ᐃᐤ - Operation Larpocaust ===================== Reason For Launch Of Operation: • Preppers and cuckservatives are larpers that will never act. • YouTube Prepper channel cucks are characters, actors and roleplayers, selling hope. • Tired of these prepped larp faggots buying up all the supplies from stores. Objectives: • Dox YouTube preppers. • Expose larpers. • Dissuade any and all future larpers from doing larping on YouTube like those doxed herein. • Shit on cuckservatives so real fascism/NS/Strasserism/Nazbol can rise. ===================== Jason Charles (Age: 43) - AngryPrepper DOB: 07/05/1977 49 Saint Nicholas Ter. Apt 56 New York, NY 10027 AngryPrepper Getting Sued In 2021: https://archive.vn/B6207/85d2a7298ba6c97271eeea3022589d6cc666a7b8.png Rachel J. Greene (Age: 34) - ThePatriotNurse [✡] DOB: 09/12/1986 1208 Edenbridge Way Knoxville, TN 37923 ===================== TO BE ADDED IN UPDATE 2.0: Jack Richland/BlackScoutSurvival Sober Elvis/Ben_4123 Michigan SecurityGuy42 Hydra Nation/Kevin C. Hydra Laurel [✡] WestwindSurvival [✡] SageWanderer TheDelawarePatriot Back Country Preps S00tch/Survival Prepper CityPrepping Alex Jones Ben Shapiro [✡] ===================== Doxed By ᐃᐤ ???? ???????????????????????????????????? ===================== Closing Notes: • The only based/redpilled/survivalist people on YT I respect are: wzrubicon Keith Woods John Mark Curt Doolittle In Truth Victorious James Fox Higgins The Propertarian Institute Eli Harmon Survival Lilly JoergSprave Styropyro Alaska Granny Canadian Prepper Talon Sei Hardcity Raindrops Taofledermous Demolition Ranch Gateway Pundit Liberty Stand BL Ranch 4thdimension/acaz51 ideliveredit Black Pilled NurdRage TheBackyardScientist Guns Coast To Coast Nick Fuentes And many others • If I doxed you it's because you're a fucking larper on YT and a scammer bitch nigger cuck living in a fantasy about muh boogaloo or trying to get shekels.