______________________________________________________________________________    Papi Celly Ended
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                |      .       / // * ^ \ * \ \             . ALL ABOARD THE DOX EXPRSS        |
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                |   -|     |     |-.-|||.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-    |
                |    |_____|_____|						               |

             Hello Everyone so this skid named celimar like roleplaying as me and fake clipped me/doxxed
             me he is now my little bitch he had skidded one of my codes also after i told him not to  
             multiple times he is very annoying also he is a failed minecraft pocket editon player he
             only plays that game he sucks at it also he is a little bitch who knows nothing have fun guys <3



                                                Name: Celimar  Hammond
                                                Age: 15
                                                Phone Number: +14074969640
                                                Address: 4687 Costa Bravo Dr Orlando, FL 32839 
                                                Email: celimar.baez86@gmail.com

                                                     {DISCORD INFO}

                                             Account Info: cellytookyolife#4381 (309468306765643786)

                                             Email: celimar.baez86@gmail.com
                                             Phone: +14074969640
                                             Nitro: False
                                             Billing Info: False
                                             PC Info:
                                             PC Name: DESKTOP-3QFETVM
                                             Username: shado
                                             Token Location: Discord
                                             Token: MzA5NDY4MzA2NzY1NjQzNzg2.Yhl6GA.HIwrHwmICFWuEzANvKVbWelayHc


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