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▌                      Table of contents                         ▌
▌      (1|1)  Introduction.............................          ▌
▌      (2|2)  Personal Information.....................          ▌
▌      (3|3)  Social Media Accounts....................          ▌
▌      (4|4)  IP Information...........................          ▌
▌                      (1|1)  Introduction                      ▌
Chilling on discord where this harasser/pedo guy added me all of a sudden and started to chat with me, so I took that advantage
and chatted to him aswell as a 13yr/old female. He was being kind and calm, until he starts to say 'daddy' and phrases like
'i mean if you wanna ????'. He even said 'i hope you don’t mind if we talks bout sexual things and etc right?..' and he said 'act nah
it’s cool'. And still spoke about sexual things. So we move onto snap and he asks for a sex chat which I reminded him
that i'm 13 but ignored the fact. He started to harass and be pushy about it.

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| Reaper of death: What is his name and details?        |
|                                                       |
| Me (Loque): Got that all sorted for you, Have fun!    |
| ------------------------------------------------------|

__________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________

▌                  (2|2)  Personal Information                  ▌

│ ⛧ Full Name: Ohad Perez                                                                                   |
| ⛧ Age: 21                                                                                                 |
| ⛧ Email: grewtmpkts1d@gmail.com                                                                           |
| ⛧ Picture(s): https://imgur.com/6Chc6Jy                                                                   |
| ⛧ Religion: Muslim                                                                                       | 
| ⛧ Gender: Male                                                                                           |
| ⛧ Country: Israel                                                                                        |
| ⛧ City: Ramat Gan                                                                                        |

▌                  3|3  Social Media Accounts                  ▌

│ ⛧ Instagram: thebeast74747                                                                               |
| ⛧ Snapchat: ohadperetz2021                                                                               |
| ⛧ Discord: Sleepy???????????????????? ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ<3#9197                                                                     | 

▌                      (4|4)  IP/Location Information                     ▌

│ ⛧ IP Address:                                                                                 |
| ⛧ ISP: HOTnet                                                                                            |
| ⛧ Location: 5 Ma'ale ha-Tsofim St                                                                        |
| ⛧ Latitude/Longitude: 32.0821/34.8122                                                                    |
| ⛧ Hostname:                                                                                   | 
| ⛧ State/Region: Tel Aviv                                                                                 |

__________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________

▌ Reaper of death: That felt good, he deserved it ????    ▌
▌ ------------------------------------------------------▌

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                 |  | 
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                \|  |/

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