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What am I doing with my life anymore? I keep posting some randos' doxxes online and eat
french fries while doing it, laughing my ass off as some kikes start commenting and coping
about Palestine, Israel or Obama's giant black dick. Honestly, projection. Anyways, let's
stop crying and get serious; so basically I found out our precious black african shadow skinned
president, Obama, is on dating sites!! Why does Obama have his whitehouse.gov email linked to 
multiple dating profiles?

email     obama@whitehouse.gov
username     rm_obamanot
hash     EKGKD
lastvisit    2010-07-02T11:30:52.000Z
show_lang    english

email     obama@whitehouse.gov
username     presidentlove
hash     TA3UR
lastvisit    2009-10-17T04:54:22.000Z
show_lang    english

email     obama@whitehouse.gov
username     obamasucksbigone
password     obamasucks1
Hobart, Indiana, United States
hash     9a82f94dbb87adad1888730422dea966
joined    2009-10-24 18:46:42
birthday    1981-02-24
gender    MAN
seeking    WOMAN
lastlogin    2009-10-24 18:46:46
phone    NULL

email     obama@whitehouse.gov
dob    1947-03-29
zip    02863
country    US
ip_country    US

Note the date of Obama's and Michelle's wedding was October 3, 1992 and they have been publicly together since then. 
So why is Obama using the service 'Adult Friend Finder' as of Oct 17, 2009 and Jul 2, 2010. His Email address was also 
found on an account register on 'justdate.com' as of 2014. The same 'whitehouse.gov' email was also found in the 'fling.com' 
dating site database breach he joined on October 24, 2009 an was last seen 2009-10-24 18:46:46. There is a larger set of 
breaches on Obama's white house email should I post them all in total there is about 70 total leaks just on 