Paranormal Twins
full Name  Ryan Francis Rees
age 29
address 1815 Desna St Reno, NV 89512
Phone Numbers (775) 409-9588
location Las Vegas. NV
Streets Yonie Ct
date of brith Born April 1995
brother name River Rees 
age 29
address 7522 Yonie Ct Las Vegas, NV 89117
Location Las Vegas NV
Streets Yonie Ct 
date of birth April 1995
birth name River Jhon Rees
Email Addresses
friends name Wyatt Hausman
Previous Addresses
used by Ryan Rees
9350 Ogden Trail Dr Sparks NV 89441
414 Gomez Ct Sparks NV 89431
River J Rees
River Rees
Rees River
John Rees River
Previous Addresses
used by River Rees
9350 Ogden Trail Dr Sparks NV 89441
1915 Branch Creek Dr Longview WA 98632
118 York Way Sparks NV 89431
414 Gomez Ct Sparks NV 89431
of Ryan Rees in Reno, NV
Geraldine Segraves
Stephen Segraves
Petra Segraves
David Rees
Fernando Vega
James Rees
Phyllis Walker
of Ryan Rees in Reno, NV
Katharina Coney
Age 28(Jun 1996)
of Ryan Rees living at
1815 Desna St, Reno NV 89512
Lori Criss
(775) 342-5247
1825 Desna St
Reno NV 89512
Angel Hortasantoyo
(775) 313-1462
1845 Desna St
Reno NV 89512
River Jhon Rees is 29 years old and was born in April of 1995. Currently River lives at the address 7522 Yonie Ct, Las Vegas NV 89117. River has lived at this Las Vegas, NV address for about 1 year, after moving in around July of 2023. River previously lived at 9350 Ogden Trail Dr, Sparks NV 89441 for 8 years, starting in May of 2015. Going further back, starting in October of 2021, River lived at 118 York Way, Sparks NV 89431 for 2 years.

Public records do not indicate that River Jhon Rees is currently married. The following people are relatives or close associates of River: Petra Segraves(61), Rees River(25), Ryan Rees(29), Geraldine Segraves(97), Joseph Rees(78), Rachel Rees(34), Stephen Segraves(68), Angela Rees(50), Charity Rees(54), David Rees(56) and David Rees(59). The primary email address for River is

Frequently Asked Questions
How old is River Jhon Rees?
River Rees is 29 years old, and was born in April of 1995.

Where does River Rees live currently?
River Rees's current address is 7522 Yonie Ct, Las Vegas NV 89117. River has lived there for about 1.5 years, since July of 2023.

Who is related to River Rees?
River Rees is likely related to the following people: Petra Segraves, Rees River, Ryan Rees, Geraldine Segraves, Joseph Rees, Rachel Rees, Stephen Segraves, Angela Rees, Charity Rees, David Rees, David Rees

What is the best email for River Rees? is the most current email on record for River Rees.

Is River Rees alive today?
Yes! River Rees is living today.

Does River Rees go by any other names or aliases?
River Rees may also go by the following names or aliases: River J Rees, River Rees, Rees River, John Rees River

Who does River Rees associate with?
The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with River Rees: Katharina Coney, Isabella Pan, Jaide Gurule, Samuel Burger

Where did River Rees live previously?
River Rees was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 9350 Ogden Trail Dr, Sparks NV 89441 | 118 York Way, Sparks NV 89431 | 1915 Branch Creek Dr, Longview WA 98632 | 414 Gomez Ct, Sparks NV 89431

What email addresses have been used by River Rees?
There is one email account for River Rees, and that is
United States
April 23, 1995
Birth Sign
Square Feet
Year Built
Estimated Value
Estimated Equity
Occupancy Type
Non-Owner Occupied
Ownership Type
Land Use
Single Family Residential
Property Class
Monte Cristo Obannon
Lot SqFt.
Email Addresses
for Ryan Rees in Reno, NV
Property Details
Estimated Equity
Land Use
Single Family Residential
Property Class
Alameda Heights
Lot SqFt.
Age 29, Born April 1995
Lives in Reno, NV
(775) 409-9588
Ryan Francis Rees is 29 years old and was born in April of 1995. Currently Ryan lives at the address 1815 Desna St, Reno NV 89512. Ryan has lived at this Reno, NV address for about 8 years, after moving in around January of 2017. Ryan previously lived at 9350 Ogden Trail Dr, Sparks NV 89441 for 6 years, starting in May of 2015. Going further back, starting in June of 2014, Ryan lived at 414 Gomez Ct, Sparks NV 89431 for 1 year.

Public records do not indicate that Ryan Francis Rees is currently married. The following people are relatives or close associates of Ryan: Petra Segraves(61), Rachel Rees(34), River Rees(29), Geraldine Segraves(97), Joseph Rees(78), Rees River(25), Stephen Segraves(68), Angela Rees(50), Charity Rees(54), David Rees(59) and David Rees(56).

Ryan's current phone number is (775) 409-9588. This Wireless number was issued by 'T-Mobile USA Inc', first reported in public records on April of 2021. Past phone numbers for Ryan include (775) 409-9562. The primary email address for Ryan is

Frequently Asked Questions
How old is Ryan Francis Rees?
Ryan Rees is 29 years old, and was born in April of 1995.

Where does Ryan Rees live currently?
Ryan Rees's current address is 1815 Desna St, Reno NV 89512. Ryan has lived there for about 8 years, since January of 2017.

Who is related to Ryan Rees?
Ryan Rees is likely related to the following people: Petra Segraves, Rachel Rees, River Rees, Geraldine Segraves, Joseph Rees, Rees River, Stephen Segraves, Angela Rees, Charity Rees, David Rees, David Rees

What is the best phone number for Ryan Rees?
Ryan Rees's latest phone number is a wireless number at (775) 409-9588.

What is the best email for Ryan Rees? is the most current email on record for Ryan Rees.

Is Ryan Rees alive today?
Yes! Ryan Rees is living today.

Does Ryan Rees go by any other names or aliases?
Ryan Rees may also go by the following names or aliases: Ryan Rees

Who does Ryan Rees associate with?
The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Ryan Rees: Katharina Coney

Where did Ryan Rees live previously?
Ryan Rees was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 9350 Ogden Trail Dr, Sparks NV 89441 | 414 Gomez Ct, Sparks NV 89431

What email addresses have been used by Ryan Rees?
There is one email account for Ryan Rees, and that is

What phone numbers have been used by Ryan Rees?
Ryan Rees has been registered with the following phone numbers: (775) 409-9588, (775) 409-9562
youtube Joined Apr 17, 2018
Wyatt Hausman
age unknown
birth sign leo
His girlfriend Jaide often
ryan is a (GHOST HUNTER
Also Known As
Ryan Rees
film ghost-hunting videos at creepy
birth Austin, Texas, United States
Height	178 cm (5 ft 10 in)
Weight	78 kg (172 lb; 12 st 4 lb)