Doxxed by GetTriggerd

Reason of doxx fanboying OVHSS ????????


Ip adress

Full name Lukas Renato Kontrôka

Jobs none to be regiesterd

Schools none to be regiesterd

DOB November 12th 2000 
Father Full name Johnathan Wilcox Kontrôka

Alias botcho

DOB March 28th 1973

Jobs Chick-Fila-

Shcools none to be regiesterd


Motheres full name Whitney Handcox

Alias CumSlut on cam

DOB  July 4th 1972

Jobs Prositute

Schools Bassett High School

Dropped outta school at 15 

Motheres full name Whitney Handcox

Phone number 276-343-0976