Brought to you by...                         
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 ((_)((_)(_) _((_))  (_) _(_/( ((_)_ | | 
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|                                                                                 |
|             Full Name...........Kyle Donald S Stannard                          |
|             Date of Birth.......2003, March                                     |
|             Sex.................Male                                            |
|             Family Members......Daisy Stannard 			          |
|                                 Melodie Stannard 			          |
|	      Daisy's Facebook....         |
|	      Melodie's Facebook..	  |

|                                                                                 |
|             Full Address........Parkington Walk, Bury ST Edmunds (Suffolk)      |       
|             Country.............United Kingdom (England)                        |
|             Postal-Code.........IP32 6QY                                        |
|             City................Ipswich                                         |

|                                                                                 |
|             Discord.............SSJ4#7368                                       |
|                               |
|             	        				  |
|             Social Medias.......(Unverified but linked to email)		  |
|                            ---> <---		  |

|                                                                                 |     
|             IP Information...... (Idk if current and idc)         |
|                                 city: Bury St Edmunds				  |
|                                 country: United Kingdom			  |
|                                 countryCode: GB				  |
|                                 isp: BT Public Internet Service		  |
|                                 regionName: England				  |
|                                 zip: IP32                                       |
so looks like the end of this dox. For your information, I have way more shit that isnt worth my time putting here.
keep my alias out of your mouth or howard's fried chicken will start knocking on your door.

pce nerd