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Dropped by: UkN0Wn
Reason for Dox: A member of thecubanpirates that doxxed my friend
║                       Basic Information                  ║
Alias:PAC0Z, mrbeansuncle, V0ID
Full Name: Nicolas Pinto Martins
DOB: March 16, 1995
Phone Number: +55 6380-4369
Country: Brazil
Address: Rua Albânia, 852 Fortaleza-CE, 60710-530
Gender: Male
Picture: https://files.catbox.moe/mxw8ia.jpg
║                       Social Information                 ║
Email(s): PAC0Z@yopmail.com
discord: PAC0Z#7073
Website: https://enofly.co.uk/
║                       IP Information                     ║
IP Address:
Reverse DNS: ns3.reverse.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com
IP Type: Static
ISP: Akamai Technologies, Inc.
AS Number: 16625
IP Language: Brazil

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