Description-     Eddie, also known as "Phyz" online is a pedophile who larps as members of coms; 764 and cultist. He is a Mexican male who claims to be italian and asian. He is abused by his mom and doesnt know his father, he is a "submissive little boy" (his words). He has child porn on his phone from ages 14-17. Most we're sent against their will to him.



Full name - Eduardo Payan, goes by Eddie
Birthday - July 8th, 2004, 18 years old
State and City - El Paso, Texas

!!!! RESIDENCY(-IES) !!!!!

| His grandmothers house (whom he lives with currently)  - 10441 Mackinaw St, El Paso ,Texas

| His mothers house (he sees and visits often) - 11884 Mesquite Miel, El Paso, Texas

| His work location (Burger King) - 10115 Rushing Rd, El Paso, TX 79924   


His personal phonenumber -915-315-4831
His MOTHERS phonenumber -915-251-9264


Instagram - @phyzmk www.instagram.com/phyzmk

Tiktok - cocrecruiter
Other Tiktok - juicypepe2


Eduardo Payan extorts minors for child porn and uses it against them for cutsigns and more pornography. He is a femboy who lies about being apart of coms, and being related to the serial killer, Richard Ramirez (ikr).