 ┃ >  ...                                                     ~:bash - fatloserConsole (V.66.6)                               -  ❏  x ┃

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                     /    |           //,,        | /                     ┃                                  ┃        ^!^                      ^!^   
           //,,     /(    )\         ,7 _/        /(                      x   0x01 - Introduction            x            
          ,7 _/    /,/   '-.\_       >_/(,       /_.-                     ┃                                  ┃            ^!^
          >_/(,  .--------"-----.  __  \ \  .--------'-----.              x   0x02 - Personal Info           x                           ^!^
        __  \ \  |________|_____|-\/\\/ ,'\ |________|_____|              ┃                                  ┃           
      -\/\\/ ,'\  _|______\____\    |'_/// \ _|______\____\               x   0x03 - emails                  x                  ^!^
         |'_/// \/________\____\         \, /________\____\               ┃                                  ┃            
              \, |  ____  |    |_________/__|________|____|               x   0x04 - Emails                  x            
              /  | |___ | |    |__________________|  |    |               ┃                                  ┃                                ^!^
             / _/|/____/| |    |__________________\  |    |               x   0x05 - IP                      x           ^!^ 
            (_(  |)_____) |    |__________________(  -    |               ┃                                  ┃            
              \\ |        |    |            )\|        |    |             x   0x06 - Credits                 x            
               )\|        |    |         /_||        |    |               ┃                                  ┃                        ^!^
              /_||        -    |            |        |    |               ┗x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┛   
                 |        |    |            |        |    |         
                 |        |                                                
┃ LOAN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  0x01 - Introduction 

Edwin Burgos escalated a small dispute with his neighbors into more than it needed to be. When an elderly man tried to de-escalate the 
situation, Edwin turned the crowd onto the elderly man for simply saying "nobody is touching anyone". They beat the elder to the ground
using a wooden bat, which then broke. Upon police arrival, none were arrested. This is far from justice. Not to mention the man sells 
SOOOO MUCH WEED. Justice 4 brodie

                                          Ill update this at some point                      
┃ LOAN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    0x02 - Personal Info     

  ➤ Aliases            : Edwin A Burgos

  ➤ Legal Name         : Edwin A Burgos                                                                
  ➤ Age                : 26                                                            
  ➤ DOB                : September 18, 1997                                             
  ➤ Current Address    : 6 Brandywine Rd; Pemberton, NJ 08068-1307                        
                          339 Snow Ave; Browns Mills, NJ 08015-1731                         
  ➤ Race               : Latino/wetback                                                                
  ➤ Gender             : Male                                                              
  ➤ Occupation         : Former bay leader at Blue Beacon Truck Wash (current employment unknown)                                                          
  ➤ IRLs               : will update

  ➤ Phone Numbers       : 
    - (919) 440-7529
    - (609) 543-4412
    - (609) 346-4004
    - (530) 864-4979

  ➤ Passwords          : "fernando"


┃ LOAN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   0x03 - Emails    
➤ savannahfoster30@gmail.com
➤ hurdlenation1@yahoo.com
➤ burgostaina@yahoo.com
➤ rodcoll@hotmail.com
➤ burgostaina@yahoo.com
➤ edwinburgos585@yahoo.com
➤ edw9burg@gmail.com

┃ LOAN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   0x04 -   IP
                               Geographic Information                    Network Information
                               │‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                   │‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
                               │─ Country: USA                           │─ Internet Protocol:
         VPN: No               │─ State: NJ                              │─ ISP: COMCAST 
         Proxies: No           │─ City: Browns Mills                     │- AS Number:
         Hosting: No           └─ Postal: 	08015                            

┃ LOAN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   0x05 -   Credits

                                                                                                  [ Credits ]
                             __o__                                                   ┏x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┓
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