========[ Victim ]========

[♡] First name
- Paul

[♡] Second name
- Darwin

[♡] Family name
- Hoppenheit

[♡] Alter / Age
- 15
? These were his words

[♡] Phone number
- +49 1723465974

[♡] Address
- Thüringen, near Weimar - Germany

[♡] IP Adresse /PC

[♡] Twitch
- https://www.twitch.tv/paulswety

[♡] Tiktok
- https://www.tiktok.com/@paul23217?_t=8qsnvnrQetE&_r=1

[♡] Instagram [?]
- https://www.instagram.com/paul_sigma?igsh=MXJodmgwOXphM2Z0aw== 

[♡] Discord ID
- 1268133837855002697

[♡] Discord Name
- aaul2939 

========[ Mother ]========

[♡] First name
- Jeanny

[♡] Family name
- Hoppenheit

[♡] Age
- +/- 44

[♡] Relationship
- Awarded to a “Renè”
? Stepfather for Paul
? Presumably NOT married

[♡] Phone number
- +49 1725153787 

[♡] Facebook
- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080944824585&locale=de_DE

[♡] Tiktok
- https://www.tiktok.com/@jeannyrene?_t=8qsntsbcY89&_r=1

========[ Sister 1 ]========

[♡] First name
- Lisa

[♡] Family
- Hoppenheit

[♡] Age
- Under 18

[♡] Tiktok [?]
- https://www.tiktok.com/@lisa_3408?_t=8qsoB10TuMr&_r=1

========[ Sister 2 ]========

[♡] Family name
- Hoppenheit

[♡] Age
- Under 18

========[ ZIP File ]========

[♡] Photos, Videos-German, Conversation-German
- https://anonymfile.com/OaXDX/pauldarwinhoppenheit-dox.rar

========[ Little text ]========

[♡] To Paul Darwin [♡]

Don't talk that big on the internet, Paul. You literally gave us all the information yourself by grabbing etc. (he agreed)


