OMADude Doxx- By anonymous hater
LOP. I recently tricked Oma into downloading a token logger.
Full Name: Jessica Owen Williams
Gender: Female
City: Rockwall
State: Texas
Age: 15
School: Rockwall High School
Religion: Catholic????
Other Info:

Full Address: 1400 Via Toscana Ln Rockwall, TX 75032 (Not her actual address but pretty close)
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Father Name: Joeseph Owen Williams
Mother Name: Angela Williams

Grandparents: Deceased

Diagnosed with Depression at age 14, (Cured?) at age 15
History and Academic Records:

Had straight B's throughout Elementary, got into Pre-APs and GT classes in 6th grade, with Straight A's. Started losing interest in school in 7th grade, and became a
a pretty average student through 8-9th.

Enrolled in the following currently:

GT Math
Honors Band
Looks like she is enrolled in a Programming Elective. (Java, C# and Python) I think it's a after school one though.
World History
AP Math
Spanish Elective
I also contacted a few of her friends, and apparently she knows how to hack.
PC Name: if you see this frick u
OS: Windows 10
Nvidia Geforce 1660 Ti
64 GB Ram
2.9Ghz CPU (Overclocked)
1TB Storage
Really excels at programming. Better than most adults at Java.

Picture of Desktop:
Well that's all for now. Get rekt OMA!