I am glad to people out there are taking action against animal abusers. I have been in the community for years now and never have I seen positive come from it until now. I genuinely believe people like this should get killed without mercy, and I hope everyone who partook in this continues to expose more filth like this one. Every time I see a sick fuck post a video or image on discord of an animal getting tortured and killed apart of me dies inside. I am depressed for days on end and I can’t get the clip out of my head. Thank you to everyone involved in this and everyone who participates in exposing animal abusers. To the owner of doxbin (kt) I never liked you from when I met you but I have changed my mind. What you have done is give a platform to people who want to see animal abusers get fucked up. Despite your ego (don’t worry I have one too) you are genuinely a hero and need to continue serving. My suggestion is to have a list like the og doxbin but have it for confirmed animal abusers. Sorry if format is fucked, coped from a comment I tried to make but was too large.