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Oxy The Proxy Boy

-> General Information <- 
Nick: Oxy
Name: Moana OxFurd Jenath The 4th
Age: 31
Country: Africa
Timezone: GTM +1 </> Warsaw/Europe
-> Social Media <-
PornHub: -> https://pl.pornhub.com/users/OxyBounceDatAss445
Discord: -> Sleepyy#0369- 810651528964472852
Street -> 3698  Bird Street
City -> Albuquerque 
State -> NM 
State Full -> New Mexico
Zip Code -> 87109
Phone Number -> 505-610-9124
Mobile Number -> 505-480-9174
Oxy - https://www.tampabay.com/resizer/F-7XRdUJkUL44DtLifms7BvsG8o=/1400x2500/smart/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tbt.s3.amazonaws.com/public/XBYDYMGHH4I6TBKNIBWI6S7HAY.jpg
His Sister - https://msmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Bridging-Black-History-Month-and-Womens-History-Month-Why-Black-Women-Best-Can-Deliver-Liberation-for-All-1024x685.png
His Brother - https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000303140414-7e1iis-t500x500.jpg
His Other Brother - https://i.redd.it/us6ghpbmaza31.jpg

Name: Stephan Balliet
Geboren in: Sachsen-Anhalt
Wohnort: 06425 Alsleben (Saale) Feldstraße 11
Alter: 27
Nummernschild: EU , AI , 4642
Bild: https://no-cookie.kiwifarms.net/data/attachments/964/964810-dab1d09625f98a4889f3921041259490.jpg
Terror Livestream: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:627e338c27c40b7052ef3c3c4cbaf1a06d9b72a6&dn=Halle%2c%20Germany%20Shooting&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker3.itzmx.com%3a6961%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.tiny-vps.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.open-internet.nl%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.cyberia.is%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2f9.rarbg.to%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2f9.rarbg.me%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.stealth.si%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fexplodie.org%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker.kiwifarms.net%3a8000%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fexodus.desync.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fthetracker.org%3a80%2fannounce
Schwester: Jasmin Balliet
Geboren in: Sachsen-Anhalt
Alter: 25
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jasmin.balliet
Noch andere Beiträge:
            \       /
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      -=  [  Stephan  ]  =-
          `---.   .---'
       __||__ |   | __||__
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         ||_.-|   |-,_||
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(For those of you thinking she's in Texas and swatting random addresses, you're genuinely retarded. This is why Papa Mutah is angey. Should also note the only reason we're posting this is because the cops are taking their sweet time with Krystal.)

For context, read these documents:




Alternatively, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEd0myFNXt0

-Her home was raided by her local police on May 3rd 2020. They uncovered much evidence of her crimes, and she was detained due to threats of suicide (and allegedly trying to overdose).
-She was sent to the mental hospital after being detained, and later brought into custody to be questioned.
-The Kokomo authorities publicly stated nothing is occuring regarding Krystal Scott, most definitely in an attempt to die down attention towards the police scanners (as they're aware of the 400+ people listening in).


Name: Krystal "Cherokee" Lee Scott

Known Aliases: 
Dixom Demon Fennec 
coyote girl
jakey english
tomba wolf song master
Smirn Otzy
James Corgi
Yuin Smiledog
Yuin Cinodog
Jake Hunt
Jake Shen
Jake Shin
Jake English
Oli/Ollie/Oliver Sluvak
Chip Dog Taxidermy
Shuno Yo

Age: Allegedly 20 but N/A, known to be early 20s.
Address: 3611 Zartman Rd, Kokomo, IN 46902

Cell Number (subject to change): (765) 437-9581
Carrier: Verizon Wireless

Occupation: Taxidermy


Krystal's Social Media:
Facebook #1: https://www.facebook.com/gators.wolf.3
Facebook #2: https://www.facebook.com/krystal.scott.714
Facebook #3: https://www.facebook.com/krystal.scott.35977
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/julian1000bc
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qY2UR9soDmCpP719fOPfA

Social media revolving around cat killing:
Instagram (subject to change): https://www.instagram.com/spratwort/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@the_crazy_cat_lady_first

Alleged IP:
ISP: Comcast Cable

High School (Class of 2019): Western High School, 2600 County Rd S 600 W, Russiaville, IN 46979
Phone Number: (765) 883-5541

Confirmed photos of cat killer (taken from social media above): 

DeviantArt post linking Krystal with catkilling as early as 2019:

IRL Photos: 

Photo of Property: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/706339911720108103/706375486611128373/unknown.png?width=1026&height=479

Facial comparison between confirmed photos of cat killer and Krystal Scott:

PC taskbar comparison:

Krystal's Facebook livestream 5/2/2020: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/706440309801877504/706440418560311326/Krystal_Scott_Facebook_Livestream.mp4

Krystal's Facebook livestream 5/3/2020: https://anonfile.com/v1q7H2vdoa/_Alleged_the_crazy_cat_lady_first_Facebook_Livestream_3rd_May_2020._Full_mp4
HTML clone w/ Facebook comments: https://anonfile.com/R8P1F6v0o2/Dixom_Demon_Fennec_2020-05-03_Live_stream_html

Confirmation of Krystal's fuckery by people who know her IRL: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/706440309801877504/706603961142083635/More_info_on_CCL.zip

Misc. Photos: 

Supposed transcript of police scanner as they raided her house on 5/3/2020... or possibly just a list of fucking police codes: 

Screencaps of her Facebook post stating she was sent to the hospital after the police detained her:

Screencap of her trying to garner attention to the cat lady before popularity grew revolving around the topic:

Highway on Google Maps: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/706339911720108103/706357820114731018/image0.png
Post on Instagram driving onto the highway: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/705915508217872417/706308445854236712/image1.png

Google Maps address link: https://www.google.com/maps/@40.447009,-86.1835295,3a,75y,212.61h,71.39t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZnRYgRQT7t5IyxHEJdZ0ZQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Krystal's Reddit post regarding her training her dog to kill kittens:

Instagram post compilation:

Comparison between Krystal's garage and the cat lady's post of a mangled animal corpse: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/706347548163571742/706577575526400061/unknown.png

Screenshot of being logged into her account (she was online and she enabled 2factor auth fast): https://prnt.sc/sa7gms

Known passwords:

(NOTE: Both Krystal and the admin of the cat lady accounts used same password for PayPal, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, DeviantArt, Facebook and Steam.)


Father: Kelly Lee Scott
Age: 56 (born March 1964)
Address: 2438 N Main Street, Kokomo, IN 46901
Phone Numbers:
(765) 868-8353 - Landline
(765) 271-4562 - Wireless
(765) 836-8636 - Landline

Email Addresses:

Criminal Offences: Level 5 sexual misconduct with a minor
Mugshot: https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/kokomoperspective.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/c/bd/cbd11aee-db05-11e5-9576-377be583da51/56cdc30d5a773.image.jpg?resize=504%2C336
Charges details: https://public.courts.in.gov/mycase/#/vw/CaseSummary/eyJ2Ijp7IkNhc2VUb2tlbiI6IjhVcG82V2tmcmg1YllGSm5JMktwdHNtZzMwYm9oNElNQkxJQWt4M0dXbUUxIn19
Krystal stating she was raped at one point, matching up with the charges against her father: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/705916582550831166/706422523759165460/unknown.png

News Reports:


Mother: Joy Lee Scott
Age: 49 (born December 1970)
Address: 2018 S 300 W, Kokomo, IN 46902
Phone Numbers:
(765) 868-8353 - Landline
(765) 455-0621 - Landline
(765) 836-8636 - Landline
(765) 378-0218 - Landline
(765) 457-9789 - Landline

Email Addresses:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joy.scott.79274/

Place of Work: Walmart, 1920 E Markland Ave, Kokomo, Indiana 46901
Walmart Number: (765) 456-3550



∆° - Fall For Sophie

Reasons For Dox:
• The repeated rape and psychological torture of Sophie Long, a nine-year-old girl from Texas, by Jacob Wayne Bellington and Kelly Marie Mitton.
• The dismissal of her disclosure by the maternal grandmother, Kim Mitton.
• Aiding and abetting the rapes and violent physical abuses by the state apparatus.
• CPS and LEOs refusing to resolve the situation, turning her back over to the mother's custody. 
• Emotionally abusive mother pimping out her own 9yo daughter to her boyfriend and possibly several others.
• Mother watching and encouraging her own daughter's rapes. 
• Rachel Li is trying to intimidate the father by saying he can be arrested if he attempts to take Sophie out of the home.


News Articles & Links:
• https://twitter.com/bxbygxrltxy/status/1300238678099460097https://meaww.com/online-police-nine-year-old-girl-abused-mother-boyfriend-watches-happen-texas-friscohttps://texas-news-today.com/2020/08/31/daddy-help-me-he-wont-stop-touching-me-9-year-old-texas-girl-says-shes-a-victim-of-sexual-assault/https://reddit.com/r/PedoGate/comments/ijci3d/why_wont_anyone_believe_me/https://twitter.com/hashtag/standforsophiehttps://youtube.com/watch?v=Su9ZVREYB2Y



Cynthia McCrann Wheless (Age: 56) - Judge Who Returned Sophie To Her Mother & Child Rapist Boyfriend
DOB: 10/12/1963
1000 Stansted Manor Dr.
Allen, TX 


Owner: Wheless, Raymond G
Owner 2: Wheless, Cynthia M
Seller: Paul Taylor Homes Ltd,
Sale Date: 2007-12-07
Loan Amount: $515,217
Lender: Texas One Mortgage Comp
Loan Type: Undetermined


Property Tax:
State: TX
County: Collin
Owner: Wheless Raymond G & Cynthia M
Total Market Value: $517,422


Year: 2006
Model: RAM

Year: 2004


House Plan:
Year Built: 2008
Bedrooms: 5
Garage Size: 2
Property Lot Size: 1.00 AC
Building Area: 4239


Honorable Cynthia Wheless - Judge Presiding
417th District Court
Russell A. Steindam Courts Building
2100 Bloomdale Road, Suite 30290
McKinney, TX 75071
972-548-4658 (McKinney)
972-424-1460 ext. 4658 (Metro)


     Raymond Glynn Wheless (Age: 67) - Husband
     DOB: 01/02/1953
     1000 Stansted Manor Dr.
     Allen, TX 

     Ryan Thomas Wheless (Age: 25) - Son
     DOB: 11/06/1994
     1000 Stansted Manor Dr.
     Allen, TX 


John Earle Truehitt (Age: 65) - Lacy Lakeview Police Chief
DOB: 05/30/1955
8014 Woodway Dr. | 354 Mary Ellen Dr.
     Woodway, TX | Lorena, TX 
           76712 | 76655
          (254) 857-9771  
      Kathryn Allen Truehitt (Age: 87) - Mother
      DOB: 03/13/1933
      21462 County Road 124,
      Iola, TX 


David Avery Shilson (Age: 44) - Frisco Police Chief
DOB: 06/12/1976
2598 April Sound Lane
Frisco, TX 
(972) 335-8731
(972) 292-6130


School: Lamar High School
City: Houston, TX
Grad: 1994


Owner: Shilson, David
Owner 2: Shilson, Jana
Seller: Otis, Gregory E
Seller 2: Otis, Kelly R
Sale Date: 2011-11-01
Loan Amount: $296,100
Lender: Bank Of The Ozarks
Loan Type: New Conventional


Property Tax:
State: TX
County: Denton
Owner: Shilson, David & Jana
Tax Year: 2018
Tax Amount: $970
Total Market Value: $430,000
Sale Price: $317,910


Year: 2002
Model: RAV4

Automobile 2:
Year: 2003
Model: RAM


House Plan:
Year Built: 2001
Bedrooms: 5
Baths: 4.00
Garage Size: 2
Pool/Spa: POOL
Property Lot Size: 9065 SF
Building Area: 3918


     Jana Loy (Cross) Shilson (Age: 44) - Wife
     DOB: 07/24/1976
     2598 April Sound Lane
     Frisco, TX 
     (979) 696-1303
     Karen Ann Shilson (Age: 75) - Mother Of David Shilson
     DOB: 08/07/1945
     4220 Cotton Gin Rd.
     Apt #6301
     Frisco, TX 
     (972) 335-8731


    Jody B. Street (Age: 44) - Frisco Police Sergeant, CID, Crimes Against Children
    200 Palomino Ln
    Celina, TX 
   (972) 347-4718 
   (972) 292-6212

     Patricia Suzette Street (Age: 70) - Mother
     DOB: 03/03/1950
     7423 Texas Highway 37 N,
     Talco, TX 
     (512) 892-4721
     Rush Artie Street (Age: 69) - Father
     DOB: 07/12/1951
     7423 Texas Highway 37 N,
     Talco, TX 
     Rhonda Michelle Street (Age: 44) - Sister
     DOB: 12/22/1975
     200 Palomino Ln
     Celina, TX 
         PO Box #65
         Prosper, TX 
         (903) 223-7735


Rachel Dawn Li (Age: 44) - Child Custody/Divorce Lawyer, Working For Kelly Long
DOB: 10/06/1975
1545 Kingfisher Ln.
Frisco, TX

Law Office of Rachel Li, PLLC
5601 Democracy Dr.
Suite 140
Plano, TX

Owner: Donahue, James H
Owner 2: Li , Rachel D
Seller: Shariff , Vareesha Zaman
Seller 2: Shariff , Imadh
Sale Date: 20151206
Loan Amount: 236925
Lender: Navy FCU
Loan Type: New Conventional

Property Tax:
State: TX
County: Collin
Owner: Li, Rachel D.
Total Market Value: $2000

Property Tax
State: TX
County: Denton
Owner: Donahue, James H. & Li, Rachel D.
Tax Year: 2018
Tax Amount: $820
Total Market Value: $363,388

State Bar Association Of Texas:
Eligible to Practice in Texas 
Bar Card Number: 24056892 
TX License Date: 11/07/2008 
Primary Practice Location: Plano, TX
Practice Areas: Family, Wills-Trusts-Probate 
Profile Last Certified On: 09/03/2020
Firm: None Reported By Attorney 
Firm Size: 2 to 5 
Occupation: Private Law Practice 
Website: http://rachellilaw.com/


Jaime Kristen Masters (Age: 38) - Texas DFPS Commissioner
DOB: 02/03/1982
13539 Wyoming Valley Dr
Austin, TX 
(207) 225-3842

Deneen Lynn Dryden (Age: 56) -  Associate Commissioner - CPS
DOB: 06/26/1964
2301 N Keith Ct. | 5979 SW 31st Ter
     Wichita, KS | Topeka, KS 
           67205 | 66614

James Vincent "Jim" Sylvester (Age: 68) - Associate Commissioner - CPS
DOB: 05/29/1952
3908 Willbert Rd.
Austin, TX 


Jacob Wayne Bellington (Age: 39) - Child Raping Bastard, Kelly Long's Boyfriend
DOB: 10/15/1980
2901 Justin Rd.
Flower Mound, TX 
https://archive.is/sFLFS - Mugshot
(214) 886-2000

     David A. Edelen (Age: 33) - Friend
     808 Woodside Ct.
     Highland Village, TX 

     Ryan Mark Bellington (Age: 35) - Brother
     2901 Justin Rd.
     Flower Mound, TX 


Kelly Marie Mitton-Long (Age: 34) - Abusive Mother Who Pimped Her Own Daughter Out To Her BF & His Male Family/Friends
DOB: 03/11/1986
10412 Max Lane
Frisco, TX 
(210) 518-9419

Also Known As:
   Kelly M. Long
   Kelly Long
   Kelly Mitton
   Ms Kelly M. Mitton
   Ms Kelly. Mitton
   Kelly Specht
   Ghislaine Maxwell Jr.


(210) 518-9419 (Primary Phone)
New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - IL
First reported July 2016

(210) 913-4782
New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - IL
First reported September 2010

(480) 257-0555
New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC
First reported August 2012

(716) 572-9256
Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - NY
First reported November 2009

(716) 652-6099
Verizon New York Inc
First reported June 2011

(716) 681-2952
Verizon New York Inc
First reported March 2017


   Previous Addresses:
   1902 Greenville Ave    
   Unit 200
   Dallas, TX 
   Dallas County
   Recorded August 2018
   (210) 518-9419

   10613 Dry Creek Ln
   Frisco, TX 
   Collin County
   Recorded July 2016
   (210) 518-9419

   1914 Blue Goose
   New Braunfels, TX 
   Comal County
   Recorded April 2014
   (210) 913-4782

   18840 E Arrowhead Trl.
   Queen Creek, AZ 
   Maricopa County
   Recorded August 2013
   (210) 913-4782

   3511 E Sheffield Rd
   Gilbert, AZ 
   Maricopa County
   Recorded August 2012
   (210) 913-4782

   3905 Arroyo Sierra
   Schertz, TX 
   Guadalupe County
   Recorded September 2011
   Home Phone: (210) 913-4782

   15862 Augusta Cor.
   San Antonio, TX 
   Bexar County
   Recorded September 2010
   Home Phone: (210) 913-4782

   11020 Huebner Oaks
   Unit 1135
   San Antonio, TX 
   Bexar County
   Recorded November 2009
   Home Phone: (716) 572-9256

   89 American Campus Dr
   Unit 2115
   Buffalo, NY 
   Erie County
   Recorded January 2008

   13342 Williston Rd
   East Aurora, NY
   Erie County
   Recorded November 2004

   2280 Hall Rd
   Elma, NY
   Erie County
   Recorded October 2013
   (716) 681-2952

   13352 Williston Rd.
   East Aurora, NY 
   Erie County
   Recorded October 2007


   John Fernand Mitton Jr. (Age: 65) - Kelly's Father                     
       910 Girdle Rd | 13352 Williston Rd.
  East Aurora, NY | East Aurora, NY 
                     14052 | 14052
                    (716) 652-6099

  Kim A. Mitton (Age: 63) - Evil Maternal Grandmother Who Disregarded Sophie's Disclosure
  DOB: 5/27/1957
  2280 Hall Rd.
  Elma, NY


Katherine Manske Paulson (Age:41) - Annoying Cunt Streamer, Doxed For Talking Shit About Sophie. [✡]
DOB: 11/10/1978
Alias(es): Katie Joy, WithoutACrystalBallOfficial, WithoutACrystalBall
9917 Jasmine Ave.
Hanover, MN 
(763) 213-2950 
   Proof She Talked Shit:

Social Media:
Katie Joy Live:

WithoutACrystalBall Official Twitter: 

Without A Crystal Ball:


Todd Martin Paulson (Age: 49) - Katie Joy's Husband, Attorney
DOB: 02/23/1971
9917 Jasmine Ave.
Hanover, MN 


Robert Eugene Manske (Age: 73) - Father of Katherine Paulson
DOB: 10/14/1946
3516 Harding St. 
Minneapolis, MN 

Mary Ellen Manske (Age: 73) - Mother of Katherine Paulson [✡]
DOB: 08/08/1947
3516 Harding St. 
Minneapolis, MN 


Karl John Manske (Age: 45) - Brother Of Katherine Paulson [✡]
DOB: 11/25/1974
3112 32nd Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 


Jessica Paige Taylor Beharry (Age: 31) - Jessi Bear, Mod for WOACB
15 W Factory St. 
Mechanicsburg, PA

Terrence Kenneth Beharry (Age: 36) - Husband Of Jessi Paige Beharry
DOB: 5/19/1984
15 W Factory St. 
Mechanicsburg, PA


Shantie Beepath Beharry (Age: 72) - Terrence's Mother
DOB: 11/03/1947
7376 Hudson Park Dr.
Hudson, OH 

Kenneth McDonald Beharry (Age: 78) - Terrence's Father
DOB: 03/06/1942
4181 Sky Pine Way
East Stroudsburg, PA 


Theresa D. Taylor (Age: 53) - Jessica Paige Taylor's Mother
DOB: 06/12/1967
381 Jennifer Ln.
East Stroudsburg, PA

Wayne P. Taylor (Age: 57) - Jessica Paige Taylor's Father
DOB: 07/23/1963
381 Jennifer Ln.
East Stroudsburg, PA


Karen Marie Yax (Age: 47) - Critical Kay [✡]
Alias(es): Critical Kay, kaykaydoo2, MrsBobMarley
2442 Lonesome Dove Trail
Lapeer, MI


Karen Marie Yax's Voter Registration:
Registered to Vote In: Lapeer County, Michigan 
Registration Date: 08/11/2005
Voter Status: Active
Precinct: 00001
Congressional District: 10th District
House District: 82nd District
Senate District: 31st District
County District: 3rd District


Edwin "Eddy" John Yax (Age: 52) - Critical Kay's Husband [✡]
DOB: 11/8/1967
2442 Lonesome Dove Trail
Lapeer, MI

Edwin John Yax's Voter Registration
Registered to Vote In: Lapeer County, Michigan 
Registration Date: 06/06/2005
Voter Status: Active
Precinct: 00001
Congressional District: 10th District
House District: 82nd District
Senate District: 31st District
County District: 3rd District


Garrett William Meier (Age: 29) - Critical Kay's Son [✡]
DOB: 1/1/1991
6374 Lady Jeanette Dr.
Swartz Creek, MI

Garret William Meier's Voter Registration
Registered to Vote In:  Genesee County, Michigan 
Registration Date:  01/07/2016
Voter Status: Active
Precinct: 00002
Congressional District: 5th District
House District: 50th District
Senate District: 14th District
County District: 8th District

Jennifer Louise Meier (Age: 29) - Wife Of Kay's Son [✡]
6374 Lady Jeanette Dr.
Swartz Creek, MI

Jennifer Louise Meier's Voter Registration:
Registered to Vote In: Genesee County, Michigan 
Registration Date: 09/02/2016
Voter Status: Active
Precinct: 00002
Congressional District: 5th District
House District: 50th District
Senate District: 14th District
County District: 8th District


Natalie Marie Yax (Age: 21) - Kay's Daughter [✡]
2442 Lonesome Dove Trail
Lapeer, MI

Reason Jessi Bear Was Doxed:
Working for Katie Joy. Occupational hazard. 

Reason Critical Kay Was Doxed:
Making fun of Sophie for being raped. 


Doxed By ᐃᐤ ???? ???????????????????????????????????? ᛝ, #StandWithSophie Groups, and last but never least, the many anons in the comments who stayed up or stopped what they were doing to find more information. Without them, this dox would be incomplete and never have made it to nearly 20K views. I thank you all. 

            ∆° - Seal Of Authenticity

Upload Date: 9-01-2020 | 2020-245
Version: 1
Dox GUID: 4446bc96-23d7-467e-a06d-8e7f2ddc2c5e
Link To XQR Seal: https://archive.is/nwmQh


Closing Notes:
• #StandForSophie
• #SaveJames
• #SaveTheChildren
• If dox is reposted without seal of authenticity, syntax and title and/or is not an updated version past 9-01-2020 | 2020-245, it is stolen or an unsanctioned repost. 
• Any updated dox will get a new seal, retain old GUID, have a version number and change notes. 
• To all the White nationalists, where the fuck are you for this White girl? If you are for Whites, then you need to be trying to help this kid. 
• Leftists are too stupid to dox right.
• Because Katherine decided to lie about being threatened, Todd Paulson will be added to this dox, along with others. Katherine was not threatened by anyone. There were no phone numbers or emails or social media accounts put in this dox. There are now.
• Whoever did threaten her, if they even did, was probably some thot from /r/WOACB or someone sent by @ImFcknRakin, @WOACrystalBallS or one of the many thousands of the various people that she has burned and wronged. 


Reasons Katherine Manske Paulson Got Doxed:
• Making a 20 minute video about Sophie Long, with ads, every three or four minutes for monetization, so she could get paid profiting from a little girl's trauma story. None of this money was donated to Sophie.

• Stating that Sophie seemed like she was fine, is acting like a brat and is lying (this is got her parents and brother doxed). 

• Using a girl's rape as some gossip and tea for likes, RTs, subscribers, comments and shares.  

• Refusing to take the video down or to apologize to Sophie directly in a statement. 

• Rationalization of her behavior by saying it was just taken out of context. 

• Doxing multiple people throughout the course of her five year career as a content creator. 

• Exploiting multiple people's bad situations for her personal gain.

• Terrorizing innocent people with fear tactics such as baseless TOS violation reports, cease & desist letters, threatening litigation, typical "let me speak to your manager" Karen tactics. 

• Katie Joy has said she wants to solicit herself to be dicked down by young, underaged boys when she is an "old grandma." This video is proof. She can not even make a libel allegation against this. Hear it from her own mouth as she says this in front of her cuckold husband who does absolutely nothing about it: 

• Yes, Katie Joy loves boys. She is a woman that likes little boys. This is not edited or staged, she herself said this and it made her husband go completely silent. She wants to fuck little boys. On top of this, this woman has a son that she has custody of, who is probably at risk of being sexually abused by her. Katie Joy is probably not someone who should be left unattended with little boys. If you know Katie Joy in real life, do not let her watch your son. 

• Katie Joy is a pedophile: https://archive.is/7gD42/8969ccaa60d22f477d9c91e5366d557623266b8e.jpg

• Falsing accusing a man of sexually harassing her and siccing #MeToo feminists and her base on to him, then backtracking:

* Niemand heeft bij dit onderzoek geholpen.
* Al minstens 8 Reuzegommers hebben dit document gezien sinds de publicatie ervan.
* Iedereen die informatie in het commentaar heeft gezet over de Reuzegommers, heel erg bedankt daarvoor.
* Foto's van: Flodder, Zaadje, Pronker, Paterberg, Elio, Rustdag, Kletsmajoor, Janker, Protput, Zozo, Jérôme Verstraeten zijn hier te vinden: www.ibb.co/album/Vj6CdW & www.archive.is/YazY9
* Foto's van: Rafiki, Babylon, Sondage, Rustdag zijn hier te vinden: www.ibb.co/album/TmRZ8h & www.archive.is/AUqsU
* Foto's van Uno, enkele Reuzegommers: www.ibb.co/album/ZB9fJT & www.archive.is/nZ6C6
* Op een foto van de Antwerpse Gilde (2015-2016) staan meerdere Reuzegommers: www.ibb.co/album/wNc4dg & www.archive.is/6oZG5
* In het commentaar heeft een anonieme persoon een grote verzameling aan foto's van Reuzegommers gevonden d.m.v. Facebook, heel erg bedankt hiervoor. U kan de foto's hier bekijken: www.ibb.co/album/PwH43t & www.archive.is/T4fzB
* Door wie is dit gelekt? Door mij, ik heb geen naam en ik woon op Niue.
* Kan ik gecontacteerd worden? Neen. Nooit.
* Het merendeel van deze informatie heb ik kunnen bemachtigen op 7 januari 2019.
* Na het publiceren van deze informatie breek ik mijn 8ste harde schijf en gooi ik die opnieuw in de zee. (Hoeveel harde schijven zou ik eigenlijk hebben liggen?)
* Dit is het enige originele document, wie dit copy-paste is een idioot.
* Gebruik altijd deze code om te verifiëren: A9*Q<H5PGu"2£€~VXXQA
Leuk weetje: FC Charlie (voetbalclub, daar spelen verschillende Reuzegommers en schachten in mee)
In de voetbalclub spelen: Maurice Gehéniau (Kletsmajoor) - Alexander Garmyn (Janker) - Victor Denil (één van de schachten die de doop overleefde) - Jérôme Verstraeten (lid Reuzegom) - Christof Maes (zou de 3e schacht moeten zijn die de doop ook overleefde)
Alexander G. (Janker) (Alexander Garmyn) (emails: alexandergarmyn@hotmail.com & alexander123@live.be & alexander.garmyn@hotmail.com) (gsm nr eindigt in 83) (Ouders: Karl Garmyn (zaakvoerder Vialex BVBA) & (directeur van Transport Th. Wouters), Wendy Kerselaers) (Zussen: Louise Garmyn, Pauline Garmyn, Julie Garmyn) (Adres van vader: Noordkriekenlaan 1, 2960, Brecht) (Huistelefoonnr: 036361200) (Alexander is geboren op 11 augustus 199x) (Alexander woont niet op het adres van zijn vader)
Arthur G. (Shrek) (Arthur Gehéniau) - (Ouders: Laurentius Gehéniau (vastgoedmakelaar) en Valérie Van Hool (moeder is bestuurder van "Immo 70 N.V." tot 2024) - gsm nr & email vader: 0475392957 & laurens.geheniau@gmail.com (Grootouders: Leopold Van Hool (was voorzitter van de holding Van Hool N.V.) & Mia Vuylsteke) (Zus: Charlotte Gehéniau) (Adres: Bellevuedreef 5, 2970, Schilde)
(zijn email: tureke_lierse@hotmail.com, gsm nr eindigt op 02) (Arthur was lid van 49ste scouts van Schilde) (49 BP Schilde)
Maurice G. (Kletsmajoor) (Maurice Gehéniau) - broer van bovenstaande (email: maurice_geheniau@hotmail.com, gsm nr eindigt op 47)
Maxime P. (Kelter) (Maxime Peeters)
Léon L. (Strontvlieg) (Léon Lesseliers) (volgde stage bij DILAW in de zomer van 2019, advocatenkantoor) (gsm nr: 0471820713 - zit opnieuw op whatsapp sinds 1 januari 2019) (Ouders: Xavier Lesseliers (CEO van verzekeringsmakelaar Lesseliers & co), Roos Borms (mede-eigenaar Lesseliers & co + zaakvoerder van RX Consult BVBA) (Zus: Alice Lesseliers) (email vader: x.lesseliers@lesseliers-co.be) (email moeder: r.borms@lesseliers-co.be) (Leon's email: lesseliers.leon@gmail.com) (Adres: Goudvinkendreef 12, 2900, Schoten)
Simon P. (Simon Peeters) (Ouders: Pieter René Hilda Vincent Peeters, Sofie Marie José Julia Nuttens (zaakvoerders van tandartspraktijk: "Peeters & Nuttens" in Schoten) (Adres van thuis en werk: Alice Nahonlei 36, 2900, Schoten) (gsm nr van Simon is 0474054350) (Studeerde aan het Sint-Michielscollege in Schoten)
Philippe Nicolas Catherine De Geest (Uno) (Philippe is geboren op 29 augustus 1995 in Merksem) (Ouders: Ward De Geest (huisarts in Brasschaat) (rijksregisternummer vader: 60.07.26-505.24, Marie-Christine Pieters)) (Zussen van Philippe: Catherine De Geest, Sophie De Geest) (Vader zijn adres/waar ook zijn praktijk is: Sint Antoniuslei 91, 2930, Brasschaat) (Philippe woont voorlopig nog in: André Drouartlaan 3 bus 5, 1160, Oudergem) (De maatschappelijke zetel van zijn BV is sinds 11 augustus 2020 wel veranderd naar Amerikalei 158, bus 15, 2000, Antwerpen) (Ook zou hij werken als tandarts in Lier)
Pieter Kusters (Babylon) (Ouders: Kurt Maria Mathieu Kusters, Lieve Maria Hendrika Thyssen (moeder was apotheker)) (Pieter zijn ouders zijn momenteel zaakvoerders van "Kusters BVBA") (Adres van thuis: Mastendreef 14, 2970, Schilde) (Hij en zijn ouders werken op dit adres: Oud Sluisstraat 20, 2110, Wijnegem) (Pieter is de eigenaar van LEDify, zijn ouders van het bedrijf "Kusters BVBA") (Studeerde tot aan 2017 bij de KU Leuven en studeerde af als handelsingenieur in beleidsinformatie
Joachim Meeusen (Zozo) (Ouders: Cathy Berx (gouverneur Antwerpen), Johan Meeusen)) (email van Joachim: joachim.meeusen@hotmail.com, zijn gsm nummer eindigt in 86) (Walter Damen is zijn raadsman)
Victor Denil (één van de schachten die de doop overleefde) (Ouders: Johan Denil (advocaat) geboren te Deurne op 6 juli 1968, Benedicte Leroi geboren te Wilrijk op 6 januari 1970)) (Adres: Jos Coveliersstraat 59, 2540, Hove))
Pierre O. (Pierre Onghena) (geboren op 26 juli 199x) (Zus: Elle Onghena -  15 juli 2001 - email zus: elle.onghena2@gmail.com, haar gsm nr eindigt in 42/toevallig zoals de nr van haar vader maar is een ander nr) (Ouders: Olivier Onghena geboren in Wilrijk op 10 september 1967 (advocaat), X Boschmans) (Vader is ook bestuurslid van Muziektheater Transparant, voorzitter van Artists in Air Antwerpen, voorzitter van Studio Start, bestuurslid van Real Estate Society vzw, bestuurslid van Royal Antwerp Hockey Club (Pierre en Elle zijn lid van deze club), partner bij Nietvelt Van Hove Vanheusden advocaten) (emails & gsm nr vader: onghena@nietvelt.be, onghena.boschmans@gmail.com & 0477722442)
(Pierre zijn email: pierre.onghena@gmail.com) (Adres: Transvaalstraat 41, 2600, Berchem)
Viktor K. (Pronker) (Viktor Knevels) (geboren op 6 oktober 199x) (Ouders: Patrick Knevels (notaris), Ingrid Meeusen (werkt bij het kantoor van haar echtgenoot, ze was vroeger gemeenteraadslid voor Mortsel Anders)) (Broers: Ben Knevels, Alexander Knevels) (emails van Viktor: viktor.knevels@hotmail.com, vikske@live.be) (zijn gsm nr eindigt in 76) (Hobby vader & Viktor: fietsen) (Broer Ben volgt stage bij notaris Stéphane Van Roosbroeck) (Broer Alexander is trouwens bevriend met Victor Denil - één van de schachten die de doop overleefde) (Werkadres ouders: Liersesteenweg 135, 2640, Mortsel) (Adres van thuis: Nieuwelei 56, 2640, Mortsel) liggen op ~2km afstand van elkaar.
Arthur V. (Sondage) (Arthur Versavel) (Ouders: Patrick Versavel (notaris), Dr. Marion Neyrinck (moeder is huisarts - geboren op 16 juni 1966, haar rijksregisternummer is (Zijn moeder werkt in de huisartsenpraktijk De Veldkant in Hove) (Arthur is geboren op 3 juni 199x) (Hij is vice-voorzitter van BRIKS, een beleggersclub voor studenten in Leuven)
(zijn email: arthurversavel@hotmail.com, gsm nr eindigt in 12) (Zussen: Laureline Versavel, Louise Versavel, zus Louise is een bekende Belgische hockeyspeler) (Erik Versavel, een familielid van hem is de ING vertegenwoordiger voor België in Mongolië) (Adres: Paul van Ostaijenlaan 27, 2540, Hove) (De vader van Arthur heeft als notaris geholpen bij het oprichten van zijn echtgenote haar BVBA) (Arthur heeft als hobby's: kitesurfen, skiën en uitgaan met vrienden) (Arthur loopt momenteel stage bij Morgen Stanley - augustus 2020) (Arthur werd samen met zijn moeder gespot in hun Maserati op 13 augustus 2020)
Quentin W. (Paterberg/Igean) (Quentin Wouters)
Benoît P. (Protput) (Benoît Plaitin Jr.) - geboren in Bornem (Ouders: Benoît Jean-Marie Plaitin, Ann Blondé) (Zussen: Marie-Lily Plaitin, Julie Plaitin) (Neven, nichten: Annelies Plaitin, Sofie Plaitin, Lode Plaitin, Jan Plaitin, Gitte Plaitin, Ann-Sofie Plaitin) (email: bjplaitin@hotmail.com) (gsm nr eindigt op 90) (Zijn grootvader Frans Blondé was Ere-Directeur van de Belgium-Japan Association en medeoprichter van de Marilo Fund, kreeg een ereteken van de Keizer van Japan: Orde van de Rijzende Zon, Gouden Stralen met Rozet oftewel Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette) (Benoît zijn vader was eigenaar van het bedrijf: "INTERNATIONAL CONSUMER RESEARCH AND TESTING LIMITED" en is nu eigenaar van het bedrijf "Plaitin BVBA" en zijn moeder van het bedrijf "Zeal N.V.") (Benoît (Protput) was lid van 49ste scouts van Schilde) (49 BP Schilde) (Adres: Moerstraat 9, 2970, Schilde)
Zazou B. (Rafiki) (Zazou Nathan Bindi) - 12/09/1996 - (hij is 180 cm lang en speelt basketbal voor Telenet Giants Antwerp) (Studeert rechten aan de VUB) (zijn gsm nr eindigt in 57) (email: zazoubindiokc@hotmail.com) (Vader: Roland Bindi (57) is samen met Isabel van Stappen sinds 27 juli 2017). (Vader woont nu in Brussel en Zazou gaat naar de VUB dus dat is niet ver) (Vader woonde in Antwerpen sinds zijn 20ste) (Vader is trouwens goed bevriend met de moeder van Baron Donald de Vinck de Winnezeele (Elio) (Barones Ingeborg (Inger) Blancquaert))
(Jef S.) (Flodder) (Jef Slosse) - (lid van Ik Dien FC) (Ouders: Willem (Wim) Slosse (advocaat en vennoot bij Elegis), Fabienne Nackaerts (persrechter Antwerpen/docent aan het Insituut voor Strafrecht KU Leuven))
Zussen: Emma Slosse, Fien Slosse (Adres: Verdussenstraat 19, 2018, Antwerpen) (gsm nr zus Emma: 0470955961) (Jef zijn emails: gertverhulst@hotmail.be & jefslosse@hotmail.com) (Ouders van Jef zijn getrouwd op 16/11/2008) (Jef is actief bij "Beerschot Student Community" en advocaat Walter Damen is hier ondervoorzitter van)
(Jef J.) (Zaadje) (Jef Jonkers) (email: jonkersjef@gmail.com) (Speelde vroeger als gitarist en songwriter in twee kleine bands met vrienden (Scarf Jam, Beneath The Rules) (zijn emails: jonkersjef@gmail.com & beneaththerules@gmail.com)
Leden van Scarf Jam: Laurinda Sa Ferreira, Jef Jonkers, Tim Vermassen, Robin Herweyers, Kwinten Albertijn
Leden van Beneath The Rules: Laurinda Sa Ferreira, Jef Jonkers, Robin Herweyers, Felix Wouters
(Jef is geboren op 14 januari 199x) (Ouders: Peter Martin Jonkers, Sabine Van Put) (Broers: Jules Jonkers, Alexander Jonkers) (Vader van Sabine Van Put was dokter) (Jef zijn ouders zijn zaakvoerders van de volgende bedrijven: 4-PM BVBA, IPP Printers, HungHing Benelux, American Orthodontics Benelux BVBA) (gsm nr van zijn vader: 0473561565) (Adres: Terlindenlaan 42, 2650, Edegem) (Werkplaats ouders (ze moeten alleen door hun tuin stappen en ze zijn er): Pitsemburglaan 1, 2650, Edegem)
Leuke weetjes: De ouders van Jef zijn goed bevriend met de moeder van Baron Donald de Vinck de Winnezeele (Elio) (Barones Ingeborg (Inger) Blancquaert - Ze doen ook graag mee aan de Oldtimer Challenge van Delen Private bank net zoals de moeder van Arthur Gehéniau (Shrek) (Valérie Van Hool). (De ouders van Jef namen laatst nog deel aan de wedstrijd in 2019).
Julien D.V. (Placebo) (Julien De Visscher) (Werkt(e) bij Panis N.V.)
Willem P. (Randi) (Willem Peeters) - studeerde aan KU Leuven en is een kennis van Jules Jonkers (de broer van Jef Jonkers (Zaadje))
Jérôme V. (Jérôme Verstraeten) (Ouders: Tom Verstraeten, Inge De Boever) (Broers, zus: Florence Verstraeten, Victor Verstraeten, Justine Verstraeten) (Jérôme zijn emails: jerome.verstraeten@gmail.com & j*******y@hotmail.com (zijn gsm nummer eindigt in 51))
In zijn laatste jaar middelbaar zat hij in de richting 6ECWI (Jérôme woont in Brasschaat)
Bram Lebleu (Rustdag) (Ouders: Frank Lebleu, Nathalie Wagener (eigenaars van bakkerij Lebleu in Berchem)) (Bram werkt sinds ~ februari 2020 bij Robert Half in Antwerpen als Consultant) (zijn emails: bramlebleu@gmail.com & brammoet@hotmail.com) (Zus: Kato Lebleu, haar email is kato.xx@hotmail.com) (Bram is geboren op 6 april 199x) (Identiteitskaartnummer moeder: 002-0974544-40/niet het rijksregisternummer) (Adres van bakkerij Lebleu: Schomstraat 14, 2600, Berchem) (Adres van thuis: Rysheuvelsstraat 56, 2600, Berchem) ligt op ~ 100m afstand van elkaar
Baron Donald de Vinck de Winnezeele (Elio) (Adres van thuis: Molenstraat 45, 2018, Antwerpen) (volgt momenteel een N-VA stage bij EU Parlement) - 13/11/1996 (Ouders: Baron Olivier de Vinck de Winnezeele - 20 augustus 1965, Barones Ingeborg Blancquaert (Noemt zichzelf liever Inger) (Ouders zijn eigenaar van restaurant (vader is chef, moeder zaakvoerder van Kommilfoo - Vlaamsekaai 17, 2000, Antwerpen) (emails: donald.devinckdewinnezeele@kuleuven.be & donald_devinckdewinnezeele@hotmail.com)(Donald zijn gsm nr eindigt in 12) (oud-lid van Reuzegom en is gekend als iemand die plezier heeft bij het mishandelen van dieren) (Praeside Reuzegom 2018-2019) (Bron: https://www.plutonica.be/praeses.html) (Als de bron verwijderd wordt, gebruik dan Google Webcache) (Donald is ook hoofdgroepsleider van scouts Den 2, die scoutsgroep is eigenaar van blokhut Cardon)
Onze-Lieve-Vrouwecollege, Antwerpen oud-leerlingen:
Baron Donald de Vinck de Winnezeele (Elio)
Julien De Visscher (Placebo)
Léon Lesseliers (Strontvlieg)
Jef Slosse (Flodder)