Cold+War%3F&cvid=3fc8a8e3fc7e43dc85e01bed5cac2fe2&aqs=edge..69i57.479j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : How did Canada balance its commitment to peace with its close alliance to the United States and its foreign policy during the Cold War? - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:50:34 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 258
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49446

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=How+does+Canada%E2%80%99s+membership+in+international+organizations+help+to+foster+an+identity+that+is+similar+to%2C+yet+distinct+from%2C+its+neighbour+the+United+States%3F&cvid=8ce364cad5d74969892c3e042d135859&aqs=edge..69i57.508j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : How does Canada’s membership in international organizations help to foster an identity that is similar to, yet distinct from, its neighbour the United States? - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:13:19 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 293
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49459

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=How+has+Canada%E2%80%99s+international+identity+been+shaped+by+its+role+as+peacemaker+and+peacekeeper%3F&cvid=31be504859a6418cbc10d0fc73bd4979&aqs=edge..69i57.1126j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : How has Canada’s international identity been shaped by its role as peacemaker and peacekeeper? - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:46:28 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 226
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49440

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=How+has+Canada%E2%80%99s+international+identity+been+shaped+by+its+role+as+peacemaker+and+peacekeeper%3F&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=&sc=8-0&sk=&cvid=01763E0E4B7246D7A7A9ECB92743A6A3
Title             : How has Canada’s international identity been shaped by its role as peacemaker and peacekeeper? - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:58:09 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=what+does+un+stand+for&cvid=199facb350de42438d5bebfb54481bda&aqs=edge.1.69i57j0l8.8076j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 208
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49453

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+many+imigrated+doctors+come+to+canada&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=2_2__0&sp=-1&pq=how+many+imigrated+doctors+come+to+canad&sc=2-40&sk=&cvid=0F419F16F591426A95D7B6C7ABD16DF3
Title             : how many imigrated doctors come to canada - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 2:24:17 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 202
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49579

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+many+imigrated+doctors+come+to+canada&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=2_2__0&sp=-1&pq=how+many+imigrated+doctors+come+to+canad&sc=2-40&sk=&cvid=0F419F16F591426A95D7B6C7ABD16DF3
Title             : how many imigrated doctors come to canada - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 2:24:10 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=facts+about+doctors+in+canada&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=1_1__0&sp=-1&pq=facts+about+doctors+in+canad&sc=1-28&sk=&cvid=FDAF25C5CCD2407E9D1FD0C7DA6D2E82
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 202
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49577

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+many+immigration+doctors+come+to+canada&FORM=AWRE
Title             : how many immigration doctors come to canada - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 2:24:14 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+many+imigrated+doctors+come+to+canada&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=2_2__0&sp=-1&pq=how+many+imigrated+doctors+come+to+canad&sc=2-40&sk=&cvid=0F419F16F591426A95D7B6C7ABD16DF3
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 83
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49578

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+many+troops+does+canada+contribute+to+peacekeeping&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=1_1__0&sp=-1&pq=how+many+t+does+canada+contribute+to+peacekeeping&sc=1-49&sk=&cvid=474D249D3C934AFDB68A55103D24D9AB
Title             : how many troops does canada contribute to peacekeeping - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:55:51 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+much+does+canada+contribute+to+peacekeeping&qs=NWT&pq=how+much+does+canada+contribute+to+peace&sc=1-40&cvid=7BC48BE9BAC4428388B93A8DFAC12B2E&FORM=QBRE&sp=1
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 224
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49451

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+much+does+canada+contribute+to+peace&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=1_1__0&sp=-1&pq=how+much+does+canada+contribute+to+peace&sc=1-40&sk=&cvid=2B44C5971ABB47C9964363BAFC927EF0
Title             : how much does canada contribute to peace - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:55:36 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=when+did+canada+contribute+mostly+to+peacekeeping&cvid=2681bc45b7864c2ab4e9357d9d6f0e2d&aqs=edge..69i57.3714j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 201
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49449

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+much+does+canada+contribute+to+peacekeeping&qs=NWT&pq=how+much+does+canada+contribute+to+peace&sc=1-40&cvid=7BC48BE9BAC4428388B93A8DFAC12B2E&FORM=QBRE&sp=1
Title             : how much does canada contribute to peacekeeping - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:55:41 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+much+does+canada+contribute+to+peace&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=1_1__0&sp=-1&pq=how+much+does+canada+contribute+to+peace&sc=1-40&sk=&cvid=2B44C5971ABB47C9964363BAFC927EF0
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 189
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49450

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+to+buy+a+voice+mod+license&cvid=040c650adb1948e895dde4f1168679fe&aqs=edge.1.69i57j0l7j69i64.5952j0j9&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
Title             : how to buy a voice mod license - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:40:44 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 154
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Record ID         : 48611

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+to+buy+a+voice+mod+license&FORM=HDRSC1
Title             : how to buy a voice mod license - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:40:58 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 72
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48613

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+would+uou+describe+canadas+identity+during+the+cold+war&cvid=e6375f5117e74cda889cf56983247fe0&aqs=edge..69i57.12828j0j9&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
Title             : how would uou describe canadas identity during the cold war - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:19:42 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 173
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49471

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+would+uou+describe+canadas+identity+during+the+cold+war&cvid=e6375f5117e74cda889cf56983247fe0&aqs=edge..69i57.12828j0j9&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
Title             : how would uou describe canadas identity during the cold war - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:31:44 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 173
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49499

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=i&cvid=07b8fecfe23e4563a36bf6ada2deeabf&aqs=edge..69i57j0l2j69i59j0j69i60l4.1072j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
Title             : i - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 10:16:10 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 134
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48927

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=question+mark&cvid=44c6f3f08bd94bf186da7bfc8dd12e31&aqs=edge.0.0l9.2263j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : question mark - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:02:11 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 134
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Record ID         : 49616

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=question+mark+scary&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=6_6__0&sp=-1&ghc=1&pq=question+mark+scary&sc=6-19&sk=&cvid=F5CF488AD65B4202A97A2A1AEB3FCD91
Title             : question mark scary - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:02:15 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 165
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Record ID         : 49617

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=scribble+hacks&cvid=987bf55bec8b4f5ab9309e8c71639717&aqs=edge.0.0j69i57j0l7.2857j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : scribble hacks - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:22:00 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 143
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Record ID         : 49279

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=scribble.io+hacks&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=6_6__0&sp=-1&pq=scribble.io+hacks&sc=6-17&sk=&cvid=6F8B21BF823A4A74BCFC17D71F604F31
Title             : scribble.io hacks - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:22:15 AM
Visit Count       : 4
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 155
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Record ID         : 49282

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=scribble.io+hacks&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=6_6__0&sp=-1&pq=scribble.io+hacks&sc=6-17&sk=&cvid=6F8B21BF823A4A74BCFC17D71F604F31
Title             : scribble.io hacks - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:22:52 AM
Visit Count       : 4
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 155
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Record ID         : 49286

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=scribble.io+hacks&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=6_6__0&sp=-1&pq=scribble.io+hacks&sc=6-17&sk=&cvid=6F8B21BF823A4A74BCFC17D71F604F31
Title             : scribble.io hacks - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:22:07 AM
Visit Count       : 4
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 155
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Record ID         : 49280

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Title             : scribble.io hacks - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:22:38 AM
Visit Count       : 4
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 155
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Record ID         : 49284

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=server+botter+discord&cvid=71de263ab0c54ba0b989eeca88409a9d&aqs=edge.0.0j69i57j0l7.3200j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : server botter discord - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:02:47 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 150
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Record ID         : 49321

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Title             : server botter discord - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:03:18 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 150
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Record ID         : 49325

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=skribble+io+hack&cvid=6d52f06df312438098e38729c6b8f8a6&aqs=edge.3.69i60j0j69i57j69i59j0l3j69i60l2.2237j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
Title             : skribble io hack - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:25:23 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 156
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Record ID         : 48999

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Title             : skribble io hack - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:25:00 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 156
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Record ID         : 48994

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=skribble+io+hack&cvid=6d52f06df312438098e38729c6b8f8a6&aqs=edge.3.69i60j0j69i57j69i59j0l3j69i60l2.2237j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
Title             : skribble io hack - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:25:16 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 156
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Record ID         : 48996

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=skribble+io+hack&cvid=df5928874a6f4cceae232f81dbdb385c&aqs=edge.2.0l9.4167j0j9&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
Title             : skribble io hack - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:15:32 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 128
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Record ID         : 48977

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=spotify+premium&cvid=e3bb32506c8b48f697626d3362ac1f9f&aqs=edge.1.69i57j0l8.3600j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : spotify premium - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:06:04 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 142
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Record ID         : 49254

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=synonyms+for+covid&cvid=06e53da75b9f418a87acb343cc3104d0&aqs=edge..69i57j0l8.4303j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : synonyms for covid - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 7:57:54 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 144
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Record ID         : 48975

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=synonyms+for+germ&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=6_7__0&sp=-1&pq=synonyms+for+germ&sc=7-17&sk=&cvid=611B0FB120C4470A9317159F2CF2EDDA
Title             : synonyms for germ - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 7:57:59 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 155
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Record ID         : 48976

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=synonyms+for+ominous&cvid=2a0ff562619e41179894e742fca2df36&aqs=edge.0.0j69i57j0l7.4820j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : synonyms for ominous - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:26:45 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 149
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Record ID         : 49144

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=the+red+scare&cvid=aec4901a9f684bde8a7781ee605fd523&aqs=edge.0.0l9.2205j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : the red scare - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:38:21 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 134
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Record ID         : 49502

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=the+red+scare&FORM=HDRSC1
Title             : the red scare - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:39:44 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 55
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Record ID         : 49507

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=the+red+scare&FORM=HDRSC1
Title             : the red scare - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:41:08 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 55
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Record ID         : 49509

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=The+Warsaw+Pact&cvid=a29bb68ff09942c291fdc58b02254163&aqs=edge..69i57.1378j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : The Warsaw Pact - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:30:05 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 137
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Record ID         : 49496

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=The+Warsaw+Pact&cvid=a29bb68ff09942c291fdc58b02254163&aqs=edge..69i57.1378j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : The Warsaw Pact - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:29:51 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 137
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Record ID         : 49494

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=voicemod&cvid=3279f3fa7f99432b936b7493da6e5c5a&aqs=edge..69i59j69i57j69i59l2j0l5.2995j0j9&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
Title             : voicemod - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:40:01 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 139
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Record ID         : 48605

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Title             : voicemod - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:39:38 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 139
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Record ID         : 48603

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=voicemod&qs=AS&pq=voic&sc=6-4&cvid=D5ABA50D262D4882B91FBDBBEDA8F816&FORM=QBRE&sp=1
Title             : voicemod - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:41:07 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+to+buy+a+voice+mod+license&FORM=HDRSC1
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 112
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Record ID         : 48614

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=voicemod+license+key&cvid=c4e5442cea51446f85c176908ae3e0e8&aqs=edge.1.69i57j0l8.6205j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANSPA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : voicemod license key - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:38:07 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 147
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Record ID         : 48596

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=voicemod+license+key&FORM=HDRSC1
Title             : voicemod license key - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:39:18 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 62
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Record ID         : 48599

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=voicemod+pro+license&qs=LT&pq=voicemod+pro+l&sk=CT1&sc=6-14&cvid=7498D4EBD39B49DEABD58522B605979F&FORM=QBRE&sp=2&ghc=1
Title             : voicemod pro license - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:40:20 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 148
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Record ID         : 48606

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=voicemod+pro+license&qs=LT&pq=voicemod+pro+l&sk=CT1&sc=6-14&cvid=7498D4EBD39B49DEABD58522B605979F&FORM=QBRE&sp=2&ghc=1
Title             : voicemod pro license - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:40:31 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 148
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48610

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=wade+in+the+water&cvid=3fa9408c51e14e419265ad010eb57847&aqs=edge.0.0j69i57j0l7.3507j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : wade in the water - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:36:18 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 146
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Record ID         : 48797

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=wade+in+the+water+slave+song&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=0_1__0&sp=-1&ghc=1&pq=wade+in+the+water+slave+song&sc=1-28&sk=&cvid=E0DC8A54140544508E2BFB96CA4407E3
Title             : wade in the water slave song - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:36:27 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 183
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Record ID         : 48798

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=was+there+a+Culture+of+Fear+in+North+America+during+the+Cold+War.&cvid=2fd2fd06f84d499480caa0730852637b&aqs=edge..69i57.32100j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : was there a Culture of Fear in North America during the Cold War. - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:48:31 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 188
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Record ID         : 49442

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=was+there+a+Culture+of+Fear+in+North+America+during+the+Cold+War.&cvid=2fd2fd06f84d499480caa0730852637b&aqs=edge..69i57.32100j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : was there a Culture of Fear in North America during the Cold War. - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:48:50 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 188
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Record ID         : 49444

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=was+there+fear+of+north+america+during+the+cold+war&cvid=e4b3ec314a834b8b8f3cc13146ec46a7&aqs=edge..69i57j69i64.12439j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
Title             : was there fear of north america during the cold war - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:36:29 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 171
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49500

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=What%20was%20the%20Red%20Scare%20in%20the%20Cold%20War%3F
Title             : What was the Red Scare in the Cold War? - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:41:27 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 87
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Record ID         : 49511

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=What%20was%20the%20Warsaw%20Pact%20and%20what%20did%20it%20do%3F
Title             : What was the Warsaw Pact and what did it do? - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:30:14 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 94
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Record ID         : 49497

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Title             : what are good questions to ask doctors about health care - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:40:13 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Title             : what are good questions to ask doctors for an interview - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:40:39 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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Title             : what does un stand for - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:57:33 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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Title             : what doo you rub 3 times to make a genie appear - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:07:51 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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User Profile      : josia
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Title             : what doo you rub 3 times to make a genie appear - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:08:03 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=what+doo+you+rup+3+times+to+make+A+GENIE+APPEAR&cvid=7cd9f70e15194721b0d50ec550f10845&aqs=edge..69i57.7352j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : what doo you rup 3 times to make A GENIE APPEAR - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:07:45 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
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Record ID         : 49678

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=what+doo+you+up+3+times+to+make+a+genie+appear&FORM=AWRE
Title             : what doo you up 3 times to make a genie appear - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:07:48 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Title             : what is a cold war - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:18:10 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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Record ID         : 49467

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=what+is+a+hot+war&cvid=2afa62e4cafa467fbfa0ee9cfefe981c&aqs=edge..69i57j0l8.3106j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&PC=ASTS
Title             : what is a hot war - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:18:02 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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Title             : what is the red scare - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:41:15 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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User Profile      : josia
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Title             : what is the red scare - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:41:30 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49512

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=what+overseas+missions+did+canada+fail+in+the+UN&cvid=4bcd3aa3f87446a79aeda03c8b02329e&aqs=edge..69i57.8708j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : what overseas missions did canada fail in the UN - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:00:13 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49455

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Title             : what overseas missions did canada fail in the UN - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:00:39 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 170
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Record ID         : 49457

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=when+did+canada+contribute+mostly+to+peacekeeping&cvid=2681bc45b7864c2ab4e9357d9d6f0e2d&aqs=edge..69i57.3714j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : when did canada contribute mostly to peacekeeping - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:52:52 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49448

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=where+do+family+doctors+work&cvid=143730c9fd0d4c9a8010f6c8478feb38&aqs=edge.0.0l9.3795j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : where do family doctors work - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:42:41 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 149
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URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=wihat+is+the+value+of+cosine+at+0&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=1_2__0&sp=-1&pq=wihat+is+the+value+of+cosine+at+0&sc=2-33&sk=&cvid=8CE20261B88D40DB91914CE8AC606A00
Title             : wihat is the value of cosine at 0 - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:55:25 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49312

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Title             : wihat is the value of cosine at 135 - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:59:43 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Title             : wihat is the value of cosine at 315 - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:58:27 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Title             : wihat is the value of sine at 150 - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:57:33 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Title             : wihat is the value of sine at 330 - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:59:19 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 187
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Record ID         : 49318

URL               : https://www.bing.com/search?q=wihat+is+the+valye+of+315+cosine+on+a+circle&cvid=74a5a48c03d64cdeb584ff0a4348855e&aqs=edge..69i57.6510j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
Title             : wihat is the valye of 315 cosine on a circle - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:52:53 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Title             : wihat is the valye of sine at 150 - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:54:56 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=wihat+is+the+valye+of+sine+at+330+on+a+circle&qs=n&form=QBRE&msbsrank=1_1__0&sp=-1&pq=wihat+is+the+valye+of+sine+at+330+on+a+circle&sc=1-45&sk=&cvid=D2566FFCD56E4C70BA9E29CF8B2C8982
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49311

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Title             : wihat is the valye of sine at 330 on a circle - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 12:54:12 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49310

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Title             : wing - Search
Visit Time        : 2022-04-05 9:39:50 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 129
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Record ID         : 49230

URL               : https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=how+to+buy+a+voice+mod+license&FORM=HDRSC4
Title             : how to buy a voice mod license - Bing video
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:40:51 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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URL Length        : 79
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Record ID         : 48612

URL               : https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=wade+in+the+water+slave+song&view=detail&mid=52C13069C592814D109F52C13069C592814D109F&FORM=VIRE
Title             : Wade in the Water Lyrics - Bing video
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:36:34 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 48799

URL               : https://www.britannica.com/event/Cold-War
Title             : Cold War | Summary, Causes, History, Years, Timeline, & Facts | Britannica
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:18:26 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49468

URL               : https://www.britannica.com/event/Cold-War
Title             : Cold War | Summary, Causes, History, Years, Timeline, & Facts | Britannica
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:18:29 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 41
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Record ID         : 49469

URL               : https://www.buckshaw.org/skribbl-io-hacks/
Title             : Skribbl Io Hacks - BuckSha
Visit Time        : 2022-04-03 8:25:19 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Record ID         : 48997

URL               : https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ukraine-russia-canada-sanctions-1.6397638
Title             : How NATO — and Canada — could do a lot more to defend Ukraine | CBC News
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:28:15 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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Record ID         : 48595

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/animals/insect/dragonfly-e5e9bd3d-5208-4127-939f-4ce36d0d6bc5
Title             : dragonfly 3D model animated rigged | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:16:45 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character/fantasy-character/ghost-66be4d05-a748-465b-9edd-45a5af74cb96
Title             : 3D model Ghost VR / AR / low-poly | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:14:37 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49068

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?animated=1&low_poly=1
Title             : .blend Animated Lowpoly 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:44:17 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?animated=1&low_poly=1&page=57
Title             : .blend Animated Lowpoly 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:44:24 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?animated=1&low_poly=1&page=58
Title             : .blend Animated Lowpoly 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:44:32 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 74
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49216

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=apocalypse&suggested=1
Title             : Apocalypse 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:34:32 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 76
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49167

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=car
Title             : Car 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:33:25 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 57
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49163

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=forest
Title             : Forest 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:39:27 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 60
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49188

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=house
Title             : House 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:36:19 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 59
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49169

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=lowpoly
Title             : Lowpoly 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:42:08 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49204

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=lowpoly&animated=1&low_poly=1
Title             : .blend Animated Lowpoly 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:44:14 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 83
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49213

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=mountain&suggested=1
Title             : Mountain 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:38:21 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 74
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49181

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=movie
Title             : Movie 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:19:37 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 59
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49099

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=pokemon
Title             : Pokemon 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:18:51 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49092

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=scary
Title             : Scary 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:25:09 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 59
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49142

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=scenery
Title             : Scenery 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:37:50 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49178

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=sci%20fi
Title             : Sci fi 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:17:57 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 62
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49089

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=temple
Title             : Temple 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:40:28 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 60
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49191

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/exterior/house/modern-villa-2021-blender-eevee-and-cycles-2-without-furniture
Title             : 3D model Modern villa 2021 Blender Eevee and Cycles 2 without furniture VR / AR / low-poly animated | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:15:59 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=3
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 112
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49078

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/exterior/landscape/lowpoly-3d-model-64da98f8-c271-4b4d-9ef9-23fd24a01e93
Title             : Lowpoly 3D model 3D model animated rigged | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:41:34 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=temple&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 107
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49201

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/exterior/landscape/lowpoly-3d-model-64da98f8-c271-4b4d-9ef9-23fd24a01e93
Title             : Lowpoly 3D model 3D model animated rigged | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:38:35 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=mountain&suggested=1&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 107
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49183

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/exterior/other/alternate-reality-challenge-3d-model
Title             : Fantasy Sea side View 3D Model Animated 3D model animated | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:38:50 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=mountain&suggested=1&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 86
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49185

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/exterior/other/alternate-reality-challenge-3d-model
Title             : Fantasy Sea side View 3D Model Animated 3D model animated | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:40:44 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=temple&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 86
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49193

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/exterior/other/alternate-reality-challenge-3d-model
Title             : Fantasy Sea side View 3D Model Animated 3D model animated | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:41:05 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXNWSkZOM0hwZ3NxTFotUmlFaThDTnpobE1pZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsWTcwR28zYkxIT2hDTXVjSE1kWm5LUGxkUnN5X0lVMm9LNWI1bi1URUh0a3RiSlRTVmpwVG9falRQNXEzMG9sbXR5X1BkY0ZMcUJYY2hvWDd5N3dDMm1DTXg5VmhJLUFjMEJlbk5mTDZqY2F0OW44bw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cgtrader.com%2F3d-models%2Fexterior%2Fother%2Falternate-reality-challenge-3d-model&v=60YryJ0y8cQ
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 86
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49197

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/exterior/street-exterior/naruto-3d-scene-anime-style
Title             : 3D model Naruto 3D Scene - Anime Style VR / AR / low-poly animated | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:42:49 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=lowpoly&file_types[]=21&page=2
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 87
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49207

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/interior/house-interior/house-in-my-farm
Title             : 3D model House in my farm VR / AR / low-poly | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:41:52 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/exterior/landscape/lowpoly-3d-model-64da98f8-c271-4b4d-9ef9-23fd24a01e93
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 75
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49202

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/interior/house-interior/house-in-my-farm
Title             : 3D model House in my farm VR / AR / low-poly | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:36:48 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=house&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 75
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49171

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/various/various-models/paramount-logo-animation-in-blender-editable-text
Title             : paramount logo animation in blender editable text 3D model animated | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:28:02 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=text&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 107
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49152

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/vehicle/other/post-apocalyptic-vehicle-blender-scene
Title             : Post Apocalyptic Vehicle Blender Scene 3D model animated | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:34:10 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=car&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 87
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49165

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=animation
Title             : Animation 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:28:20 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=text&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 53
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49154

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=apocalypse&suggested=1
Title             : Apocalypse 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:34:27 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/vehicle/other/post-apocalyptic-vehicle-blender-scene
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49166

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=camel
Title             : Camel 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:08:25 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49683

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=car
Title             : Car 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:33:21 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=177
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 47
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49162

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=cartoon&suggested=1
Title             : Cartoon 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:20:46 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=movie&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 63
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49101

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=desert
Title             : Desert 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 9:57:57 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/blender
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 50
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49664

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=desert+bush
Title             : Desert bush 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:08:50 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=camel&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 55
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49686

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=fight
Title             : Fight 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:37:22 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=house&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49173

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=forest
Title             : Forest 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:39:22 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=mountain&suggested=1&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 50
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49187

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=future
Title             : Future 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:22:38 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=cartoon&suggested=1&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 50
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49104

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=genie
Title             : Genie 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:07:22 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=desert&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49675

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=ghost
Title             : Ghost 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:13:07 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=12
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49065

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=glitch
Title             : Glitch 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:27:09 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=ominious
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 50
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49147

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=healthcare
Title             : Healthcare 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:37:40 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/blender
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 54
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49541

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=hospital
Title             : Hospital 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:55:36 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49565

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=house
Title             : House 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:36:14 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?keywords=apocalypse&suggested=1
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49168

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=lowpoly
Title             : Lowpoly 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:42:04 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/interior/house-interior/house-in-my-farm
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49203

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=magi
Title             : Magi 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:19:42 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/plant/pot-plant/palm-tree-74671ff5-0c17-47d8-9718-886760517d12
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 48
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49701

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=magic
Title             : Magic 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:19:47 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=magi
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49702

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=man
Title             : Man 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:49:01 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/items/3418968/download-page
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 47
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49557

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=mountain&suggested=1
Title             : Mountain 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:38:18 PM
Visit Count       : 5
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=scenery&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 64
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49180

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=movie
Title             : Movie 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:19:34 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49098

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=movie
Title             : Movie 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:19:21 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=pokemon&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49094

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=ominious
Title             : Ominious 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:27:00 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49146

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=palm+tree
Title             : Palm tree 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:10:56 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=radio
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 53
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49695

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=pokemon
Title             : Pokemon 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:18:46 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=sci%20fi&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49091

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=radio
Title             : Radio 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:10:47 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=desert%20bush&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49693

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=scary
Title             : Scary 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:24:57 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49141

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=scenery
Title             : Scenery 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:37:47 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=tree
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49177

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=sci+fi
Title             : Sci fi 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:17:50 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=7
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 50
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49088

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=temple
Title             : Temple 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:40:24 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=forest&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 50
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49190

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=text
Title             : Text 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:27:26 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=glitch
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 48
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49149

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?keywords=tree
Title             : Tree 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:37:41 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=fight&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 48
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49176

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21
Title             : Animation 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:23:57 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 59
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49109

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21
Title             : Animation 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:28:39 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 59
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49157

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21
Title             : Animation 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:24:49 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 59
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49140

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21
Title             : Animation 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:15:23 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 59
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49075

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=100
Title             : Animation 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:28:48 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 68
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49158

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=175
Title             : Animation 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:28:59 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 68
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49159

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=176
Title             : Animation 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:29:13 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 68
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49160

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=177
Title             : Animation 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:33:14 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 68
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49161

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=2
Title             : .blend Animated Ghost 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:15:34 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49076

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=3
Title             : .blend Animated 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:15:45 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49077

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=3
Title             : .blend Animated 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:16:11 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49079

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=4
Title             : .blend Animated 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:16:53 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49082

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=4
Title             : .blend Animated 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:16:29 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49080

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=5
Title             : .blend Animated 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:17:01 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49083

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=6
Title             : .blend Animated 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:17:24 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49086

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?file_types[]=21&page=7
Title             : .blend Animated 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:17:36 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49087

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=animation
Title             : Animation 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:28:23 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 62
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49155

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=animation&file_types[]=21
Title             : Animation 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:28:28 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 78
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49156

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=car&file_types[]=21
Title             : Car 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:33:29 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 72
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49164

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=cartoon&suggested=1
Title             : Cartoon 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:20:50 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 72
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49102

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=cartoon&suggested=1&file_types[]=21
Title             : Cartoon 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:20:55 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 88
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49103

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=fight
Title             : Fight 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:37:27 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 58
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49174

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=fight&file_types[]=21
Title             : Fight 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:37:34 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 74
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49175

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=forest&file_types[]=21
Title             : Forest 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:39:33 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 75
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49189

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=future
Title             : Future 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:22:42 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 59
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49105

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=future
Title             : Future 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:23:27 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 59
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49107

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=future&file_types[]=21
Title             : Future 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:22:50 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 75
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49106

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=future&file_types[]=21
Title             : Future 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:23:53 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 75
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49108

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=ghost
Title             : Ghost 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:13:13 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 58
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49066

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=ghost&file_types[]=21
Title             : .blend Animated Ghost 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:15:14 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 74
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49074

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=ghost&file_types[]=21
Title             : .blend Animated Ghost 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:13:22 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 74
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49067

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=glitch
Title             : Glitch 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:27:14 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 59
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49148

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=house&file_types[]=21
Title             : .blend Animated House 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:36:28 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 74
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49170

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=house&file_types[]=21
Title             : .blend Animated House 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:37:04 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 74
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49172

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=lowpoly&file_types[]=21
Title             : Lowpoly 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:42:12 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 76
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49205

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=lowpoly&file_types[]=21&page=2
Title             : .blend Animated Lowpoly 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:42:27 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 83
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49206

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=lowpoly&file_types[]=21&page=2
Title             : .blend Animated Lowpoly 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:43:06 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 83
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49208

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=lowpoly&file_types[]=21&page=3
Title             : .blend Animated Lowpoly 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:43:13 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 83
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49209

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=lowpoly&file_types[]=21&page=4
Title             : .blend Animated Lowpoly 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:43:27 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 83
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49210

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=lowpoly&file_types[]=21&page=5
Title             : .blend Animated Lowpoly 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:43:46 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 83
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49211

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=lowpoly&file_types[]=21&page=6
Title             : .blend Animated Lowpoly 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:44:02 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 83
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49212

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=mountain&suggested=1&file_types[]=21
Title             : .blend Animated Mountain 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:38:27 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 89
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49182

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=mountain&suggested=1&file_types[]=21
Title             : .blend Animated Mountain 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:38:55 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 89
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49186

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=mountain&suggested=1&file_types[]=21
Title             : .blend Animated Mountain 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:38:40 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 89
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49184

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=movie&file_types[]=21
Title             : Movie 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:19:44 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 74
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49100

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=pokemon&file_types[]=21
Title             : Pokemon 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:18:59 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 76
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49093

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=scary&file_types[]=21
Title             : Scary 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:25:17 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 74
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49143

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=scenery&file_types[]=21
Title             : Scenery 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:37:54 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 76
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49179

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=sci%20fi&file_types[]=21
Title             : Sci fi 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:18:02 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 77
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49090

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=temple&file_types[]=21
Title             : .blend Animated Temple 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:41:28 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 75
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49200

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=temple&file_types[]=21
Title             : .blend Animated Temple 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:40:33 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 75
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49192

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=text
Title             : Text 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:27:30 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 57
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49150

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=text&file_types[]=21
Title             : .blend Animated Text 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:28:09 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49153

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/animated-3d-models?keywords=text&file_types[]=21
Title             : .blend Animated Text 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:27:37 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49151

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/cg/checkout/order-processing/6270426
Title             : Thank you for your patience | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:19:57 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/cg/checkout/verify?payload=Ab02b4c0%21BQABAgBkVfDpgOvQfUQ7TBatxQh29Ty6pUqwk4d%2BIjKOb%2FuzLMy8cK74cpQlWzOnheAWw7vwhbNx9zwEG7IQOWCrPyApqXcS2MgdZOSf4h5Eyrrs3kb%2Fp9ZpDtPahASf2TwXFEpvhO1Eqg8thQMxtcSf0knTA2CiO1ejbqPIQ38faCxuarQ6MIALHfyehntOI4MdhcUtu7vnyk85AMVYpaWy1dq%2BUqTeHT7Ax3Nltn42xFhSSuWypzENeymfQw3dYAVrOS6LqSuuk2mN96jlwxpMVn%2B1b1cyEZk8a8D9CKQyB0bSFLFHR18jrYbb%2FvQL8vnMut11NdpMvn%2FkLd%2FJJQ0rP6TaKFe1tzJYFwq5jqYtawLWoj1Z87BAUXZC6vl%2FQjPq%2FEOmD92bCjPi9CB8dkjHyJBDzzn%2Fwism%2FShPjG9JnDNdNzxfe9BDoSeU2YqZ38Y2fjMS88xfQcCQEhbRcxx%2FKy42ZflDrjbWpZ2gA7IwEZ6ez5Z2lZUUJtFheyaWCZDSYdpZEq9BOP5wbWIK%2Fva7jA9SIVgj3JBVGHxgi%2Fk7IaMc67sVpzZJ3BDzG%2BwP05Zx%2F%2BFuFh8nLY14KU851iA0nTkW5qDlB217IluDxj8ng2aBaJioBjKFSAycX9kHWXdzbVr6Q91280CAao%2BQuxynXSejRJBwhJWzSTl6E3SGHOTcxxAUkm6HMO9URe16WDHzqMv1AEp7ImtleSI6IkNDMkQ1Q0FEMEVDNjFDRDE0QUJCRkQyMThBMTFBNTE4QUFFNEMyNTI5MEZFOTlCN0MzMEJBNkMyOTJDNEZFQUYifUCNLQsSfhWack3OpJwWVtg%2Bg9FTsblDquip0j6AvPHwBYUm84p%2FvrpoWutaKjTZzdERjqNl%2BUoCX34hL%2FyrDsOqeAXqIyiEA9qKwoMMoxx%2Bh7b4hRDJ%2Bzas5TbaUrGTma4ftjBhnL597%2F%2B59inJ8jPuSpUIlfzzkWHH4JVVR7J8ZSsxuRtfGyFQKSAaV54d3%2B3WBJXOgvotpYVn83KTRVAB6%2BFDEi4KPpYnQShgdqKpCV7%2F%2BqVB5ds852Y8UH0gP2hShwa5Qc5zMskyCixKY1r6Tt%2FFBb1FONRU%2Ff6aE8XPX2rdcHkgjRaENwhyJFAc9JKbQhH7cPoE&type=complete&resultCode=authorised
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49132

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/cg/checkout/payment
Title             : Order Review & Payment - Checkout | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:19:13 PM
Visit Count       : 3
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 44
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49124

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/cg/checkout/payment
Title             : Order Review & Payment - Checkout | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:44:40 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/ext/blend?animated=1&low_poly=1&page=58
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 44
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49217

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/cg/checkout/payment#payment
Title             : Order Review & Payment - Checkout | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:24:47 PM
Visit Count       : 5
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49139

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/cg/checkout/payment#payment
Title             : Order Review & Payment - Checkout | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:19:23 PM
Visit Count       : 5
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/cg/checkout/payment
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49125

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/cg/checkout/payment#payment
Title             : Order Review & Payment - Checkout | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:44:42 PM
Visit Count       : 5
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/cg/checkout/payment
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49218

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/cg/checkout/verify?payload=Ab02b4c0%21BQABAgBkVfDpgOvQfUQ7TBatxQh29Ty6pUqwk4d%2BIjKOb%2FuzLMy8cK74cpQlWzOnheAWw7vwhbNx9zwEG7IQOWCrPyApqXcS2MgdZOSf4h5Eyrrs3kb%2Fp9ZpDtPahASf2TwXFEpvhO1Eqg8thQMxtcSf0knTA2CiO1ejbqPIQ38faCxuarQ6MIALHfyehntOI4MdhcUtu7vnyk85AMVYpaWy1dq%2BUqTeHT7Ax3Nltn42xFhSSuWypzENeymfQw3dYAVrOS6LqSuuk2mN96jlwxpMVn%2B1b1cyEZk8a8D9CKQyB0bSFLFHR18jrYbb%2FvQL8vnMut11NdpMvn%2FkLd%2FJJQ0rP6TaKFe1tzJYFwq5jqYtawLWoj1Z87BAUXZC6vl%2FQjPq%2FEOmD92bCjPi9CB8dkjHyJBDzzn%2Fwism%2FShPjG9JnDNdNzxfe9BDoSeU2YqZ38Y2fjMS88xfQcCQEhbRcxx%2FKy42ZflDrjbWpZ2gA7IwEZ6ez5Z2lZUUJtFheyaWCZDSYdpZEq9BOP5wbWIK%2Fva7jA9SIVgj3JBVGHxgi%2Fk7IaMc67sVpzZJ3BDzG%2BwP05Zx%2F%2BFuFh8nLY14KU851iA0nTkW5qDlB217IluDxj8ng2aBaJioBjKFSAycX9kHWXdzbVr6Q91280CAao%2BQuxynXSejRJBwhJWzSTl6E3SGHOTcxxAUkm6HMO9URe16WDHzqMv1AEp7ImtleSI6IkNDMkQ1Q0FEMEVDNjFDRDE0QUJCRkQyMThBMTFBNTE4QUFFNEMyNTI5MEZFOTlCN0MzMEJBNkMyOTJDNEZFQUYifUCNLQsSfhWack3OpJwWVtg%2Bg9FTsblDquip0j6AvPHwBYUm84p%2FvrpoWutaKjTZzdERjqNl%2BUoCX34hL%2FyrDsOqeAXqIyiEA9qKwoMMoxx%2Bh7b4hRDJ%2Bzas5TbaUrGTma4ftjBhnL597%2F%2B59inJ8jPuSpUIlfzzkWHH4JVVR7J8ZSsxuRtfGyFQKSAaV54d3%2B3WBJXOgvotpYVn83KTRVAB6%2BFDEi4KPpYnQShgdqKpCV7%2F%2BqVB5ds852Y8UH0gP2hShwa5Qc5zMskyCixKY1r6Tt%2FFBb1FONRU%2Ff6aE8XPX2rdcHkgjRaENwhyJFAc9JKbQhH7cPoE&type=complete&resultCode=authorised
Title             : Thank you for your patience | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:19:57 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://checkoutshopper-live.adyen.com/checkoutshopper/services/PaymentIncomingRedirect/v1/localPaymentMethod?merchantAccount=CGTraderCOM&returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cgtrader.com%2Fcg%2Fcheckout%2Fverify&additionalData=fVWaICJj0VRNTD7HBpc%2BBQ%3D%3D%21QcO86O4mLo%2Bl6qKNxDUXHN5sU0BRGMaBLxB0SUr69kip1Yh3a%2Fhf&authResult=AUTHORISED&merchantIntegrationVersion=1.3.2&merchantReference=6270426&merchantReturnData=X3G35G9ZJMXRS722&merchantSig=BZ2NzED57tWblgwi134AbABpK2xDLBvjHW4x4zNKUmA%3D&paymentMethod=paypal&pspReference=XXJZRSRXGXBR8HG2&returnURLSignature=2IY8Lq4X1G%2F%2Fb08fx%2BYinVyWr2XjFUEEmXOD8ZPZJbg%3D&shopperLocale=en_US&skinCode=pub.v2.2615221351411448.ADxwXQao88jt5ZfSHRFqJI5tCjKsS7hvwCLkYbpgli8
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 1309
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49131

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models
Title             : Movie 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:06:00 PM
Visit Count       : 23
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/blender
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 39
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49047

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models
Title             : Movie 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:19:27 PM
Visit Count       : 23
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 39
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49096

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/animals/other/virus-923f84eb-f97f-44b8-8f60-5680f1491ee4
Title             : Virus free 3D model animated | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:39:41 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 96
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49547

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/animals/other/virus-923f84eb-f97f-44b8-8f60-5680f1491ee4
Title             : Virus free 3D model animated | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:38:07 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=healthcare&file_types[]=21&animated=1
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 96
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49545

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/blender
Title             : Free Blender 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:37:30 PM
Visit Count       : 43
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/blender
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 47
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49540

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/blender
Title             : Free Blender 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 9:57:46 AM
Visit Count       : 43
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 47
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49663

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/blender
Title             : Free Blender 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:05:50 PM
Visit Count       : 43
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 47
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49046

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/blender
Title             : Free Blender 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:37:30 PM
Visit Count       : 43
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/character/other/aladdin-magic-lamp-01633488-0629-4978-ab49-4fed86d1269f
Title             : Aladdin magic lamp free 3D model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:20:02 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=magic
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 111
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49704

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/character/sci-fi-character/robot-l2
Title             : ROBOT L2 free VR / AR / low-poly 3D model animated rigged | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:10:23 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=12
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 75
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49061

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/character/sci-fi-character/robot-l2
Title             : ROBOT L2 free VR / AR / low-poly 3D model animated rigged | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:12:55 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 75
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49063

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/exterior/landscape/3d-1bc58d69-fc96-4217-9453-1aa55421077d
Title             : Zany 3D Scribble - Mockup Game Desert Scene free 3D model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:01:27 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=desert&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 98
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Record ID         : 49671

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/exterior/landscape/3d-1bc58d69-fc96-4217-9453-1aa55421077d
Title             : Zany 3D Scribble - Mockup Game Desert Scene free 3D model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:06:59 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 98
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Record ID         : 49673

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/exterior/landscape/mars-landscape-0079c4c4-8c0d-48f1-91f1-e9280d9928dd
Title             : Mars landscape free 3D model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:01:22 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 110
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Record ID         : 49669

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/exterior/landscape/mars-landscape-0079c4c4-8c0d-48f1-91f1-e9280d9928dd
Title             : Mars landscape free 3D model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 9:58:22 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=desert&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 110
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49667

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/interior/hall/hospital-interior-ef3b5c0e-b2ba-4cd2-92ae-d5ec469d071e
Title             : Hospital interior free 3D model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:56:53 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=hospital&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 108
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49573

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/plant/bush/bush-model
Title             : Bush model free VR / AR / low-poly 3D model animated rigged | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:10:23 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49690

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/plant/bush/bush-model
Title             : Bush model free VR / AR / low-poly 3D model animated rigged | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:09:04 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=desert%20bush
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 61
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49688

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/plant/pot-plant/palm-tree-74671ff5-0c17-47d8-9718-886760517d12
Title             : Palm tree free 3D model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:11:39 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=palm%20tree&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 102
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Record ID         : 49698

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/plant/pot-plant/palm-tree-74671ff5-0c17-47d8-9718-886760517d12
Title             : Palm tree free 3D model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:19:38 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 102
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Record ID         : 49700

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/science/medical/mri-model
Title             : MRI model free 3D model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:43:03 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=healthcare&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 65
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Record ID         : 49555

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/science/medical/syringe-3d-model-c023a54d-5981-4a5a-8540-d72f9e6838dd
Title             : syringe 3D model free 3D model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:40:02 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=healthcare&file_types[]=21
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 109
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Record ID         : 49550

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/science/medical/syringe-3d-model-c023a54d-5981-4a5a-8540-d72f9e6838dd
Title             : syringe 3D model free 3D model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:42:52 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 109
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49553

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21
Title             : Movie 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:19:29 PM
Visit Count       : 25
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 55
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49097

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21
Title             : Movie 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:06:04 PM
Visit Count       : 25
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 55
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49048

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1
Title             : Free 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:06:07 PM
Visit Count       : 9
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 66
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49049

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=10
Title             : Free 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:09:31 PM
Visit Count       : 8
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 74
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49058

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=11
Title             : Free 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:09:50 PM
Visit Count       : 10
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 74
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49059

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=12
Title             : Free .blend 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:12:58 PM
Visit Count       : 9
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 74
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49064

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=12
Title             : Free .blend 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:10:02 PM
Visit Count       : 9
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 74
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49060

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=2
Title             : Free 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:06:21 PM
Visit Count       : 4
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49050

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=3
Title             : Free 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:06:36 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49051

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=4
Title             : Free 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:07:04 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49052

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=5
Title             : Free 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:07:18 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49053

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=6
Title             : Free 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:07:35 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49054

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=7
Title             : Free 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:07:50 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49055

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=8
Title             : Free 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:08:09 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49056

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?file_types[]=21&animated=1&page=9
Title             : Free 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:09:19 PM
Visit Count       : 6
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49057

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=camel
Title             : Camel 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:08:27 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 54
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49684

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=camel&file_types[]=21
Title             : Camel 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:08:31 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49685

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=desert
Title             : Desert 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 9:58:08 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 55
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49665

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=desert%20bush
Title             : Free Desert bush 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:08:52 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 62
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49687

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=desert%20bush
Title             : Free Desert bush 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:10:24 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 62
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49691

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=desert%20bush&file_types[]=21
Title             : Free Desert bush 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:10:36 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 78
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49692

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=desert&file_types[]=21
Title             : Free .blend Desert 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:01:25 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 71
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49670

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=desert&file_types[]=21
Title             : Free .blend Desert 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:07:00 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 71
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49674

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=desert&file_types[]=21
Title             : Free .blend Desert 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 9:58:13 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 71
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49666

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=genie
Title             : Genie 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:07:24 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 54
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49676

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=genie&file_types[]=21
Title             : Genie 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:07:31 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 70
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49677

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=healthcare
Title             : Healthcare 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:37:46 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 59
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49542

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=healthcare&file_types[]=21
Title             : Free .blend Healthcare 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:37:53 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 75
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49543

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=healthcare&file_types[]=21
Title             : Free .blend Healthcare 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:39:46 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 75
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49549

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=healthcare&file_types[]=21
Title             : Free .blend Healthcare 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:42:55 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 75
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49554

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=healthcare&file_types[]=21&animated=1
Title             : Free .blend Healthcare 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:38:00 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 86
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Record ID         : 49544

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=healthcare&file_types[]=21&animated=1
Title             : Free .blend Healthcare 3D Models Blender | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:39:43 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 86
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49548

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=hospital
Title             : Hospital 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:55:45 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 57
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Record ID         : 49566

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=hospital&file_types[]=21
Title             : Hospital 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:56:43 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 73
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49572

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=magic
Title             : Magic 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:19:48 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 54
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Record ID         : 49703

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=man
Title             : Man 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:49:03 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
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Record ID         : 49558

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=man&animated=1
Title             : Man 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:49:07 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 63
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Record ID         : 49559

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=man&animated=1&file_types[]=21
Title             : Man 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:49:12 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 79
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Record ID         : 49560

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=movie
Title             : Movie 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:19:24 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 54
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Record ID         : 49095

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=palm%20tree
Title             : Palm tree 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:10:59 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 60
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Record ID         : 49696

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=palm%20tree&file_types[]=21
Title             : Palm tree 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:11:02 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 76
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49697

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models?keywords=radio
Title             : Radio 3D Models | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:10:51 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 54
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49694

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/items/141232/download-page
Title             : Bush model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:09:06 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/plant/bush/bush-model
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49689

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/items/2457343/download-page
Title             : ROBOT L2 | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:10:27 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49062

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/items/2488424/download-page
Title             : Aladdin magic lamp | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:20:04 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49705

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/items/2729426/download-page
Title             : Virus | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:38:11 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49546

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/items/2736715/download-page
Title             : Mars landscape | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 9:58:25 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49668

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/items/2868162/download-page
Title             : syringe 3D model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:40:04 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
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Record ID         : 49551

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/items/3198702/download-page
Title             : Hospital interior | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:56:55 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49574

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/items/3266038/download-page
Title             : Palm tree | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:11:41 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49699

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/items/3418968/download-page
Title             : MRI model | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:43:06 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.cgtrader.com/free-3d-models/science/medical/mri-model
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 52
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Record ID         : 49556

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/items/903320/download-page
Title             : Zany 3D Scribble - Mockup Game Desert Scene | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-09 10:01:29 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 51
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Record ID         : 49672

URL               : https://www.cgtrader.com/orders/6270426/b57c112f-28cd-461c-b4e5-60a036dd5e14
Title             : Order #6270426 | CGTrader
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:20:02 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 76
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Record ID         : 49133

URL               : https://www.downloadoperagx.com/ef/?tl=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ2V0Z3gubmV0L2NtcC9CWDdKRjgvUDVIUEhCLwoK&btn=2&sub1=4425332&sub2=534273387305295899
Title             : Opera GX
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 9:03:41 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 138
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Record ID         : 48921

URL               : https://www.epicgames.com/id/login/google/forward?extLoginState=eyJ0cmFja2luZ1V1aWQiOiI1Y2ZhODJmMjJiZmY0YWZkOTRjMDE4ODNmZGExMTg0MCIsImxvZ2luUmVxdWVzdElkIjoiM2I0Mjg5YmU0ZDI4NDhlZWI3ODAwNWFkODZhNzgxZDkiLCJhdXRoQ29kZSI6bnVsbCwiaXNQb3B1cCI6dHJ1ZX0%253D&lang=en-US&externalNonce=EugURO6F
Title             : Sign in - Google Accounts
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:22:56 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 48644

URL               : https://www.epicgames.com/id/oauth-authorized/success
Title             : Epic Games
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 9:23:04 PM
Visit Count       : 5
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 53
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Record ID         : 48651

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Visit Count       : 1
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URL               : https://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/red-scare
Title             : Red Scare: Cold War, McCarthyism & Facts - HISTORY
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:42:03 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49514

URL               : https://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/red-scare
Title             : Red Scare: Cold War, McCarthyism & Facts - HISTORY
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:39:56 PM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 49
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Record ID         : 49580

URL               : https://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/red-scare
Title             : Red Scare: Cold War, McCarthyism & Facts - HISTORY
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:41:37 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Record ID         : 49513

URL               : https://www.instagram.com/
Title             : Instagram
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 10:16:07 PM
Visit Count       : 25
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User Profile      : josia
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URL Length        : 26
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Record ID         : 48926

URL               : https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/international_relations-relations_internationales/index.aspx?lang=eng
Title             : Canada's international relations
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:13:31 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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URL               : https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/international_relations-relations_internationales/index.aspx?lang=eng
Title             : Canada's international relations
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:13:35 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 113
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Record ID         : 49461

URL               : https://www.job-interview-site.com/doctor-interview-questions-for-doctors.html#:~:text=Interview%20Questions%20for%20a%20Doctor%20Why%20did%20you,education%20and%20experience.%20What%20are%20your%20specialties%2F%20expertise%3F
Title             : Doctor: Interview Questions for Doctors
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:40:53 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
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URL               : https://www.job-interview-site.com/doctor-interview-questions-for-doctors.html#:~:text=Interview%20Questions%20for%20a%20Doctor%20Why%20did%20you,education%20and%20experience.%20What%20are%20your%20specialties%2F%20expertise%3F
Title             : Doctor: Interview Questions for Doctors
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:49:35 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49561

URL               : https://www.job-interview-site.com/doctor-interview-questions-for-doctors.html#:~:text=Interview%20Questions%20for%20a%20Doctor%20Why%20did%20you,education%20and%20experience.%20What%20are%20your%20specialties%2F%20expertise%3F
Title             : Doctor: Interview Questions for Doctors
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:39:59 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 227
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Record ID         : 49581

URL               : https://www.job-interview-site.com/doctor-interview-questions-for-doctors.html#:~:text=Interview%20Questions%20for%20a%20Doctor%20Why%20did%20you,education%20and%20experience.%20What%20are%20your%20specialties%2F%20expertise%3F
Title             : Doctor: Interview Questions for Doctors
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:42:39 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 227
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URL               : https://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra2/x2ec2f6f830c9fb89:trig/x2ec2f6f830c9fb89:unit-circle/v/unit-circle-definition-of-trig-functions-1
Title             : Unit circle (video) | Trigonometry | Khan Academy
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 1:13:42 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
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URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
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Visit Count       : 44
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User Profile      : josia
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URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
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Visit Count       : 44
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User Profile      : josia
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URL Length        : 56
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49485

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:24:59 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49480

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:55:59 PM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49570

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:25:04 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49483

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:55:59 PM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49569

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:55:59 PM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49568

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 1:55:58 PM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49567

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:42:34 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49515

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:42:34 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49516

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:42:35 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49517

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:42:35 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49518

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:25:03 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49482

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:38:07 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49424

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:38:07 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49423

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:38:06 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49422

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:38:04 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49421

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:24:58 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49478

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:29:34 PM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49385

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:24:59 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49479

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:24:59 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49481

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:51:49 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49240

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:51:51 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49241

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-07 2:29:39 PM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : https://login.live.com/oauth20_authorize.srf?uaid=b84ffb0e01de4676bc2a9ea27b06635b&opid=93443FC615348EC2&mkt=EN-US&opidt=1649352571&route=R3_BAY&res=cancelonint&cancelonint=-2147207926
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49390

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:51:51 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49242

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 9:51:51 AM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49243

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:40:03 PM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49585

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:40:03 PM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49584

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:40:02 PM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49583

URL               : https://www.office.com/launch/word?ui=en-US&rs=US&auth=1
Title             : Word
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 7:40:02 PM
Visit Count       : 44
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 56
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49582

URL               : https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?useraction=commit&cmd=_express-checkout&token=EC-0FT890934E738132U
Title             : Log in to your PayPal account
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:19:36 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://live.adyen.com/hpp/checkout.shtml?u=redirectPayPal&p=eJxtU113ojAQ-TXwVo4EUfvAAwtqqV8rSKt96UnDCLGYsEnQ*u83kX6d3R5yJmTmhrlzZ3gRmBURLyBo8KXBtU14y5S4XF1RaJNWCGCkO*dZbB9BkAozFZIrMoimG4ELENFq8RlLmIJSYEU5c9Sl0R*6G0ezVb55zuLZj6gTCKn3wHU8B30iUtiDyQ7BAA17fTT4FlGtYDFWONh6U8*f3j7dL7ZpNkRftzNaBpOWTfP9lifN8eFxtVxa6Fc8DPNpGPJN-DhZ4yad73brxSJ53O8sL7a1CkfQ1R2vxSGvZ3e6OFJxASsSg8K0loESLdgCjDyUlRHXmmGignQc5WmaLKcWilbLcTRPopmGyTydB5VSjbS80EITvUgF5JW3Sla8aUDc1PQEDi4uwBzCj-8DtEeCOFECUr-*7mgmTGN1-hQKqskoHTm52tSc4PodswBV8cLyJv90Tlf7rXcWGoirppqpjnRckW-Y*oavNufz2SGlut7oOGonKbvtnez1oJtJ9xdbgjQ9fcA1Lai6BKiH0E2vr9fGHWkd3Ftj0JP9XuH4qJUNDlxSXBX8IHmBu8fq90oTM0k-wGZ4jOJmaMbab4qDj*DclA8BsOc8*-B9zdIPGWz5Sln3F7Qvzgk5aOD6CLme7-Zdt98fOWH8dt6uMR*NDsp-2md36eTPfeKr6DCT2bA6naP56*6lKWs6*gvWTCkf
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 104
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49127

URL               : https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?useraction=commit&cmd=_express-checkout&token=EC-52J07035P0718781A
Title             : Log in to your PayPal account
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 8:44:53 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://live.adyen.com/hpp/checkout.shtml?u=redirectPayPal&p=eJxtU1FzojAQ-jXwJgMBlHvgwYK2nrYqqFN96cSwQhQIl0So-fUXRNvOXQdmQ3a-sN9*u9lzXCYBS8Cv8KXCuU7YuZT8cnUFQ52cOYeSdPt1HOoFcJLhUg7JFekHjyuOE*DB-PkzNiklpBxLykpDXir1o6dRMJ2vV29xOP0RVQMXavUtwzbQJyKCA7TZwe*jAfI891tEnnkZYon91asXjTebgWP3o9kAfZ2OaeofLdPbfrAiiU1vTMAZLZYPxW662IWD*VL2tyKsG-b*0EgwNTvUlQYFqNqKa2lW3zL1ThZDSMZhTkKQmObCl-wMOodWHVqmAVOSYSL9aBSso2jy8qihYP4yCmaTYKpgYh3N-EzKSmj2UENj9ZIMyImdpchYVQHv5bQGAycXKA3Civ8ByiOA15SAUJ*LjuekVFiVP4KEKjJSRWpLmZwRnN8wzyAzlmj2*J-GqXK-tU5DfX6VVDFVkY4rclu2bstXmaZpDJLK64mOo3KStFtuZK8b1Ut6uOgCRNvSDc5pQuXFRyZCPdPpme7KVGIPHUcZ*9dOv1U4KpSy-pEJirOEHQVLcPdojpm2sTbpHdzOTqt4OzMj5W*Lg3tw1pYPPpRv6-ju*xqlHzLo4kTL7hKc90aNDNS3XIQs27Ucy3IczxiG783rEjPPO0p3d4ifovGf3xNXBsepiAdZ3QSz03ZfpTn1-gKa3Skt
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 104
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49220

URL               : https://www.paypal.com/checkoutnow?token=EC-1PN159173Y7063719&useraction=commit
Title             : Log in to your PayPal account
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:30 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 79
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48670

URL               : https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?flow=1-P&ulReturn=true&token=EC-0FT890934E738132U&useraction=commit&rcache=2&cookieBannerVariant=hidden
Title             : PayPal Checkout - Please try again.
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:19:40 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?useraction=commit&cmd=_express-checkout&token=EC-0FT890934E738132U
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 141
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49128

URL               : https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?flow=1-P&ulReturn=true&token=EC-0FT890934E738132U&useraction=commit&rcache=2&cookieBannerVariant=hidden
Title             : PayPal Checkout - Please try again.
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:24:44 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 141
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49138

URL               : https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?flow=1-P&ulReturn=true&token=EC-0FT890934E738132U&useraction=commit&rcache=2&cookieBannerVariant=hidden
Title             : PayPal Checkout - Please try again.
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:24:04 PM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 141
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49134

URL               : https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?flow=1-P&ulReturn=true&token=EC-0FT890934E738132U&useraction=commit&rcache=2&cookieBannerVariant=hidden#/checkout/genericError?code=UEFZTUVOVF9BTFJFQURZX0RPTkU%3D
Title             : PayPal Checkout - Please try again.
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:24:43 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 200
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49137

URL               : https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?flow=1-P&ulReturn=true&token=EC-0FT890934E738132U&useraction=commit&rcache=2&cookieBannerVariant=hidden#/checkout/genericError?code=UEFZTUVOVF9BTFJFQURZX0RPTkU%3D
Title             : PayPal Checkout - Please try again.
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 2:24:06 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 200
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49135

URL               : https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?flow=1-P&ulReturn=true&token=EC-1PN159173Y7063719&useraction=commit&rcache=2&cookieBannerVariant=hidden&country.x=CA&locale.x=en_US
Title             : PayPal Checkout
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:34 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.paypal.com/checkoutnow?token=EC-1PN159173Y7063719&useraction=commit
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 169
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48671

URL               : https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?flow=1-P&ulReturn=true&token=EC-47C05368RW854825B&rcache=2&cookieBannerVariant=hidden
Title             : PayPal Checkout
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:07:05 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=EC-47C05368RW854825B
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 123
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49267

URL               : https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?flow=1-P&ulReturn=true&token=EC-47C05368RW854825B&rcache=2&cookieBannerVariant=hidden&billingLite=1
Title             : PayPal Checkout - Review your payment
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:07:07 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 137
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49268

URL               : https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?flow=1-P&ulReturn=true&token=EC-47C05368RW854825B&rcache=2&cookieBannerVariant=hidden&billingLite=1#/
Title             : PayPal Checkout - Review your payment
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:07:07 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?flow=1-P&ulReturn=true&token=EC-47C05368RW854825B&rcache=2&cookieBannerVariant=hidden&billingLite=1
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 139
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49269

URL               : https://www.paypal.com/webapps/hermes?flow=1-P&ulReturn=true&token=EC-47C05368RW854825B&rcache=2&cookieBannerVariant=hidden&billingLite=1#/billingweb/review
Title             : PayPal Checkout - Review your payment
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:07:07 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Title             : PayPal Checkout
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Visit Count       : 1
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URL               : https://www.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=EC-47C05368RW854825B
Title             : Log in to your PayPal account
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:07:02 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49266

URL               : https://www.spotify.com/ca-en/api/payment-sdk/proceed/redirect/?checkout-id=1753472029622105&country=CA&provider=paypal&shpp=false&clientContext=premium-checkout&version=4.1.0&clientName=premium-www-checkout&origin-url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spotify.com%2Fca-en%2Fpurchase%2Foffer%2Fdefault-trial-1m%2F%3Fcountry%3DCA&return-url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spotify.com%2Fca-en%2Fpurchase%2Fcontinue%2Fpurchase%2Ftrial_1_month%2F%3ForderReference%3D%7BcheckoutId%7D%26offerId%3Dtrial-1m&token=EC-47C05368RW854825B
Title             : You’re Premium now. | Spotify
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:07:17 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Record ID         : 49271

URL               : https://www.spotify.com/ca-en/premium/
Title             : Spotify Premium - Spotify (CA)
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:06:07 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Record ID         : 49255

URL               : https://www.spotify.com/ca-en/purchase/continue/purchase/trial_1_month/?orderReference=1753472029622105&offerId=trial-1m
Title             : You’re Premium now. | Spotify
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:07:17 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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URL               : https://www.spotify.com/ca-en/purchase/offer/default-trial-1m/?country=CA
Title             : Spotify
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:06:16 AM
Visit Count       : 4
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Record ID         : 49264

URL               : https://www.spotify.com/ca-en/purchase/offer/default-trial-1m/?country=CA
Title             : Spotify
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:06:18 AM
Visit Count       : 4
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User Profile      : josia
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Record ID         : 49265

URL               : https://www.spotify.com/ca-en/purchase/offer/default-trial-1m/?country=CA
Title             : Spotify
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:06:16 AM
Visit Count       : 4
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Record ID         : 49262

URL               : https://www.spotify.com/ca-en/purchase/offer/default-trial-1m/?country=CA
Title             : Spotify
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:06:11 AM
Visit Count       : 4
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
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Record ID         : 49257

URL               : https://www.spotify.com/ca-en/purchase/offer/default-trial-1m?country=CA
Title             : Login - Spotify
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:06:11 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 72
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Record ID         : 49256

URL               : https://www.spotify.com/ca-en/purchase/success/trial_1_month/?orderReference=1753472029622105&offerId=trial-1m
Title             : You’re Premium now. | Spotify
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:07:17 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 110
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Record ID         : 49273

URL               : https://www.state.gov/u-s-relations-with-canada/
Title             : U.S. Relations With Canada - United States Department of State
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:14:11 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 48
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Record ID         : 49463

URL               : https://www.studentsofhistory.com/the-red-scare
Title             : The Red Scare
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:39:57 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 47
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Record ID         : 49508

URL               : https://www.studymode.com/document/1201445
Title             : 
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:15:23 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.studymode.com/essays/Cold-War-Fears-1201445.html
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 42
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Record ID         : 49276

URL               : https://www.studymode.com/essays/Cold-War-Fears-1201445.html
Title             : Cold War Fears - 762 Words | Studymode
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:11:57 AM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.studymode.com/essays/Were-America-s-Fears-During-Cold-War-65012971.html#google_vignette
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 60
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Record ID         : 49275

URL               : https://www.studymode.com/essays/Cold-War-Fears-1201445.html
Title             : Cold War Fears - 762 Words | Studymode
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:17:10 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 60
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Record ID         : 49278

URL               : https://www.studymode.com/essays/Were-America-s-Fears-During-Cold-War-65012971.html#:~:text=In%20the%20midst%20of%20the%20Cold%20War%2C%20the,that%20is%20what%20most%20families%20began%20to%20do.
Title             : What were America's fears during the Cold War? - 697 Words | Studymode
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:04:57 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=Culture+of+Fear+in+North+America+during+the+Cold+War&cvid=5398dda41d9a4b4c82757022b8a29b0f&aqs=edge..69i57.12402j0j1&pglt=427&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 195
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Record ID         : 49253

URL               : https://www.studymode.com/essays/Were-America-s-Fears-During-Cold-War-65012971.html#google_vignette
Title             : Cold War Fears - 762 Words | Studymode
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:11:54 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 99
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Record ID         : 49274

URL               : https://www.studymode.com/sign-up
Title             : Join Studymode and get inspired today!
Visit Time        : 2022-04-06 10:15:26 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 33
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Record ID         : 49277

URL               : https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en
Title             : Home | The Canadian Encyclopedia
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:57:13 AM
Visit Count       : 2
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 41
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Record ID         : 48579

URL               : https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/canadian-international-development-agency
Title             : Canadian International Development Agency | The Canadian Encyclopedia
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:57:35 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 91
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Record ID         : 48580

URL               : https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/peacekeeping
Title             : Canada and Peacekeeping | The Canadian Encyclopedia
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:58:18 AM
Visit Count       : 3
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 62
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Record ID         : 49454

URL               : https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/peacekeeping
Title             : Canada and Peacekeeping | The Canadian Encyclopedia
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:46:48 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=How+has+Canada%E2%80%99s+international+identity+been+shaped+by+its+role+as+peacemaker+and+peacekeeper%3F&cvid=31be504859a6418cbc10d0fc73bd4979&aqs=edge..69i57.1126j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 62
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Record ID         : 49441

URL               : https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/peacekeeping
Title             : Canada and Peacekeeping | The Canadian Encyclopedia
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 8:50:41 AM
Visit Count       : 3
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=How+did+Canada+balance+its+commitment+to+peace+with+its+close+alliance+to+the+United+States+and+its+foreign+policy+during+the+Cold+War%3F&cvid=3fc8a8e3fc7e43dc85e01bed5cac2fe2&aqs=edge..69i57.479j0j1&pglt=171&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=ASTS
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 62
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Record ID         : 49447

URL               : https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/18/canada-loses-bid-un-security-council-seat-justin-trudeau
Title             : Canada’s failed UN security council bid exposes Trudeau’s 'dilettante' foreign policy | Canada | The Guardian
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:00:20 AM
Visit Count       : 1
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 102
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Record ID         : 49456

URL               : https://www.thoughtco.com/warsaw-pact-4178983
Title             : Warsaw Pact: Definition, History, and Significance
Visit Time        : 2022-04-08 9:30:19 AM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.bing.com/search?q=What%20was%20the%20Warsaw%20Pact%20and%20what%20did%20it%20do%3F
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 45
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History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49498

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/
Title             : Free Real Time Voice Changer & Modulator - Voicemod
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:39:44 PM
Visit Count       : 5
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User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 25
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Record ID         : 48604

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/
Title             : Free Real Time Voice Changer & Modulator - Voicemod
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:44:26 PM
Visit Count       : 5
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 25
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Record ID         : 48631

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/
Title             : Free Real Time Voice Changer & Modulator - Voicemod
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:41:09 PM
Visit Count       : 5
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 25
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Record ID         : 48615

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/free-voice-changer-software/
Title             : Free Voice Changer for Multiplayer Games and Chat - Voicemod
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:43:08 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 53
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Record ID         : 48619

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/processCheckoutClosed.php
Title             : Voicemod Payment Process done - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:58:33 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 50
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Record ID         : 48635

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/processCheckoutSuccess.php?user_id=a89d9dde375fb8acf64bcef1394e658d&status=done&invoice_id=924478980
Title             : Voicemod Payment Process done - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:49 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 125
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Record ID         : 48675

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/processCheckoutSuccess.php?user_id=a89d9dde375fb8acf64bcef1394e658d&status=troubled&invoice_id=923885556
Title             : Voicemod Payment Process done - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:58:33 PM
Visit Count       : 1
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Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 129
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Record ID         : 48634

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/processCheckoutWindowsEmailXsolla.php
Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:44:08 PM
Visit Count       : 7
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Record ID         : 48628

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/processCheckoutWindowsEmailXsolla.php
Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:58:44 PM
Visit Count       : 7
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User Profile      : josia
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URL Length        : 62
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Record ID         : 48636

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/processCheckoutWindowsEmailXsolla.php
Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:14 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : https://www.voicemod.net/verifyEmailNew.php?data1=637192&data2=33070381__2d86b0ac-8caa-40fb-a18f-1cb701dc7e0d&data3=dabbe745-1ba4-4821-8301-a02a0f9aa27a&data4=4a540a3c-bf97-42d3-9d90-be85a4dccbab&appVersion=
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 62
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48667

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/processCheckoutWindowsEmailXsolla.php
Title             : Checkout - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:44:26 PM
Visit Count       : 7
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 62
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48630

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/redirect.php?url=https%3a%2f%2faccount.voicemod.net%2f%23%2f%3faction%3daccount&origin=desktop&u=dabbe745-1ba4-4821-8301-a02a0f9aa27a&appVersion=
Title             : Redirecting
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:43:37 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 178
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48620

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/redirect.php?url=https%3a%2f%2fapi.voicemod.net%2fv1%2fdesktop%2fapi.windows%2fv2%2fwindowsb2c%2fcheckout%2f%3fidUser%3d33070381%26appVersion%3d2.29.1.0%26productId%3d540609%26gaClientId%3d2d86b0ac-8caa-40fb-a18f-1cb701dc7e0d&origin=desktop&u=dabbe745-1ba4-4821-8301-a02a0f9aa27a&appVersion=
Title             : Verify Email - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:44:02 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 324
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48624

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/redirect.php?url=https%3a%2f%2fapi.voicemod.net%2fv1%2fdesktop%2fapi.windows%2fv2%2fwindowsb2c%2fcheckout%2f%3fidUser%3d33070381%26appVersion%3d2.29.1.0%26productId%3d637192%26gaClientId%3d2d86b0ac-8caa-40fb-a18f-1cb701dc7e0d&origin=desktop&u=dabbe745-1ba4-4821-8301-a02a0f9aa27a&appVersion=
Title             : Verify Email - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:09 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 324
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48663

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/verifyEmailNew.php?data1=540609&data2=33070381__2d86b0ac-8caa-40fb-a18f-1cb701dc7e0d&data3=dabbe745-1ba4-4821-8301-a02a0f9aa27a&data4=4a540a3c-bf97-42d3-9d90-be85a4dccbab&appVersion=
Title             : Verify Email - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:44:02 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://api.voicemod.net/v1/desktop/api.windows/v2/windowsb2c/checkout/?idUser=33070381&appVersion=
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 219
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48626

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/verifyEmailNew.php?data1=540609&data2=33070381__2d86b0ac-8caa-40fb-a18f-1cb701dc7e0d&data3=dabbe745-1ba4-4821-8301-a02a0f9aa27a&data4=4a540a3c-bf97-42d3-9d90-be85a4dccbab&appVersion=
Title             : Verify Email - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-01 8:44:02 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.voicemod.net/verifyEmailNew.php?data1=540609&data2=33070381__2d86b0ac-8caa-40fb-a18f-1cb701dc7e0d&data3=dabbe745-1ba4-4821-8301-a02a0f9aa27a&data4=4a540a3c-bf97-42d3-9d90-be85a4dccbab&appVersion=
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 277
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48627

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/verifyEmailNew.php?data1=637192&data2=33070381__2d86b0ac-8caa-40fb-a18f-1cb701dc7e0d&data3=dabbe745-1ba4-4821-8301-a02a0f9aa27a&data4=4a540a3c-bf97-42d3-9d90-be85a4dccbab&appVersion=
Title             : Verify Email - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:09 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://api.voicemod.net/v1/desktop/api.windows/v2/windowsb2c/checkout/?idUser=33070381&appVersion=
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 219
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48665

URL               : https://www.voicemod.net/verifyEmailNew.php?data1=637192&data2=33070381__2d86b0ac-8caa-40fb-a18f-1cb701dc7e0d&data3=dabbe745-1ba4-4821-8301-a02a0f9aa27a&data4=4a540a3c-bf97-42d3-9d90-be85a4dccbab&appVersion=
Title             : Verify Email - Voicemod.net
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 6:50:09 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://www.voicemod.net/verifyEmailNew.php?data1=637192&data2=33070381__2d86b0ac-8caa-40fb-a18f-1cb701dc7e0d&data3=dabbe745-1ba4-4821-8301-a02a0f9aa27a&data4=4a540a3c-bf97-42d3-9d90-be85a4dccbab&appVersion=
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 278
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48666

URL               : https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/layered-look-canadian-and-us-immigration
Title             : A Layered Look at Canadian and U.S. Immigration | Wilson Center
Visit Time        : 2022-04-04 1:17:12 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 77
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 49085

URL               : https://www.y2mate.com/en287
Title             : YouTube Downloader - Download YouTube videos in MP3, MP4, 3GP | Y2mate.com
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:15:36 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Profile 1
URL Length        : 28
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\History
Record ID         : 21873

URL               : https://www.y2mate.com/en287
Title             : YouTube Downloader - Download YouTube videos in MP3, MP4, 3GP | Y2mate.com
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:15:32 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.y2mate.com/en64
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Profile 1
URL Length        : 28
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\History
Record ID         : 21868

URL               : https://www.y2mate.com/en64
Title             : YouTube Downloader - Download YouTube videos in MP3, MP4, 3GP | Y2mate.com
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:15:32 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : Typed URL
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Profile 1
URL Length        : 27
Typed Count       : 1
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\History
Record ID         : 21867

URL               : https://www.y2mate.com/youtube/Eka7J5br8zw
Title             : YouTube Downloader - Download YouTube videos in MP3, MP4, 3GP | Y2mate.com
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:15:40 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.y2mate.com/youtube/Eka7J5br8zw
Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Profile 1
URL Length        : 42
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\History
Record ID         : 21875

URL               : https://www.y2mate.com/youtube/Eka7J5br8zw
Title             : YouTube Downloader - Download YouTube videos in MP3, MP4, 3GP | Y2mate.com
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:15:39 PM
Visit Count       : 2
Visited From      : https://www.y2mate.com/en287
Visit Type        : Link
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Profile 1
URL Length        : 42
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\History
Record ID         : 21874

URL               : https://www.youtube.com/
Title             : (66) YouTube
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:58:04 PM
Visit Count       : 181
Visited From      : 
Visit Type        : 
Web Browser       : Edge (Chromium-based)
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Default
URL Length        : 24
Typed Count       : 
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\History
Record ID         : 48839

URL               : https://www.youtube.com/
Title             : YouTube
Visit Time        : 2022-04-02 7:15:33 PM
Visit Count       : 1
Visited From      : https://youtube.com/
Visit Type        : Auto Bookmark
Web Browser       : Chrome
User Profile      : josia
Browser Profile   : Profile 1
URL Length        : 24
Typed Count       : 0
History File      : C:\Users\josia\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1\History
Record ID         : 21872