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	→ root/revenge/introduction
                                          Victim ???? @ORBCITY 
                                   Hello kids, this is a paste about orbcity a shitty.
                                   kid from florida, who lives in the suburbs and
                                   owns a ROBLOX® game encouraging kids to pretend.
                                   they're tough and "from the hood". his parents are
                                   divorced and dont love him, pretty sad huh? LOOOOL
  	                         → root/revenge/info    

                                                  -= Paste Info =-                                                             

                                   Started working on this paste began on 20/05/23.                                                 
                                       This paste was completed on 21/05/23 
                                         This paste is 8129 lines in total.                        

	→ root/revenge/personal
		→ Name: Matthew Means
		→ Address: 4009 W WALLACE AVE, TAMPA, FL 33611-3543
		→ age: 19 (OCTOBER 2003) 
		→ phone: (813) 805 6413, (813) 613 6412
		→ ipinfo:
            Open ports: 0
            Hosts: 0 
            → pics: N/A 
            → Aliases: ORBCITY, σяв, vapmasker, xiix5721
            → Relationship: UNKNOWN. (PROLLY ALONE LOOL)
            → Emails: 

	→ root/revenge/mother

		→ name: Barbara A Means
		→ age: 86 (MARCH 1937)
		→ phone: (727) 861-3834
		→ Emails: bmeans@gmail.com
		→ Socials: N/A (bro she literally 80 wtff)
            → Alias(s): Barb A Means, Barbra Means 
            → Past Addy's: 
               148 Circle St Uniontown, PA 15401  
               1380 Viscaya Dr Pt Charlotte, FL 33952

            → Associates: Dorothy L Malanaphy Born Dec 1927
                          Richard H Malanaphy Born Sep 1962 
                          Christina R House Born Aug 1973
                          Ebony Jones Born Jan 1985
                          Jamie L Lambie Born Jul 1976
                          Jennifer L Metzger Born 1975
                          Scott J Metzger Born Jan 1973

            → Relatives:  Harry D Means Born Jan 1935
                          Dawn E Means Born Feb 1962
                          James C Means Born 1951
                          Kelsey M Means Born Jan 2020
                          Kevin D Means Born Oct 1962
                          Scott M Means Born Jun 1959
                          Mary C Means Born Jan 1951
                          Melissa A Means Born Jun 1978
                          Rebecca L Means Born Jun 1996
                          Sydnee J Means Born Jul 1995
                          Alfred H Means Born May 1988
                          Latisha Means Born Oct 1975
                          Mary L Means Born Jan 1955
                          Maxie L Means Born Nov 1956
                          William Means Born Jan 1984
            → Occupation: Retired
		→ Wireless Number: (724) 564-5724.

	→ root/revenge/father
		→ father information :
			→ name: Harry Dale Means
			→ age: 88 (January 1935) 
                  → phone: (724) 564-5724.
			→ emails: bmeans@gmail.com (joint email?) 
			→ Alias: Harry "Dale" Means
			→ job: Retired   
			→ Associates: Christina R House Born Aug 1973
                                Ebony Jones Born Jan 1985
                                Jamie L Lambie Born Jul 1976
                                Jennifer L Metzger Born 1975
                                Scott J Metzger Born Jan 1973
                  → Previous Addy's: 1380 Viscaya Dr Charlotte, FL 33952
                                     4009 W Wallace Ave Tampa, FL 33611


	→ root/revenge/brother
			→ name: Kevin Means 
			→ age: 60 (October 1962)
			→ address:  
			→ phone: 
                  → email: 
			→ alias: "Kev" "Kevin Mean" 
→ Previous Addresses: 1380 Viscaya Dr Charlotte, FL 33952
                      4009 W Wallace Ave Tampa, FL 33611 

	→ root/revenge/outro
		→ outro : all information was obtained legally from public sources, we are not responsible for
             	    any actions made against the victim and we have no involvement, thanks for reading.

                                                    ~ ran by infosec<3

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