Hey! Before exposing random informations about OShangam for no reasons I would like to explain why I do this.
He cheated my best friend and did revenge porn. Wanted to let him see what it does to be cheated by his best discord's friend :)


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Victim's first name: Emile
Victim's second name: Carignan
Victim's gender: Male
Victims age: 17 (24.10.2006) 24 OCTOBER 2006
=> Discord: oshangam
=> Snapchat: oui.ouicestmoi
=> Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@oshangam
=> Github: https://github.com/OShangam
=> Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/oshangam

Victim's mother name: Chloe Kyotaka
Victim's father name: Jean Carignan
Victim's sister name: Amy Carignan
=> Her discord: melissa67215 (she is selling nudes XD)

Number: +33 06 63 31 83 00

Adress: 51 Rue des 4 Chênes Palaiseau, Île-de-France (France)

=> Email: 0.shangam1@protonmail.com
=> Email password: pDH&vzD8YNiP%etKxWYo$mY22irh#6
=> Link to login: https://account.proton.me/mail

=> Discord's Email: 0.shangam1@protonmail.com
=> Discord's Username: oshangam
=> Discord password: w2o$vNV&Q5foUYvMiynr6i&k6pGWDFxF

=> Twitch's Email: 0.shangam1@protonmail.com
=> Twitch's Username: oshangam
=> Twitch's Password: idsyyUT6FYU7TR/.O
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