⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡀  ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⣷⡒⠶⢾⡿⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢻⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
						     ╔══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╗

                                                          db    db d888888b  .o88b. d888888b d888888b .88b  d88. 
                                                          88    88   `88'   d8P  Y8 `~~88~~'   `88'   88'YbdP`88 
                                                          Y8    8P    88    8P         88       88    88  88  88 
                                                          `8b  d8'    88    8b         88       88    88  88  88 
                                                           `8bd8'    .88.   Y8b  d8    88      .88.   88  88  88 
                                                             YP    Y888888P  `Y88P'    YP    Y888888P YP  YP  YP 
                                                              ⛧   ; reason of dox: PEDO, SKID
						     ╚══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╝
                                                              ⛧   ; First Name: Anthony
                                                              ⛧   ; Last Name Davion 
                                                              ⛧   ; Age 19 

                                                      ╔══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╗

                                                          d88888b .88b  d88.  .d8b.  d888888b db      .d8888. 
                                                          88'     88'YbdP`88 d8' `8b   `88'   88      88'  YP 
                                                          88ooooo 88  88  88 88ooo88    88    88      `8bo.   
                                                          88~~~~~ 88  88  88 88~~~88    88    88        `Y8b. 
                                                          88.     88  88  88 88   88   .88.   88booo. db   8D 
                                                          Y88888P YP  YP  YP YP   YP Y888888P Y88888P `8888Y'
                                                              ⛧   ; SANGO + BEATENS DOXXED YOU ;P
						     ╚══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╝

                                                              ⛧   ; crunchymama@gmail.com
                                                              ⛧   ; Noahm97@icloud.com
                                                              ⛧   ; julien-d-1996@hotmail.com
                                                              ⛧   ; xxxfunctionxxx@gustr.com
                                                              ⛧   ; adde_vac9@hotmail.com
                                                              ⛧   ; gustav_giertz@hotmail.se
                                                              ⛧   ; crunchymama@gmail.com
                                                              ⛧   ; Noahm97@icloud.com
                                                              ⛧   ; julien-d-1996@hotmail.com
                                                              ⛧   ; function1@null.net
                                                              ⛧   ; function.hackforums@hotmail.com
                                                              ⛧   ; wardahhot@gmail.com

                                                      ╔══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╗
                                                              8888888 8888888b.   .d8888b.  
                                                                888   888   Y88b d88P  Y88b 
                                                                888   888    888 Y88b.      
                                                                888   888   d88P  "Y888b.   
                                                                888   8888888P"      "Y88b. 
                                                                888   888              "888 
                                                                888   888        Y88b  d88P 
                                                              8888888 888         "Y8888P"  
                                                              ⛧   ; SANGO + BEATENS DOXXED YOU ;P
						     ╚══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╝

                                                              ⛧   ;
                                                              ⛧   ;
                                                              ⛧   ;
                                                              ⛧   ;
                                                              ⛧   ;
                                                              ⛧   ;
                                                              ⛧   ;
                                                              ⛧   ;
                                                              ⛧   ;
                                                              ⛧   ;
                                                              ⛧   ;
                                                     ╔══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╗
                                                        .d8888b.   .d88888b.   .d8888b.  
                                                        d88P  Y88b d88P" "Y88b d88P  Y88b 
                                                        Y88b.      888     888 888    888 
                                                        "Y888b.    888     888 888        
                                                         "Y88b.    888     888 888        
                                                              "888 888     888 888    888 
                                                        Y88b  d88P Y88b. .d88P Y88b  d88P 
                                                         "Y8888P"   "Y88888P"   "Y8888P"  
                                                              ⛧   ; SANGO + BEATENS DOXXED YOU ;P
						     ╚══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╝

                                                              ⛧   ; https://cash.app/$Function
                                                              ⛧   ; https://steamcommunity.com/id/Function
                                                              ⛧   ; cheezburgereater2008 (DISCORD)
                                                              ⛧   ; 1199690624748765277 (DISCORD_ID)
                                                              ⛧   ; https://www.instagram.com/lk_ftkilla/
                                                              ⛧   ; Extortlinks (SNAP)
                                                     ╔══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╗
                                                        888                                         888      
                                                        888                                         888      
                                                        888                                         888      
                                                        88888b.  888d888  .d88b.   8888b.   .d8888b 88888b.  
                                                        888 "88b 888P"   d8P  Y8b     "88b d88P"    888 "88b 
                                                        888  888 888     88888888 .d888888 888      888  888 
                                                        888 d88P 888     Y8b.     888  888 Y88b.    888  888 
                                                        88888P"  888      "Y8888  "Y888888  "Y8888P 888  888
                                                              ⛧   ; SANGO + BEATENS DOXXED YOU ;P
						     ╚══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╝

                                                              ⛧   ; email	crunchymama@gmail.com
                                                              ⛧   ; ip	2601:249:1000:9e8c:2ca0:3bc3:7ece:53fa
                                                              ⛧   ; source	cracked.io
                                                              ⛧   ; uid	165684
                                                              ⛧   ; username	function-

                                                              ⛧   ; NexusCraft
                                                              ⛧   ; categories	minecraft
                                                              ⛧   ; date	1569680063612
                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; password	$SHA$cc9169375eb05192$b78478916e43b8207d08878a6d8be8ed5a75e33e242549678b6f0645ede89534
                                                              ⛧   ; source	NexusCraft

                                                              ⛧   ; username	function
                                                              ⛧   ; OGU
                                                              ⛧   ; categories	com , hacking
                                                              ⛧   ; email	Noahm97@icloud.com
                                                              ⛧   ; ip ,
                                                              ⛧   ; source	OGU
                                                              ⛧   ; uid	19886
                                                              ⛧   ; username	Function
                                                              ⛧   ; mpgh.net

                                                              ⛧   ; categories	hacking
                                                              ⛧   ; email	julien-d-1996@hotmail.com
                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; password	b0341edbf678b89a19af5211bfbf7acb:<@3,/R{SeD[1MfxU~h7uHPq3FDte8#
                                                              ⛧   ; source	mpgh.net
                                                              ⛧   ; uid	2059486
                                                              ⛧   ; username	function
                                                              ⛧   ; mpgh.net

                                                              ⛧   ; categories	hacking
                                                              ⛧   ; email	gustav_giertz@hotmail.se
                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; password	73e8a1af1eb64bc3e1d8a9634a159841:|gZ~Ns!HlLzh2vVw_g\n=5+{T6hY(b
                                                              ⛧   ; source	mpgh.net
                                                              ⛧   ; uid	2449209
                                                              ⛧   ; username	Function()
                                                              ⛧   ; mpgh.net

                                                              ⛧   ; categories	hacking
                                                              ⛧   ; email	xxxfunctionxxx@gustr.com
                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; password	f80ce5dfe9d46e329ffb7cfd248368f8:Z))VZZImNn8N}\x7dpX/*QI?}8rzL6
                                                              ⛧   ; source	mpgh.net
                                                              ⛧   ; uid	2859653

                                                              ⛧   ; username	Function.
                                                              ⛧   ; TeamSpeak_DB_Compilation
                                                              ⛧   ; categories	teamspeak
                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; source	TeamSpeak_DB_Compilation
                                                              ⛧   ; username	Function
                                                              ⛧   ; SaiCoPVP_IPs
                                                              ⛧   ; categories	minecraft

                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; source	SaiCoPVP_IPs
                                                              ⛧   ; username	Function
                                                              ⛧   ; uuid	55a042a0-170e-4467-8ccd-e51afede2bc0
                                                              ⛧   ; DesiredCraft
                                                              ⛧   ; categories	minecraft

                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; source	DesiredCraft
                                                              ⛧   ; username	Function
                                                              ⛧   ; uuid	55a042a0-170e-4467-8ccd-e51afede2bc0
                                                              ⛧   ; MineagePVP_IPs
                                                              ⛧   ; categories	minecraft

                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; source	MineagePVP_IPs
                                                              ⛧   ; username	Function
                                                              ⛧   ; uuid	55a042a0-170e-4467-8ccd-e51afede2bc0
                                                              ⛧   ; Aimware
                                                              ⛧   ; categories	hvh

                                                              ⛧   ; email	adde_vac9@hotmail.com
                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; source	Aimware
                                                              ⛧   ; uid	2874
                                                              ⛧   ; username	Function
                                                              ⛧   ; demonforums.net
                                                              ⛧   ; categories	hacking

                                                              ⛧   ; email	function1@null.net
                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; source	demonforums.net
                                                              ⛧   ; uid	9024
                                                              ⛧   ; username	NULL Function
                                                              ⛧   ; mpgh.net
                                                              ⛧   ; categories	hacking

                                                              ⛧   ; email	warfarma@fbi.al
                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; password	9a494aea49b08f6245c75ce43a99a273:}=0aOwL3#e|r%|Q:V"itI2d^!'d*<i
                                                              ⛧   ; source	mpgh.net
                                                              ⛧   ; uid	1959002
                                                              ⛧   ; username	Dz-Function
                                                              ⛧   ; mpgh.net
                                                              ⛧   ; categories	hacking

                                                              ⛧   ; email	function.hackforums@hotmail.com
                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; password	3938828ee3ec40b082e6fc8caae850e3:YjC,L6YQLk@/qzGqQ&P3<U/_XVH+;=
                                                              ⛧   ; source	mpgh.net
                                                              ⛧   ; uid	2610217
                                                              ⛧   ; username	Function - OC
                                                              ⛧   ; 000webhost.com
                                                              ⛧   ; categories hosting

                                                              ⛧   ; email	dz-root@fbi.al
                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; password	321654987a
                                                              ⛧   ; source	000webhost.com
                                                              ⛧   ; username	Dz-Function
                                                              ⛧   ; 000webhost.com
                                                              ⛧   ; categories	hosting

                                                              ⛧   ; email	ikechikdubstep@gmail.com
                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; password	ilynana123
                                                              ⛧   ; source	000webhost.com
                                                              ⛧   ; username	E-Function
                                                              ⛧   ; 000webhost.com
                                                              ⛧   ; categories	hosting

                                                              ⛧   ; email	wardahhot@gmail.com
                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; password	ilynana123
                                                              ⛧   ; source	000webhost.com
                                                              ⛧   ; username	E-Function
                                                              ⛧   ; 000webhost.com
                                                              ⛧   ; categories	hosting

                                                              ⛧   ; email	angvlls@gmail.com
                                                              ⛧   ; ip
                                                              ⛧   ; password	emailing01
                                                              ⛧   ; source	000webhost.com
                                                              ⛧   ; username	Email-Function
                                                      ╔══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╗
                                                        88888b.   8888b.  .d8888b  .d8888b   .d88b.  .d8888b  
                                                        888 "88b     "88b 88K      88K      d8P  Y8b 88K      
                                                        888  888 .d888888 "Y8888b. "Y8888b. 88888888 "Y8888b. 
                                                        888 d88P 888  888      X88      X88 Y8b.          X88 
                                                        88888P"  "Y888888  88888P'  88888P'  "Y8888   88888P' 
                                                              ⛧   ; SANGO + BEATENS DOXXED YOU ;P
						     ╚══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╝

                                                              ⛧   ; $SHA$cc9169375eb05192$b78478916e43b8207d08878a6d8be8ed5a75e33e242549678b6f0645ede89534
                                                              ⛧   ; 3938828ee3ec40b082e6fc8caae850e3:YjC,L6YQLk@/qzGqQ&P3<U/_XVH+;=
                                                              ⛧   ; 9a494aea49b08f6245c75ce43a99a273:}=0aOwL3#e|r%|Q:V"itI2d^!'d*<i
                                                              ⛧   ; f80ce5dfe9d46e329ffb7cfd248368f8:Z))VZZImNn8N}\x7dpX/*QI?}8rzL6
                                                              ⛧   ; 73e8a1af1eb64bc3e1d8a9634a159841:|gZ~Ns!HlLzh2vVw_g\n=5+{T6hY(b
                                                              ⛧   ; b0341edbf678b89a19af5211bfbf7acb:<@3,/R{SeD[1MfxU~h7uHPq3FDte8#
                                                              ⛧   ; MTEzODQ1MzQONdc4NTYwMjU5MA.G9PIMs.ElDS_TJWadOHhj98QaowQPqy5GqovP-5EsE4XjE (DISCORD_TOKEN)

						     ╔══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╗

                                                          db    db d888888b  .o88b. d888888b d888888b .88b  d88. 
                                                          88    88   `88'   d8P  Y8 `~~88~~'   `88'   88'YbdP`88 
                                                          Y8    8P    88    8P         88       88    88  88  88 
                                                          `8b  d8'    88    8b         88       88    88  88  88 
                                                           `8bd8'    .88.   Y8b  d8    88      .88.   88  88  88 
                                                             YP    Y888888P  `Y88P'    YP    Y888888P YP  YP  YP 
                                                              ⛧   ; reason of dox: PEDO, SKID
						     ╚══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╝
                                                              ⛧   ; First Name: John
                                                              ⛧   ; Last Name Benedict

                                                     ╔══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╗
                                                        .d8888b.   .d88888b.   .d8888b.  
                                                        d88P  Y88b d88P" "Y88b d88P  Y88b 
                                                        Y88b.      888     888 888    888 
                                                        "Y888b.    888     888 888        
                                                         "Y88b.    888     888 888        
                                                              "888 888     888 888    888 
                                                        Y88b  d88P Y88b. .d88P Y88b  d88P 
                                                         "Y8888P"   "Y88888P"   "Y8888P"  
                                                              ⛧   ; SANGO + BEATENS DOXXED YOU ;P
						     ╚══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╝

                                                              ⛧   ;Bandlab	DeathJustice	music	https://www.bandlab.com/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;cfx.re	DeathJustice	gaming	https://forum.cfx.re/u/DeathJustice/summary
                                                              ⛧   ;chatango.com	DeathJustice	social	https://DeathJustice.chatango.com
                                                              ⛧   ;Chess.com	DeathJustice	gaming	https://www.chess.com/member/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;Disqus	DeathJustice	social	https://disqus.com/by/DeathJustice/
                                                              ⛧   ;Duolingo	DeathJustice	hobby	https://www.duolingo.com/profile/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;imgur	DeathJustice	images	https://imgur.com/user/DeathJustice/about
                                                              ⛧   ;Independent acad..	DeathJustice	hobby	https://independent.academia.edu/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;MCName (Minecraft)	DeathJustice	gaming	https://mcname.info/en/search?q=DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;MCUUID (Minecraft)	DeathJustice	gaming	https://mcuuid.net/?q=DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;Mmorpg	DeathJustice	gaming	https://forums.mmorpg.com/profile/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;MyAnimeList	DeathJustice	social	https://myanimelist.net/profile/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;Paypal	DeathJustice	finance	https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;Picsart	DeathJustice	art	https://picsart.com/u/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;Pinterest	DeathJustice	social	https://www.pinterest.com/DeathJustice/
                                                              ⛧   ;Reddit	DeathJustice	social	https://www.reddit.com/user/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;Roblox	DeathJustice	gaming	https://www.roblox.com/search/users?keyword=DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;rsi	DeathJustice	gaming	https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;ru_123rf	DeathJustice	hobby	https://ru.123rf.com/profile_DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;slideshare	DeathJustice	social	https://www.slideshare.net/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;Telegram	DeathJustice	social	https://t.me/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;TikTok	DeathJustice	social	https://www.tiktok.com/@DeathJustice?lang=en
                                                              ⛧   ;Twitter	DeathJustice	social	https://twitter.com/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;wattpad	DeathJustice	social	https://www.wattpad.com/user/DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;Wowhead	DeathJustice	gaming	https://www.wowhead.com/user=DeathJustice
                                                              ⛧   ;YouTube User	DeathJustice	video	https://www.youtube.com/user/DeathJustice/about
                                                              ⛧   ;YouTube User2	DeathJustice	video	https://www.youtube.com/@DeathJustice

                                                      ╔══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╗ 
                                                                      888      888          
                                                                      888      888          
                                                                      888      888          
                                                     8888b.   .d88888  .d88888 888  888 
                                                        "88b d88" 888 d88" 888 888  888 
                                                    .d888888 888  888 888  888 888  888 
                                                    888  888 Y88b 888 Y88b 888 Y88b 888 
                                                    "Y888888  "Y88888  "Y88888  "Y88888 
                                                                               Y8b d88P 
                                                              ⛧   ; SANGO + BEATENS DOXXED YOU ;P
						     ╚══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╝
                                                              ⛧   ; 19 Harvest Way
                                                              ⛧   ; Little Egg Harbor Twp NJ 08087
                                                              ⛧   ; 143 Saint Joseph Blvd
                                                              ⛧   ; Lodi NJ 07644
                                                              ⛧   ; Hackensack NJ 07601

                                                   ╔══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╗
                                                  88888b.  888  888 88888b.d88b.  88888b.   .d88b.  888d888 
                                                  888 "88b 888  888 888 "888 "88b 888 "88b d8P  Y8b 888P"   
                                                  888  888 888  888 888  888  888 888  888 88888888 888     
                                                  888  888 Y88b 888 888  888  888 888 d88P Y8b.     888     
                                                  888  888  "Y88888 888  888  888 88888P"   "Y8888  888     
                                                              ⛧   ; SANGO + BEATENS DOXXED YOU ;P
						     ╚══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╝

                                                              ⛧   ; (201) 489-9354
                                                              ⛧   ; (201) 357-8312

                                                              ⛧   ; (201) 679-9829
                                                              ⛧   ; (440) 319-6018
                                                              ⛧   ; (201) 873-0188

                                                              ⛧   ; SANGO + BEATENS DOXXED YOU ;P
						     ╚══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╝

 .d8888b.  8888888  .d8888b.  888b    888        d8888 88888888888 888     888 8888888b.  8888888888  .d8888b.  
d88P  Y88b   888   d88P  Y88b 8888b   888       d88888     888     888     888 888   Y88b 888        d88P  Y88b 
Y88b.        888   888    888 88888b  888      d88P888     888     888     888 888    888 888        Y88b.      
 "Y888b.     888   888        888Y88b 888     d88P 888     888     888     888 888   d88P 8888888     "Y888b.   
    "Y88b.   888   888  88888 888 Y88b888    d88P  888     888     888     888 8888888P"  888            "Y88b. 
      "888   888   888    888 888  Y88888   d88P   888     888     888     888 888 T88b   888              "888 
Y88b  d88P   888   Y88b  d88P 888   Y8888  d8888888888     888     Y88b. .d88P 888  T88b  888        Y88b  d88P 
 "Y8888P"  8888888  "Y8888P88 888    Y888 d88P     888     888      "Y88888P"  888   T88b 8888888888  "Y8888P"  
 ╔══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╗
 |                                                     DOXXED BY #OSP |
 ╚══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╝

    - @BEATENS
    - @SANGO
    - https://t.me/OsintPec

 ╔══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╗
 |                                                     DOXXED BY #OSP |
 ╚══════════════════════════════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════════════════════════════╝

▄▄▄ . ▐ ▄ ·▄▄▄▄            ·▄▄▄    ·▄▄▄▄        ▐▄• ▄          
▀▄.▀·•█▌▐███▪ ██     ▪     ▐▄▄·    ██▪ ██ ▪      █▌█▌▪         
▐▀▀▪▄▐█▐▐▌▐█· ▐█▌     ▄█▀▄ ██▪     ▐█· ▐█▌ ▄█▀▄  ·██·          
▐█▄▄▌██▐█▌██. ██     ▐█▌.▐▌██▌.    ██. ██ ▐█▌.▐▌▪▐█·█▌         
 ▀▀▀ ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀▀▀•      ▀█▄▀▪▀▀▀     ▀▀▀▀▀•  ▀█▄▀▪•▀▀ ▀▀ ▀  ▀  ▀