  .--====--=-------=-----=#-==--==-.      When you gaze long into an abyss    
 .--::=+=--=----------------=---==--.     the abyss also gazes into you.                  
   .:-+==-==---------------+====+-:.               Friedrich Nietzsche.
    :=-. :-:==-----------=-+=. .:=:                
    :=:  .-:-+=--------=+=:+=.  :=:                
    :=:  .---=-+=----=+=+=:==.  .=:                
    :=.   :--::+=======:==.==.  .-.                
    :=.   .-:..=======-.==.-=.  .-.                
    :-.    :. .=======:.:=.:-.  .:.                
    :-     .. .=======: .-...   .:                 
    ::        .===+===: ...                        
    ..        .-======:                            
     .        .:==+==-:.                           
    .-:..    .:.-===-::.                           
   .+@%%*+--:::..:=-:.::.   ..:-:.                 

root@ik_9d:~$ cat credits.txt
[0] - OSINT by: https://doxbin.com/user/ik_9d
[0] - My tgc: t.me.ik_9d
            worked for u <3

root@ik9_d:~$ cat basicinfo.txt
[0] - FullName: Горельникова Ольга Романовна
[0] - Date of birth:  03.07.2009
[0] - Age: 15 лет
[0] - Gender: Жен.
[0] - Photos: 
      - https://imgur.com/a/i6hkBuC
      - https://imgur.com/a/EBHpugS
      - https://imgur.com/a/NiNO5Gz
[0] - Phone numbers: +79677026811
      - Hlr-query: https://imgur.com/a/uj5aJuH
      - Country: Россия
      - Operator: Билайн
      - Time zone: GMT +03 Москва1
       - mcc: 250
       - mnc: 20
       - imsi: 25020
[0] - Address: Россия, Пензенская Обл, Ул. Гладкова, Д. 9
      - Postcode: 440000
      - Coordinates: 53.197825, 45.013950
      - Photo:
         - https://imgur.com/a/lgJ9xK4

root@ik_9d:~$ cat education.txt
[0] - Name of the institution: ЛСТУ №2 г. Пензы
[0] - Type of institution: лицей
[0] - Teaching: очное
[0] - Education: СПО
[0] - Address of the institution: г. Пенза, ул. Бакунина, д. 115
      - Postcode: 440008
      - Coordinates: 53.199352, 45.005928
      - Photo: 
         - https://imgur.com/YrLpZx7
[0] - Phone number of the institution: +78412542044
[0] - Email of the institution: school02@guoedu.ru
[0] - Institution's website: https://lstu2.ucoz.ru/
[0] - Director of the institution: Попкова Татьяна Николаевна

root@ik_9d:~$ cat socialmedia.txt
[0] - TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@leon.ova1?_t=8ro8VCBD0R3&_r=1
[0] - VKontakte: https://vk.com/qwtxl
[0] - Viber: viber://chat?number=79677026811
[0] - Telegram: @qwtxrty id 1197932553

root@ik_9d:~$ cat motherinfo.txt
[0] - FullName: Горельникова Татьяна Павловна
[0] - Date of birth: 05.02.1990
[0] - Age: 34 лет
[0] - Gender: Жен.
[0] - Phone numbers: +79379131931
      - Hlr-query: https://imgur.com/a/WIsubEX
      - Country: Россия
      - Operator:Мегафон
      - Time zone: GMT +03 Москва
       - mcc: 250
       - mnc: 20
       - imsi: 25020
[0] - Email: gorelnikova.tatyana@mail.ru
[0] - Address: Россия, Пензенская Обл, Ул. Гладкова, Д. 9
      - Postcode: 440000
      - Coordinates: 53.197825, 45.013950
      - Photo:
         - https://imgur.com/a/lgJ9xK4
[0] - Social Media
      - WhatsApp: https://api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone=79379131931&text&type=phone_number&app_absent=0

[0] - Documents
     - INN: 582201264072
      - SNILS: 15029816557


        bye bye leonova