name: Petr Paratko nicknames: Paratko, dřevo, ostří, špička Location: Atletická, Prague age: 18 (17.3.2002) socialmedia; instagram @paratkopeta69 Photos: Family: mother (Anna Páratková), father (Pepek Párátko), sister ( Patrície Páratko), stepsis ( Alžběta Žlutá) Phonenumber- Now the juicy stuff: Psychopath, sociopath, Bullying underage girls, suffering with paranoid schizophrenia, he was trying murder his sister with Uzi, knife and glock, he tried to choke his ex with rope, he was bullying underage girls and he was blackmailed girls for their nudes, then he used the nudes from underage as a profile pictures, he tried to commit suicide six times, he tried to kill his mom's kittens and aet them. +I got in contact with his ex gf. she told me that he was really ''sweet guy'' and he was treating pretty her well until he started cutting himself. then he started choking her with rope when she falls asleep. now his trying to be nice guy, he apologized to his family and ex gf. :) you can contact him on instagram ;)