*Reason for DOX*: He is a rapist, he e-dates with 12 and 13y/o boys, and he already had a sexual encounter with 1 of them. 

*Proof*: http://prntscr.com/qpq46t

*Name*: Juan Vicente Palomares 
*Alias*: Palomita / Frack / Pelotita / Snowball / Pipoca 
*Discord*: snowball#4373
*Age*: 25
*Complexity*: Fat, Small and Black.
*Adress*: Buenos Aires, Olavarria: Av. Avellaneda 506
*Phone Number*: +54 9 11 1234-5678
*Photo of him*: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/658445158475366464/661545943950295050/Screenshot_20191231-092244_Instagram.jpg