|Reasoning: Dated a 13-14 year old boy. Sent vids of him grabbing his dick and moaning to a  |
|while being 18 years old himself. His community must be infomed of his doings. We will reach|
|out separately to his parents with chat logs as proof in the hopes they get him some help so|
|he is not a repeat offender.                                                                |
       _       _ _               ____            _     _           
      | |     | (_)             |  _ \          (_)   | |          
      | |_   _| |_  __ _ _ __   | |_) | ___ _ __ _ ___| |__   __ _ 
  _   | | | | | | |/ _` | '_ \  |  _ < / _ \ '__| / __| '_ \ / _` |
 | |__| | |_| | | | (_| | | | | | |_) |  __/ |  | \__ \ | | | (_| |
  \____/ \__,_|_|_|\__,_|_| |_| |____/ \___|_|  |_|___/_| |_|\__,_|
|  Age: 18                                                          |
|  Password(s): jetdog2003                                          |
|  Aliases: pablo, pabloxami, may, destinate, peek off the destinate|
|  Current Address: 5 Moore Street, Darien, Connecticut, 06820      |
|  Passwords: jetdog2003                                            |
                 _       _                    __ _ _             
                (_)     | |                  / _(_) |            
  ___  ___   ___ _  __ _| |  _ __  _ __ ___ | |_ _| | ___  ___   
 / __|/ _ \ / __| |/ _` | | | '_ \| '__/ _ \|  _| | |/ _ \/ __|  
 \__ \ (_) | (__| | (_| | | | |_) | | | (_) | | | | |  __/\__ \  
 |___/\___/ \___|_|\__,_|_| | .__/|_|  \___/|_| |_|_|\___||___/  
                            | |                                  
| Instagram                                                         |
|    Details:                                                       |
| https://www.instagram.com/talkingmoooose/                         |                                                                   
| Discord:                                                          | 
|  Details:                                                         |
|   destinate#000 (921067187744178216)                              |
|   may ????#9230 (546458013482090497)                               |                                                                           
|   Steams: steamcommunity.com/id/fortunate/ (STEAM_0:1:635010568)  |
|   Neverlose: suave (https://forum.neverlose.cc/u/suave/summary    |
  _____  _                          _  _      
 |  __ \| |                       _| || |_     
 | |__) | |__   ___  _ __   ___  |_  __  _|___ 
 |  ___/| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _ \  _| || |_/ __|
 | |    | | | | (_) | | | |  __/ |_  __  _\__ \
 |_|    |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\___|   |_||_| |___/
|  Phone Number: (203) 570-3923                                     |
|    Details:                                                       |
|        Line Type: Mobile                                          | 
|        Carrier Location: Bloomfield, CT 06901                     |
|        Prepaid: No                                                |
|        Connected: No                                              |
|                                                                   |
|   Phone Number: (203) 348-3071                                    |
|    Details:                                                       |
|        Line Type: Landline                                        |
|        Carrier Location: Stamford-Main, CT 06901                  |
|        Prepaid: No                                                |
|        Connected: No                                              |
                 _                _   _   ____            _     _           
     /\         | |              | \ | | |  _ \          (_)   | |          
    /  \   _ __ | |_ ___  _ __   |  \| | | |_) | ___ _ __ _ ___| |__   __ _ 
   / /\ \ | '_ \| __/ _ \| '_ \  | . ` | |  _ < / _ \ '__| / __| '_ \ / _` |
  / ____ \| | | | || (_) | | | | | |\  | | |_) |  __/ |  | \__ \ | | | (_| |
 /_/    \_\_| |_|\__\___/|_| |_| |_| \_| |____/ \___|_|  |_|___/_| |_|\__,_|       
|  First Name: Anton                                                |
|  Last Name: Berisha                                               |
|  BIRTH INFORMATION                                                |
|  Age: 48                                                          |
|  Birth Date: Jul 10, 1973                                         |
|  KNOWN ALIASES: Anton Berish                                      |
  _____  _                           _  _     
 |  __ \| |                       _| || |_     
 | |__) | |__   ___  _ __   ___  |_  __  _|___ 
 |  ___/| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _ \  _| || |_/ __|
 | |    | | | | (_) | | | |  __/ |_  __  _\__ \
 |_|    |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\___|   |_||_| |___/
|  Phone Number: (203) 570-3923                                     |
|    Details:                                                       |
|        Line Type: Mobile                                          |
|        Carrier Location: Bloomfield, CT 06901                     | 
|        Prepaid: No                                                |
|        Connected: No                                              |
|                                                                   |
|  Phone Number: (203) 348-3071                                     |
|    Details:                                                       |
|        Line Type: Residential                                     |
|        Carrier Location: Stamford-Main, CT 06901                  |
|        Prepaid: No                                                |
|        Connected: No                                              |
|                                                                   |
|  Phone Number: (203) 966-4966                                     |
|    Details:                                                       |
|        Line Type: Residential                                     |
|        Carrier Location: New Canaan, CT 06840                     |
|        Prepaid: No                                                |
|        Connected: No                                              |
|                                                                   |
|  Phone Number: (203) 632-6312                                     |
|    Details:                                                       |
|        Line Type: Residential                                     |
|        Carrier Location: Hartford-Main, CT 06770                  |
|        Prepaid: No                                                |
|        Connected: No                                              |
  ______                 _ _  __ __  
 |  ____|               (_) |/ / \ \ 
 | |__   _ __ ___   __ _ _| | |___| |
 |  __| | '_ ` _ \ / _` | | | / __| |
 | |____| | | | | | (_| | | | \__ \ |
 |______|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|_| |___/ |
                             \_\ /_/ 
| Email                           Valid Since                 Data Base Leak(s)   |
| ashley.davis61@gmail.com        Jan 21, 2019                9                   |
| antonberisha@yahoo.com                                      20                  |
| berishaanton@yahoo.com                                      10                  |
| berishaanton@hotmail.com                                    7                   |
| aberisha@sbcglobal.net                                      0                   |
| aberisha@aol.com                                            0                   |             
                 _       _                    __ _ _             
                (_)     | |                  / _(_) |            
  ___  ___   ___ _  __ _| |  _ __  _ __ ___ | |_ _| | ___  ___   
 / __|/ _ \ / __| |/ _` | | | '_ \| '__/ _ \|  _| | |/ _ \/ __|  
 \__ \ (_) | (__| | (_| | | | |_) | | | (_) | | | | |  __/\__ \  
 |___/\___/ \___|_|\__,_|_| | .__/|_|  \___/|_| |_|_|\___||___/  
                            | |                                  
|GOOGLE+:                                                                         |
| Details:                                                                        |
|   Anton Berisha                                                                 |
|   https://plus.google.com/100655709269642346637/about                           |
|   USER'S ID: 100655709269642346637@google                                       |
|                                                                                 |
|EMAIL OWNERS USA                                                                 |
| Details:                                                                        |
|    Name: Anton Berisha                                                          |
|    Addresses:: 5 Moore Street, Darien, Connecticut, 06820                       |
|                                                                                 |
|RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS                                                              |
| Details:                                                                        |
|   Anton Berisha                                                                 |
|   Addresses: 5 Moore Street, Darien, Connecticut, 06820                         |
|   91 Strawberry Hill Avenue, Stamford, Connecticut, 06902.                      |
     /\                | |      
    /  \   ___ ___  ___| |_ ___ 
   / /\ \ / __/ __|/ _ \ __/ __|
  / ____ \\__ \__ \  __/ |_\__ \
 /_/    \_\___/___/\___|\__|___/
|CURRENTLY OWNED PROPERTY #1                                                      |
|5 Moore St Darien, Connecticut, 06820                                            |
|Current Owner Anton Berisha, Violeta Berisha                                     |
|Assessed Value $478,170.00 (2021)                                                |
|Sale Amount: $360,000.00 (Dec 30, 2020)                                          | 
|Tax Amount: $8,052.00 (2021)                                                     |
|                                                                                 |
|VEHICLES OWNED OR DRIVEN                                                         |
|Vehicle Make and Model: Nissan Rogue                                             |
|Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): 5N1AT2MV5EC809847                           |
  ____            _                                        __ _ _           
 |  _ \          (_)                                      / _(_) |          
 | |_) |_   _ ___ _ _ __   ___  ___ ___   _ __  _ __ ___ | |_ _| | ___  ___ 
 |  _ <| | | / __| | '_ \ / _ \/ __/ __| | '_ \| '__/ _ \|  _| | |/ _ \/ __|
 | |_) | |_| \__ \ | | | |  __/\__ \__ \ | |_) | | | (_) | | | | |  __/\__ \
 |____/ \__,_|___/_|_| |_|\___||___/___/ | .__/|_|  \___/|_| |_|_|\___||___/
                                         | |                                
|POSSIBLE BUSINESS AFFILIATIONS                                                   |
|A & V LLC                                                                        |
|DUNS Number: 038180778                                                           |
|Current Address: 5 Moore St, Darien, CT, 06820                                   |
|CORPORATE FILINGS: A & V LLC (PRIMARY)                                           |
|Business Names: A & V Llc                                                        |
|Corporation TypeCorporation                                                      |
|Standard Industrial Classification Code: 00000000                                |
|Address: 5 Moore St, Darien, CT, 06820                                           |
|Address Type: Business                                                           |
|State: Ct                                                                        |
|Incorporation State: CT                                                          |
|Filing Number: #1379237                                                          |
|Filing Office DUNS Number: #361661770                                            |
|Filing Date: Feb 23, 2021                                                        |
|Filing Office Name: Secretary Of State/Corporations Division                     |
|Filing Office Address: 165 Capitol Ave Ste 1000, Hartford, CT, 06106             |
|Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number: #038180778                        |
|Registration Type: Domestic Limited Liability Company                            |
|Securities And Exchange Commission Status: Active                                |
|Verification Date: Apr 5, 2021                                                   |
|Recieved Date: Apr 5, 2021                                                       |
|File Date: Apr 16, 2021                                                          |
|                                                                                 |
|Amendment (Feb 23, 2021)                                                         |
|Description: Certificate Of Organization                                         |
|Reason: Miscellaneous                                                            |
|                                                                                 |
|Business Contact - Anton Berisha                                                 |
|Title: Other, MEMBER                                                             |
|Address: 5 Moore St, Darien, CT, 06820                                           |
|                                                                                 |
|Business Contact - Anton Berisha                                                 |
|Title: Registered Agent                                                          |
|Address: 5 Moore St, Darien, CT, 06820                                           |
|                                                                                 |
|Business Contact - Violeta Berisha                                               |
|Title: Other, MEMBER                                                             |
|Address: 5 Moore St, Darien, CT, 06820                                           |
|                                                                                 |
|EMPLOYMENT HISTORY                                                               |
|A & V LLC (MAR 11, 2021 - AUG 19, 2021)                                          |
|Employment Dates: Mar 11, 2021 - Aug 19, 2021                                    |
|Employer's Address: 5 Moore St, Darien, CT, 06820                                |
__      ___       _      _           _____   ____            _     _           
 \ \    / (_)     | |    | |         / ____| |  _ \          (_)   | |          
  \ \  / / _  ___ | | ___| |_ __ _  | |      | |_) | ___ _ __ _ ___| |__   __ _ 
   \ \/ / | |/ _ \| |/ _ \ __/ _` | | |      |  _ < / _ \ '__| / __| '_ \ / _` |
    \  /  | | (_) | |  __/ || (_| | | |____  | |_) |  __/ |  | \__ \ | | | (_| |
     \/   |_|\___/|_|\___|\__\__,_|  \_____| |____/ \___|_|  |_|___/_| |_|\__,_|
|NAME                                                                             |
|  First Name: Violeta                                                            |
|  Middle Name: Catherine                                                         |
|  Last Name: Berisha                                                             |
|BIRTH INFORMATION                                                                |
|  Age: 45                                                                        |
|  Birth Date: Oct 27, 1976                                                       |
|KNOWN ALIASES                                                                    |
|  Violeta Bericha, Violeta Beriisha, Violeta Catherine Beris                     |
|  Catherine Berisha Violeta, Violet Berisha B Violeta                            |
|  Violeta C Berisha, Violets Berisha, Violeta Catherine Berisha                  |
|Password(s): natural123, tomjules1, tomjules,                                    |
|Current Address: 5 Moore St, Darien, CT, 06820                                   | 
  ____            _                                        __ _ _           
 |  _ \          (_)                                      / _(_) |          
 | |_) |_   _ ___ _ _ __   ___  ___ ___   _ __  _ __ ___ | |_ _| | ___  ___ 
 |  _ <| | | / __| | '_ \ / _ \/ __/ __| | '_ \| '__/ _ \|  _| | |/ _ \/ __|
 | |_) | |_| \__ \ | | | |  __/\__ \__ \ | |_) | | | (_) | | | | |  __/\__ \
 |____/ \__,_|___/_|_| |_|\___||___/___/ | .__/|_|  \___/|_| |_|_|\___||___/
                                         | |                                
|BUSINESS AFFILIATIONS                                                            |
|Aug 1, 2016 - Jul 1, 2020                                                        |
|Norwalk Hospital/Greenwich Hospital                                              |
|Position: Acute's Dialysis Nurse                                                 |
|While Nursing:                                                                   |
|Norwalk Community College                                                        |
|Nursing Student                                                                  |   
                 _       _                    __ _ _             
                (_)     | |                  / _(_) |            
  ___  ___   ___ _  __ _| |  _ __  _ __ ___ | |_ _| | ___  ___   
 / __|/ _ \ / __| |/ _` | | | '_ \| '__/ _ \|  _| | |/ _ \/ __|  
 \__ \ (_) | (__| | (_| | | | |_) | | | (_) | | | | |  __/\__ \  
 |___/\___/ \___|_|\__,_|_| | .__/|_|  \___/|_| |_|_|\___||___/  
                            | |                                  
|Instagram:                                                         |  
|Violet C Berisha                                                   |
| https://www.instagram.com/vcberisha76/                            |
|FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/violeta.berisha2                | 
| SOURCE STATE: CT                                                  |
| SOURCE NAME: Administrative Office Of Courts                      |
| NAME: Violeta C Berisha                                           |
| SCARS & MARKS: Not available                                      |
| DATE OF BIRTH: October 27, 1976                                   |
| HEIGHT: Not available                                             |
| AGE: 45                                                           |
| WEIGHT:Not available                                              |
| ETHNICITY: White                                                  |         
| MILITARY SERVICE: Not available                                   |
| AGE: Not available                                                |
| MARITAL STATUS: Not available                                     |
| OCCUPATION: Not available                                         |
| ADDRESS: 5 Moore St, Darien, CT 06820                             |
|                                                                   |
| FALSE INCIDENT REPORT 2ND DEG                                     |
| OFFENSE DATE                                                      |
| October 20, 2009                                                  |
| CONVICTION DATE                                                   |
| Not available                                                     |
| DISPOSITION DATE                                                  |
| April 8, 2010                                                     |
| SOURCE STATE: CT                                                  |
| CASE NUMBER: S20NCR090124211S                                     |
| Misdemeanor: A                                                    |
 _____  _                           _  _     
 |  __ \| |                       _| || |_     
 | |__) | |__   ___  _ __   ___  |_  __  _|___ 
 |  ___/| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _ \  _| || |_/ __|
 | |    | | | | (_) | | | |  __/ |_  __  _\__ \
 |_|    |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\___|   |_||_| |___/
|Phone Number: (203) 348-3071                                        |
|  DETAILS                                                           |
|    Line Type: Residential                                          |
|    Carrier Location: Stamford-Main, CT 06901                       |
|    Prepaid: No                                                     |
|    Connected: No                                                   |
|                                                                    |
|Phone Number: (203) 229-7424                                        |
|  DETAILS                                                           |
|    Line Type: Landline                                             |
|    Carrier Location: Norwalk-North, CT 06850                       |
|    Prepaid: No                                                     |
|    Connected: No                                                   |
|                                                                    |
|Phone Number: (203) 832-9888                                        |
|  DETAILS                                                           |
|    Line Type: Mobile                                               |
|    Carrier Location: Middletown, CT 06901                          |
|    Prepaid: No                                                     |
|    Connected: No                                                   |
|                                                                    |
|Phone Number: (203) 570-3923                                        |
|  DETAILS                                                           |
|    Line Type: Mobile                                               |
|    Carrier Location: Bloomfield, CT 06901                          |
|    Prepaid: No                                                     |
|    Connected: No                                                   |
|                                                                    |
|Phone Number: (203) 570-3958                                        |             
|  DETAILS                                                           | 
|    Line Type: Mobile                                               |
|    Carrier Location: Bloomfield, CT 06901                          |
|    Prepaid: No                                                     |
|    Connected: No                                                   |
|                                                                    |
|Phone Number: (203) 550-2539                                        |
|  DETAILS                                                           |
|    Line Type: Mobile                                               |
|    Carrier Location: Bloomfield, CT 06901                          |
|    Prepaid: No                                                     |
|    Connected: No                                                   |
  ______                 _ _  __ __  
 |  ____|               (_) |/ / \ \ 
 | |__   _ __ ___   __ _ _| | |___| |
 |  __| | '_ ` _ \ / _` | | | / __| |
 | |____| | | | | | (_| | | | \__ \ |
 |______|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|_| |___/ |
                             \_\ /_/ 
| Email                           Valid Since                 Data Base Leak(s)   |
| dvioletberishan4@hotmail.com                                0                   |
| violetberisha@hotmail.cm        Apr 6, 2019                 0                   |
| violetberisha@gmail.com                                     9                   |
| violetberisha@hotmail.com                                   4                   |
| violetberisha2011@hotmail.com   May 7, 2013                 6                   |
| vikipejes@hotmail.com           Jan 7, 2012                 1                   |

  ______ _____  _    _  _____       _______ _____ ____  _   _ 
 |  ____|  __ \| |  | |/ ____|   /\|__   __|_   _/ __ \| \ | |
 | |__  | |  | | |  | | |       /  \  | |    | || |  | |  \| |
 |  __| | |  | | |  | | |      / /\ \ | |    | || |  | | . ` |
 | |____| |__| | |__| | |____ / ____ \| |   _| || |__| | |\  |
 |______|_____/ \____/ \_____/_/    \_\_|  |_____\____/|_| \_|
|Attendance Dates: Jan 1, 2020 - Dec 31, 2022                                                           |
|Qualification Type: Bachelor of Science - BS, Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse                      |
|University: Charter Oak State College                                                                  | 
|                                                                                                       |
|Attendance Dates: Jan 1, 2018 - Dec 31, 2020                                                           |
|Qualification Type: Nursing, Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse                                       |
|University: Norwalk Community College                                                                  | 
|                                                                                                       |
|Attendance Dates: Jan 1, 2016 - Dec 31, 2020                                                           |
|Qualification Type: General studies, General sciences                                                  |
|University: Norwalk Community College                                                                  | 
|                                                                                                       |
|Attendance Dates: Jan 1, 2007 - Dec 31, 2008                                                           |
|Qualification Type: Certificate, Business - admin course                                               |
|University: Katherine Gibbs- Gibbs College                                                             | 
|                                                                                                       |
|DIPLOMA, GENERAL FROM TRINITY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL (1992-1995)                                         |
|Attendance Dates: Jan 1, 1992 - Dec 31, 1995                                                           |
|Qualification Type: diploma, General                                                                   |
|University: Trinity catholic high school                                                               |
|                                                                                                       |
|CERTIFICATE FROM KATHERINE GIBBS SCHOOL                                                                |
|Qualification Type                                                                                     |
|Certificate: University                                                                                |
|Katherine Gibbs School                                                                                 |
  _                            _____        __                           _   _              
 | |                          |_   _|      / _|                         | | (_)             
 | |__   ___  _   _ ___  ___    | |  _ __ | |_ ___  _ __ _ __ ___   __ _| |_ _  ___  _ __   
 | '_ \ / _ \| | | / __|/ _ \   | | | '_ \|  _/ _ \| '__| '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \  
 | | | | (_) | |_| \__ \  __/  _| |_| | | | || (_) | |  | | | | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | 
 |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___/\___| |_____|_| |_|_| \___/|_|  |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| 
|LOCATION DETAILS                                                                                      |
|Street: 5 Moore St                                                                                    |
|City: Darien                                                                                          |
|County: Fairfield                                                                                     |
|Country: US                                                                                           |
|5 Digit Zip Code: 06820                                                                               |
|County FIPS: 09001                                                                                    |
|Congressional District: 04                                                                            |
|Is Deliverable: Yes                                                                                   |
|Is Receiving Mail: Yes                                                                                |
|Zip Type: Standard                                                                                    |
|UTC Offset: -5                                                                                        |
|Location Type: Street                                                                                 |
|Location Use: Residential                                                                             |
|Longitude: -73.50455                                                                                  |
|Latitude: 41.07059                                                                                    |
|Current Owner: Anton Berisha, Violeta Berisha                                                         |
|Assessed Value: $478,170.00 (2021)                                                                    |
|Sale Amount: $360,000.00 (Dec 30, 2020)                                                               |
|Tax Amount: $8,052.00 (2021)                                                                          |
|Bedrooms: 2                                                                                           |
|Bathrooms: 2                                                                                          |
|Living Sq. Ft: 2090                                                                                   |
|Land Sq. Ft: 10019                                                                                    |
|Floors: 1                                                                                             |
|Year Built: 1958                                                                                      |
|APN#: 000048 - 000000 - 000054 - 000055                                                               |
|Type: Single Family Residence/Townhouse                                                               |

Credits: D,M,P