1. Inverting (LilCaca)
IRL name - Jose Cuervo (ADOPTED LOLOLO)
Address - 9643 Quesadilla Avenue
Inverting's Senior Portrait - https://prnt.sc/v0z5v1
Family names - 
Carlos Ramirez (Dad)
Roberto Ramirez (Brother)
María Guadalupe Ramirez (Mom)
Invertings 3 sisters - https://prnt.sc/v0z5zy

2. Arcantle

IRL name - Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima
Country of Origin - Venezeula 
Pic of his house (also his irl) - https://prnt.sc/v0z6ep
Address - Centro Empresarial Sabana Grande, Nivel Solano, Local S-9 Boulevard de Sabana Grande

Phone number - 582127611000

3. fzd
IRL name - Bartholamew (Tfue jr.) Peurtrde
Address - 12993 Tilted Towers Ave. 
Profession - Halfing mats and dropping minis 
the selfie he sent to underage fortnite egirls - https://prnt.sc/v0z7n1

4. Ballsquito
IRL name - Connor McGregor IV 
Address - 9388 IrnBru lane, Keltic County, Ireland
Ballsquito's Senior Portrait (built DIFFERENT) - https://prnt.sc/v0z97t
Family names - Martin McGregor I
Martin McGregor II
Martin McGregor III
Martin McGregor V