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                    |           >[Table Of Contents]<           |
                    | →0x01 Introduction........................|
                    | →0x02 Basic Information...................|
                    | →0x03 Family Information..................|
                    | →0x04 Social Media Platforms..............|
                    | →0x05 IP Information......................|
                    | →0x06 House Information...................|
                    | →0x07 Company Records.....................|
                    | →0x08 Credits & Links.....................|

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                |  | we luv oxy      |  |  |     | -==----'|      |
                |  | LOADING...      |  |  |     |         |      |
                |  | SKID  DOWNED!   |  |  |/----|`---=    |      |
                |  | SKID  DOWNED!   |  |  |   ,/|==== ooo |      ;
                |  | SKID  DOWNED!   |  |  |  // |(((( [33]|    ,"
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                    |           0x01 >[Introduction:]<          | 

                  ↪ Oxy aka Antuan Wine is untouchable
                  ↪ 11100 N 115th St apt 187
                  ↪ Old address, 2481 Crimson Ridge Circle NW DR
                  ↪ 1st address... Scottsdale Arizona... 2nd address... Rochester Minnesota

                  ↪ Address is confirmed. By Oxy himself <3

                   ↪ Oxy is no hacker btw

                    |        0x02 >[Basic Information:]<        | 

                 ♚ Alias(s)............... Oxy
                 ♚ Full Name.............. Antuan Wine
                 ♚ Address................ 11100 N 115th St apt 187
                 ♚ Age.................... 16
                 ♚ Occupation............. Ultimate Troll
                 ♚ Phone Number........... N/A
                 ♚ DOB.................... N/A
                 ♚ Relationship Status.... 24 Hoes
                 ♚ Picture(s)............. N/A

 ♚ Email(s)............... 
                                          ↪ N/A

                    |        0x03 >[Family Information:]<       | 
                 ♚ Name................... N/A (Passed away)
                 ♚ Address................ N/A
                 ♚ Age.................... 57: April 1964
                 ♚ Occupation............. Retired
                 ♚ Phone Number........... N/A
                 ♚ Relationship Status.... Divorced 
                 ♚ Picture(s)............. N/A
                 ♚ Social(s)............... 
                                          ↪ N/A
                    >[Family Member(s)]<
                 ♚ Name................... Nuon Vong
                 ♚ Name................... Jackie Wine
                 ♚ Name................... Drew Vong
                 ♚ Name................... Tessa Dae
                 ♚ Name................... On Prum
                 ♚ Name................... Antony Vincent
                 ♚ Name................... William Bryn Foulkes
                 ♚ Name................... Claire Foulkes
                                          ↪ Cba to go get more info. Feel free to get more if you want.

                    |           0x04 >[Social Media:]<          |

                   |          0x05 >[IP Information:]<         | 
                 ♚ IP(s)..................
                 ♚ ISP.................... AT&T
                 ♚ VPN.................... Both IPs are VPNs

                    |        0x06 >[House Information:]<        | 
                 ♚ Address................ 11100 N 115th St apt 187
                 ♚ Parking................ N/A
                 ♚ Lot.................... N/A
                 ♚ Bedroom................ 2
                 ♚ Bathroom............... 1
                 ♚ Square Feet............ N/A
                 ♚ Year Built............. N/A
                 ♚ Bought for............. N/A
                 ♚ Bought on.............. N/A

                    |           0x07 >[Company Records:]<       | 

                   |         0x08 >[Credits & Links:]<         | 
                              OXY SAYS HES POOR LOLOL