# By StraxEtoBole/StraxEtoBolezn ft.Poverhovniy ft. Gwynee. This Paste was drawn by StraxEtoBolezn and I hope this art will be popular       /
# F**king hate kids who is d0xing people which event don't know what is doxing... Fucking drug user f**king a$$h*le                          /
# Made by StraxEtoBoli and others like Gwynee and Poverhovniy                                                                                /
# Phone Number -                                                                                                                             /
#       ⌊ Country Code: +7 or +8                                                                                                             /
#       ⌊ Number: +7 920 616 61 48                                                                                                           /
# Made by StraxEtoBoli and others like Gwynee and Poverhovniy                                                                                /
# F.I.O -                                                                                                                                    /
#       ⌊ F: Mezenin;                                                                                                                        /
#       ⌊ I: Andrey;                                                                                                                         /
#       ⌊ O: Olegovich;                                                                                                                      /
# Made by StraxEtoBoli and others like Gwynee and Poverhovniy                                                                                /
# NICKNAME -                                                                                                                                 /
#       ⌊ NICK: Kishlak;                                                                                                                     /
# Made by StraxEtoBoli and others like Gwynee and Poverhovniy                                                                                /
# D.O.F -                                                                                                                                    /
#       ⌊ Date: 02;                                                                                                                          /
#       ⌊ Month: 02;                                                                                                                         /
#       ⌊ Year: 2009;                                                                                                                        /
#       ⌊ Years.old: 15;                                                                                                                     /
# Made by StraxEtoBoli and others like Gwynee and Poverhovniy                                                                                /
# ADDRESS -                                                                                                                                  /
#       ⌊ Postal Code/Index: 248016;                                                                                                         /
#       ⌊ City: Kaluga;                                                                                                                      /
#       ⌊ Street: Friedrich Engels st;                                                                                                       /
#       ⌊ Region: Kaluga Region;                                                                                                             /
#       ⌊ Country: Russia;                                                                                                                   /
# Made by StraxEtoBoli and others like Gwynee and Poverhovniy                                                                                /
# MAILS -                                                                                                                                    /
#       ⌊ mail: mezenin7576@gmail.com;                                                                                                       /
#       ⌊ Domain: Gmail.com;                                                                                                                 /
#       ⌊ Company: Google.com;                                                                                                               /
# Made by StraxEtoBoli and others like Gwynee and Poverhovniy                                                                                /
#TELEGRAM -                                                                                                                                  /
#       ⌊ TAG: @Kishlak_1675;                                                                                                                /
#       ⌊ ID: 1526832136;                                                                                                                    /
# Made by StraxEtoBoli and others like Gwynee and Poverhovniy                                                                                /
#VK - Didn't found probably have but we have spent only 20 mins on him and found this there is some more but that things we cant share       /
# Made by StraxEtoBoli and others like Gwynee and Poverhovniy                                                                                /
#PICTURES OF HIS AREA -                                                                                                                      /
#       ⌊ https://ibb.co/vmY3Z09                                                                                                             /
#       ⌊ https://ibb.co/RhZ3MwV                                                                                                             /
# Made by StraxEtoBoli and others like Gwynee and Poverhovniy                                                                                /
#The reason why we dox him is -                                                                                                              /
#1. He doxxed a civilian who was completely unaware of                                                                                       /    
#what doxxing even means, let alone what 'Doxx                                                                                               /
#Matchmaker' is. The individual had no connection to                                                                                         /
#the situation and was caught off guard by the exposure                                                                                      /
#of their private information. This action not only violated                                                                                 /
#their privacy but also involved them in something they                                                                                      /
#didn’t understand or consent to. The consequences of                                                                                        /
#such irresponsible behavior can be far-reaching, especially                                                                                 /
#for someone who had no knowledge of or involvement in the matter.                                                                           /
#2. He sells and uses hard drugs at a very young age,                                                                                        /
#and he also gets others hooked on them. His involvement                                                                                     /
#in such dangerous activities at such a small age is deeply                                                                                  / 
#troubling. Additionally, he’s involved with a pawnbroker,                                                                                   /
#likely to support his habits and operations. This behavior                                                                                  /
#not only puts his own life at risk but also drags others down                                                                               /
#with him, creating a cycle of addiction and criminality that                                                                                / 
#has serious consequences for everyone involved.                                                                                             /
#3. Inappropriate behavior, coupled with threats by the                                                                                      /
#police toward other people, creates an environment                                                                                          /
#of fear and intimidation. When those entrusted with                                                                                         /
#upholding the law resort to such tactics, it undermines                                                                                     /
#public trust and can lead to a dangerous abuse of                                                                                           /
#power. This kind of conduct not only disrespects the                                                                                        /
#rights of individuals but also erodes the very principles                                                                                   /
#that the police are meant to protect. The consequences                                                                                      /
#of such actions can be far-reaching, impacting both the                                                                                     /
#community's safety and its relationship with law enforcement.                                                                               /
#4. Framing my friends involved falsely accusing them                                                                                        /
#of wrongdoing, manipulating evidence, or setting                                                                                            /
#them up to take the fall for something they didn't                                                                                          /
#do. This deceitful behavior not only jeopardizes                                                                                            /
#their reputations but also places them in legal and                                                                                         /
#personal jeopardy. The impact of such actions can                                                                                           /
#be devastating, leading to wrongful consequences                                                                                            /
#and deepening mistrust among friends and within                                                                                             /
#the community. The trust that is broken in the process                                                                                      /
#is difficult to repair, and the unfair treatment of innocent                                                                                /
#people is a serious violation of ethical and legal standards.                                                                               /
# By StraxEtoBole/StraxEtoBolezn ft.Poverhovniy ft. Gwynee. This Paste was drawn by StraxEtoBolezn and I hope this art will be popular       /