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|  David is known for harassing young              |                           We're watching                      
| females online under the name PatriotPep.        |                                8197                              
| Whether this is as a result of mental disability |                                                                                     
| or sheer idiocy has yet to be uncovered          |                                 -Q-                           


| Personal Details |

¬Name- David M. Banaszek
¬Age- 25
¬DOB- |11th October, 1995|
¬Sexuality= |Straight Male|
¬Location- |Scottsdale, AZ| |Formerly Chandler, AZ|
¬Address(s)- |28604 North 144th Street, Maricopa County, 85262/Tonto National Forest, AZ 85262| |1857 E Glacier Pl, Chandler, AZ, 85249-2885|
¬Family- |Michael David Banaszek- 1956, Scottsdale, AZ|
        |Karen Sue Banaszek- 1952, Scottsdale, AZ|
        |Dorothy M. Banaszek/Paige Matherly- 4007, Woodleigh Dr, Rock Hill, SC 29732|
        |Georgina E. Banaszek|
        |Charlie A. Banaszek- 7105 Leetsdale Dr Apt C35 Denver CO 80224-3508, formerly of Eureka Springs, AZ|
        |Bradley Banaszek|
        |Amanda Banaszek|
Mobile- (Unknown)
Landline- |(480) 895-6085|
Emails- (Unknown)

| Social Media |

¬Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/david.banaszek/
¬Instagram- https://instagram.com/davidbanaszek?igshid=wgez5eh7mbaq
¬Twitter- https://twitter.com/BanaszekDavid
¬Snapchat- davidbanaszek19
¬Discord- Patriot Pep????????#1597
¬YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/user/catfish124567/featured
¬MySpace- https://myspace.com/345754750
¬Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/user/1215282917?si=gBzP3O-QReyDvo1kf6dxpw


| Miscellaneous |

Hobbies- |Harasssing various young women on platforms such as Discord, Twitter, Youtube etc.|
         |Shitposting MAGA and Qanon propoganda|
         |Falsifying enlistment details, copycating members of the US Marine Corps. Vet Baiting|
         |Posting false information regarding military experience and background|
         |Attention whoring|
Political Beliefs- |Far-left, MAGA, anti-Qanon, anti-Biden, Alex Jones supporter, fluoride conspiracy etc|      


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