 ║Table Of Contents                                       ║
 ║ →     0x01 Introduction................................║
 ║ →     0x02 Reason......................................║
 ║ →     0x03 Personal Information........................║
 ║ →     0x04 Social Media Paltforms......................║
 ║ →     0x05 Location Information........................║
 ║ →     0x06 Internet Protocol Information...............║
 ║ →     0x07 Screenshots.................................║
                                          0x01 [Introduction]                                                
Olee is a known troll with nothing better to do and many of his friends are involved in fraud, scamming, and 
spreading malware.

                                          0x02 [Reason]                                                      
- Involving himself with people who dox and swat.
- Scammed for $4,500 for a project (rust script source + access to Auth, Hosting etc) 
- Involved with scamming/malware
- Pedo that loves CP and has on his computer

                                          0x03 [Personal Information]                                       
Legal Name: Logan Wilson
Alisas(s): Olee
- Shiv
- Hatty #Beamer
- District
- Bloodsucking
- Felany

 - saveyourtearss@skiff.com
 - shiv@proton.me
 - shiv@pm.me
 - bloodsucking@protonmail.com
 - shiv187@gmail.com

                                          0x04 [Social Media Platforms]                                      
Youtube   : https://www.youtube.com/@shiv187 (Deleted rust channel with 600+ subs)
NameMC    : https://namemc.com/profile/bloodsucking.4
Steam     : https://steamcommunity.com/id/relationship (Old, lost in swap and lost $150)
Discord   : @bloodsucking. | hatty#0001
Telegram  : https://t.me/shiv_returns

* https://namemc.com/profile/lcya.6
* https://namemc.com/profile/ihatenggers32423.1

                                          0x05 [Location Information]                                        
Full Address  : 5422 Castlestone Dr, Rosedale, MD 21237
Street        : 5422 Castlestone Dr
Town/City     : Rosedale
State/County  : Maryland
Country       : United States
Zip Code      : 21237
                                          0x06 [Internet Protocol Information]                               
Current Status: Dynamic
Current IP    :
ISP           : AT&T

VPN IP        :

                                          0x07 [Screenshots]                               

 - https://prnt.sc/MTQRRHnBo4ob - Awww you lost your shitty id bohoo 
 - https://prnt.sc/D1V4XHDJg-qk - Pooron admitted to scamming
 - https://prnt.sc/dX50IOxzVzD3 - Denying scamming a year later LMFAO
 - https://prnt.sc/0M6JjIFwfp8D - Saying a random person's dox thinking it's funny
 - https://prnt.sc/qgRZbF6VE04m - Irl picture from 2022 (month unknown) 
 - https://prnt.sc/N-0XKCfSHWBI - Another Irl picture from 2022 (month unknown)
 - https://prnt.sc/TMKtlGfxT2ti - Admitting to saving cp
