Mods keep taking this shit down idk why they must have a thing for pedophiles Anyways, I got a plethora of new info on this loser Name: Kyle Joseph Duffield DOB: March 21st, 1985 Address: 181 Strathcona Street, Cambridge, Ontario Work: Ennio's Pasta House, Kitchener, Ontario & Delivery Warehouse Team Member for Amazon Phone Number: 519-498-6429 Insta: ky_duffield (Private) Facebook: Tiktok: Family members Name: Joel Duffield (Deceased) Relationship: Brother DOB: Unknown (Died on July 28th, 2022. Assumed to be around 30) Facebook: Name: Bill Duffield (Deceased) Relationship: Father DOB: Unknown (75 at time of death) Facebook: or Name: Ann Duffield Relationship: Mother DOB Unknown Facebook: Name: Craig Duffield Relationship: Cousin DOB: Unknown Facebook: Reason for dox: He attempted to solicit 2 ppl under 18 into removing their clothes and skinny dipping, sent multiple explicit photos, self pleasured himself on facetime & encouraged them to do the same. Worst of all, he is fully aware its pathetic and disgusting, YET CONTINUES TO DO SO file:///C:/Users/matt0/Downloads/Evidence piece.mp4-One of 2 explicit videos file:///C:/Users/matt0/Videos/More evidence.mp4-Explicit photos file:///C:/Users/matt0/Downloads/even more fucking evidence.mp4-His chats with them