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You know those retarded Skids who think they're hackers just because they run linux?
Dude literally runs Linux just to say he runs Linux, is in complete denial about how I GPS grabbed him
apparently VPNs spoof your GPS info, not just your IP as of 2021
Name: "OG KUSH 420" [is a wannabe gangster from rural Florida]
Occupation: Professional Ginger Retard
Phone Number: 727-383-0863
Address: 27427 Golden Meadow Dr, Wesley Chapel, Florida, The coordinates are 28.2618386, -82.3618156
Pictures: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/888639947656019968/896241718884716594/kush.jpg [Dude looks like McLovin]
Address Info: https://earth.google.com/web/search/28.2609845,+-82.3625629/@28.26065422,-82.3626842,27.29682445a,0d,60y,12.82226272h,85t,0r/data=ClsaMRIrGU5DVOHPQjxAIYyPBTs0l1TAKhcyOC4yNjA5ODQ1LCAtODIuMzYyNTYyORgBIAEiJgokCe_BEfxERDxAEZJyXUOKQDxAGW84vtDPllTAIaUJyI3Vl1TAIhoKFkNPQ3VCa1FybVItTnRHTXdZdThwX1EQAg
Him and his friend being skids: 
AnonSurf IP:
Browser + PC Details: {"dev":[{"platform":"Linux x86_64","browser":"Chrome/92.0.4515.159","cores":"2","ram":"4","vendor":"Google Inc. (X.Org)","render":"ANGLE (X.Org, AMD SUMO2, OpenGL 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 20.3.5)","ip":"","ht":"900","wd":"1600","os":"Linux x86_64"}]}